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Festive Dog

Page 3

by Louise Collins

  “Not like that,” he begged.

  Maddox clacked his tongue, moving his hand back to grope at Jake’s balls. “You don’t have a choice in the matter…”


  Maddox sighed, taking up not just Jake's cock but his own too. He stroked them together, building rhythm. Jake’s cock rubbed on top, sensitive underside catching on the drag of Maddox’s skin. He flung his head back, no longer able to watch as well as feel.

  “Look Jake…”

  He sobbed, squeezing his eyes shut and rubbing the back of his skull on the slippery tiles. “I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  The gravelly voice made him shiver, made the ache between his legs increase. The hand manipulating him slowed and he glanced down with a whine. Maddox’s cock was huge, veiny and purpled at the tip. He needed release just as much as Jake but could control it, didn’t turn into a panting, pleading mess.

  “’m gunna come.”

  Maddox shook his head. “Only when I allow it, wrap your arms around my neck.”

  Jake did so with no conscious thought, clutching Maddox with a sob.

  The hand started fisting them again, slow tugs forward and back and it was too much for Jake, he pulled his eyes up, staring through the spray of the shower.

  “You’ve stopped watching again…” Maddox mumbled.

  “If I watch I won’t last,” he gasped, earning him a dark chuckle from Maddox.

  “You think staring up, letting the water sting in your eyes will help you last. Your body belongs to me when you’re like this. You have no control, you’ve surrendered it, and I’ve taken it. You’ll come when I allow it.”

  Jake rolled his head, denying Maddox’s words. He still had fight in him, could still hold himself back and not turn into a sobbing mess. He growled with determination and curled his toes, dug his nails into his arm wrapped around Maddox’s neck and sunk his teeth into his bottom lip.

  “Pain?” Maddox asked, still stroking their cocks at a leisurely pace, “you think pain is your ally?”

  Jake ignored the taunting and bit harder at his lip, stabbed his nails until he was sure there would be marks and kept straining his toes until they started to cramp. Maddox chuckled, quickening the pace between their legs.

  Even with the pain he forced on himself, Jake couldn’t stop feeling the finer details of Maddox stroking him. His movements were firm, and the cock beneath expelled its heat into Jake's, merged them together till he could feel each shift and jolt of Maddox’s cock as well as his own. His cock rushed with pleasurable tingles, and he scrunched his face tight trying to stop the traitorous tears escaping. A mixture of stinging water and sheer desperation had him sobbing.

  Then Maddox ducked forward, mouthing Jake’s throat, kissing his way up to his chin and nipping the flesh. Jake shivered, and kept his teeth pressing down painfully, but as soon as Maddox licked at his mouth, he relaxed the pressure. He wanted to keep biting hard, use pain as the barrier between him and Maddox, but the other man stole his bitten lip easily and sucked at the stinging flesh before claiming his mouth.

  Jake stopped crunching his toes, and stopped his aching fingers mauling his arm. He closed his eyes, unable to compete with Maddox.

  The water stopped abruptly, and Maddox husky voice breathed in his ear, “You can come now.”

  He moaned, and the sound bounced off the walls of the cubicle. His cock pulsed messily, Maddox still holding both of them together as Jake unloaded. The tingles, the rush and the pleasure, he couldn’t achieve them without Maddox, the only one who could own him so completely. Maddox released Jake and devoured his slackened mouth. The sound of Maddox fisting himself had Jake groaning along, and he dropped his head to watch through the haze of lust as Maddox spilled down his leg.

  “Very good,” Maddox breathed, and a burst of happy tingles flooded Jake’s head.

  He sagged against the tiles, just about staying upright as he panted himself back to awareness. Maddox’s hand roamed around his lower back, and Jake tilted his hips forward and spread his legs slightly for him to reach his goal.

  “See how obedient I’ve got you Jake…”

  The words dripped with self-confidence and Jake responded by clenching his arse cheeks, and denying Maddox that area of surrender.

