The Dom’s Forever: The Pleasure Wars | Part Three

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The Dom’s Forever: The Pleasure Wars | Part Three Page 4

by West, Harper

  She'd seen me naked before, but usually I kept something on. There was more power in being clothed while she was naked and collared, shivering and under my control.

  But this wasn't about control. It was about my desire to feel her. I wanted skin to skin, no barriers, no pretenses.

  And she was into it.

  That pink tongue darted out to wet her lips, and her cheeks were pink as she watched me.

  "See something you like?" I teased, raising an eyebrow.

  "No," she said, looking away sullenly. But her eyes came back just as quickly, running over me with an almost physical sensation.

  "Sure," I replied. "Nothing here to like at all."

  "You're so full of yourself."

  "And you like that."

  She shook her head. "I don't. That's your ego talking and projecting onto me."

  I narrowed my eyes at her, suddenly a bit irritated again. She knew how to push my buttons, of course. She'd made a hobby of being prickly when I was trying to be nice to her, and even being tied down and naked on my bed wasn't enough to stop that.

  It was our usual dynamic, and for the most part it didn't bother me anymore. It was attractive, the way she held her own all the time and didn't cower for anyone.

  But in the moment, I wanted her to see me and stop being so snarky. I knew she probably wasn't so mouthy with Simon. If he was standing in front of her, naked and hard for her, she'd probably welcome him with open arms and open legs.

  Well, her legs were open, and she wasn't going to deny me.

  I climbed onto the bed and settled on top of her, sliding my skin against hers in a way that made my cock jump between my legs.

  "I am going to fuck you so hard you won't have time to make smartass comments," I murmured, moving up so I could look her right in the eye.

  I worked my fingers into her hair, grabbing a tight hold so she couldn't move or look away. "Do you understand? I'm going to fuck you as much as I like, and there's nothing you can do about it. You're here, helpless and bound for me. I have access to your pussy, that pretty mouth of yours, that sweet ass. All of you is mine right now. Do you understand?"

  I could feel her shiver under me, and I watched her swallow hard. When she didn't answer, I tightened my grip on her hair until she cried out.

  "Do you understand?" I asked a third time.

  "Yes," she panted. "Fuck. I hear you."

  "Good." I growled the word right into her ear, following it up with a bite and then a little lick just because I could.

  I kissed her, hard and full on the mouth, taking my time. My lips caressed hers, softly at first, and then with more intensity, pressing and coaxing until she gasped softly and I could press my tongue inside.

  I meant to lay claim there, to tangle my tongue with hers, every action screaming 'mine, mine, mine' while I kissed her and took her apart.

  While my mouth was busy, I slid my hand down her body, skimming over her curves and soft skin until it found itself between her legs, toying with the growing wetness there.

  Ash was already getting worked up, and I smirked into the kiss, finding her clit with my index finger and pressing down in slow circles until she moaned against my mouth.

  I laughed and did it again and then once more for good measure. Because I could.

  Because she had put herself in my hands, and I could do what I wanted with her for the most part. She had her portion of control; she could stop the whole thing if she wanted. But she never had before. She always took what I gave her like a champion, and I knew she'd do the same that day.

  I worked my fingers over her clit a few more times, savoring the way she shuddered and moaned and tried to buck up to get more friction. Of course, tied down like she was, there wasn't anywhere for her to go, and I laughed softly, biting down on her lower lip and tugging at it for a bit before I let it go.

  "You're mine," I said. "You'll get what I give you."

  Ash whined softly, twisting in the ropes, but there wasn't enough slack for her to do anything other than frustrate herself.

  I laughed again.

  My fingers moved on from her clit to find her wet hole, and I circled it a few times, watching the pleasure and frustration play out on her face. She wanted to beg, I was willing to bet, but was holding herself back, not wanting to give in so soon. And that was fine. She could hold out for as long as she wanted to. It would just take longer for her to get what she wanted from me, and I was the only one who could give it to her.

