UnTouch Me (Savage Beast MC Book 5)

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UnTouch Me (Savage Beast MC Book 5) Page 10

by Hayley Faiman

  “Yeah,” I say with a shrug of my shoulder. “She’s an adult. She has a life she’s all hot and bothered to go back to. She is free to do as she wishes.”

  Silver shakes his head, but it’s Hawk who speaks. He stands, his face turning redder by the minute. I widen my eyes, silently begging him not to divulge what we found out about Trista’s profession to the rest of the club, but he’s too far gone to read me and keep his goddamn trap shut.

  “I’ll be damned if I let her go back to being a paid whore. You don’t fucking deserve her, if you’re even contemplating that shit instead of claiming her for yourself. Here I stupidly thought that you were done fucking around.

  “I wouldn’t have let you come with me, wouldn’t have let you anywhere near her again if I knew you were only in it to get your dick wet. This is my daughter, this is Silver’s niece, this is a woman of the club and she deserves more,” he shouts.

  Tilting my head to the side, I attempt to keep my cool. I don’t mention that for someone who’s decided she deserves so much respect, he fucking abandoned her with a grade-A bitch for twenty years. I don’t say a lot of shit. Instead, I stay seated and close my eyes while I inhale a deep breath before I speak.

  “Right now, the only thing that matters is that she’s safe. She wasn’t safe there. Her career choices are her own and not for us to decide. You need to sit the fuck down,” I grunt.

  Hawk opens his mouth, but Dragon slams down his gavel instead. “Sit,” he demands with a low rumble. Hawk’s ass immediately sits and I slowly turn my gaze to my president.

  “It doesn’t matter. None of that shit does, that’s all petty, personal shit. All that matters, like Taz said, is that she’s here and she’s safe. The rest can be hashed out later. Although, I’m sure that I’m with the rest of the men when I say we all think that you should brand her, Taz.”

  “I asked her this morning. She said no.” Silver lets out a snort. “What?” I ask, turning to him.

  Silver’s lips are twitching. “Hombre, you’re going to have to do a lot more than just throw out a question like that for Trista. She knows the kind of men we are, she knows the kind of man you are. She isn’t going to accept anything less than her worth and right now, she knows she’s worthy of a fuck’ve a lot more than a middle-aged fuckhead who can’t keep his dick in his pants.”

  I could get mad at the description, but Silver isn’t wrong. Unfortunately, I’m middle-aged. I also have no plans on keeping my dick in my pants anytime soon.

  Though right now, I have to admit it likes where it is, I can’t imagine roaming too far from Trista while she’s here.

  “She absolutely deserves better than me. I don’t dispute that. I also am not going to stand around holding my dick while she finds it either. Now, can we get to club fucking business, instead of what bitch sits on my dick?” I bark.

  Dragon and a few others chuckle. Silver and Hawk glare at me, but I ignore them and shift my gaze to my president. Dragon clears his throat and the room quiets down, my sex life pushed aside and club business is finally taking precedence.

  Chapter Eleven


  Once I’m showered, my hair is washed and braided, I dress in a pair of cut-off shorts and a loose tank top. Sliding my feet into a pair of sandals, I let out a sigh as I dig my phone out of my bag. Finding Avah’s number, I press call.

  “Are you okay?” she snaps as her greeting.

  I clear my throat and try not to laugh. “I’m okay. I’m at the clubhouse. Are you okay?” I ask.

  There’s a moment of silence and she lets out a sigh. “I’m good. Layne is fucking pissed, I had to make a deal with him to keep you on,” she whispers.

  I know the deal. I knew it before I left. I’m going to have to do more than just platonic dates. Pinching my eyes closed, I inhale a deep breath before I release it. “What is the damage?” I ask.

  “I don’t even know if you want to know,” she mutters.

  I let out a laugh. At this point, it doesn’t matter anymore. My life is not my own, I have everyone else making decisions for me, why not one more person. “Just tell me. I can take it.”

  “You liked Cameron from the other night, right?”


  She hums. “Maybe it won’t be so bad then…”

  “Just tell me,” I snap.

