Misconduct (FSCU Pitbulls Book 1)

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Misconduct (FSCU Pitbulls Book 1) Page 13

by Stella Marie Alden

  Then, I’m under the hot camera lights again. Damn, being nice is tiring. All I want to do is soak in a bath of ice but Jeff insists they’ll be plenty of time later on.

  The other guys have all gone off to our celebratory dinner and I’m starving. “Can you at least get me a sandwich?”

  “This is the last interview. I promise.”

  So, with my stomach growling, I try as hard as possible to smile and answer all the same insipid questions I’ve been asked all day.

  When done, I hold out a palm to my personal assistant. “Give me a phone, now dude.”

  He does and I call but it goes to fucking voice mail. Hungry, aching all over, I get into the limo and Jeff gives me shit. “You weren’t so likeable for Jannette.”

  “Excuse me all to hell. I’m hungry, got a fucking headache, and I ache all over because you made me skip my ice bath. And, because I waited too long, I can’t even talk to my girlfriend.”

  There’s dinner, drinks, and I stumble into bed. Even with a burner phone in my possession, I can’t get ahold of her.

  Damn it, Kira. Pick up.

  I call Jackson.

  “What’s up.” He sounds like I woke him.

  “I can’t get through to Kira.”

  “They’re in the air, dude.”

  “I thought they were leaving with us.”

  “They got a different budget. We get to relax for a few days in luxury.

  They’re going back to FSCU.”

  College seems like a lifetime ago. For a moment, I consider dropping out but think about Kira. If I do, I won’t be able to spend any more time with her.

  “Thanks, Jacks. By the way, great catch today. You were right. I was way high. I can’t believe you caught that motherfucker.”

  He laughs. “Neither can I. Don’t worry about Kira. She’ll be fine. Once you get in the NFL, she’ll have to get used to shit like this.”

  We hang up and for the first time, I wonder if this is the life I want. If I’m going to survive being a professional NFL player, I may need to find a different personal assistant, someone who can get me a goddamned phone when I ask for it.

  The next morning, after breakfast, Jeff has me scheduled for more interviews. I refuse to go until he gets ahold of Kira.

  Finally, she answers and I walk outside for some alone time.

  “Ryan?” She sounds pleased, not pissed, which is a good start.

  “Kira. I’ve been trying to call. What about my texts?”

  “Yeah. I texted back. You get them?”

  “No. Jeff is still trying to find out what happened to my phone. He said it got lost.”

  “That sucks.”

  “I know. Damn, I’ve missed you.”

  “When you coming back?”

  “Not until Thursday.”

  “You’re missing three days of school?”

  “Yeah. I have more interviews and a photo shoot.”

  “Couldn’t it wait?”

  “I don’t know. Jeff says I need to strike while the iron is hot.”

  “Ry? Love? I think you need to do what’s good for you. If you want your degree, book a flight, and come home.”

  I grin. “You sure this isn’t because you just want to fuck a hot championship quarterback?”

  “There is that, too.” At her sweet laugh, blood runs south to my cock.

  “See you tomorrow. And Kira?”


  “I love you.”

  She says it back and I can’t stop smiling. Texting Jeff so he can’t argue, I book the first flight back to South Carolina. There’s nothing direct so it’s late by the time I land. I Uber to her place where’s she left the door open and food in the fridge with a note. “Be back around three. Feel free to crash on my bed.”

  I walk into her room and offhandedly check out her stack of bills beside the bed. Electric, credit card, and what’s this? A subpoena? Knight’s parents are suing her for defamation of character? Why didn’t she tell me?

  A part of me is seriously hurt and another part, the more rational side reminds me she probably hasn’t had time. I try to think back to before the holidays when she changed the topic for her final. I’m guessing it made no difference.

  “Hello? Jeff shouts over the drunken celebratory noises in the background.

  I check my time. If it’s nine in the morning here, it’s six there. He’s been partying all night and not going to be the help I need.

  “Jeff? Listen. I need the name of the private investigator who looked into Knight Walker.”

  He scoffs. “I fired him. Waste of money.”

