Vegas Series: Six-book Boxed Set (Hot Romance & Powerful Suspense)

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Vegas Series: Six-book Boxed Set (Hot Romance & Powerful Suspense) Page 50

by Mimi Barbour

  Leslie’s voice wavered. “Shirley! Don’t talk to the officer that way.”

  Lisa, facing the others took a step forward so she was next to Leslie. “You know what I overheard in the elevator, girlfriend? These three lovely ladies were planning a little party for you. First, they planned to drug you and then let their boyfriends have their fun while you were blasted. Take a good look at them. You sure you want to continue to pay their way here in our fine city?”

  Leslie looked first at Lisa and then at the faces of the others. Chubby moved to sit on the pillow where she’d hid her stash and refused to look anywhere but at the bitch. Blondie popped her gum wearing a bored expression along with a dress that more than advertised the lush goods she wanted to show off.

  Not surprising, the bitch erupted. “Where do you like get off saying that about us? You’re a fucking liar, cop or no cop.”

  “Lying? How about I get them to bring the video from the elevator in here so we can like play back everything that was said?”

  Pissed and cornered, the leader pulled a switchblade from a holder inside the waistband of her short shorts and thrust the sharp point toward Lisa. Smiling, filled with glee for the coming workout, Lisa snagged the hand, twisted the wrist and brought it down on her knee. The knife clattered to the floor and she kicked it over toward Leslie. “Wanna hold that for me, Miss Thorn, while I settle this little girl down?”

  Street fighting had given the teen some moves that might have surprised Lisa if she hadn’t trained for every kind of encounter. First, she blocked a punch to her stomach and instead, laid one on her opponent. Then Lisa grabbed the hand reaching toward her hair and twisted it up and behind the other’s back. The wriggler dropped low and was pulling Lisa down also. From the corner of her eye, Lisa noticed chubs, holding the hotel’s phone receiver like a club, and sneaking up. That’s when she decided enough was enough. With a lurch and a kick, Lisa broke away from the one on the floor and bitch-slapped chubs who dropped her makeshift weapon and fell back on the bed in a huddle of tears and screeches.

  “Ladies, ladies, and I use the term lightly, I could go all night but I’m busy, so here’s the deal. Pack up your shit.” She stared down fat-cheeks whose makeup now looked grotesque. “All of it—if you know what’s good for you. Leave your room keys and then get the hell out of here. There’ll be a notice at the entrance not to let any of you back in the hotel. If you try it, I’ll let security deal with you and you don’t want that. Now get out.”

  Within a few minutes, their belongings were shoved into backpacks, chubs and blondie dropped their cards on the wall unit and headed out the door with the bitch bringing up the rear. Lisa blocked her way.

  “You know how long you could go down for assault with a deadly weapon, Shirley? You pulled a knife on a police officer, girl. You are so headed for my house. Keep up with the charming ways and I give you a year.”

  Without the other two watching, the bitch sagged. Fear filled her eyes. She bit her lip but the quivering chin gave her away. “You challenged me on purpose.”

  “Ya think? I also let my phone video play the whole time I’ve been here. Plus, I have a witness in Leslie who’s pissed to be treated so badly by girls she thought were her friends. You mess up even with a DUI and I’ll be on you like a stripper on a pole. Leslie here will be giving me all the information about your names and addresses. I’ll file a report saying you’re to be watched. One chance, honey that’s all you get. Now take off.”

  Once the door closed, Leslie broke. Tears rained through her shaking fingers as she tried to cover her face.

  Lisa spoke harshly on purpose. “Stop crying, Leslie. That trash isn’t worth one of your tears. Take a deep breath, go look at yourself in the mirror and say these words. I’m better than this. I don’t need them. I’m beautiful and smart and very, very lucky!”

  Listening closely, the downhearted girl sighed. “I will detective. Thank you for what you did.”

  “Thank me by writing down everything you know about those girls. Names, addresses, phone numbers where they go to school—the works. I’ll have someone come and pick it up and I’ll also follow up on the incident with a disturbance report so it’s on file. Now order some room service and hang in here in case they’re watching for you.”

  “I will. Did you want to take this with you?” Leslie held out the small but very sharp knife, handle toward Lisa.

