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UnTouch Me (Savage Beast MC Book 5)

Page 26

by Hayley Faiman

  Sable slowly turns around and gasps, her eyes wide as she looks at me.

  “I’m sick of your shit, bitch,” I state.

  She licks her overly plumped up lips and smirks. “What are you going to do about it, hit me?” she asks.

  Looking to the side, I bring my gaze back to meet hers, balling my hand into a fist, bringing it back, and then she takes a step away from me. I grab her hair with my other hand, twisting my fist in the dark strands, then do just that.

  Pushing my balled-up fist forward, I slam it right into the middle of the bitch’s nose.

  She screams bloody murder and tries to scratch at my arm holding her hair, like the cunt she is. She doesn’t realize that these men raised me. Silver taught me how to fight to defend myself at a young age. The bitches that started shit with me in school taught me how to fight dirty as fuck.

  This is the way shit goes down when you’re in this life. This is the shit you learn and cunts like Sable are a dime a dozen, these guys will find someone else to spread their holes for them. What they won’t do is accept her bitch ass attitude toward an Old Lady.

  I pull her hair hard, forcing her body on the dirty floor. Keeping my hand in her hair, I straddle her hips, sitting on her and continue to beat the absolute fuck out of her face. I go for her eyes, her lips, the side of her head, and then her cheeks, leaving not a single part of her fucking face untouched.

  That is, until a pair of strong arms wrap around me. One slides across the upper part of my chest, the other wraps around my waist and yanks my body against his chest.

  “You wanna fuck with me again, bitch?” I shout, my feet kicking toward a crying Sable. “I am not playing this shit with some whore,” I scream.

  “Enough,” Taz’s voice harshly rumbles in my ear. Only then do I stop fighting.

  Shifting my gaze from Sable, I look around the room, my face turning red with embarrassment when I realize every single brother is standing in a circle around us.

  The blood eventually stops roaring in my ears and I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, mortified that I let myself get so pissed off at someone so insignificant.

  Taz turns me around and continues to hold me against him as he walks toward our bedroom, only then does the whole place turn into echoes of roaring laughter.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  With all the shit going on with the club, the last thing that I needed was my brothers coming into my meeting with Dragon and the rest of the men to tell me that my Old Lady was in a fight with a whore. A fucking insignificant whore.

  Walking into the bar, my entire body froze solid at the sight of Trista without a scratch on her, absolutely beating the shit out of Sable. My cock instantly went hard, as desire pumped throughout my entire body at the fact that my woman can fucking fight.

  Without a word, I carry her toward our room, using my foot, I kick the door closed behind me, slamming her back against that closed wooden door. Her arms wrap around my shoulders, her breathing comes out in short pants as I press my hips against her shorts-covered center.

  “Ridge,” she moans as my lips touch hers. I hum against her mouth, my hands squeezing the outsides of her thighs.

  “You beat the shit out of her, probably won’t be able to see right for a month,” I mumble against her mouth.

  Trista smiles against my lips, her tongue tasting my own before she pulls away slightly. “I’m not sure I give a shit. That bitch had it coming,” she breathes.

  “You fightin’ over me, babe?” I ask.

  She presses her lips together, her eyes searching my own. Then without a word, she leans forward, rolling her hips along my hard length beneath my jeans as her mouth presses against mine.

  “I was fighting because she’s a cunt and she needed to be put in her place,” she announces softly

  I snort, carrying her over to the bed, knowing I won’t be able to get her shorts off with her propped against that wall. “So, in other words…” I say, allowing my voice to trail off.

  “I was fighting over you, but for myself. She deserved it,” Trista states as I place her on the edge of the bed.

  Reaching for the hem of her shirt, I slowly slip the fabric from her body, then unhook her bra and tug the straps down her arm before I toss it to the side. My eyes take in her gorgeous rack, then slide up to the bandage on the top of her tit.

  “I want to see it when you ride me,” I announce as I reach for the tape and slowly peel it off of her.