  “I do love it when you play hard to get,” Maddox said with a smug grin, “but I’m saving that for tomorrow. Wash, eat and bed.”

  Jake nodded along, still with his arms hooked around Maddox’s neck.

  The shower blasted back on, and Maddox washed them both down, paying extra attention to Jake’s red cheeks. Maddox’s thumbs pawed at the circles, making the flesh raw, but Jake preferred being marked by Maddox over anyone else, not that he’d ever admit it.

  Chapter 4

  Jake awoke slowly. He stretched his hand out hoping to touch the wall of Maddox’s flesh, but he had gone. It wasn’t unexpected; Maddox always disappeared in the early hours and Jake always slept longer in the luxury bed.

  He sighed, flopping back into the Maddox-scented pillow. The soft mattress and the warmed duvet cocooning him were difficult to escape from. He felt sleep tugging at his eyelids, knew his muscles were relaxing, ready for another bout of unconsciousness, but he caught himself at the last moment. It was Christmas day, and he wanted to spend some of it outside the bedroom.

  Jake huffed and got to his feet with the duvet still on his shoulders. There was a chill to the air and he hugged the barrier around himself tighter, plodding out of the bedroom. Coffee wafted up the stairs, and he followed the scent to the kitchen.

  Maddox was sat by the window, staring out the pane seemingly oblivious to Jake's presence. His Christmas day outfit consisted of black trousers, and a white pressed shirt, just like any other day.

  Jake moved towards him, and the duvet rustled noisily on the floor.

  “That belongs on the bed.” Maddox mumbled to the window.

  “I’ll put it back in a bit.”

  Maddox turned, lifting an eyebrow. There was no amusement to his face; he glared sternly until Jake’s skin itched. Part of him wanted to launch up the stairs, but the more prominent part demanded he stand his ground.

  He turned, releasing himself of Maddox’s glare and moved towards the cupboards.

  Jake prepared his breakfast, humming nervously under his breath. The scorch of eyes followed his every move, and his brain skipped over basic tasks. The milk ended up in the cupboard and the cereal in the fridge, but he didn’t correct the errors, wouldn’t admit he made one even though it was obvious.


  He shivered at Maddox’s warning, the growl of his name from the beast of a man.

  “Yup,” he said before scrunching his face at the high tone of his voice.

  He was trying to act calm and collected, but by the spoon wobbling in his grip and his girlish squeak, he failed.

  A chair scraped noisily on the floor, the slow tap of Maddox’s feet intimidated even without the leather slap of shoes. He stalked forwards and Jake froze. The skin at the back of his neck prickled, and he kept a spoonful of cereal in his mouth, unable to swallow with Maddox hovering behind.

  Maddox reached forward, curling over him, and grabbed both of Jake’s wrists. He squeezed, and Jake dropped the spoon on the counter. His body was manoeuvred, spun around by his wrists until his breath caught at the sight of the stone-faced man. Maddox leaned down, stopping millimetres from Jake's face. His warm breath tickled Jake’s skin, he relaxed his lips, ready for the lunge, the dominant claiming of his mouth but it didn’t come.

  Maddox straightened and released him. “Happy Christmas…”

  The weight registered on Jake's arm first, then he glanced down to the stylish watch encasing his wrist. He clutched, eyes widening in wonder. Maddox waited, not pressing for a reaction but being patient while Jake recovered from the surprise.

  Jake went to speak but the soggy cereal caught at the back of his throat and he coughed and spluttered, bowing for

  “Not the reaction I was hoping for.” Maddox mumbled.

  Jake straightened, mouth popping open at the expensive gift Maddox had slipped on. It sparkled, the face was clear of scratches and blemishes. It fit him snugly, not pitching at his skin or catching on the hairs; it encased his arm like a second skin.


  He ran his fingers over the watch face, shaking his head minutely, not knowing what to say. It was rare he was rendered speechless outside of sex, but he had been floored by the gift.

  Maddox reached, wrapping his fingers around Jake’s arm and lifting it higher. He held the arm next to Jake’s face, breathing slow as his eyes tracked from the watch to Jake's eyes and back again.

