Romance: Catching Helena Handbasket

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Romance: Catching Helena Handbasket Page 17

by Lily Flowers

  Irving wore an expression that screamed, “And I thought I was the crazy one.”

  Blaine wore an expression that whispered, “Criminy you’re too adorable.”

  It was Trey, however, who spoke first.

  “I think we’d better get to the hotel,” he announced, avoiding the gazes of horrified passersby as he grasped Helena’s hand. “I’m sure they’re expecting us. Immediately, if not sooner.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Soon Helena found herself ensconced in something akin to a Victorian dream; indeed, her room at the Red Rose Inn—a small but opulent hotel accommodation located on the outskirts of London—was ensconced in an aura of delicate beauty that would steal the breath of even the most ardent traveler.

  Seated on a lush comforter of lavender silk—one overseen by a matching canopy that bore an ebullient image of lilacs in bloom—Helena leaned against a cushion of ivory heart-shaped throw pillows trimmed with lace; themselves matching the lovely lace curtains that shaded the brass-handled, crystalline French doors that formed a corner of the room.

  Shifting her gaze upward, Helena couldn’t help but admire the luminous brass chandelier that oversaw her classically designed refuge; one lined with a bank of blazing candles that lent a gentle glow to the room around her. Then finally her eyes came to rest on the gold-edged ivory bureau positioned to face her at the center of the room; one whose gilded mirror showed her a young woman who seemed strangely out of place in her present surroundings.

  “I mean, it’s been a while since I read Pride and Prejudice,” she mused, “but I highly doubt that Elizabeth Bennet attended that many high teas wearing jeans, T-shirt, sneakers, and—to most literally top it all off—a Beach Babe visor. Just guessin’.”

  Of course, Helena’s wardrobe was not the only source of her keen consternation. Trey had spoken little to her during her trip to the hotel; and she got the feeling that she’d made quite the spectacle of herself at Buckingham Palace that day.

  “Now it just may be a hopeful sign that, upon arriving at our hotel, he did insist on seeing me up to my room,” she mused, adding as she bit her lip until it nearly bled, “Then again, maybe he just wants to keep a close watch on me until the mental health professionals arrive—to gift me with the oh so fashionable white straight jacket that is sure to complete my splendorous London wardrobe.”

  It didn’t help matters that—directly upon their arrival at the Red Rose Inn—Trey had retreated to the master bathroom that separated their suites—intending, no doubt, to either get violently ill or to compose her Dear Jane/employment termination papers in complete and utter peace.

  “Hey Trey,” she spoke up finally, forcing a casual tone. “I’m sorry we had to cut short our sightseeing trip today. I’m sure you managed to whisk me away from the scene just in time, before I managed once again to make a complete and utter spectacle of myself.”

  “Nope, actually.” Trey’s deep, resounding voice came through loud and clear as it penetrated her bathroom door. “That’s not why I cut short the trip.”

  Helena shrugged—then pondered just what an ineffectual gesture this was when the person you’re talking to is standing on the other side of an opaque door.

  “Well why then?” she asked.

  Trey’s deep, sonorous chuckle sent chills down her spine.

  “Well actually, my darling,” he purred through the door, “You looked so blasted adorable out there, high stepping and losing yourself in the moment, that I couldn’t wait to get you back to the hotel room and get my hands on you.”

  Helena trembled in spite of herself; her lover’s bold, sensual words making her pulse race and setting her senses afire.

  “Oh really,” she attempted her own version of a smooth, sultry purr—though, to her ears at least, she sounded less like Kathleen Turner, Emma Stone or Lauren Bacall and more like a bull frog with a passing bad flu bug, “And why would that be, Trey?”

  “I want to make mad, passionate love to you, Helena Vance,” Trey answered immediately, releasing his words on a succulent growl that instantly aroused her. “And for two very specific, highly motivational reasons. No. 1: I want to express to you just how much I’ve come to love and adore you—in a way that extends well beyond mere words. No. 2: I want to love that prick Blaine Bennington right out of your mind, heart and fantasies. I want to seduce, captivate and satisfy you to the point that you’re not even tempted by the smarmy charms of Mr. Beach Boy Bleached Blond Bennington.”