  My fist tightens around the cell phone’s plastic case. “It’s my money to spend.”

  “No kid, it’s mine.”

  Shit. Even though it’s true, I hang up and call the only guy who has the clout and the money to do me a solid.

  “Hey, Coach. I need a little help.”

  He moans and croaks into the phone. “Finnegan? …Fuck. What time is it?”

  “Sorry, I woke you. I just got to Kira’s. I’m holding a legal document. It says she’s being sued for defamation of character. The Walkers are claiming over a million dollars in damages.”

  “Shit.” He mutters something under his breath, a female voice answers, and suddenly, I’m on mute.

  I pace the small space in front of her bed, trying to understand the legalese on the paperwork. It looks like it’s a class action suit.

  “It’s not just her.” Melanie’s voice is the next I hear. “Don’t worry, Ryan. CJ’s brother, Andy is handling our case.”

  “What case? I don’t understand.”

  “A group of women have come forward and made a list of those who were with them when they were assaulted on campus. Some are unhappy. They think it may hinder their ability to be hired, once they get out of school.”

  “Why didn’t Kira tell me?”

  “I don’t know, you’ll have to ask her.”

  I thank her, say goodbye to Coach, lay back on her pillow, and inhale her scent. I need to close my eyes, for just a minute…

  Chapter 24


  I used to run to classes on the opposite side of campus but this is my last semester of my senior year. In my humble opinion, if colleges spread themselves out so wide, professors have to understand a few souls will enter their rooms late.

  These are my thoughts as I take a shortcut through the Union. I jump a mile when Knight jumps out of a booth and approaches.

  Oh shit. I sprint to the door but he passes me and blocks my way.

  “We need to talk.” He juts out a chin.

  “My lawyer has advised me to stay clear of you.” The lie gets his attention and his eyes go wide.

  “What’re you talking about?”

  “The lawsuit?”

  “What lawsuit?” He’s either an incredibly good actor or he honestly doesn’t know.

  “I got a notice from your parent’s lawyer. Can you believe a few women on campus are being sued for defamation of your character?” I snort and make a face.

  “No, no. It has to be a mistake. Let me talk to them, okay? I’ll get it dropped.” His smile looks sincere but I’m not stupid. I remember how he got mad and attacked me when I wouldn’t drink the champagne at his house.

  Maybe, it’s time I do some acting of my own. “I’m late. How about we get together sometime and talk about it.”

  Walker seems genuinely pleased and his grin widens. “Sure. Stop by my place. Anytime.”

  “Great. I’ll text you later.” As I rush off, I call Melanie and bounce my idea off from her. “So, will you help?”

  “Only if CJ’s brother agrees. Don’t do anything rash until you hear from him.” She doesn’t sound thrilled but I need to do something. Otherwise, it’ll set a precedent. Women won’t band together to protect themselves against potential sexual predators.

  Determined to put an end to Walker for good, I text him once I get to class.

  Me: 2nite? 7?

/>   Knight: (thumbs up emoji)

  I’m going to need some equipment, so after ethics, I call Star. “Hey hun, I need a mic, the kind you tape to your chest? And is there a good app that can record it?”

  “Not unless you tell me why.”

  “I don’t have time to explain but I will. I promise. I need this by tonight.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “I’m counting on you.”

  “Okay… You do know Ryan is asleep in your bed, right?”

  “Uh huh. Running home, now. Talk later.”

  Back at my apartment, I open my bedroom door where Ryan snores softly.

  His face is like a little boy with all the worry lines gone. I forget sometimes, how much pressure he’s under. As much as I want to wake him, I don’t. He flew all night and probably got little to no sleep. Before that, they had him interviewing and working out.

  He must be exhausted. I take off his sneakers, cover him up with my comforter, and kiss him on the cheek.

  Then, I tap lightly on Star’s door and whisper, “You there?”

  She opens it up a crack and eyes me. “What are you up to?”

  “Let me in.” Grabbing a bag of chips, I sit cross-legged on her bed and explain the lawsuit, Mel’s meetings, and my conversation with Knight.

  Her mouth drops open. “You’re not actually going to meet up with him?”