  “Same colour blue as your eyes, stainless steel to compliment your skin tone, face not too big on your narrower wrist. It looks perfect.”

  Maddox unwrapped his fingers, and Jake nodded, studying the watch again. Perfect, and unexpected. He still couldn’t think of anything to say back to the hovering man.

  “I’ve got one more gift for you…”

  Jake glanced up and swallowed, still stroking the watch.

  “I know you want to know about me, I always deny you answers. So today, you can ask me one question, one question about me, what I do, where I’m from. One question and I swear I’ll answer you.”

  A rush of breath left Jake's lips. There was no mocking to Maddox’s voice, no twist of his lips. He meant what he said, and Jake’s heart fluttered at the possibilities.

  “Now,” Maddox mumbled, “finish the rest of your breakfast, put the milk and the cereal in the correct place and take the duvet up after.”

  Jake nodded obediently, and Maddox turned to move away.

  “Maddox,” he blurted, gripping the retreating man’s fingertips. “I-thank you.”

  He didn’t turn, just bobbed his head and continued his walk.

  So much for Maddox not celebrating Christmas; he had bought Jake a gift, one he was still mesmerised by hours later. He stopped rubbing at his wrist and sunk into the sofa. Jake was no longer only wearing his boxers, but loose sweat pants and a tight white t-shirt. His lounge wear, comfortable for him and easy access for Maddox, win-win for both of them.

  He opened his mouth for the twentieth time, question forming in his head and starting to vocalise in his throat. Each time he tried, he snapped his mouth shut to trap the eager question. He wanted to know so much, but he was allowed only one question.

  He could ask about where Maddox got his money, what he did, ask how he got into the intimidating line of work, whether he had family. Jake drummed his fingers on his head, sorting through the mash of possibilities.

  In the distant part of his mind he heard his name being called, but ignored it. He had to think of a suitable question-

  “Lunch,” Maddox snapped, gripping Jake’s shoulder.

  Jake perked up. “Sorry…I didn’t hear you.”

  The glare from Maddox had him shuffling on the sofa. He got to his feet with another muttered apology. Maddox stalked him towards the kitchen, only relaxing his stance when Jake seated himself.

  A huge roast ham, and bowls of vegetables. Not the traditional Christmas turkey, but it beat eating mush out of a tin. Jake hummed through the food, knowing each time he made a sound of appreciation, Maddox’s green eyes darkened a shade.

  He could ask where Maddox learned to cook? What was his favourite food? Why he enjoyed feeding Jake so much? So many food related questions but he didn’t verbalise any, they seemed a waste of the opportunity.


  He hummed himself out of his thoughts, hurrying to take another bite of ham.

  Maddox narrowed his eyes, breathing softly from his nose.

  “You’re on edge?”

  Jake shook his head. “’m not…”

  Maddox tapped his finger against his whiskey glass, studying Jake intently.

  “This tastes real good.”

  There was no smile, no bow of acceptance. Maddox continued to analyse him.

  Bellies comfortably full, Maddox beckoned Jake towards the sofa and threw an arm around his shoulders as they settled to watch T.V. The scene was oddly domestic and more questions sprouted in Jake’s mind, ones that made him squirm and grow cold. How many lovers had Maddox had? Did he tire of them and seek out more? Was he the first to curl up next to Maddox on Christmas day, or was he in a list of many?

  “I can practically hear you thinking…”

  Jake ducked his head down. “Sorry…”

  Maddox flicked his hand towards the T.V. “You not into this?”

  Jake had no idea what they were even watching, vaguely registered moving pictures and sound, but that was it.

  “No, not really…”

  “How about some music instead?”

  Jake flashed his eyes up, linking with the gleaming piano beside the Christmas tree. It was the only gift he could possibly give Maddox and he nodded his head eagerly.

  “Yeah, I’ll put it on.”

  He darted up from the sofa before Maddox could stop him and drifted towards the piano. A ball of nerves tumbled in his chest. His gift was either going to be received well, or his face was going to be pressed painfully to the keys.