  Trista’s hands extend and her fingers unbutton my jeans before they slowly slide the zipper down. She shoves the jeans and my underwear down my hips, over my ass, and toward my mid-thigh. Then without a word, I feel her fingers wrap around my hard length.

  Dipping down, I touch my mouth to hers as she strokes me. Lifting one of my hands to her tit, I cup her, squeezing gently before I use my fingers to roll her hard nipple, then tug.

  She whimpers in my mouth, a sound I’ll gladly swallow, but I don’t know how much longer I can go without being inside of her sweet body.

  Ending the kiss, I take a step back and quickly undress, throwing my clothes around the room. Thankfully, I don’t have to ask Trista to take her shorts and shoes off, she seems just as needy as I am.

  Without a word, she spreads her legs and I watch as she starts to slip her fingers through her folds. I freeze, my eyes watching her movements. She dips her fingers inside of her pussy, then swirls them around her clit, working herself up to more than ready for me.

  “Trista?” I ask on an exhale.

  She hums and I lift my gaze to hers for a moment. Her eyes are focused on mine as her hand continues to move between her legs. She shakes her head once.

  “I love you, Ridge,” she pants. “Do you love me the same way?”

  “This some kind of way to use your cunt to keep me loyal?” I ask, smirking at her.

  She shakes her head once. “I know pussy isn’t the way to keep you loyal and you know I’m just weak enough to always let you come back inside,” she breathes as she continues to work herself.

  “What are you asking, babe?”

  “Do you love me enough to be faithfully mine? To protect my body from whatever those whores could possibly share?”

  My entire body jerks from her words. I could tell her to fuck herself. I could lie to her and tell her that I’ll never even think of straying. I could tell her the same shit I’ve been saying for weeks. That I’m trying to be loyal for the first time in my entire goddamn life.

  I could say a lot of shit. I could promise a hell of a lot too. I’m not going to, not anymore. All she needs to know is that she’s mine and I’m hers.

  That’s all.

  The rest will have to come with time and I’m not promising shit that I’m more than likely going to break at one point or another.

  Shaking my head once, I walk around the bed and climb up. Resting my back against the headboard, I spread my thighs and prop my knees to the side. Dipping my chin down to my cock in a silent order for her, I watch as she looks at me from over her shoulder.

  Trista presses her lips together, narrowing her eyes on my lack of promise, then wordlessly she does what I’ve demanded. I hold my breath as she crawls up between my thighs, then places her hands on the small headboard and straddles my hips.

  Holding my dick still with one hand, I watch as she slowly sinks down, taking all of me inside of her sweet body. With a shiver, she bites her bottom lip as she settles down along my cock. Her eyes find mine and I smile.

  Lifting my hand, I curl my fingers in the back of her hair, tugging her head down to look into my eyes.

  “I’m not promising you shit, babe. I’m giving you me and I’m taking you. That’s all I got for you. Giving you my brand, my mark, filling you up with a baby and giving you my name. That’s what I can give you and that’s all that I can promise right now.”

  Trista leans over slightly as she rolls her hips and starts to ride me. My eyes shift from hers to her tattoo, and I sm
ile at the way my name is scrolled across her pretty tit. Her body moves, my eyes never leaving that tattoo as she searches for her release.

  My hands wrap around her hips, my fingers squeezing her harder, her body moving faster. “I want more,” she says softly.

  “You got everything I can give, beautiful,” I say.

  She hums, her body moving, her greedy pussy taking from me. I let her, knowing it’s not just what she needs, but what I want too. Her head falls back as one of my hands shifts between her legs and my thumb starts to work her clit.

  I feel her thighs shake and her pussy flutter, signaling that she’s close. Leaning forward, I wrap my lips around her nipple, my tongue slipping out to taste her sweet bud as she continues to ride me, her hips moving harder and faster, bucking against me as she grinds down against my thumb with each roll.

  Closing my teeth around her nipple, I tug. Her head falls back and she lets out a cry as her cunt clamps down around me and I feel the wetness of her climax drip down my balls.