  “Actually, I do believe that Blaine is a natural blond—not that I’ve noticed,” Helena released through gritted teeth, adding with haste, “Listen, Trey, Blaine is just a flirt who probably has a not so little black book filled with the names and numbers of countless swimsuit bunnies and super models from around the world—women who, unlike myself, have no hips and little in the way of discernable thought patterns. I’m sure he has no genuine interest…”

  “Enough about Blaine Bennington,” Trey cut her off, adding in a softer, more tender tone, “I want to show you, Helena, that I can be every inch a seductive and romantic hero—that prince from another era that travels through time to romance and entice the fair Lady Helen.”

  Shutting her eyes tight, Helena made no verbal reply; just basked in the sensation of intense desire that made her heart pound and sent hot reverberations sailing across her skin.

  Never had she felt so turned on, so unbearably aroused. Suddenly she wanted, no needed that man on the other side of the door.

  Rising as if in a haze from the soft surface of her luxurious bed, Helena stripped off her shirt and jeans; along with the bra and panties that lingered oh so subtly beneath them. Then, stripping back the cloud like lavender comforter that lined her luxurious sleeping place, she dove headfirst between its sleek satin sheets; pulling her covers up over her breasts as she sank in an ethereal cocoon of comfort and sensuality.

  “Lord Trace,” she said finally, her words battling against the hot hard breaths that betrayed her sudden onslaught of animal desire. “Lady Helena is ready for you. Come to me. Now.”

  Moments later the lord of the manor appeared in her doorway; and never had Helena seen anyone more beautiful.

  Bedecked in a stunning V-necked white silk shirt and tight ebony pantaloons, Trey Lawrence looked every inch the Victorian lord; from the tips of his newly combed and tousled hair to feet that now bore a most fetching pair of shining black leather boots.

  Her gaze taking a long, leisurely walk down the length of his flawless, muscled frame, Helena let loose with a long, slow wolf whistle that brought a smile to Trey’s face—but only briefly.

  “Good evening milady,” he greeted Helena in a smooth, flawless British accent, regarding her with a penetrating stare as he approached the bed in catlike strides.

  “Oh criminy, you can do seductive accents. This is so unfair,” Helena released on a sigh, adding in what she hoped was an equally flawless Midwestern drawl because she wasn’t even gonna try to sound like a friggin’ gosh darned Victorian era princess she just knew better, “Good evening milord. What business have you here this eve?”

  Stopping stock still before her bed, Trey charmed her with a slow, smooth smile that stole her breath.

  “Do not fear me, my lady—you know I’d never harm you,” he purred, adding in a low, soft growl, “I admit, however, that I no longer can control my intense, incredible desire for you. Please, I beg of you my darling. Allow me tonight to show you my love; to offer myself to you body, heart and soul. I pledge and vow tonight to make all of your dreams come true and fulfill your deepest, most forbidden fantasies. Tonight, milady, is yours to enjoy—I am but a mere servant here to cater to your whims.”

  Eager to prove his words, Trey stripped off his sleek ivory shirt in a slow, smooth flourish; tossing it reckless to the floor beside him as he revealed his massive, muscled chest.

  Licking her lips as she released a low, lusty growl, Helena grinned in spite of herself as Trey ran his agile fingertips down h
is flawless sculpted abs; stroking his own golden skin before undoing the clasp of his ultra-tight black pantaloons; soon lowering them nice and slow down the length of his long, trim legs—revealing both these impressive limbs and the one, very private part of Trey that Helena had never seen.

  “Cri-min-y,” she released on a gasp, her eyes flying wide as finally she beheld the full length of his long, stiff shaft.

  Encouraged by his lady’s evident enthusiasm, Trey descended like a cat on the edge on her bed; landing on all fours as he crawled to her feet.

  “How may I please ye first, milady?” he queried, raising his feathered eyebrow to salacious effect.

  In lieu of a verbal response, Helena tore the sheet from the surface of her newly naked, sweat-lined body; at last revealing herself in full to her hungry, admiring lover.

  “Ye are beautiful, milady,” he praised her, kneeling down reverently at her feet as he held her gaze with his.