  “Good idea.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Once in the hallway, Lisa pulled out her cellphone, stopped the video and sent it to Ray with a message. Then she called him. “Hey man, have you had a break yet?”

  “Naw! I’ve been going through all the different angles trying to spot one of your dudes. I hoped to catch a sighting but it’s like looking for two particular fleas at a flea convention.”

  “Okay, take a break for a while and do me a favor. There’s a young girl in room 2405 whose just had a really bad day and needs a person her own age to talk to. I promised her I’d send up a cop from the precinct to pick up some information she’s getting ready for me. I think you’d be the perfect pick-up guy. How about you make your way down here and spend some time with her while retrieving her list? Trust me my friend; this girl’s been let down bad.”

  “That’s harsh but, like, counseling? You sure I can help her, Lisa?”

  “Yep! If you want, you can go back upstairs later. Thanks man. I owe you.”

  In fact, she owed him big time. While she’d taken the time to talk with him on her cell, the elevator had stopped on the floor and a handful of people had exited. One of them, a thin man with narrow eyes and a head full of dirty blonde hair caught her attention. Instantly, her heartbeat doubled, thumping crazily inside her constricted chest. Warnings screamed in her head—do not to lose him. Make contact. Then get on your knees and thank the Good Lord for such perfect timing.

  The dude in front of her looked close enough to the picture of Troy Stokes that she just knew she had her man. Not taking her eyes off him, she watched him swagger by as if he were nature’s gift to the females of the world.

  Aware of her attention, he ogled her with a distinct look of interest plastered over his smarmy face. Despite the fact that he’d taken his card out when he’d reached his destination, he stopped what he’d been doing when her hasty smile invited. Quickly, heart beating in time to the rapid pulse in her throat, she unobtrusively pulled back the collar on her blouse and unbuttoned the first three. She wiped her hands on the sides of her pants while at the same time pulling off her badge and slipping it into her pocket. Remembering that her hair was most likely all over the place, she made a display of fluffing it in suggestively. Then she smiled for all she was worth. The silly son-of-a-bitch dropped his card. As he bent to pick it up, he banged his head against the door-lever. That was all the time she needed.

  Thrusting her breasts forward and adding a wiggle to her usual long stride, Lisa approached. Her eyes ate him up as if she had a hunger only he could assuage.

  Flustered, the poor guy cleared his throat and then spoke. “Why, hello there sweet thing, are you on this floor too?”

  “Nah, visiting a… a friend. I was just leaving to go to work.” Her long appraisal and subsequent smile had him puffing up like a strutting rooster.

  “Wh… what do you do?”

  Thinking fast, Lisa answered. “I’m a showgirl at the MGM. A friend of mine just called to say they need us to cover one of the early performances. And here it was my night off and I was looking to party.” Her lips turned down into a sexy pout but her eyes sent him messages that even a fool couldn’t misinterpret.

  He chuckled in an obscene way and words suddenly flew from his leering mouth. “Well, lookie here. I just happen to have a party planned in my suite for tonight, and honey doll, you’re so invited.” Excitement built and he couldn’t spit the words out fast enough. “In fact, I have a brother who loves the ladies so maybe you could bring your friend. Have a few drinks, a few dances whatever you
want. Hey, any chance you could wear your costumes for us and do a little routine for my guests? They’d love it.”

  She had to stop him before he wanted her to bring the fucking band too. “Sure, babe. By the way, my name is Lisa Jord ahh… What’s yours?” She used the tip of her tongue to lick her lips and then sent him a fully loaded, suggestive smirk.

  “My Name?” The lowlife had to think for a minute. Then the lights came back on. “Right. My name is Troy.”

  “Okay, Troyboy—”

  Interrupting her, he made an even bigger ass of himself. “Trust me honey, there’s no boy left in this body. I’m all man.” He grinned, delighted with his comeback.

  Gagging inside and trying hard not to show it, Lisa giggled. “Expect us around ten. See you then… honey.”

