Festive Dog

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Festive Dog Page 4

by Louise Collins

  “Keep your hands on the piano, I’ll be right back.”

  The presence, the power and warmth, vanished and Jake shuddered. Something about Maddox heightened his senses, and when he was suddenly gone they numbed. He pressed his lips and listened beyond the roar of blood in his body for any sound of Maddox. His footfalls, Jake could hear them growing louder and he shivered, in both relief and anticipation.

  A bottle of lubricant was place on the piano for Jake to see.

  “I said I was saving you for Christmas day…”

  Jake nodded, looking over his shoulder towards Maddox.

  His arse was being admired, Maddox put pressure on his lower back, encouraging Jake to expose himself more to satisfy his hungry eyes.

  Maddox hummed his approval before reaching for the bottle on the piano. The squirting sound made Jake’s thighs shake. He knew what was coming, but when a cool finger entered him, he curled his back, clenching his cheeks at the intrusion.

  “No, Jake…”

  Maddox tugged at his hip, moving Jake back into position before pushing on his lower back for Jake to present himself again.

  “Stay like that.”

  Another finger entered him and he whined, dropping his forehead to the cool surface in front.

  “Fuck Maddox.”

  “We’re gunna get to that, but today you’ve got to work for it.”

  He squirmed when a third finger was added, scrunching his face and breathing rapidly. “W-work for it?”

  “You’re not allowed to come, until you get me off and we both know I can last a long, long time.”

  Jake pulled his head off the surface and tried to turn.

  “Ah no,” Maddox growled. “You stay how I told you to.”

  “How can I get you off if I can’t turn around?”

  Maddox hummed with amusement. “Your cute arse, your flexing hips and your tight hole. I want you to brace yourself on the piano and fuck yourself on my cock.”

  Jake gulped, and clenched down on the curling fingers. They responded, tickling his insides until he groaned.

  “What we waiting for?”

  Maddox chuckled. “That’s my boy.”

  Jake started with confidence, hoping his whorish moaning and his enthusiastic thrusting would push Maddox over the edge. No luck, the man had iron control over himself; didn’t grunt or groan, he stayed completely silent as Jake rocked his hips back. Each time his prostate was grazed, his legs weakened and he panted wetly.

  Jake’s cock ached furiously, and when he found an angle that sent tingles to his toes, he knew he could come from it. Maddox held Jake still, digging a finger in his side.

  “Don’t you dare…”

  “But ‘m close.”

  Maddox chuckled. “I don’t care, hold it.”

  He did, only just. Jake scrunched his face, crunched his toes, and just managed to control the wave that threatened to sweep him away.

  “Good, carry on.”

  Jake sobbed, flexing his hips only to put himself in the same desperate state again. He tried to sneak a hand down to touch himself, but Maddox stopped him, and pinned his wrists, waiting out Jake’s desperation.

  “I can’t,” Jake cried.

  He had no concept of time, but he knew from the sweat beading in his hair and his well stretched hole he had been impaling himself for an eternity. Maddox’s cock popped out, and Jake sagged with his knees shaking. Another squirt of lube interrupted his panting before Maddox pushed the tip of himself inside Jake’s body again. He felt so thoroughly stretched, that when Maddox wasn’t up inside him he felt empty. He loved the tease of having Maddox gone and then being filled by him again, but the pain in the rest of his body was getting too intense.

  “You can…and you will, you feel real good.”

  He stopped twitching his hips feebly and wiped his forehead on the back of his arm. “You-you even close?”

  “I’m enjoying myself.”

  Smugness oozed from Maddox, and Jake groaned, clawing at the piano. His damp hands left marks, and with his head bowed forward sweat dripped from his hair. He hurt, his overused hole wasn’t the problem though. His thighs burned, his biceps ached and his flesh was uncomfortably hot with sweat. Pleasure and pain slotted together, and his mind felt dizzy with it.

  Jake peeked a glance back. Maddox was fixated with where they joined, wetting his lips as Jake's body engulfed him. A man of complete composure. He still wore his white shirt, along with his black trousers tight around his thighs. His hair was still perfectly styled unlike Jake’s which had flattened to his forehead. The only signs he was even affected were his blown pupils and the slight moisture on his top lip.