  She chuckles. “Okay, yeah. Well, because of everything that happened. Cameron was fucking pissed, and scared. Layne had to make it right. I mean Cameron’s father is a huge client, has been for decades.” She clears her throat.

  “You are to join Cameron for an entire week, for free. Nothing is off the table. After that, you aren’t really allowed to turn down paying customers, if you do, he’s going to put you to work and trust me when I tell you that our gig, that’s not what he considers work.”

  “Do you mean, like on the street?” I ask on a whisper.

  “Yeah. I’ve never done it, but I know a girl that was put to work as a punishment. It wasn’t pretty, babe. You do not want that. Not at all.”

  “Fuck,” I hiss.

  “That’s about right.”

  I try not to think about everything she’s just said, and worse, what she hasn’t said. My choices are limited. I could go back to working at the spa, maybe take some classes and try to do something else.

  “Tell him I’ll do it,” I state, my body jerking in my own surprise.

  “Are you sure? You can live with me without an issue. You don’t have to do this,” she offers.

  Shaking my head, I pinch my eyes closed. I know that she can’t see me, but I nod. “I’m sure,” I whisper. “It’s time for me to either go all in, or be done with the whole thing. After I’m finished here, there will be nothing holding me back from going all in,” I admit.

  “Not even your heart?”

  “My heart doesn’t matter, Avah. You of all people should know that.”

  There’s a moment of silence and she sighs. “Yeah, I do. Just, really think about it. I won’t give Layne your answer right away. When you’re finished there, you can finalize it. I don’t want to jump the gun at all. You could change your mind.”

  “Which is code for, he could change his mind,” I point out.

  She hums. “Perhaps it’s just wishful thinking. But a girl can dream that her best girl gets the man of her dreams, even if he is a prick.”

  “He is, isn’t he?” I laugh.

  Standing to my feet, I start to shuffle toward the door. She confirms and we spend the next few minutes talking about nothing important. When I make my way to the kitchen, I’m about to hang up with her when I remind her to watch out.

  “If he’s related to Eagle, he’s probably hot. Please be careful. His name is Angel, but he could go by anything, just watch your back, okay?”

  “I’ll stay on the alert. Take care of yourself there, all of you,” she says, her warning more for my heart than any other part of my body.

  “I will. Love you, Avah,” I mutter.

  “Love you, too.”

  Ending the call, I reach for a coffee cup, then the pot. I’m not paying attention, pouring my cup, then the dry creamer in, until the dark liquid turns a creamy taupe color. I hear a woman clear her throat behind me.

  Straightening my spine, I turn around and come face to face with a whore I’ve never seen before. I shouldn’t be surprised that there’s a new one, they kind of change most of them out like dirty underwear. All except Pinkie, who has been here almost as long as I can remember. She’s loved, she doesn’t cause problems, and she runs shit.

  “I’m assuming you have something to say to me?” I ask.

  She curls her lips in an evil looking smile and I know for a fact she has something that she is just begging to tell me. Inwardly, I roll my eyes at her. She’s just like all the other catty little bitches that have come and gone in this place.

  “I saw you with Ridge. Heard the girls talking. You’re Hawk’s kid here for protection. I’m guessing Ridge is going to pl
ay with you while you’re here. Just wanted to let you know…” she says, looking me up and down as she licks her red painted lips. Personally, I think it’s a little early in the morning for cherry red lipstick, but whatever.

  “You wanted me to know what? Please, warn me,” I say, keeping my voice even and my tone bored sounding.

  She laughs softly, and for some reason, I don’t hate it like I know that I should. My eyes look her over and I really take her in.

  She’s wearing a short denim skirt and a tank top. She looks a little like me, but with brown hair that has blue highlights. She’s pretty, which sucks, because I know she’s about to be a bitch to me.

  “I’m Sable, by the way,” she smiles.

  I wait for her to finish her little speech, my heart racing because she just called Taz by his name more than once, at least I think she’s referring to him, since I don’t know his name, I’m not sure that it’s who she’s talking about.

  “Anyway. I just wanted to let you know, if you want to keep him interested, I am more than willing to play with you.”

