Failira, the Tahlet Vahllah (The Beautiful Whisper of the Goddess Saga)

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Failira, the Tahlet Vahllah (The Beautiful Whisper of the Goddess Saga) Page 25

by Orr, Krystal

  With Arizira dead, there was no longer any use in continuing down the path Cynra had set her upon and yet, Talyn still could not sanction a full-scale attack on the Esu settlers. Perhaps she was being overly optimistic. Perhaps she was refusing to acknowledge the way matters truly were. For whatever reason, Talyn was holding out the vain hope that peace could yet be met.

  A scout entered Rae’kir and paused just inside, out of breath. Talyn turned around at the sound of the woman. "Yes?" she asked in a tight voice.

  When Bela'luin had spoken with her two days before about how the battle with the Esu had gone, Talyn had decided to send scouts to the outlying Arnira tribes to gather information, spread the knowledge of the Esu presence and, if worse came to worse, call upon reinforcements.

  Adesriel, the scout sent across the Menderway, bowed and stepped further into Rae’kir. Her fair skin was slightly flushed from running and her hair, normally braided and placed into a twist upon her head, was now errant and falling below her ears.

  "Nai'iris," she said, dipping her head.

  "You have returned far before I expected. The news you carry must be dire indeed to have made your feet so swift."

  Adesriel, her round face making her appear nearly like a child, stood up straight and began to balance her weight on the sides of her feet. The gesture was one commonly used when an Arniran was anxious.

  "What word bring you from Zy'nilur?"

  Zy'nilur was the Nai'iris of the tribe across the Menderway in the east. She was far more impulsive and quick to action than was Talyn, but her judgments had always been made with poise and the best of intentions. Of all the tribes of the Northlands, Zy'nilur's was the one Talyn's people had the most dealings.

  They were also the ones Talyn had warred with the most. Though the Arnira were mostly a peaceful people, there had been times when disputes had broken out over territory lines and trade agreements.

  “Another clan of Esu has been spotted south of the Menderway," Adesriel said in a heavy breath. "Zy'nilur has observed them for one moon month."

  Talyn took in the news with a grave face. Another clan of Esu? So near to the first? Why had Zy'nilur not spoken of this before now? Talyn sighed and silently chastised herself. She had known about the Esu for over four months and had kept the information close at hand rather than share it with the other tribes. She could not fault Zy'nilur for having made similar decisions.

  "Then she is aware of the threat they face?" Talyn asked Adesriel.

  "Yes, Nai'iris. The Esu of the Menderway are unaware of our people and have thus far not ventured far from their settlement."

  Talyn turned away from Adesriel. Clasping her hands behind her back, she cast her purple eyes around the smooth wooden walls of Rae’kir. Strands of white hair covered her neck while the rest was pulled back into a high tail. A single green, blue, and purple feather rested near her ear.

  "What is her stance on the Esu? Does she plan to attack them or offer them peace?"

  Adesriel shifted her feet before answering. "A convoy of Zy'nilur's finest archers will be here come the third moon rising. She was content to allow them be, so long as they did not encroach upon her territory. With the news of our recent battle, she has since had a change of heart. It is Zy'nilur's belief that a united Arniran front will be the most effective against the Esu. More could be on the way."

  Talyn nodded at the last words. Zy'nilur was correct. There were now two groups of Esu settlers along the northern forest with no way of knowing exactly how many more would arrive. The longer the Esu were allowed to travel and settle unchecked, the more likely it was that they would be able to overthrow the Arnira. Time was the one thing Talyn had run out of. Even if she was inclined toward peace, which she was, there would be very few others who would follow that path were she to set out upon it.

  Again, Talyn found herself desiring Cynra's counsel, and Arizira's company and cool head.

  Yet, neither of them were present. Talyn had to make a choice and follow through with that choice.

  "Will Zy'nilur be with the convoy?"

  Adesriel nodded, still attempting to catch her breath. "Yes, Nai'iris."

  Turning back around to face Adesriel, Talyn set her face into one of grim determination. "Then matters have already been decided. All out war is soon to reach these lands."