  So I kept up the tease, dipping a finger into her and then pulling back, sliding against her entrance but not going any further, letting her feel the girth of three fingers against her hole and then taking them away.

  It wasn't enough to get her anywhere close to getting off, just drive up her frustration and make her crazy with need.

  Her eyes were wild when she looked at me, and she was biting down on her hip hard, bucking and writhing in the ropes after just a few minutes of that teasing.

  "What's wrong?" I asked her, tipping my head to the side. "Is there something you want?"

  "I hate you," she panted, face flushed and mouth twisted into a pout.

  "No, you don't. You want me to fuck you. You want me to take this cock and plunge it into this hot, wet little pussy of yours, don't you?"

  Ash shook her head, but there was no hiding how sopping wet she was. If her thighs hadn't been held apart by how wide her ankles were spread, she would have been sticky and smearing juices everywhere. As it was, my hand was a mess, and I lifted it up, making a show of licking my palm and then each individual finger, cleaning them off.

  "Mm," I hummed. "You taste good. Only a little desperate."

  "I'm not desperate," she snapped.

  "Really? Then maybe I'll just leave you here for a bit. Tied up and helpless, soaking wet. I have things I could be doing until you're ready to cooperate."

  I moved like I was going to get up off of the bed, but I had no intention of going anywhere.

  "No," she breathed, so soft like she didn't want to be saying it.

  I stopped, raising an eyebrow. "Yes?"

  "Don't go."

  "Hm, and what would you have me do instead?" I asked her, even though it was a stupid question and we both knew it.

  She made a frustrated sound and tried to tug at the ropes once more, but when she didn't budge them, it seemed like she was accepting her helplessness. "Fuck me," she said.

  I smirked. "We all know you're a needy little slut that wants to get her pussy filled," I said. "Making demands isn't going to get you there."

  Her cheeks were so pink, the attractive flush spreading down to her neck and chest while I watched. She confirmed all the things I said with how she reacted. Someone so strong and determined, turned into a needy little slut for me. The power was intoxicating.

  "Killian," she moaned. "Please."

  That was better, a step in the right direction, but I wasn't in the mood to be generous. Maybe someone like Simon would have given in to something like that, but I wasn't him, and I wanted to make sure she knew that.

  "Please what?" I asked.

  "Please fuck me," she whined.

  "Why should I?"

  Her mouth opened and then closed again, like she didn't have an immediate answer for that. I watched her face, while she swallowed hard and tried to figure out what to say.

  "Because I want you to," she finally landed on. "Please, Killian. I need it."

  Chapter 6


  I huffed a breath through my nose and smiled slowly.

  "You need it. My cock? You need my cock in you, stretching you open and taking you apart like only I can? Is that what you need, Ashlyn?"

  She nodded frantically. "Please. Please, please, please."

  My cock jumped at that, and in drawing it out for her, I was also torturing myself at the same time because I wanted to sink into her hot, tight body and take her hard and fast.

  But I was trying to prove a point, balancing my desire
to fuck her with my desire to sate my jealousy.

  No one else was ever going to make her feel the way I made her feel, and I wanted to make sure she knew that.

  I settled back in on top of her, grinding my hard cock against her wet sex, letting her feel how hot and hard I was for her.

  "I suppose I did promise I was going to fuck the smart comments out of you," I said. "Although I seem to have done that without even trying all that hard. You're just so easy. You try to pretend like you don't like this, but here you are, tied up in my bed, begging for cock like a whore. Is that what you are? My little whore? Desperate enough to beg for it until you get what you want?"

  She bit down on her lip hard, and arched up, clearly trying to get me inside her.

  "Say it," I growled, rubbing the head around her soaking entrance but not giving her anymore. "Say you're my little whore, and maybe I'll give you what you want."