  She takes a step toward me, reaching out, her index finger extends and my breath hitches when her red-tipped nail drags down my throat and stops just at my cleavage. I arch a brow, unsure of who she wants more, me or Taz.

  Right now, I would guess that Sable leans a little more toward the ladies, the way her pupils are dilated and the way she licks her lips as she stares at my tits.

  “Ridge is like most men. He likes watching two women. Loves it, actually. You’re beautiful and I would love to taste you,” she breathes.

  Inhaling a sharp breath, I turn my head to the side just in time to see Taz standing in the doorway. His mouth is slack-jawed and he’s watching, just as she said, like he really enjoys what he sees even though we’re fully clothed and nothing is happening… yet.

  I lick my lips, my eyes locked in on his. Lifting my hand, I cup the back of Sable’s head, gripping her hair a little harder than I probably should. Tugging her toward me, I angle my head and kiss her.

  My eyes never leave Taz’s. Sable’s tongue slides out and tastes my lips. Without thinking, I open my mouth. Her tongue tangles with mine. Slowly, I move my hand to her ass, cupping her. Taz closes his mouth, his eyes narrowing on us before he clears his throat.

  Sable takes a step back, her cheeks pink, and I watch as she shifts her hair, tucking it behind her ear. “Oh, I’m sorry. I was just introducing myself to Trista here,” she whispers, in a breathy over-the-top voice. I almost roll my eyes, but I don’t have the energy.

  “Go on back inside, there’s some empty laps that are just beggin’ to be filled after that meeting,” he grunts.

  Taz smirks as she shakes her ass and walks out of the room, thankfully she doesn’t say anything else and he doesn’t watch her ass as it sways from side to side.

  “That was hot,” he announces, staying in the doorway.

  I shrug a shoulder, reaching for my coffee and bringing it to my lips to take a sip. “That was your main bitch trying to assert her dominance, Ridge,” I sneer.

  His body jerks as his eyes widen. “What did you call me?” he asks, keeping his voice almost lethally low.

  I try not to show him any reaction.


  Arching a brow, I watch as she takes another sip of her drink. “I called you Ridge, that’s your name, right?” she asks.

  Clearing my throat, I take a step toward her, then another, and another until I’m directly in front of her. She slowly sets her drink down, her head tilting back and her blue eyes focused on mine.

  “It’s my name,” I mutter.

  “Yeah, I figured it out when your clubwhore kept referring to you as Ridge,” she snaps.

  I shake my head once. I don’t know how Sable figured out my name, fuck, maybe I told her once when I was high. Who the hell knows how whores figure shit out like that? Reaching out, I wrap my hand around the front of her throat, to her credit, Trista doesn’t even flinch.

  “My clubwhore?” I ask.

  Her lips twitch. “Yeah, she made it very clear that you guys had a thing. She also made it clear that you liked to watch her with other women and she was more than willing to do that with me, for you, at least for now.”

  Dipping my chin, I lower my face, my lips almost touching hers. “Only woman in this whole fuckin’ world that’s mine, is you. Have I fucked her? Sure. So has half the club. That’s shit you got to let go. You don’t have a reason to be jealous and while that kiss was hot as fuck, nobody touches you without my permission,” I growl.

  She struggles against me, but I press my body against hers to keep her body still. Lowering my head, I slide my tongue along her lips, tasting her, taking that whore’s touch away from her.

  “Fuck you, Taz. That bitch knew your name. I’ve been fucking you since I was nineteen years old and you’ve never told me your name. You fucking bastard,” she shouts in my face.

  “Quiet,” I bark.

  “Fuck your quiet,” she screeches.

  Her body is wriggling, she’s fighting, even as I grip her throat tighter. Lifting my other hand, I wrap my fingers around her waist to try to keep her still.

  Tilting my head to the side, I slam my mouth against hers. I kiss her. It’s hard. It’s rough. It’s downright claiming. She needs to fucking understand that she’s mine. She is who I choose right now, nobody else, just her.

  Ripping my mouth from hers, I press my forehead against her own, my eyes close as I attempt to just breathe. My breath is panting as is hers and for a moment we’re just quiet.