  * * * * *

  Bela'luin lit the bundle of sage in her hand. The minty smell wrapped itself around her and small clouds of smoke wafted into the nighttime sky. All was quiet except for the sound of a burning fire and the call of nocturnal animals.

  Beneath Bela's feet, elaborate characters had been drawn into the dirt. They were deep, and when read by one who understood them, spelled out a single name: Arizira Ahmanae.

  Bela'luin began to dance around the fire whose embers were taking to the sky in quickly dying red flames. The sage was moved through the air in complex designs meant to aid a loved one in her last journey.

  The journey of death.

  "Arizira Ahmane, no'rei Aitla. Ez'lir ha fei tu'la tai. Ez'lir ha fei gei'or tai." Bela’luin’s words translated thus: Aitla bless you, Arizira Ahmanae. The stars shall keep you. The stars shall guide you.

  Bela'luin continued to chant as her body moved around the large blazing fire. As she danced, her feet kicked up the dirt and began to cover the name she had written there. The smoke of the sage danced with her, its grayish tendrils mixing with the flames of the fire.

  Arnira believed that when a loved one died, it was the duty of those closest to her to aid her journey to Aitla. For six days after a death, friends, family, and loved ones enacted elaborate rituals and ceremonies meant to guide the spirit of the fallen to the stars.

  Long moments became passed as Bela lost herself to the ritual. Tears fell down her cheeks, yet still she danced.

  "Ez'lir ha fei tu'la tai. Ez'lir ha fei gei'or tai..."

  When the fire lost much of its blaze and the bundle of sage in Bela'luin's hand became less instead of more, a silence fell in the clearing. Bela knelt by the fire on one knee. She used the last of the sage to completely cover Arizira's name in the dirt before falling into a quiet meditation.

  That is where Talyn found her some time later. The older woman stepped into the circle Bela'luin had made and knelt beside her. Placing her hands in the dirt she recited the words Bela had chanted earlier before speaking.

  "You honor her," she said.

  Bela'luin nodded, but said nothing. She kept her eyes on the ground and watched her tears stain the dirt.

  "I come with news," Talyn tried again. "News that is both dire and welcome."

  Sniffling, Bela'luin cleared her tears and looked up at Talyn. Green eyes met purple.

  "Another clan of Esu has come to the Northlands. Zy'nilur seeks my audience and aid. Her convoy will arrive in three days."

  Again, Bela'luin took the news somberly. Nothing seemed to affect her as of late. Since the battle with the Esu, and especially since Arizira's death, Bela had become withdrawn and ridden with guilt. Talyn's words about Arizira fulfilling her destiny had rang true for her. When she had stopped and allowed her mind to think, truly think, she had been able to see how much the Esu woman cared for Arizira and how Arizira had cared for her in return.

  "Why do you tell me this?" Bela'luin asked. "I can be of no help to you. To anyone."

  Talyn replied, "Because times are changing, Bela. Arizira's love is still out there. Who knows what her intentions are. With more Esu arriving, we run the risk of being outnumbered if we do not act now."

  Silence settled around the two women with only the crackling of the fire breaking the hush occasionally. Long moments passed.

  "She loved her," Bela said after a time. Her eyes were unfocused and her voice was softer than Talyn had ever heard it.


  "Arizira. When she saw the Esu woman on the day of the battle, her face mirrored her heart's desires. She sighed with relief and her face was one of joy, as if her entire life had been awaiting tha
t single moment. The way she looked at the Esu woman..."

  Bela'luin's eyes shifted as her words trailed off and she lowered her head. "It was love, the purest form of positive emotion the world has ever witnessed. And I? I killed it. Killed her."

  Talyn scooted closer to Bela'luin. "Your actions were fueled by hatred and fear, yes, but you--"

  "I what? Had pure intentions? Meant the best?" Bela shrugged out of Talyn's hold and stood back up. "A shadow of hatred and jealousy covered my heart and blinded me to what was good and true! Under Ma'nolira's orders, I followed Arizira from the moment the Esu were discovered. Ma'nolira did not trust Arizira for it was plain for all to see that she was curious about the day walkers."

  Talyn interrupted. "Arizira was curious about everything. In that way, she was far more wise and innocent than either of us."