  Trey watched her reaction as he suckled his lady’s toes; all the while massaging her legs and thighs as she purred her pleasure.

  Soon his warm, moist lips followed the trail of his intimate touch; planting sweet baby kisses up her legs and hips until poising themselves at the juncture of her full, fleshy thighs.

  “Relax, darling,” he whispered, maintaining his flawless European drawl even as he trembled with the heat of his passion. “Let me do everything.”

  Kneeling between Helena’s parted thighs, Trey blew open her feminine folds with a soft gust of breath; holding her gaze as he kissed her most private, feminine part—his strong, agile hands all the while touching and massaging her fully made hips.

  Helena threw her head back with a sharp, ecstatic moan, smiling dreamily as he fixed his lips around her feminine jewel and suckled her soft and sweet—his long, wet tongue and his full, moist lips working in tandem to grant her the ultimate, intimate kiss.

  Beads of sweat formed on Helena’s brow as her nipples flew erect; with a heated sigh she lowered her hands to grasp and caress the strands of his thick, dark hair.

  “Mmmmm,” Trey moaned against her femininity, continuing to kiss and lick her tender, enflamed clit.

  Moving his head up and down to intensify the motion of his sinful mouth, Trey took Helena’s hand in his as their fingers intertwined; kissing, licking and nipping her nub as she thrust her hips forward to grant him greater access.

  Finally, and with a final and very resounding lick, an ardent Trey sent Helena over the edge; her body exploding with the heat of an incredible orgasm.

  Shuddering outright at the burst of pleasure that consumed her being from head to toe, Helena cried outright as waves of ecstasy overcame her; at once satisfying her and making her hungry for more.

  Sighing his own exquisite contentment, Trey slid his way up the length of Helena’s lush, voluptuous body; licking her belly button, kissing her breasts and burying his head in her neck—nipping and laving her sensitive skin as he swept her up in his muscular arms.

  Covering her body with his, Trey pressed his massive chest against hers as he stared into her eyes.

  “I love you so much Helena,” he whispered, running some warm and tender fingers through the lengths of her mussy blonde hair. “You don’t know how long I’ve dreamt of this night—even so, I have to know that you are absolutely ready for this. Tell me you aren’t afraid Helena—tell me that you want to be with me—here and now.”

  Opening her arms to him without hesitation, an impassioned Helena pressed her full breasts against his chest and swept him up in an intense embrace.

  “I love you Trey,” she sighed, wriggling contented in his arms. “And I want to be with you. Here and now.”

  Sweeping her up in his muscled embrace, Trey let loose with a triumphant whoop as their arms and legs entangled; their hips and thighs locking between them as their lips collided in an intense kiss.

  Their tongues entwined as their enjoined bodies rolled free and wild across the bed; their mouths smacking together and their breaths mingling.

  Once again lowering his carved head to kiss and lick her breasts, Trey suckled her nipples until they were hard and stiff; all the while massaging her back with kind, loving hands.

  Moving her own hands downward to cup and lightly smack Trey’s flawless behind, a ravenous Helena wrapped her strong legs around his trim waist and threw herself against him; brazenly writhing in his arms as she invited her lover inside.

  Seizing her invitation with a lusty groan, Trey positioned himself between her thighs as he continued to kiss her senseless; his long, hard shaft flying upward between them as its moist tip teased the juncture of her tender cleft.

  “Are you ready for me, my sweet?” he whispered against her skin, all the while cradling her body in warm, tender arms.

  “Yes,” Helena hissed, dragging her fingernails down his planed back as she opened herself to him.

  With an exalted moan Trey drew her to him, finally losing himself in his lover’s softness; his shaft penetrating her feminine entry as she gasped outright at the novel sensation.

  Stilling himself for a moment within her, a gentle, attentive Trey reached his hand down to stroke and knead her feminine jewel; seeking to cloud and mask any discomfort she might be feeling. He smiled as her body trembled in response to this intimate touch; her hips moving reflexively around his length as she hissed her incredible pleasure.

  Following Helena’s lead, Trey began to move slowly with her; soon their sweaty bodies began to dance together in a sexy, sensual tango.