  I don’t give her a moment to relish in her release. With my mouth still against her tit, I grab ahold of her hips with both hands and use her body to jack my cock.

  She cries out with each thrust of my hips, each time I slam her down against my pelvis, and on the fifth stroke, I finally roar with my own climax, my release filling her body.


  I could try and lie, say that I wasn’t fighting over him, but Ridge knows the truth and I’m not one to hide stuff like that anyway. His ego is almost bigger than it should be, but I don’t mind because I do love him and that bitch deserved a few punches to her face.

  Lying against his chest, I bury my face in his neck, avoiding the side with the bandage, knowing his tattoo has to be as sore and sensitive as my own. His cock is still inside of me, softening, but as long as I don’t move, I’ll still be able to feel him right where he belongs.

  Ridge uses his fingers, dragging them up and down my back before he lets out a small sigh. “You can’t go around beating the shit out of people,” he informs me.

  “I know,” I lie. I can and I will if they deserve it.

  His body shakes, which causes him to slip from inside of me and I hum, wishing he could be back there. I love the way he feels, I also love the way his body makes me feel, too.

  “You’re a little liar, but you’re fucking adorable,” he says, laughing a little more.

  Lifting my head, I touch my mouth to his. “Is it so bad, when a bitch talks about having you fuck her ass, that she’ll be right here when you leave me at our home, that I beat her ass? She’s been asking for it, consistently, since I walked in here weeks ago,” I murmur against his lips.

  His arms wrap around me, squeezing, and he lets out a grunt. Pulling my head up slightly, I look down into his eyes. He watches me, his eyes searching my own for a moment.

  “You think I’d go and run to her as soon as I leave our bed?” he asks, looking almost betrayed at the concept.

  I’m not a fool though. Right now, maybe it seems impossible. In a few years, after a baby, and all of the responsibilities that one brings, yeah, I think he would. Easy, quick, physical relief will be a no-brainer for him, as it is for so many of the men in an MC.

  “Babe,” he grunts. “Building you a place just down the way from here. You’ll be able to see Coyote’s place and the clubhouse. Decided having you all the way in town was too fuckin’ far.”

  My heart stops beating in my chest. My entire body freezes and I stare at him in disbelief. My lips part in awe and I can’t do anything but stare down at him. I watch as his lips turn up into a smirk.

  Without a word, his arms wrap tightly around me, before he rolls us over and plants his knees in the bed, his arms hugging my chest to his. I ignore the ache of my fresh tattoo unable to do anything, my words have been completely stolen.

  “I just can’t believe…” I whisper.

  He slides his nose alongside mine, his mouth touching my own for a brief moment. “Believe it, beautiful. I want you close. I meant that shit, and the thought of having you across town, it didn’t sit right with me. This is where you belong, where you’ve always belonged, right here on this clubhouse property.”

  Tears fall, streaming down the sides of my eyes and onto the pillow beneath my head. “Okay, I like that idea,” I whisper.

  “Besides, you and Pinkie can run the fuck out of this place better than any of us ever could. Dragon wants you here, he wants you in charge of the bar, of the kitchen. Of ordering booze and food, of making sure we’re supplied for lockdowns, all that shit. You run the shit show, babe.”

  “Seriously?” I wheeze.

  He only grins down at me, obviously loving my reaction of shock and disbelief, mixed with pure awe.

  “Want my family close, Trista. You’re my family, the club is my family, I want you all right here.”

  “And Dragon is okay with me taking over that stuff for the club?” I ask softly.

  He grins. “He is. Della can help if she’s needed, Pinkie is here to help too. Both women who’ve lived here. Both able to do whatever you want, but babe, you’ll be in charge of shit. Pinkie’s in charge of the whores already, she’ll be happy not to worry about the rest of the shit. Whores and prospects will still clean. Your job is just management.”

  It’s more than I could have ever hoped for. Not only having Taz want me and claim me, but then being given an opportunity to make myself useful this way. It’s just too much. It’s perfect. That doesn’t include the fact that I’ll be close, always.

