Captivating Nights (Boston Nights Book 1)

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Captivating Nights (Boston Nights Book 1) Page 6

by Anise Storm

  It was amazing to Cali that she was still so turned on. What had just transpired between the three of them was much more than she’d had in months, if ever. She was aroused and not even the boring details of her life could minimize it.

  “Y-yes,” she stammered, “I write erotica.” There! It was out in the open and now they could move on. She knew her admission would lead to the same questions that most people asked and sure enough, Zane didn’t disappoint.

  “Good to know, angel. You said you’ve never experienced a ménage. Have you ever written about one before?”

  Cali nodded and then saw the corner of his mouth tip up in a smirk. Zane was so incredibly sexy, but when he smiled, he was downright lethal. Wetting her bottom lip with her tongue, she quickly answered him, hoping that his curiosity would be satisfied and he would drop the conversation. “I do a lot of research.”

  “Hands-on research is so much better. It’s incredibly accurate. Wouldn’t you agree, Zane?”

  Her face heated up in what she knew was a vivid flush. When both men placed their hands on her to caress her upper thighs, she found herself silently agreeing that hands-on research was the best kind ever.

  Her resistance weakened further while they continued to touch her and she looked once more toward the door. There were only about twenty steps to freedom. Calista knew she would lose what was left of her senses and there would be no escape for her if she remained in this room.

  “What other topics do you write about? Are they from experience or more research?” Xavier’s question was expected, but she didn’t want to talk about her books any longer. If they knew what else she wrote about…

  Cali shook her head, determined to find a way to leave. Deciding to play the fatigue card, she brought her hand to her mouth to stifle a forced yawn. “I’m exhausted and think that it’s best I return to my room. I had a lovely time here…” She stopped and realized her last statement wasn’t the best thing to say after what had been shared in that bed. ‘Lovely’ was certainly not the right adjective to describe sex with those two. “I meant I…” She had no idea what to say and her social awkwardness was now fully on display.

  Tears of horror filled her eyes and she swiped them away once she climbed over Xavier, finally making it completely off the bed. His large hand wrapped around her wrist, effectively holding her captive. “Calista?”

  Turning away, she tried to swiftly regain her composure long enough to look at him. Finding his gaze, she kept it trained on Xavier, not even daring to glance over at Zane. She could feel his eyes on her, though. It was similar to the night before when she’d been out on her balcony.

  “We didn’t mean to upset you, Calista,” Zane said.

  Her restraint crumbled a bit more when her head turned in his direction. Damn! The power these two men had on her already was beyond unnerving. She responded even when she wasn’t sure she wanted to.

  “I just feel silly because I’m sure you’re both used to more glamorous women. I’m just a quiet writer from the States. Yes, I write erotica, but no, most of my work is not derived from experience of any kind. In fact, it is just the opposite. My writing is straight up fantasy, plain and simple. It’s fiction. If that is all you want to know, I really am tired and would like to go back to my room to rest.”

  Her voice cracked at the end and she inwardly cursed at herself. Not only was she blubbering, but she was being overly emotional. Grab your dress, put it on, and leave. Those three tasks seemed simple enough, but not when the heat of their gazes scorched her body. Cali shivered beneath the scrutiny and was about to bend down to retrieve her dress from the floor when a pair of strong arms literally swept her off her feet.

  “We’d like for you to stay a while longer, belleza,” Xavier said, setting her back on the now cooling sheets. “If you’re really that tired, then you can take a nap right here.” He patted the top of the mattress, and Cali knew her lie wouldn’t hold up.

  She weighed her odds and came up with the perfect solution. She would go to sleep, waiting for the two men to do the same. Once they were out, she would slip out of bed and return to her own room.

  Feigning a yawn once more, she simply nodded, and Zane reappeared just in time to pull the blanket over her. The gesture of being tucked into bed was even more foreign to her. Finally, she closed her eyes and drowned out the sounds of the men moving around as she waited for an opportunity to present itself.