  Quickly adapting to the succulent feeling of her lover within her, Helena cupped his carved cheeks in two tender hands and stared into his azure eyes; letting him know through her sincere gaze that she felt no pain at his entry—only the divine pleasure elicited through the tension created by the joining of their bodies.

  Returning her serene smile, Trey rained her flushed face with sweet, hot kisses as his hips moved and swayed against hers; his member continuing its smooth advance clear through the depths of her soaking wet femininity—reaching forth to her very core as his agile fingers continued to knead her ultra-sensitive nub.

  Finally the couple’s lips again collided as they lost themselves in a binding embrace; their tongues and fingers entangling at once as his breast imprinted the surface of his massive, muscled chest. Their eyes flew open and their gazes collided as—in a final incredible advance—his shaft surged forth to her core as his long, smooth tongue mirrored the motion.

  Soon the couple’s bodies united and immersed in a kaleidoscopic haze of unbelievable pleasure; one enhanced by the long look of love that they shared as they said the words in tender unison:

  “I love you.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  The next morning Helena awoke from a radiant dream to find herself face to face with another: the vision of a gorgeous, loving man who regarded her with a warm, very passionate gaze.

  “Did you sleep well, my darling?” Trey whispered, hovering over her as he ran a tender hand through the mussy lengths of her soft blonde hair.

  “As well as a totally exhausted, thoroughly satisfied and ridiculously happy frau can be, Mr. Lawrence,” Helena charmed him with a sleepy grin—then leaning upward to sear his lips with a warm, sweet kiss.

  Trey returned the kiss with passion; seizing the lips of a startled Helena and massaging her lips and tongue with his—drawing a groan of pleasure from deep in her throat as she returned and reflected his ardent desire.

  As her heart pounded in her ears, Helena also thought that she heard the sound of bells ringing—realizing moments later that her preset alarm clock was going off—and big time.

  “Drat it!”

  Breaking their kiss, Helena shifted in her seat to regard the shrill, neon pink reminder that their night of clandestine passion was drawing to a close.

  “I’ll hit the snooze button,” she announced, adding with a sly wink, “Or in this case, the wild and uninhibited monkey love button.”

shook his head.

  “I’m afraid you can’t do that, love,” he whispered, chucking her chin in a show of affection, “We have to be on set for the cover shoot in about an hour. You and I, for our part, have to jump in the shower…”

  “Sounds like a PLAN!” Helena applauded.

  “Separately,” Trey dashed her hopes with a boyish grin. “Then you need to put on your gown for the shoot, which is hanging in the corner closet—but don’t forget to put on the corset first.”

  Helena rolled her eyes.

  “How can I forget the evil mummification device so cleverly disguised as a historically accurate fashion accessory?” she snorted. “The same bane of my existence that is going to make it very difficult for me to chow down on fish and chips today at lunch?”

  Trey chuckled.

  “Well just think how much fun we’ll have tonight, getting you out of that corset,” he growled, adding in a more serious tone, “For now though, love, we’ll have to hop out of bed and get ready.”

  Helena shook her head.

  “I can’t,” she insisted.

  Trey clicked his tongue.

  “What is it, my baby?” he cooed, adding as he graced her cheek with a sweet, soft kiss, “You don’t want to see our time together come to an end—even for a few hours?”

  “Well, that,” Helena assented, adding with a grin, “And the fact that you’re laying on top of me, with your knees lodging rather uncomfortably in my legs. Hop up now, Romeo, so we can go do this thing.”

  An hour later Helena found herself alone in her hotel room; facing the crystalline mirror image of a woman transformed.

  Her lush, voluptuous body—typically adorned in either jeans or T-shirts or smart, business like pantsuits—now was adorned in a long silk dress of brilliant cornflower blue; a sleek, full-skirted gown that fell graceful to her feet and boasted reams of delicate lace at the collar and cuffs.

  Although she had yet to undergo the skilled, professional application of makeup and hair products that would transform her into a cover model, she had brushed her generally mussy blonde hair until it shone; falling in smooth, soft tendrils down her back and across her shoulders. Her face, meanwhile, radiated with a soft, happy glow that she attributed to no fewer than three factors.


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