  Walking back toward the elevator, Lisa’s eyes were crossed and her tongue wagged as if she had to spit out something nasty. Of course, at the same time, her fists were clenched in glee as she hurried to share the wonderful news.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Jeff had been bored all day. Earlier, Sam had drunk himself into a stupor so he wasn’t any company and his asshole brother, Troy, had disappeared below to the casino no doubt. Other than a couple of bathroom breaks and having one hand released so he could eat the dried up sandwich Sam brought him at noon, life stank. And so did he! Days being tied to a chair or a bed, wearing the same clothes, had finally gotten to him. He’d tried washing himself in the bathroom but they’d removed everything but the toilet paper. Who knew that when one wadded it up and tried to use it as a towel, it broke apart and was useless.

  “Hey Sammy. I need a break, man. Wake up, you drunken bum!”

  The stupid slug never even stirred. He’d put on the television and turned it high to cover any noise Jeff might try to make so calling was a waste of energy. On the other hand, a whistle had worked before and this time he really let one loose. Sam stirred. Slowly, he turned to glare at Jeff with blurred, red-rimmed eyes and a two-day beard that came nowhere near to covering up his bad skin. Then he groaned. The stench from his innards disgusted Jeff and sympathy flew out the window.

  “You’re a mess, Sam. A damn shame really. When we were little, you used to be my favorite. Now I have more respect for your brother. He’s just living out his destiny, little pricks grow up to be big pricks. But you? Sam, once you were a sweet little boy. What the fuck happened?”

  Sam lay on his back with his hands covering his eyes. “Shut up! You don’t know shit.”

  “So tell me. I’m listening. In fact, I’m your captive audience.” He grinned at his quip but it went right over Sam’s head.

  For the longest time, Sam lay still. Then he rolled toward Jeff. “You want to know what happened. I’ll tell you. Your Dad embezzled the mining company, broke the partnership and kicked us out of our home. When we left Colorado everything changed. Dad turned into an animal, kept screaming at us all the time how he’d been screwed. How everything he’d ever worked for had been taken away from him by his best friend, a man he’d trusted. You think I drink a lot, you should have seen him hit the bottle.”

  “You’re wrong about my dad. But I’m still sorry it happened, Sam.”

  “Sorry? Fuck you, man. Your dad not only stole our life but he stole our future. Mom couldn’t paint anymore. She’d lost herself, moped and cried all the time. In the end, she went to work as a maid and supported the family. Dad? He was useless as tits on a bull even before he had the massive stroke.” After a coughing spell that lasted too long, Sam dragged his body from the bed, reached for the half-empty bottle on the night table and took a slug that would have put Jeff on his ass.

  Uneasy, Jeff decided he’d think about what Sam had told him later but right now he’d be smart to change the subject. “Any chance of there being even a little of the nice Sam left in there so you could give me a towel and some soap. I won’t ask for a razor but I can’t stand my stench any longer.”

  Sam sat on the side of the bed, head hanging, bottled clenched in one of the hands that were hanging between his legs. He looked the picture of pure misery. It took forever for him to acknowledge that Jeff had asked a favor. Finally, he stood and left the room without saying a word.

  Jeff let loose a string of swearwords reserved for special occasions. He pulled himself to as much of a sitting position as possible and bent his knees to get the circulation moving. This nightmare was getting to him and he wasn’t sure how much longer he’d remain sane.

  Minutes later, Sam appeared in the doorway carrying a fluffy white towel, the wrapped soap the hotel left for the guests and a creased but clean t-shirt. “You get ten minutes. Then you’re back on the bed. No messing with me, Jeff. Only reason I’m agreeing to give you what you want is because I can smell your stink all the way over on my side of the room.”

  Obviously, Sam had taken the time to completely clear out the larger bathroom. Jeff checked with the thought in mind of some sort of weapon, but the room was utilitarian inasmuch as all the fixtures were built in sleek and fitting.

  In the shower, Jeff went over everything Sam had said and decided there had to be another explanation for their family’s misfortune. He knew his dad to be an upstanding businessman, respected in the community and adored by his family. In fact, he remembered how Jim had worked like a crazy man during Jeff’s first few school years. No matter how much his mother had complained, Jim’s answer was that their employees depended on him to put things right and he would. No surprise that he had. The company, run by a workhorse with a lot of brains and staying power, had developed into a huge success. In later years, his father became a philanthropist. He set up scholarship funds for the not so fortunate and ended up by giving most of his hard-earned money away, keeping only enough for him and his wife to live comfortably in their retirement. Therefore, Jeff wished he knew why the Stoke brothers felt they’d been robbed. Something wasn’t right.