  Taz brushes his lips across mine, his mouth softly touching my own. “Love you, babe. We all love you. Everyone wants you to stay and be happy, especially me.”

  Lifting my head, I touch my mouth against his. “This is my dream come true, all of it. Every single moment since you walked back into my life has been what only my dreams could have come up with. I don’t know how it happened. I’m not going to even second guess a second of it. All I know is that it’s everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  Ridge chuckles, shaking his head once. “Okay, babe. Just so you know, I couldn’t have dreamed a better fuckin’ reality than what this is with you. I couldn’t have ever fuckin’ imagined that riding down to LA to pick you up, this is where we would fall into place. Happy. So goddamn happy.”

  He slants his head to the side, his tongue filling my mouth and tasting me. My entire body shivers as he holds me against his chest, his heavy body against mine. I feel his length grow against my still wet and sticky center.

  Ridge grunts, shifting his hips so that his cock slides against my center, rubbing against my clit with each move. I whimper against his mouth, his hips moving at the same time his tongue does. Then he shifts and his cock fills me. He fucks my mouth and my pussy at the same time.

  Lifting my hips, I wrap my legs around his waist and pull him closer to me, needing to feel his entire body against my own. He’s still on his knees, but his hips roll, his pelvis rolling against my clit, causing me to climb higher and higher.

  My entire body begins to tremble as he thrusts harder and faster. Closing my eyes, I let out an exhaled breath as I reach my climax. I’m so close, just standing on the edge of the cliff, ready to fall over at any second.

  “I want your eyes when I make you come, beautiful,” he rasps.

  Opening my eyes, my breath hitches at the sight. He’s not hiding anything, showing me all of his love, his adoration, his complete devotion.

  Arching my back, I come. It rolls through me, so sweet and long as he speeds up his pace, moving faster and harder, his thrusts losing all rhythm until he stills, rooting deep inside of me with a growl as he comes.

  We watch one another. He’s absolutely stunning, totally breathtaking as his climax takes over his entire body. His arms, once straight, his hands on either side of my head, eventually give out and his upper body slowly lowers against mine. His chest presses against me and his lips touch my own.

  “You make me the happiest woma
n on earth, Ridge. I’m so happy to be yours.”

  He grunts against my mouth. “You could do better, but fuck me, I’ll never give you the opportunity to try. Love you, Tristiana.”




  Sable tries to narrow her swollen eyes at me from across the bar as I walk by. Finally, the bitch has figured out that I’m not playing any fucking games with her, none. It took Trista beating the shit out of her to get it through her thick skull.

  Still, it was one of the sexiest moments I’ve ever witnessed in my life. Though, at forty-four, probably not something that’s too mature to admit, even to myself.

  I grab a couple long guns, then some handguns, and all of the suppressors we have in stock. Seeing as we have two crews heading out to finish these two rich fucks, I want to make sure that we’re all fully stocked to get this job done. I don’t want anyone to come back empty-handed.

  I hear the door behind me open, turning my head, I’m surprised to see that it’s Sable. Up close her face is totally fucked up, completely trashed. Though, that doesn’t stop these guys from fucking her doggy style. A pussy is a pussy when you want to get off.

  “So, heard you’re building your woman a place just across from here, by Coyote’s recluse Old Lady,” she mumbles.

  Snorting, I don’t really confirm or deny her words, she’s right of course. Dragon has agreed and I’ve already found a couple plans that I like.

  A steel building company is coming out in a couple weeks, after all this shit is handled with these sick rich bastards. The house won’t take long to be completed, just a couple of months and we’ll have a place to call our own.

  “What do you want?” I ask with a sigh.

  She backs up against the closed door, dipping her chin as she looks at her feet. Slowly, she lifts her eyes up to meet mine. I flinch at the bruised, swollen features of her once pretty face, every time I see her, I flinch because that shit looks like it hurts twenty-four-seven. She’ll be pretty again, all that shit just needs time to go back to normal, Trista didn’t actually break anything.


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