Every Single Heartbeat

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Every Single Heartbeat Page 17

by Abbye J Leen

  Prior to that though, I need to know what team Noah will be playing for.

  I am intent portraying him again, I still remember well the first time he saw himself exposed at one of my exhibitions: I’d portrayed him with his football uniform on, helmet in hand and such a realistic expression on his face that it dazzled him.

  I remember him stuttering: "It's... you're... fantastic. I have no words”. I could never forget the look on his face. He showed so much admiration for what I’d done, it was as if something about that portrait had touched him profoundly.

  I smiled and kissed him tenderly back then, but when I found out that I’d won the first prize as well, I did a bit more than simply that to show him how grateful I was.

  As I’m still thinking about him, Noah pops up behind me, sliding his hands around my waist and I’m immediately struck by chills running down my spine, the way I always am whenever it’s him touching me. He leans in closer and starts nibbling on my neck.

  "Hey" I whisper, relishing his touch.

  He doesn't say anything, so I turn around to look at him. The moment our eyes meet, he smiles faintly, then kisses me on the lips in a delicate, almost feeble way.

  "What 's wrong?" I ask.

  "Nothing" he replies, then sighs, moving away from me.

  "It's happened Ellie. There’s going to be a draft in Texas soon and I’ve been selected to participate"


  "How long are you going to be away for?" I ask trying to stay calm. We both knew that sooner or later this was going to happen. Noah is going to have to show up, only then we’ll find out whether he was chosen to play as a professional or not.

  "About a week or so".

  I sigh in relief. A week is bearable, at least for now.

  I get up from the stool I’m sitting on and walk up to him, sensing his tension from afar already.

  "What 's wrong?" I ask again.

  “I’m not ready. We both know what’s going to happen next week, Ellie and I’m just not ready to let you go"

  "It doesn’t matter Noah, our bodies might be distant, but our souls will never be. You know it and I know it" I try to comfort him.

  "I’m going to have to be away from you, but I need you. I need you always"

  "You need to make your dreams come true first"

  "You are what I need first. You’re my number one priority".

  I hug him, wishing I had a way to reassure him, but I have none at all.

  "I'll always be waiting for you Noah, no matter how much it takes. Besides, it’s not like we’re necessarily going to have to be away for that long.”

  He puts his hands on my hips, sighs, then looks deeply into my eyes. My desire for him is as strong as always, if not stronger, in fact for some reason, the more time passes, the more it just keeps on growing. I look at him and his perfect self: Noah’s 6’3, with pectorals so perfectly carved and defined that you can see them through his shirt. His entire body is sculpted and his waist is elegantly slender, not to mention that he’s got an ass that’s like the North Star: wise women will follow it. I can’t but love this boy to the core.

  The thing that frightens me most about having to stay away from him is the number of girls who are going to be all over him all the time, but I try not to think about it, continuing to put my outmost trust in him. That's what we've been working on for the past three years now, mutual and complete faith, in preparation for this.

  Noah’s been working hard on his jealousy and if at first, he was a hundred percent jealous, now that percentage has lowered down to a mighty ninety-nine, which is quite the step forward, really. I appreciate him trying to better himself for me. Every little improvement matters a lot to me, no matter how small, because I know that whatever he’s doing, he’s doing for me. I know well how hard it is for him to keep some of his emotions under control. As for me, if I used to be eighty percent jealous before, now I am a hundred and one. Noah is beautiful in every way but above all, it’s what’s inside him that counts and anyone who’s ever had the privilege to know him knows that.

  I'm just so, so lucky.

  "Are you nearly done with those?" He asks, indicating my paintings.

  "I’m almost done with everything I just have to finish touching up this last one"

  "I'm sorry that I won’t be making it this once" he says, sadly.

  "And I'm sorry that I won’t be watching the games that will confirm your career as a quarterback"

  “You’re a dreamer. You know it won’t be easy to get chosen amongst so many other valid players"

  "You’ll be their first choice, Noah. You always will be, under each aspect of life"

  The smile that shows on his face after I speak makes me melt and when he presses his lips against mine and our mouths slowly hatch, allowing our tongues to softly entwine, I carefully listen to the sound of our hearts beating in perfect unison, hoping that they never do differently.