  “I need him to let his guard down.” I brush crumbs off her bed while she stares.

  “Is Ryan okay with this?” Star’s brows scrunch together so I quickly add.

  “He’s asleep. I haven’t had time. I will, as soon as he wakes up.” My phone vibrates with Andrew Quinn coming up in my callerID.

  “I need to take this.”


  “Are you sure you’re up for this?”


  “Okay. I’m on the road, now. I’ll get there as soon as I can.”

  “Hold on, I’m putting you on speaker. This is my friend, Star.

  “Hey, if you’re a real lawyer, how come you can’t fight the Walkers in court?”

  He chuckles. “Because I’m good and I want to win. I want more evidence, something that will wow a jury.”

  I picture myself in a courtroom with my parents seated behind me, my mother in tears. “Jeesh. You think this will go to trial?”

  “No. I’ll get his parents to drop the lawsuit or settle. I need to go. I got another incoming call. Do nothing foolish until I get there. See you soon.” He hangs up.

  I say to Star, “Why do people keep assuming I’ll do something stupid?”

  She rolls her eyes. “I can’t imagine.”

  While Ryan sleeps, we get in her car and pick up our amateur-sleuth equipment.

  Once we return, my QB stirs. “Kira? You home?”

  “Hey cowboy!” I rush to my bedroom, shut the door, and when I lean over to kiss him, he grabs me by the waist.

  Pulling me off my feet, he rolls me onto the bed. After he finishes kissing me, his eyes grow dark with want.

  “Damn, I’ve missed you.”

  My palm cups the rough growth on his cheek. “Me too.”

  “Sorry I fell asleep.” His hands slip under my t-shirt and he slides it over my head.

  I do the same to him and unbutton the top button of his jeans. For a while, we embrace, just needing the closeness of each other.

  There’s so much I want to say but it’ll need to wait because my mouth is busy on his nipple. I kiss down his magnificent chest, pull his swollen length from his jeans, and lick the tangy precum from the tip of him.

  He moans so I guess I’m doing it right. Needing more, I tug on his jeans, he lifts, and I pull. Pants and underwear slide past his thighs, knees, and ankles.

  I crawl back up his legs with my eyes on his. “Let me do this for you.”

  A quick blink and a nod are all I need to slide my lips over the top of him.

  Not sure how much I can put in my mouth, I grab his base. When I suck on the soft, silky tip, he groans, arches, and shoots both hands to the top of my head.

  I place my tongue flat along his length, take more of him in, and tighten my grip on his base. Mimicking what would happen inside of me, I suck, sliding up and down. Ryan, hands in my hair, sets the pace. I’m so turned on, my clit clenches next to my wet underwear.

  He moans, I turn my gaze up to his face, and stop for a moment, locked in his eyes. I ease more of him into me and suck harder, his tip at the back of my throat. Thrusting into me, he grows thick and grips my locks. His thigh muscles tighten, he shouts out a primal noise. Then he cums, spurting his liquid into the back of my mouth.

  I swallow and kiss up his abs, past his chest, to his neck. His rough cheeks scratch mine when he turns his mouth to mine. He must taste himself as his tongue enters my mouth but he doesn’t seem to mind. Wet kisses hit the tip of my nose, my eyelids, and around to my ear.

  “I love you.” His whisper sends chills down my back and my already swollen clit pulses with want.

  “Me, you, too.” I open my eyes and meet his loving stare.

  It’s so intense, my heart grows tight. How can this be so good between us? Surely, it can’t last.

  “Your turn.” He pulls down my jeans and my cuffs stuck at my feet, so I kick off my shoes and lift.

  I shiver at the breeze blowing in my open window.

  “I’ll warm you up, real fast.” Chuckling, he rubs my legs, turns me onto my stomach, and straddles me.

  “You’re tight.” He sits on his heels with his strong, firm hands kneading my shoulders.

  “Mmmph.” My pillow muffles my agreement as his magic fingers massage the knots in my neck his thumbs right at the top of my vertebrae.

  “Ahhh. Right there.”

  “Like that?”