  Chapter 12

  ZANE LOOKED UP JUST as Xavier exited the bathroom wearing a pair of loose-fitting sweatpants. While his friend had gone to shower, Zane had been on his laptop, all the while keeping an eye on their sleeping beauty.

  “I’ve pulled up some of Calista’s books on the web. You should look at this,” he said, sliding the laptop over to Xavier as soon as he took a seat. He could see the man digesting the information before coming to the same conclusion that he did.

  A slow grin crept across Xavier’s face. Cali didn’t just write erotica; she wrote a few novels that contained BDSM. The lifestyle was one that he and Zane had lived for about fifteen years. They were rooted so deeply within it and to find out that the innocent girl in the bed across from them had at least some knowledge of what it entailed was like the icing on the cake.

  A few hours before, they’d kept things very simple with her, and Cali had taken so naturally to everything they had done to her. While Xavier had been in the bathroom, he’d glanced over many of her reviews on Amazon and other literary sites. She was a very successful author and he’d wondered briefly why she wasn’t more proud of her obvious accomplishments. She had almost seemed ashamed of something that she should have been excited about instead.

  “Calm down, though, Z. Just because she’s written a few books about it doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s amenable to trying any of it with us. After all, Cali did say that she researched many of the topics she wrote about.”

  Zane shrugged, knowing his friend could be right. Something told him that Xavier was wrong about this. He went back and replayed her entire conversation in his head. “On the contrary, I think she would.”

  Xavier swiped his finger across the mouse pad as he continued scrolling through the pages on her website. He had to have seen the same things that Zane did. Finally, when he raised his head, he grinned. “What makes you such an expert? If I’m not mistaken, I’m the one who can read minds.”

  “Think about it. She said that what she writes is strictly fantasy. Are they her own dark fantasies or those of her readers? She’d never had a ménage yet it didn’t stop her from experiencing one with us last night. I’d be willing to bet that she’d at least be open to the possibility of something a little edgier with you and me.”

  Zane, for what felt like the first time in a very long while, was the voice of reason. He couldn’t understand why Xavier seemed reluctant to entertain the possibility. Last night the other Dominant was ready to seduce the unknowing female. Now that he had, it wasn’t really his style to just toss her aside.

  He studied Xavier, trying to get a read on his friend. Sure, the man didn’t like attachments of any sort and would often distance himself from a submissive after a few scenes. He always proclaimed that it was for many different reasons other than the most obvious. Zane knew better, though. All those other women, and there had been plenty over the years, were merely playthings to him. The fact that he didn’t allow Calista to leave last night when she tried was beginning to speak volumes.

  Is it possible that she makes you feel something, man? Zane chuckled aloud at that notion, not because it was a ludicrous suggestion, but because he too had felt something toward the girl from the moment he’d first laid eyes on her. If Xavier did, he would make sure that he detached himself from her immediately.

  “Maybe you’re right about her, Z,” Xavier admitted after heaving out a loud sigh. His focus returned to the information on the computer screen.

  “I’ve figured everything out, X. I think for once you should trust my judgment,”
Zane told him.

  It wasn’t very often that his friend had to be convinced to keep a woman around, especially one who was potentially submissive. And after everything that’d happened with Elena, Zane also wondered what the hell he was thinking. Even the nightmares that’d haunted him for months weren’t enough of a deterrent. He couldn’t explain the pull he’d felt toward Calista Grant. All he did know was that he’d needed to push her past her comfort zone, and if he and Xavier ended up being pushed past their own, it was a gamble he was willing to take.

  “I suppose you have a point, man,” Xavier relented.

  “I do,” Zane countered and then grinned. “And with this all settled, I’m going to take a shower.”

  Xavier nodded and then looked back at the laptop screen. From their years of friendship, Zane knew by the time he emerged from the shower, the man would’ve already mentally catalogued her entire bibliography of work. And if X didn’t, he had already done himself.