  “Please Maddox.”

  He glanced up and their eyes met. Jake pleaded with him, drawing his eyebrows together.

  “Keep going.” Maddox urged him. “I’m close.”

  Jake composed himself, leaning on his elbows as he drove his hips back. He gasped when a hand circled his neglected erection.

  “Fuck my hand and my cock.”

  Jake whimpered, shoving back and forward as fast as he could. He squirmed, groaned, but needed the release and chased it. He pushed back on Maddox till his thick cock filled the emptiness with heat.

  The pain in his muscles increased, he had driven them to the point of shut down but kept forcing them to move till his whole body cramped. Pain and pleasure, he had to endure the pain to reach the end of ecstasy.

  “I’m there.” Maddox growled, curling forward so his shirt stuck to Jake's dripping back.

  Maddox groaned, rubbing his forehead against Jake's shoulder blades. A sense of achievement flowed through Jake and he sagged. Maddox snapped his hips, pushing deep before shuddering out a breath.

  Jake thought Maddox would pick up the pace with his hand, finish him off tugging hard, but the circled hand vanished and Jake sobbed.


  His hips were gripped, and he was hauled into the air, turned and dumped on the piano. Jake winced at the ache to his arse, opened his mouth to ask what was happening, but was stopped by a firm push to his chest.

  He fell, back dropping to the cold top of the piano while his legs dangled off the edge. The white ceiling was disorientating, and the abrupt movement whirled his vision. Jake’s mind struggled with the sudden change, but he didn’t have time to respond. As soon as his crotch was accessible to Maddox’s mouth, he was being sucked greedily. Drawn into the heat and swallowed in pulses, all Jake could do was moan through it. The buzz took over, and Maddox let him finally catch the orgasm he’d been chasing. The groan strangled out from his mouth, as his cock pulsed three steady loads of come into Maddox’s mauling mouth.

  The pressure stopped before oversensitivity could ruin the bliss. His whole body hummed with overwork and the aftershocks of orgasm.

  Jake lay, blinking in wonder at the spinning ceiling. The white seemed to come towards him, leaking down and encasing him. He knew he was still in the room, plastered to the piano by bodily fluids, but he felt detached, afloat in the roof of white. Every muscle in his body sagged; he didn’t have the strength to lift his head or raise a hand. All he did was watch as the white reached for him and relaxed, letting the simmering sensation in his flesh take over.

  “Breathe Jake.”

  There was a weight pressing on him. Jake concentrated on the sensation, the stroking of his chest. The hand ensured he didn’t drift too far. The skin it roamed pimpled with sensitivity, and soothing tingles travelled up his neck and along his scalp.

  “Close your eyes…”

  Jake shot one last awed look to the ceiling before doing as the voice told him. He closed them and breathed deep, exhaling slow.

  “That’s it, just take a few breaths like that.”

  Jake did as he was told, and the hand kept stroking his body. He sighed slowly, a sound of elated calmness each time he breathed.

  “Your wrists, they’re both tied, pinning you down…”

  Jake frowned, shifting
his arms. They felt heavy but not strapped down-

  “Don’t trust your body, listen to my voice. Your hands are tied down to the piano…”

  Jake’s wrists tingled, the tingle intensified and he hissed at the ache. Logically he knew they hadn’t been tied, but the binds Maddox’s voice had put around him kept them in place. He tried to move them but couldn’t. He could flex his fingers, but his wrists wouldn’t budge.

  “And your ankles, they’re tied to the piano too.”

  A coil wrapped around each, and a circling motion tickled his ankle, pressing firmer on the back of his heel. The authority in Maddox’s voice had restrained him to the piano. Both arms and legs splayed out and pinned with no physical presence.

  “In fact, the whole piano is covered in glue, keeping you in place. You can’t move any part of your body, can’t lift your head or shift your hips. Completely stuck and defenceless.”

  The more Maddox spoke, the heavier Jake became until he was sure he was merging with the piano beneath, encased in the surface and left helpless. Endorphins pulsed in his brain, the lingering buzz mixing with fear. Vulnerable and caught, he always desired the chase, needed to feed his addiction, but Maddox was the only one who captured him.