  “I don’t want her. I want you,” I murmur.

  Trista’s palms press against my chest. “She knew your name. Do you know how that feels?”

  He snorts. “Yeah, I do.”

  Trista’s head jerks and her eyes widen as she tilts her head back and looks into my eyes. “That douchebag, the day I showed up? He knew your full name. I didn’t know your name was Tristiana.”

  I watch as she licks her lips, then she attempts to shake her head. My grip is too firm, my body still too close to hers. She’s not going anywhere, no way in fuck, not until this shit is hashed the fuck out between us.

  “That’s not the same and you know it,” she snaps.

  Sliding my hand down, I pop the button from her sexy little shorts, then slide the zipper down before I shove them over her hips, along with her lacy panties. She gasps, but instead of fighting me more, she reaches between us, unbuttons, unzips, and frees my semi-hard cock.

  Without a word, I take a step back, giving Trista enough room to jump on the edge of the counter. My hand is still wrapped around the front of her throat, my eyes focused in pure desire as she spreads her pretty thighs for me.

  Guiding my dick toward her center, I groan as soon as I come into contact with her already wet heat.

  “Is that what you want, Trista? You want to fuck Sable while I watch? You want to fuck me while she watches, prove to the bitch that only you ride my dick?” I ask.

  She shakes her head, her eyes narrowing as she lifts her legs, wrapping them around me and pulls me closer toward her center. I bury myself inside of her with a long groan. My eyes roll in the back of my head as her sweet center envelops me.

  Sliding my hand from the front of her throat, I wrap my fingers around the back of her neck and squeeze, opening my eyes to look down into her blue gaze. She licks her lips, her mouth parting slightly.

  “Fuck you, Ridge,” she grinds out. “What I want you’ll never give me. You’re too busy giving it to whores,” she snaps.

  Her pussy clenches around me, her muscles tightening as she pulls me closer to her in anger. My breath hitches as I pull my hips back then slam back inside of her. Touching my forehead to hers, I fuck her, pounding into her heat, unable to breathe.

  “Fuck you,” she breathlessly repeats.

  Pressing my thumb against her clit, I don’t stop, too focused on not losing my load too soon. Trista mewls, she cries out and when she still
s, her pussy spasming around me, only then do I allow myself to come. Burying myself deep inside of her, I moan as I empty my load deep in her sweet body.

  Lifting my head, I look down into her blue eyes. She’s not crying, thank fuck. Shifting my hand from between our bodies, I slide my knuckles down the side of her face.

  “You’re hot when you’re jealous, babe. Sexy when you’re trying to make me jealous. Let’s not make a habit out of either, yeah?”

  “Fuck you,” she hisses.

  My lips twitch. “Did that. Hottest cunt I’ve ever had, babe. Which is why you’ve kept me coming back for more for three years. Never banged a bitch that long in my entire goddamn life. My name’s Ridge. I didn’t tell that whore it was my name. She’s never called me that before. She played you, babe. She wants to be where you are. She’ll continue to play you, too, if you let her,” I say.

  Trista shakes her head. “I know when someone is just trying to play me, Taz. That was more than that,” she whispers.

  Shaking my head, I touch my lips to hers. “No, you ain’t played with these women before. You can’t just ignore her. You gotta put her in her place, and I know an easy way you can do that.” I grin.

  Trista reaches up, wrapping her hand around the side of my neck. Her eyes search mine before she lets out a sigh. “I’m going to ignore her. She’ll just fade away in the background. What I’m not going to do is get your brand because some girl is trying to be where I am. If you want her, you’ll have her, brand or no brand on my body.”

  “This shit again?” I growl.

  She doesn’t even flinch at my anger. She slides her hand from my neck to my chest and presses her palm against me. “This shit will always be between us. This shit is us. Me wanting more, you not wanting anything but a good time. This is who we are.”

  Chapter Twelve


  My father sits down next to me at the bar. I’ve got water in my hand, not feeling like drinking much today, Taz muddles my mind enough, I don’t need to add booze to my already confused brain.


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