  “Oh my God.” His hands slide down my back, rubbing out the tension of Walker, marching band, and worrying about my man getting injured on the field.

  My muscles turn to Jello and when he’s done, he turns me onto my back. In the same way, he begins to caress my front. At first, he avoids my breasts but with each sweeping motion he gets closer. My nipples harden, impatiently waiting for attention.

  He hisses, his hands cup me and he squeezes gently. Then, he circles his palms around my chest and lifts me off the bed, my back arching. As he sucks my tits, zings shoot to my swollen core, and I squirm. Playing every note in my body, he torments me. He slides down my body, kneels on the floor, and grabs my thighs. With thumbs on my upper legs, he parts me, and stops.

  His gaze is a magic laser beam to my clit. It swells, waiting for more. In response, he throws my lower legs over his shoulders and his mouth covers me. His first lick sets me to shuddering.

  “Ryan. Do it.” He must know how close I am.

  His tongue flicks across me and as impossible as it seems, I swell more. Digging my heels into his back, I spread my legs wider, and put a finger to my nub. I am about to end his torture but he pulls my hand away.

  “Fuck. You are so fucking beautiful.” He blows a warm breath across my quivering, about-to-cum lips and I suck in my breath.

  Never, have I stood on the brink for so long. His beard rasps my inner thigh as I teeter on the edge of heaven. Holy shit, he lifts my ass right off the bed, scoots onto his knees, and with my legs over my shoulder, thrusts into me.

  My clit hits his core, I scream as I cum and buck mindlessly while he holds me tight. Gripping the sheets, my second orgasm hits hard as I toss and turn my head. He’s driven me to wild madness. I can’t take any more. He swells inside me, goes so deep it hurts, and groans deep within his chest.

  Spent, we drop to the bed, boneless.

  When I wake, he’s playing with a lock of my hair with me spread eagle over him.

  “Hi.” I lift my chin and smile, sore all over.

  “Hi yourself.” He gazes down his regal nose and grins.

  I could stay here forever. A thought hits me, I check the time, and my heart races. “S
hit. I need to shower. I have ah… a thing.”

  His brows raise, “A thing?”

  Shit. Do I tell him? I think about his career in the NFL and how it might affect him if tonight turns ugly. I love him too much to have him involved with my scheme. If it goes south, everything he’s worked for could be at stake.

  “It’s nothing, really.” I turn and slip out from under him, guilty to have to lie but with no other choice. “Melanie has a small group that gets together and I joined. They’re meeting tonight. It’s how I talk with others about, you know, getting roofied… It helps.”

  “Ah, darlin’, I didn’t have a clue it was still bothering you. Why didn’t you say something? Is there anything I can do?” He rubs my back while I sit on the edge of the bed.

  “I am so lucky… it could’ve been so much worse.” And I am going after the dirtbag, to make sure he’s stopped for good.

  Chapter 25


  Avoiding my gaze. Kira dresses all in black and gives me a quick kiss.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow. Love you.”

  “You, too.” I grab her hand, try to read her mind, and come up blank. I figured on having another round of crazy sex but that doesn’t seem to be part of her playbook tonight.

  I got a real bad feeling so as soon as her apartment door slams shut, I bolt out of bed, slide into my jeans, and follow with shoes in hand.

  Outside, a dark misty fog has settled in along with an unusual cold front. The grass is liquid ice under my feet and I wish I had thought to put on a damned shirt. Shivering, I watch her climb into a black BMW with North Carolina plates. Shit, I am not letting her get away.

  I rush in front of the vehicle, stand in the headlights, and pound on the hood. “What the fuck, Kira?” Filled with my cum, she cheats on me?

  “Get in.” A guy, at least ten years older than her, rolls down his window.

  I shout through the opening. “You fucking cheating on me?”

  No wonder she was acting so strange. My heart goes into my throat. My dad was right. She’s a money-grubbing groupie. I guess she got tired of waiting for me and found herself a sugar-daddy.

  I open the back door and glare at the two in the front seat, my fists clenched.

  “It’s not what you think.” Kira twists in her seat and reaches out her hand to my face but I back away. Hell, if I’ll ever touch her again.


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