  The burn to his muscles had been so intense he feared trying to strain them to escape. Instead he melted into the warming surface at his back. Maddox had caught him, and exposed him. His heart punched against his ribcage, and his breathing hiccupped, losing rhythm.

  “Relax Jake, concentrate on sensation. You still feel good, right?”

  He tried to nod but found he couldn’t. Instead he slurred, “Ye-yes—”

  “I’ll make you feel even better, give up everything, and feel instead.”

  Jake felt heavy, disjointed, and in a faraway part of his mind he knew that Maddox was touching him. He couldn’t shift, couldn’t tense at the pleasure, but only endure it. No more pain, no aching limbs. He could only feel the intoxicating tingle of orgasm wrapping around him, relentless in its build and even when he dropped the other side and came undone, he was lifted again, taken to another height to free-fall from. He got trapped somewhere between conscious and unconsciousness, only able to feel pleasure but not able to think.

  Christmas, piano, Maddox….

  Jake gasped back to awareness, and a chill expanded in his bones.

  “Easy Jake.” Maddox soothed.

  His hand was spread on Jake’s chest, keeping him in place. Piano, he was still strapped down to it. Except when he tugged his arm towards himself it moved. He studied the skin, no mark of restraint. He twitched his ankle and it shifted too.

  Maddox peered down at him, upside down to Jake since he had moved to the other side of the piano. His gaze was no longer hungry, but soft and his usually pressed lips twitched with a smile.

  “Thank you for my present,” he said, while stroking Jake’s clammy chest.

  Jake wetted his lips before speaking. “I wanted to play you the piano…not get played with on top of it.”

  Maddox chuckled, then licked his lips. “Trust me, you weren’t complaining…I imagine your throat's quite sore now.”

  It was, but Jake wasn’t going to admit it. He couldn’t even remember moaning, but it felt parched with overuse.

  “I’ll get you some water, and something to clean you up.”

  Maddox turned to leave but stopped when Jake blurted his name. It was irrational panic, he had been stuck to the piano at Maddox’s complete mercy but only felt terror when he threatened to leave. Maddox returned to his caging stance, brushing the tips of his fingers through Jake’s damp hair.

  “It’s okay, I won’t go anywhere until you feel better.”

  Jake twitched his brow and swallowed to relieve the ache in his throat. He forced his head up, staring in wonder at the mess on his torso.

  “Mostly yours,” Maddox mumbled.

  Only once his eyes registered it, did Jake feel the stickiness. Both on his body and leaking out of it. He imagined when he finally had the strength to get off, his silhouette would be left behind on the surface.

  “Did you drug me?” he asked dropping his head back, so he could stare at Maddox again.

  Maddox snorted. “When?”

  Jake frowned. “Just now?”

  “No, you’re very susceptible to pain and pleasure, and my voice apparently.”

  He shifted, groaning at the spasms of his muscles. “I hurt now.”

  Maddox nodded. “Yeah, I imagine you do, you worked hard to get me to come. And I wouldn’t wear any tight underwear for a few days, the chafe on your cock will be unbearable. Sorry, but I couldn’t bring myself to stop making you come, even when you were dry…”

  Jake stared up at Maddox, and there was no mocking in his expression, only a fondness and the wide eyes of amazement. Jake craved that expression, his breathing increased, and he rubbed his lips together to moisten them.

  “Kiss me,” he whispered.

  He had only meant to think it. Jake never instigated the intimacies, it wasn’t how they worked, and he had just monumentally fucked up by asking without the haze of lust. His heart missed a beat before pulsing extra hard and fast to compensate.

  Maddox drew his eyebrows together, and Jake bit his tongue trying to apologise. He still felt vulnerable, and couldn’t cope with a rejection-

  Maddox swooped down and pressed their mouths together. Not a mauling teeth clash, or a dominating dance of tongues. He kissed lightly, savouring Jake’s lips. No fast pace, it wasn’t fuelled from desire but something gentler and Jake didn’t want to stop. The only place that had been neglected had been his lips and Maddox remedied them with his soothing kisses and slow-moving tongue.

  He pulled back with his gaze still soft. “Better?”