  Ash moaned, and I could see her fighting with herself. It was definitely not something she would usually say, and I knew she wasn't into that sort of thing as a general rule, but I didn't care. There was a burning drive in me to hear her say it. To hear her voice crack and break with how much she wanted me, driven to the edge of her reason and saying whatever I wanted her to say just to get a taste of my cock in her.

  I wasn't going to relent. Not until I heard it, and I stared down at her, waiting, teasing her by stroking her clit on and off with my cock, even if it did make me want to plunge into her immediately and take her hard and fast.

  I could be patient.

  Finally, she licked her lips, averting her eyes from me and opening her mouth. Before she could say anything, I reached up and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at me. I wanted her full attention. "Say it," I ordered again.

  This time she nodded, a little choked moan spilling from her lips before she found her voice. "I'm your little whore," she managed to gasp out. "Please, Killian."

  The words hit me like a lightning strike, and I didn't think I could have denied her if I wanted to. As soon as she'd said it, I buried my cock in her in one smooth stroke, filling her up until I was balls deep inside of her.

  As always, she was soft and hot and tender inside, and I had to catch my breath for a second, trying not to lose it completely.

  When she cried out and arched against me, I used my hands to press her back to the bed, making her wait for me to get a handle on myself before I let her have what she was so clearly craving.

  "Please, please, please," she babbled, hips rolling, desperation coming off of her in waves.

  I slid out slowly, letting her feel every inch and ridge in my cock until just the head was left inside of her, and then I slammed forward, pushing right back in.

  She cried out once more, fingers tightening into fists and wrists yanking at the ropes that held her to the bed.

  There were definitely going to be marks left behind, and I wanted to see them. I wanted all the evidence that for however long this lasted, Ash had belonged to me.

  "That's right," I panted, setting a slow, hard pace where I didn't let up for a second. "You're mine, Ash. Mine to use and mine to fuck. This beautiful body, this tight pussy... they're all mine."

  And she just nodded, clearly willing to go along with whatever I said if it meant I didn't stop.

  "Does it feel good?" I asked her, giving her some shorter, harder thrusts that rocked her body and the bed and made her nearly scream for me. "Tell me."

  "Yes," she panted. "Fuck, oh my god, yes. It's so good."

  The words spilled out of her in a rush, and I licked my lips, surging up to kiss her while I took her body.

  Her mouth was hot and wet against mine, and I plunged my tongue into it like I was trying to devour her. I wanted her to be so completely drunk on me that she couldn't think about anything else. Or anyone else.

  For this moment, she was mine, and there was no one else who existed except for the two of us.

  Ash moved her arms like she wanted to wrap them around me, but she was stuck fast by the ropes, and she made a desperate little sound into the kiss, pressing up as much as she could to kiss me back.

  "Good girl," I praised, breath huffing against her lips. "Very good. Are you close?"

  She nodded frantically, and I smirked, reaching down with my free hand to toy with her clit while my cock kept stretching her open.

  Her mouth fell open in a wide O shape, and she looked like she had forgotten to breathe for a second.

  At this point, I knew how to work her. I knew how to play her body like a fine instrument, making her dance to the tune of it until she was falling apart for me.

  I didn't draw it out, either. She wouldn't be coming only once that afternoon, so there was no reason to. I pressed and circled her clit with my fingers, cock still pounding into her, and when she went tight as a vise around me, I gritted my teeth and waited, counting down in my head until she was coming undone with a cry.

  My name was on her lips, and fuck, that was always nice. She twisted and arched in the ropes, shaking and writhing as that pleasure overtook her.

  And I watched the whole thing, eyes intent, taking in the delicious agony on her face and the way she couldn't seem to stop coming while I worked her through it.

  When she finally slumped back against the bed, I followed it up with a softer kiss, one that was intended to soothe her for a bit because I was far from done with her.

  There was so much more I wanted to do. So much more I wanted to wring out of her, and I wasn't going to let up until I was satisfied completely.