  I’ve made it. I still can’t believe it. I was their first, absolute choice, holy shit... At the NFL draft I’ve been selected to be the New York Giants new quarterback. I'm so excited and yet, extremely terrified at the same time.

  New York... what up until a few hours ago seemed like a dream so distant and unreachable, has now become reality. It wasn’t easy at all and the worst is yet to come. The coach talks to me, he warns me, he tells me that I’ll be subjected to a sort of analysis, in which they’ll be scrutinizing "almost paranoiacally" (these are his exact words) my every movement, my characteristics and the way I play, especially throughout the All-Star matches in January, the Cambire ones in February and at the ‘Pro-days’, or rather the various workout sessions between said matches. He says that from now on things will be completely different, that college matches were nothing compared to the real thing, underlining how all of us are yet to set foot in an actual, professional pitch. He tells us that playing styles, tactics and a variety of schemes were so limited back at college, that the very reason as to why the NFL has to test us further, is because they simply haven’t had the chance to see our full potential yet.

  I personally find this to be quite a discouraging speech, but I avoid any commenting, because what is even there to say, anyway? I have no idea how to play as a professional, or as he says a true professional’.

  "We’re counting on you boy, don't you dare let us down! Go on and sign that contract now, run!"

  I can't believe that I’m about to sign a contract that will grant me eight million dollars a year, Ellie will be so proud of me, mom as well, certainly.



  The most important women of my life, the two that I’ll always have to keep close to me, no matter what, especially now that this new adventure’s about to start. I’ll have to spend the rest of the week here and I cannot help but feel grateful, yet desperate at the same time. I don’t want to spend even more time away from my girlfriend and New York’s not exactly around the corner, so… I sigh, absorbed in my thoughts, as the coach blathers on about how important and meaningful these next few days are going to be for us.

  I’m still thinking about how intense and draining today’s been, the NFL only had ten seemingly endless minutes to select a quarterback and they chose me, out of all people. I still cannot believe it.

  I take a quick shower, then meet up with Cris and Steve, the only other two players from UCLA who were selected for the draft.

  "So, how does it feel like to be first choice?" Asks Cris.

  "I still can’t grasp it" I admit.

  "You were always the best, Noah. The coach knows it, we know it. You’re naturally talented and of course, they spotted that straightaway"

  "Come on now, we’re all equally as good, otherwise we wouldn’t be here" I say.

  "So, New York... I bet you’re pretty excited about that!" Says Steve.

  "Just as much as you should be for Kansas!" I reply.

  "Let's go celebr
ate, we’ve earned it!"

  We head out to a club where I notice a lot of Texan girls seemingly very happy to see us, but the only one thing on my mind, as usual, remains Ellie. As we’re waiting for our drinks, I promptly seize the moment to step aside and give her a call. I haven’t had a chance to give her the good news yet, since Cris and Steve have been following me around all day.

  Two rings later she picks up, her voice sounds sleepy.

  "Hey baby" I really wish I could hold her, breathe into her sweet scent right now... and to think that we’ve only been apart for three days.

  "Hey champ" she replies. I can hear her smile over the phone, and I can’t help but picture her, lied down in bed, gently twirling her hair around her fingers and dreamily staring at the ceiling.

  "How are things for the exhibition coming along?"

  "Everything’s done and ready for tomorrow, except for me!" she chuckles.

  "You'll do amazing, as usual"

  "So, don’t leave me hanging now! How did it go?" she says, inviting me to speak up. Her sexy voice revs me up, but I try to keep my dirty thoughts at bay.

  "Ellie... I’m the New York Giants’ new quarterback. First choice"

  "Oh my God!! That’s amazing!" she screams out.

  I wish I were looking at her right now, as she’s tells me how proud of me, she is. I sigh, pushing my sad thoughts away and trying to enjoy the moment instead, knowing that it won’t be back any time soon.