  “Yes.” Jake breathed, “I-I think I’m ready to get up now…”

  “You sure?”

  He nodded, forcing his spine to curl and his limbs to cooperate. He sat on the piano, catching his breath from the small amount of movement. Maddox circled around to stand in front.

  “There’s no rush…”

  Jake disagreed, fluids dried on his stomach, and his arse left a trail of Maddox on the polished surface. He dropped off the edge of the piano, only for his legs to give out.

  He was saved by Maddox, who caught him, then hauled him to his unsteady feet.

  “I said there was no rush.” He growled, and just like that Maddox switched back to himself.

  He scowled at Jake as he settled him on the sofa and grumbled under his breath, Jake couldn’t help but smile at him.

  “I’ll go get a cloth.” Maddox mumbled.

  Chapter 5

  Once Jake was cleaned and dried, Maddox settled beside him, lifting his arm in a gesture for Jake to get close. He did, practically throwing himself into Maddox’s side.

  The arm came down, securing him comfortably. Jake relaxed with a sigh and the soothing heat of Maddox’s body.

  The bliss ended when his mind whirled into overdrive. Time was ticking away, Maddox had said he could ask one question, and it was nearing the end of the day.

  “Jake,” Maddox warned, “I just spent an hour relaxing you, don’t undo it.”

  Jake turned his head, scrunching his face in annoyance. He wasn’t building his anxiety on purpose, it was a reaction to his thoughts. He could ask Maddox how he felt about him, whether the feelings were just sex or possibly more. Jake’s heart quickened with the thought, both wanting to know and fearing the answer-

  “Get on your knees.”

  He spun back towards Maddox with wide eyes, tracking his face. There was no hint of emotion. Jake swallowed before falling clumsily to his knees and wiggling himself between Maddox’s crushing thighs. Jake stared at Maddox’s crotch, running his tongue against his lips to prepare himself.

  “Turn around.”

  He frowned up at Maddox, and he gestured a spin with his finger. Jake turned, wincing at the burn until a pillow was shoved behind his back.

“Sit on that.”

  He did, and waited.

  Warm hands started on his shoulders, firm thumbs pressed into his ruined muscles. The hands moved in a repetitive motion, forcing heat into his weary flesh. Jake hissed, before falling limp. Another pleasure-pain sensation, Jake moaned at the massage, sinking back between Maddox’s legs. Fingers brushed up the back of his neck and he tipped forward. They pressed firm lines from the edge of his hair down to his shoulder blade.

  Maddox massaged firmly with one hand, and raked his fingers lightly through Jake’s hair with the other. The vertebrae in Jake’s neck jellified and he flopped, using the warm thigh as his cushion. Maddox didn’t stop, even when Jake mewled soft sounds into his trousers, even when his slack mouth leaked dribble. He kept rubbing, manipulating the tenderised flesh and Jake zoned out to the comfort, hissing each time Maddox hit a particularly sore spot before it melted back down.

  Fingers worked against Jake’s scalp, scraping till he tingled and groaned for more. They didn’t stop once they had completed their journey through his hair, they made trails of sensitivity down his face. His cheekbones were traced, as were the lines of his jaw and the dimple in his chin. Maddox mapped his face with hypnotic touches, learning the sharp turns of bone and the softer stretches of skin.

  Jake's breathing evened, his heart slowed, and his thoughts drifted off. He leaned heavily on Maddox's leg, mouth hanging, and eyes peacefully closed.

  Jake registered music, classical. Not from the stereo, but the T.V. He relaxed back down, soothed by Maddox’s roaming hands and the soft music in the room.

  Maddox leaned forward, resting his lips to Jake's ear. “Bed.”

  Jake flashed his eyes open and jolted forward at the word. Bed would mean the day had ended and his chance had gone. He shook his head adamantly, glancing a look at the clock. A minute till midnight. The Maddox enigma was like a fairy tale, he had till the clock struck twelve and then his opportunity would fade, the walls Maddox had lowered would rebuild, shutting him out.

  Maddox huffed, and this time his lips pressed firmly, and his eyes blazed with anger. “Sit,” he said, pointing to the space next to him.


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