  Walking into the bathroom, he turned the faucet on and allowed the water to heat up. In nothing but a pair of loose sweats himself, Zane removed them and was about to step into the shower stall when something in the mirror caught his attention.

  Stopping, he turned to get a better look at the scratches left by the female. Zane smirked. One of these nights he’d wear her marks all the way down his back. That was something he was looking forward to. He’d already thought of several different things he wanted to do to and with her, and as they entered his mind, his cock grew erect again.

  Zane entered the shower and stood under the scalding spray of water before fisting his erection. When he’d teased Calista’s puckered entrance earlier and then inserted one of his fingers inside, she was so incredibly snug. A groan escaped his lips as he tightened his hold on his cock, squeezing it so tightly. His eyes closed and he imagined sinking inside of her.

  “Fuck,” he ground out as he squeezed tighter. Calista’s ass would have to be this tight, and by the time Xavier took her from the front…Zane ingrained that fantasy in his mind and his shaft twitched. Keeping the same grip, he stroked himself from base to tip, repeatedly, until he let a string of curse words fly. A bolt of lightning shot from his balls and his cum erupted from the tip. He pumped himself roughly until it went limp.

  Then he dropped his hands to his sides and took a few deep breaths. The water continued to cascade around him. Finally, he picked up the bar of soap, cleaned himself, and then shampooed his hair. By the time he stepped out of the stall and grabbed a towel, Zane was more determined to see her kneeling at his feet one day soon.

  He combed his hair and then threw his sweats back on. When he reentered the room, Xavier was sitting with the laptop in his lap. From the way he was studying the screen, Zane was sure it had something to do with Calista. His friend barely even acknowledged his presence, so he walked behind his chair and glanced over his shoulder to see what had captured his undivided attention.

  He almost chuckled when he noticed it was Calista’s most recent release. “Read anything good lately, X?”

  Xavier flipped him off and then motioned him away. Zane smiled. It looked like the two men were on the same page again. Calista stood no chance now.

  Chapter 13

  HER DREAMS WERE SO colorful and vivid that they seemed real. From the two sets of hands on her body, to the feel of one man thrusting deep inside her core while she took the other to the back of her throat, the images interrupted her slumber. Cali groaned, not wanting to wake up. She simply had to see how the scene ended. What made those particular visions so clear? Was it the cocktails she had consumed at the bar? The excitement of two hot men staring at her? She wasn’t sure what the exact cause might be, but the current dreams sure as hell beat the ones she normally had each night.

  Wanting to keep her eyes closed, she went to roll over, whimpering at the aching sensation in her limbs. Her legs were so heavy. With every inch she tried to move, weights on her ankles and wrists held her back.

  She pulled at the restraints holding her in place until one man leaned in, distracting her by brushing his lips over hers. Cali had no idea what was going on and as the man kissed her, she found her traitorous body responding to him. Gone were the indignation and anger she’d felt just moments before. Now she ached for his mouth in other places.

  “Please,” she murmured against that same pair of lips nearly plastered to hers.

  A pair of large hands cupped her breasts and she moaned. The grip the other man had on her aching flesh almost bordered on pain, but she wanted more. Her body arched upward, as much as the bonds holding her in place would allow, but even the hard pinching of her nipples wasn’t quite enough to rouse her from the dreamlike state she was currently floating in. Reluctantly, she opened her eyes to focus on the two sets that had filled her fantasies during the night.

  As if on cue, she remembered every way the men had touched her and how she had touched them in return. Cali had never been so wanton before in her entire life. What caused her alarm, though, was the moment when both men stopped touching her, taking their places beside her on the bed. Only then did Cali realize her wrists and ankles were tied to the bedposts.

  “W-what is going on? Release me now, please!” She tried to hide it, but a small note of panic still crept into her tone anyway.

  The blond, whom she remembered as Zane, began to speak, his gravelly tone making her shiver in response. “Don’t be scared. We’d never hurt you.”

  “I don’t understand why I’m tied up,” she replied, her breathy voice sounding foreign to her own ears.