  "I’m so proud of you, Noah, you have no idea. I had no doubts about it, I knew you’d be their first choice. You are simply fantastic"

  "I wish you were here" I whisper to her.

  "As do I, but it doesn’t matter... I’m just so happy for you. I love you".

  "I love you too, Ellie, with all my heart."



  I’m listening to music, waiting for time to pass by. Now that Noah’s gone, I don’t really have much to do and as much as I may try to distract myself, all I ever wind up doing is look for new ways to deal with the distance between us.

  I’ve always wanted to try winning a scholarship at New York’s museum of modern art, the International study that they offer has been specifically made to promote and support young talents and being selected for it would be every artist’s dream. When Noah told me that he’d signed a contract with the New York Giants, I immediately looked up the announcements on the museum’s website, to check out whether I met the necessary requirements and well, turns out I do. I'm both excited and scared, at the same time.

  I smile, as I finish touching up my final piece. To inspire me was a photo taken by Nolan a while back, it’s Noah and I on his motorbike by the sea. We still weren’t together back then, but the way we were looking at each other said it all already.

  Why did it take me so long to figure out all that could have been between us? I sigh, thinking about how much I miss him.

  Suddenly Emily distracts me from my thoughts, entering the room and launching herself on my bed in a very theatrical way. I burst out laughing, while she keeps making silly faces.

  "Jeez, what’s wrong with you?" I ask.

  "You're such a bore Ellie, come on! You’ve been locked up in here ever since that weak-sauce Quarterback of yours left, but from now on, we’re shaking things up around here! Tonight, ladies and gents, we’re going out!" she announces.

  "He might be weak-sauce, as you call him but he’s amazing, talented, handsome, kind, beautiful and in bed he’s definitely like... wow!"

  "Someone else should be the judge of that, I mean, aren’t you just a little bit too biased?"

  "Nope, not at all. How come you’re not going out with John tonight, though?"

  “It’s my night off. So, what do you want to do?"

  "Um. Nothing at all?"

  "Hm, let me check... ’Nothing at all’ isn’t an option, sorry" she says, looking at me sideways.

  "Do you wanna go to a club or something?"

  "A club? Do I look like a clubber to you?"

  "Well then, do you want get drunk until you lose consciousness and forget what your name even is?"

  "That’s so boring Ellie, how about we go to the cinema?"

  "Fine, but if we’re speaking boredom here, just know that a movie isn’t exactly all that exciting"

  "You’re right... unless you get to watch it in a Drive-In!"

  "Oh wow, it’s been ages since I’ve done that!" I say enthusiastically.

  "Ok, we have a deal then!"


  I roll down the windows as we drive by the cars that make up the Drive-In, the evening is mild and lovely, but it would be so much lovelier if Noah were here. I really love Emily, we’ve bonded a lot over the past couple of years, but Noah's arms are simply irreplaceable.

  We park the car, settle down in the seats and start eating popcorn while we wait for the movie to start.

  "Hey girls". Hearing that voice, Emily rolls her eyes with an anguished expression on her face. A lot of things have changed in the past few years, but not her hatred towards Moreno.

  "I can't believe it" she hisses.

  "He’s still tracking us down after all this time, huh?"

  "He’s still tracking you down, dude!" she says, nervously. He walks towards us, even if neither of us invited him to and we smile. If I have to be honest, to me he’s not even all that bad, I actually don’t mind talking to him, although the same definitely can’t be said for Emily.

  "So um, did you come here on your own?" I ask, as he looks at us.

  "Actually, yeah. Do you mind if I join you?" He asks and I really don’t know how to respond, I mean, I can’t just ask him to leave. Emily nudges me, while I have no other option but to nod at him. I’m pretty sure she wants to kill me right now, but after all, what stopped her from turning him down?

  The movie finally starts although I’m not quite at ease anymore, because Moreno is sitting way too close to me: If Noah saw us right now, he’d lose his mind entirely.