  "Perhaps," Bela said before continuing. "She met with the Esu woman many times as I stepped in their wake. From the beginning, I saw how Arizira looked at the woman. It was not just curiosity that set her heart to racing. There was a connection between them that ignited a fury in me.

  “As the days went on, the Esu woman's feelings began to surface and when they did, I knew it was only a matter of time before they joined. The thought was like a sickness in my mind. An Esu and an Arnira? Sharing their bodies in such a way? It was wrong and that was how I justified my actions. Now the guilt of wrongdoings is a burden I do not believe I can bear."

  Talyn stood up as well and dusted herself off. She walked over to Bela'luin and turned her around so she could look into her eyes.

  "Listen to me. Now. Your guilt is not soon to depart. It serves to be our conscience when we have erred in the most grievous of ways. For many years, you will shoulder the weight of that guilt, but you shall also learn from it. Either that, or it will consume you just as readily as your fear and jealousy did. Choose quickly, Bela, which part your guilt will play. Arizira is dead and now resides with Aitla. You can still honor her life by helping the woman she loved."

  At this, Bela'luin looked up quickly. Her eyes were narrowed in disbelief. "Help? How are we to help the Esu woman with more of our people soon to join this fight?"

  Talyn smiled and laid a hand on Bela'luin's shoulder. "That is where your story will begin anew. I have a plan. Come."

  * * * * *

  Talliea sighed and rested her head in Arizira's lap. The two of them had retired to the front of the cave overlooking Li'nas Dei when night had fallen. After Cynra and Taetylona had both given their respective tales, it had been decided that making contact with the Arnira first would be the wisest course of action.

  "They believe you to be dead, child," Cynra had told Arizira when the four women had been weighing their options. "Before my departure from the tribe, I informed Talyn of your love for a day walker. She is aware that Talliea is a part of your destiny."

  So, it was that the first step on the path of their journey had been decided. Night had descended a short time later and the four women had made camp in the cave, Cynra and Taetylona taking the larger, yet darker, section toward the back. That left the wide area near to the front of the cave for Talliea and Arizira.

  Arizira sat with her back against the wall closest to the mouth of the cave. No fire burned this night as the world outside was both warm and humid. With her legs drawn up and her knees bent, Arizira cradled her love's head in the space the position provided. With her vision, she was able to see plainly the face of Talliea. Fingers brushed through dark and thick strands of hair, every now and again stopping to trace over skin or ears or lips.

  The silence was heavy but welcome. For the first time in many months, Talliea felt somewhat at peace. She likened it to when she and Arizira had first fallen in love and the world had been not nearly so bleak. Back then, everything had been wonderful. She had been learning to track and navigate through the wilds, as well as exploring her budding feelings for Arizira.

  How she yearned to return to such a state of innocent simplicity.

  "Close your eyes, Tah-li, and sleep will soon follow," Arizira's lyrical voice requested as gentle fingers moved to smooth the worry of a furrowed brow.

  Talliea smiled. She had always believed Arizira's voice to be beautiful, even being as accented as it was when she spoke Esulan. However, understanding the Arniran tongue like she did now, Talliea was even more in awe of the musical quality of Arizira's speech.

  "I can not," she admitted with a soft sigh. "I despair at what lies ahead."

  Arizira nodded, though she knew Talliea could not appreciate the gesture in the deep dark. Her blue eyes were burning with a silver fire and they looked down at Talliea with adoration. She used her free hand to cup her love's chin in her palm while her thumb traced over the soft skin there.

  "Despair when all hope is lost, not when you are the beacon of that hope. We have come this far, failira. Trust that your destiny and mine will lead us where we need to go."

  Sighing again and turning her head into Arizira's stomach, Talliea kissed the thumb that momentarily grazed her bottom lip before resuming their conversation.

  "I trust in you, Ari, not destiny or fate or riddles from the past. You have always been the Child of Whispers. Destiny, rather grand or paltry, was something you embraced. It is not the same for me. There was never a destiny, never a plan that would allow me to deviate from the norms of my society."

  Talleia paused and took in her thoughts for a moment. The silence around her was calming in a way, but not nearly as so as that of Arizira's embrace and touch.