  Once back on the bed with his hands tied lower down for more comfort, Jeff tried to keep the camaraderie going. “I appreciate what you did for me, Sam. Thanks.”

  “In the end, it ain’t gonna matter if you smell or not, will it?”

  Now that didn’t sound too good. Jeff’s only answer was, “I suppose not.”

  Sam had his mouth open to add something and stopped when Troy flew into the room, excitement bursting from every pore. “Sam, we are going to par-tay tonight!”

  “You still planning that shit? You’ll get us into trouble, Troy. Big trouble if we’re caught.”

  “Fuck it! We deserve to have some fun. For years we’ve had to scrimp and then the last few years all our money went for this deal.”

  Sam interrupted. “Like you helped out very much! Christ, getting money from you was like milking a horse.”

  “Well I’m sick of it! Tonight, we’re living like kings. Every cent we’re spending, I won at the tables so there’s no room for complaints there. I’ve ordered a tub of food, liquor enough even for you, a friend is bringing some extra special candy, hell I’ve even got dancing girls from the MGM to perform exclusively for us and in costume. Best of all, my pal at the strip club has arranged the top call girls he knows to join in and there’s a specially talented one coming, just for you, bro.”

  A slow smile formed before Sam angled his head toward Jeff. “What about him?”

  Troy followed where Sam had gestured and his face registered only disgust, the mean streak in full force. “Number one, we got a couple of rooms, don’t we? And number two, the closet is good enough for Prince Royal here. We can package him up real nice and lock the door. Our Jeffie will behave like a trooper. Taped and tied, he’ll have no choice now will he?”

  The mismatched brothers sauntered from the room, Sam still clinging to his near-empty bottle and Troy punching numbers in his cell phone. Feeling panic begin to take hold, Jeff slid down in his prison. Once again, fear grabbed and took hold. What if he didn’t make it out alive? Unable to help himself, he allowed visions of the gorgeous, c
urly-headed woman of his dreams to visit. Lisa, being the only female in many years who had spurned him, kept trying to intrude in his nightmare over the last few days, but he’d forced her into a velvet cell in his mind and locked her away. Thinking about the lovely Vegas detective only made this ordeal worse.

  One night had been all she’d wanted with him, one incredible night. The first few days after, he’d tried to make her see sense and had been rejected. Heart-broken and just a little bit pissed, he’d decided she needed more time. What an idiot!

  Where was all that time now? If the Stokes family had their way, he and his father would soon be dead and they’d be rich. Jeff closed his eyes and again felt the brush of her soft curls against his naked chest. Her nipples hard as she teasingly swept them across his stomach while she’d worked her way downward. He remembered kissing her skin and the scent of her tropical perfume had driven him mad. God! She’d been a temptress and a novice all rolled up into one beautifully tight package.

  Clenching his fists, Jeff yanked and twisted against the ties with all his might. It was useless but doing nothing was like watching himself drown. Maybe he could talk to Sam again. Make him understand how much trouble they were in. Hell, kidnapping for ransom was a federal offense that carried a stiff sentence. Didn’t they care? Why would they, if they thought their plans foolproof. The way Troy pranced around the place made Jeff believe he, at least, had no worries about them getting away with their malicious plans. They were confident and that worried Jeff the most. Let’s face it, who in their right minds would imagine these lowlifes would hold him prisoner in his own hotel?

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Lisa met up with Aurora back in Jeff’s office a while later and had to rev up her nerve to admit what she’d gotten them into. “Rikki’s bringing over a couple of the old costumes from MGM for us to wear, Rory, so be nice to her. She’s doing us a favor.” Cajoling, even going as far as pleading, didn’t sit well with Lisa. She knew Aurora was more disposed to break into the room where they held Jeff and shoot the sons-of-bitches rather than play dress-up and dancing girls. If Jeff wasn’t their hostage, Lisa might have agreed. However, there was no way in this crazy, fucked-up world she’d take any chances on his safety.


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