  Scene after scene, he ‘accidentally’ touches my arm, then my hair and then he even tries to hold my hand. As that happens, I turn around to look at him with a rather puzzled expression on my face. He knows that I am taken and he knows that I want people to respect that.

  Moreno’s wide, green eyes look deeply into mine.

  "You're beautiful" he says under his breath and I stiffen. I don’t mean to be rude, but he’s got absolutely no hopes with me and he needs to get that into his head.

  "Moreno..." I utter but he stops me.

  "I already know Ellie, I understand. I just had to tell you"

  I nod, forcing a thin smile, then glance at Emily who rolls her eyes exasperated and I have to bite my lower lip, to stop myself from laughing.

  When the movie ends Emily and I are quite tired, so we decide to head back home to get some sleep. Moreno offers to walk us and unsurprisingly, Emily turns her nose up. I know that she doesn’t like him and I know that thinks something’s up with him but then again, is judging people from impressions the right thing to do?

  "Do you know how the first Drive-In was invented?" I ask, as we stroll along UCLA’s campus.

  "Tell us, smarty-pants!" Emily laughs and I laugh too, sticking my tongue out at her.

  “They say that it was thanks to an overweight woman. Said woman would always find it impossible to fit into the seats of what they once called palaces, or rather, the predecessors of cinemas as we know them, so her son started looking for a way to fix that for her. He kept thinking and thinking until finally, one day, he had the genius idea: He sat his mother down in his car.

  He then tied a big white sheet between two trees and projected a movie onto it, so that his neighbours could watch too. Turns out his idea worked so well, that he decided to make a business out of it and guess what the first movie ever broadcasted was!"

  "Well, you’re obviously going to be answering that for us"

  ""Beware Wife", the movie we’ve just watched! It was a mega-hit at the time!"

  "People didn’t understand a fucking thing about movies back then, obviously" says she and we both burst out laughing.

  "Come on Emily, it wasn’t that bad" says Moreno, shrugging.

  "Oh, looks like people still don’t understand a thing about movies, then!" she mocks him.

  "Guys, I’d really love to say here and listen to you two tease each other but it’s time for us to go get some rest, we have class super early tomorrow" I say, stretching out my arms.

  "Hey, Ellie" Emily nudges me again, with a deceitful look on her face.

  "Dude what? What is it? Also, can you stop nudging me already?!" I ask, eyeballing her, though all she does is tilt her head forward, inviting me to turn around.

  This is the precise moment when I realize how truly dull my entire week had been, up until then that is. I see Noah coming towards us, although he wasn’t supposed to be anywhere near here tonight. My heart rate fastens, as I shriek uncontrollably: "Oh my God! Jesus Christ!" and run towards him, forgetting all about how tired I was saying I was. I look at him, at his beautiful face and at his wonderful lips, spreading out to reveal a wholesome and sincere smile. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly, as if we hadn’t seen each other in years.

  "Hey" says he, his arms encircling my waist. I bury my face into his chest, then inhale deeply… God knows how much I‘ve missed this scent. He tightens his grip, while I eagerly stick to him, like a bee with honey. I’m so overwhelmed and surprised, that I can’t help but cry, which I know might seem exaggerated, since he’s only been gone for a week, but I can’t help myself. I’ve missed him that much.

  "Hey, baby" he says, worried. I know that he wants to let go a little now because I know that he wants to look at me in the eyes, but I do not intend to step away from him, not even a single inch.

  I suddenly reconsider my thoughts the moment I realize that actually, his mouth is on his face and I need that right now, so I move away, but only the bare minimum. I look at him into the eyes, overwhelmed by the amazing effect he still has on me after all these years. He smiles, as I fill his face with kisses, slowly making my way to his lips, that he eagerly parts to let my tongue in... and that’s when I lose my mind completely. I slide my hands over his face, then up through his hair, that I lightly grab onto, while Noah keeps kissing me passionately. He devours my lips, sucking, nibbling and biting them and I can’t even understand where or who I am anymore. In his arms, I let myself go, thinking about how at last, the missing piece of my heart has come back to me.


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