  "Everything changed when my clan arrived here. There was a mystery and a magic about this forest and that was only confirmed when I met you."

  At that, Arizira smiled and took Talliea's hand. Bringing it to her lips, she kissed the palm.

  "You became my meaning for everything, love. My past did not matter because you were my future as well as my present. With you, I felt that anything was possible. Yet, now, I am the one chosen to stop a war between our peoples when I barely understand why they fight to begin with. It is," she paused before finishing with, "overwhelming."

  "Overwhelming keeps the mind alert, Tah-li. We will walk this path together. Do not despair. Our happiness will come again."

  Talliea smiled, her hand still held tightly in Arizira's. "I know. Besides, you still have to teach me to use a bow," she said, attempting to lighten the mood.

  Arizira laughed fully, squeezing Talliea's hand. "With the powers you command, I do not think you have any need of archery, Tah-li."

  Talliea felt a peace settle in her heart. Being with Arizira as she was left her feeling balanced and more lively. Her feelings of despair still lingered, but they were not as strong as her feelings of contentment. She realized that she had Arizira to thank for her current state. It was she who seemed to be able to bring about such harmony. Concentrating, Talliea focused on her hand still held in her love's. A light sparked to life in the dark and caused her palm to glow and become warm.

  The bright luminescence spread to Arizira's hand as light gave life to darkness. Arizira sighed and looked down at Talliea. The other woman was smiling up at her with an amused expression on her face.

  "I suppose you are correct."

  "How do you do this, failira?" Arizira asked, moving her fingers over Talliea's glowing ones. It appeared as if a flame was behind her hand, offering its light but doing so shyly.

  "I do not; my feelings for you do. When I am at peace and feeling settled, like I am now, my powers can manifest. When you were still injured and weak, I could use them to heal you, and when I felt that you were threatened, they acted as your defense. You give them life. I just illustrate them."

  Arizira smiled, more to herself than to Talliea, while her eyes remained mesmerized on her love's fingers. "You are magic." she said in a whisper.

  "I wish that were true," Talliea said. "Were it thus, I could make everything right so we could be together without sorrow."

  The light Talliea had called into bei
ng faded and appeared to melt into her skin. Arizira, however, could still make out everything around her in vivid detail. She studied the conflicted look on the Esu woman's face and sighed.

  "Sleep now. The world shall appear differently on the morrow."

  Talliea inhaled deeply and, for a moment, it looked as if she were going to remain obstinate. After a few short moments, and with Arizira continuing to brush her fingers through her hair, she closed her eyes. Her breathing became slower and evened out.

  Arizira traced her fingers down the slope of Talliea's nose before leaning down to kiss her forehead. "Sleep, failira."

  * * * * *

  Arizira cocked her head to the side. Her eyes were two flaming silver orbs in the pitch of dark around her. It had been several hours since Talliea had fallen asleep and Arizira had thought she would soon be able to join her. A sound, however, had caught her attention and placed her on alert.

  There were whispers, susurrations on the wind.

  The sounds were faint, as if whoever or whatever made them were trying to move quietly and without fault.

  Arizira noted that Talliea still slept soundly. She turned her head back toward where she knew Cynra and Taetylona to be asleep. Her ears strained to pick up any evidence of either of them being awake, but she heard nothing. Apart from the whispers and the rustling coming from outside, all was calm as the world slept.

  Arizira shifted so that she could lift Talliea's head from her lap. Once Talliea was covered with the blanket Arizira had made for her --which Cynra had been in possession of -- she moved toward the mouth of the cave. Her body stayed low to the ground as she moved like a wild cat.

  The sounds outside continued, became closer. Arizira felt her heart speed up. She felt conflicted. Did she wake Talliea and tell her what she was hearing or did she protect Talliea and see to matters herself? Doing one could possibly bring harm to her love. Doing the other could bring harm to her child.

  Pausing at the opening of the cave, Arizira allowed the soft nighttime wind to blow across her face and clear her senses. Salira was not too playful this night. Reaching toward the cave wall, she found her sabres, Daisir and La'nu. Their leather-bound handles felt good in her hands and she felt a familiar calm come over her. She was in a state of protectiveness. For Talliea. For their baby. For Cynra and Taetylona.


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