  Dark-haired Xavier chimed in, his velvety baritone calming her immensely. “I know you’re confused, belleza, but we needed to show you who and what we really are.”

  Confused, she wondered if the cocktails were still clouding her brain. Her uneasiness must have shown on her face because Zane cleared his throat before softening his tone. Cali tried to ignore the cadence and focus on what he was saying.

  “We’re Dominants, angel. I’m sure you know what that means.”

  Cali nodded her head in response. She had written a few books that contained sexual domination, but she hadn’t thought that much about it after they were completed. Now, she wished she had listened because maybe she could have recognized that trait in these two men. If her legs were not currently restrained, she would’ve kicked herself with a vengeance.

  “Well, plain and simple, you should now know that we like to take control in and out of the bedroom,” Xavier added, the simplicity of the words making her shiver.

  Not something she ever thought would personally interest her in a million years, being dominated began to sound very appealing. Maybe Cali only thought that way because of how the two men were currently looking at her. She began to connect the dots and understand that everything she’d experienced the night before had to be mild compared to what the pair could do when given the opportunity.

  Cali’s mind raced. In her current state, she’d be at their mercy, powerless to stop the actions these men decided to take.

  “I’m still not sure I understand. Do you…” Her voice trailed off and she worried her bottom lip. Cali should have been demanding that they untie her then hightail it back to her own room as quickly as she could. Curiosity was battling the uneasiness she was currently wallowing in. Used to controlling every aspect of her life for as far back as she could remember, the idea of possibly relinquishing that was very tempting. Wanting him to explain things in more detail, she looked toward Xavier, a question poised on her lips.

  “It’s okay, belleza. You may ask us anything.”

  Swallowing the frog-sized lump in her throat, she closed her eyes for a brief moment. It was hard to form words while two very sexy males were eyeing her like she was their next meal.

  “What does being a Dominant have to do with me? And for that matter, why the interest in me?” Technically that was two questions, but she wanted answers.

  “That is also simple, belleza,” Xavier answe
red before skimming two fingers down her arm. Immediately, her nipples tightened into hard peaks as intense warmth spread through her bloodstream. Her body’s reaction to his touch didn’t go unnoticed. Xavier glanced down at her breasts, causing those buds to throb with need.

  “Pay attention to your body, Calista. We have and that’s why we chose you. You respond to us so beautifully, just as we anticipated. We believe...” He paused for a second, seeming to choose his words carefully before continuing. “Actually, we know that you’re submissive. You just need someone to help you reach your potential.”

  Her body responded because she was aroused and it had been a while since she’d found any sexual pleasure with anyone. That was it. Wasn’t it? She was about to ask that question when Zane chimed in.

  “To address the second question, the fact that we’re Dominants has everything to do with you. You’re fooling yourself if you honestly believe that we can’t see the control that you hang onto so tightly. Don’t you want the experience of letting go for a small window of time? We can make that happen for you. Just imagine what it’d be like to not have to think about anything. You would only feel. No worrying about how you look, what you’re doing, or even what’s being done to you. No decisions have to be made. All that’s required is for you to lose yourself in the pleasure we can bring. Let us take the enormous weight of the responsibilities you shoulder and carry them for you.”

  Zane’s words spun in her mind and she could barely comprehend them before the man lowered his mouth to hers. Cali had anticipated a light kiss. Instead, he sank his teeth into her full bottom lip, provoking a moan. Seconds later, her face was cradled between his large palms as his mouth moved hungrily over hers. In addition to the intensity of his kiss, there was an underlying note of possession. His tongue delved deep inside, stroking and exploring every inch of her mouth.

  Zane was not just kissing her. The man was staking a claim. She became lost in the kiss as the seconds ticked past. God! She wanted to touch him, to affect him the same way he was affecting her. Cali pulled at the restraints holding her wrists in place. With each tug, they tightened more, confirming that her attempts were futile. Finally conceding defeat, she allowed her arms to go limp.


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