  The tone of voice rattled his spine. It reminded Jake of the roar of an angry lion. No one wished to be on the receiving end of a snarl from a beast, but Jake kept his focus and lifted the lid off the keys.

  “What are you doing?”

  He jolted. Maddox hadn’t physically moved any closer, but he sounded firmer, forcing authority into his words. Jake’s muscles weakened, his heart warped with powerful beats and his breathing stuttered. Adrenaline flooded him, he could already hear the anger in Maddox’s tone, but instead of diffusing it he sat down and placed his fingers on the keys.


  Jake gasped, and his fingers pressed down on the keys, not sounding like anything but a clash of notes and a droning hum. He shook his head trying to get some composure. His body was telling him to run, but he fought off the urge and stayed sat on the bench. He heard the depress of the leather sofa, the harsh breath of the man bearing down on him. The lion stalking towards its prey, ready to savage it. Jake ignored the terrorised thump of his heart, and swallowed down his fear.

  He rearranged his fingers on the keys, took a stuttering breath and played the infuriating piece. Out of tune, his fingers slipped and the song wasn’t recognisable to his own ears even though he knew what he was attempting to play. The second time sounded no better, and he verged a heart attack waiting for Maddox to do something.

  He pressed his lips together, and exhaled through his nose before trying again. Maddox was behind him, the warmth and the power of the man registered long before he curled his fingers around Jake’s shoulder. He fought off the need to go pliant in the grip and glared at the keys, silently begging they cooperate with his fingers.

  There was no growl for him to stop, and Jake tried a final time, willing the gods to help him play the blasted tune right. Out of the attempts, the last was the worst and he sagged, defeated.

  “I-I didn’t know what to get you…. I don’t have money to buy a gift, and I thought about stealing-”

  The fingers on him tightened, and he gasped at the pinch before continuing.

  “I didn’t…. I saw the piano, I was stupid to think I could do it…I wanted to play you f---”

  “Fur Elise.” Maddox finished.

  Jake bobbed his head. “Yeah…that one.”

  His voice faded, and he listened for Maddox. He didn’t say anything, Jake couldn’t even hear him breathe, only knew he was there from the grip on his shoulder and the heat radiating from his palm.

  “Stand up.” Maddox said.

  Jake jolted to attention, standing with his back straight and his chest puffed out. His legs twitched, still desperate to run-

  “Put the lid down.”

  He did, softly, not to en
rage Maddox anymore, then flexed his toes to keep himself present. He didn’t want to pool at Maddox’s feet and he didn’t want to bolt from the room.

  “Now turn around…”

  His breath caught in his throat and he hesitated. Maddox’s emotionless voice had him on edge, he didn’t know what he would face-

  “Jake…” Maddox warned, and he spun on the balls of his feet to face the man behind.

  Maddox wasn’t flaming red from fury, nor was he panting from withholding his anger. He had an expression of calmness, only betrayed by his black as night eyes. They fixed to Jake’s lips before trailing up.

  “Now…come here.”

  Jake swallowed, eyes attached to Maddox as he side-stepped the bench. His face was gripped, manhandled forward for their lips to touch. He grunted at the invasion, opening his mouth for Maddox to take what he wanted.

  There was no competing with Maddox’s mouth and hands. Jake’s t-shirt was yanked off, and his sweat pants were shoved down. All he could do was cling on and try to match his passion. Jake reached for the buttons of his shirt, but Maddox gripped his wrists tight, tapping his forefinger on the new watch.

  “Let’s take this off.”

  Jake bobbed his head and unclipped the watch. Maddox took it, rubbing his thumb over the face before glancing up at Jake.

  “Turn around and put your hands flat on the piano.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice, he spun and slapped his hands down.

  Maddox’s foot came down on the sweat-pants around his ankles. “Step out of them.”

  He did, relieved to be rid of them wrapped around his legs. Maddox slid them away with his foot, then gripped Jake’s hips and shifted him into the position he desired.


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