  So I kept my hips moving, taking a moment to move slower, to give her just a second to recover from the force of her first orgasm and for me to get a handle on myself before I was going right back at it, this time bracing myself above her body with my hands on the bed so I could really piston my hips and drive my cock into her with force.

  I wanted her to feel it the next day when she was going about whatever it was she had to do. I wanted her to feel it and know it was me and have to think about how that made her feel.

  I could feel her body trembling under mine. The pleasure of her first orgasm likely hadn't faded completely yet, and she would be coming apart again for me in only a matter of moments. Once she got started, it was hard for her to stop until she was exhausted and overstimulated

  I reached up with one hand and brushed her hair back from her face, wanting to see all of her while I took her.

  "You're so beautiful," I panted. "Especially like this. Helpless and trussed up. Spread out for me. I could leave you like this all day, you know. All weekend even. Tied down and open for me. I could come in and use you whenever I wanted to and then leave you dripping and filthy. I bet you would enjoy that, wouldn't you? Oh, you'd complain at first, because I know how you are, but then you'd be helpless to stop coming, and you'd want me to come in. To use you. To fill you up with my cock over and over again."

  I punctuated those last words with hard thrusts, bottoming out in her again and again, until she was nearly screaming and twisting under me.

  "Fuck," she sobbed. "Oh my god."

  "Come on," I urged her. "Come again for me. Let me feel how much you want to be mine."

  She couldn't have held back if she wanted to, I was willing to bet, and her body bowed upwards as much as it could. For a second she was quiet and tense and tight, the pleasure rendering her mute, and then she shook herself through it, sobbing my name and coating my cock with more of her wetness.

  I was already getting close to my own climax, but I wanted to hold out for a little while longer. I wanted to keep reminding Ash that I was the one who made her feel so good and some mild-mannered artist was never going to be able to take her to the kind of heights I could.

  She might have complained about the kinky nature of the things I did to her, but I was willing to bet that if she went back to regular, vanilla sex, she wouldn't be able to come as many times as she could when I had her bound and open for me.

  "Do you have anothe
r one in you?" I asked her, staring down at her body. She was flushed and her skin glowed with a light sheen of sweat that made me want to lick her all over. "Can you come one more time for me?"

  Ash shook her head, still trembling from her second orgasm, but I wasn't having that.

  "Come on," I urged her. "I know you can. One more time for me. Because you're a good little slut, and you want to please me, don't you?"

  I didn't really expect an answer to that, both because she seemed well on her way to being too blissed out to communicate and because I knew her motivations were more about her own pleasure than mine, so when she licked her lips and whispered a soft, wrecked "Yes", my eyes flew open wide.

  For a second, I didn't know how to respond, and then I grinned down at her, rewarding her with another kiss, this one deeper and softer, less about laying claim and more just because I wanted to kiss her.

  "Good girl," I praised her. "You're so good for me."

  For me. I kept repeating that. She was doing this for me. Suffering so beautifully because I wanted her to. It was a level of possessiveness that I wasn't used to, considering the temporary nature of most of my dalliances and play sessions, but it was there, and it was fierce.

  I knew I wasn't going to last much longer, so I bit my lip and started fucking her in earnest, giving her everything I had in one last round.

  For the most part she just took it, clearly worn out and riding the last waves of her energy as I pounded in and out of her body.

  She gasped and whimpered, and when I played with her nipples with my free hand, she shuddered and moaned softly.

  "Close," she managed to choke out, just a few moments later, and I smiled at her.

  "Come on, baby. One more for me. Let it go."

  And she did. She closed her eyes and tears spilled down her cheeks as she came undone one last time. I watched, almost awestruck, and I leaned down to kiss her cheeks, wiping away the tears as I chased my own pleasure.

  Right when I was at the point of no return, I pulled out of her and sat back enough that I could fist my cock in rough strokes, aiming it right for her stomach.


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