“You think I would fool around behind your back?”
“Jeff said…”
“What’s going on, Red? Wait, you’re having second thoughts about us?”
Hell, I’ve only been gone a few days. What will she be like after it’s months? Maybe she’s not NFL wife material?
“I’m not after your money.”
“I know that.”
“I’m not giving up my career.”
“I never asked you to.”
“I heard your speech when the reporter talked trash about me. Did it really cost you millions?”
“Hell no, who told you that? Jeff?”
She doesn’t answer and I sigh. “Kira, the team who matters most liked how I showed a social conscience. If anything, it moved me up in their ranking. Don’t worry about Jeff. He’s just trying to look out for me. His heart is in the right place. I’ll be back soon. We can talk then. Are we good because I got to go? One of the guys who will probably be signing my paycheck is waiting.”
“Sorry. Yeah, sure. Love you.”
“Love you, too, and stop thinkin’ so much. Bye.” I rush back to the table and wink. “Mom says hi.”
Jeff glares at me. I was supposed to turn off my phone to show how professional I can be. Hopefully, everyone believed I took a call from my mom and not my girlfriend.
After I shake hands, I figure they’re all going home but the bigshot from the Patriots is a big gambler and convinces everyone to hit the tables.
“You play poker, right Finn?” He takes out a half-smoked cigar and lights it.
I look to CJ for advice and he shakes his head no, but Jeff butts in. “Sounds like fun. I’ve got a limo waiting out front.”
I hang back with CJ and whisper. “I don’t have money to gamble with these guys.”
CJ puts his hand on my shoulder. “No one does. I’ll front you some, then talk to Jeff and see what he’s up to.”
“Do you think this is another test?”
“No clue. Don’t drink and stick by me.”
By the time we get to the casino, I’m a nervous wreck. I used up all my adrenaline during the most grueling week of my life. Now, an inch from the final goal line, one second on the clock, I got to figure out my next play.
Thank God I got Coach with me.
I chit chat about how I like Vegas with another interested scout as we enter a room full of slot machines. It’s too loud to think, let alone carry on a conversation so I shut up. From there, we head past the roulette tables. Everyone throws down some bills which the dealer turns into chips. CJ throws me a few thousand bucks like it’s nothing.
I play along as if I do this every day but if truth be told, I’ve never even been to a casino. But I do know blackjack.
Soon, our table is filled and surrounded by onlookers, mostly gorgeous women. When a particularly well-built blond stands behind me, I lower my cards.
“Can I help you, ma’am?”
“Ma’am? Aren’t you too cute? You’re that famous quarterback, the cowboy. Can I have your autograph?” She giggles and presses her chest into my shoulder, her perfect smile mere inches from my mouth.
With the whole table looking on, I can’t very well refuse. She hands me a sharpie, sticks her chest out, and points just above where her nipple shows under her flimsy shirt.
“You in or out?” CJ throws a few chips in the pile but his attempt at bringing the attention back to the game goes unnoticed.
Quickly, I sign her flesh and Jeff takes a shot as she kisses me right on the mouth. “Good PR.” He raises his phone and I put a hand on his arm, my eyes flashing a warning.
“Do not post that picture.”
“Of course not.” He grins but I don’t believe him.
The rest of the night goes without incident and around midnight, CJ stands and stretches. “Thank y’all for inviting us but we have a plane to catch in a few hours.”
Once we cash in, I give CJ back his investment and leave the table a big tip.
We find a cab and I thank him.
“For what?” He gives the driver our address.
“You know. Making sure I didn’t make a fool of myself.”
He frowns at the neon lights out the side window. “If you want to keep your girl, you might want a new personal assistant, just sayin’.”
“Jeff has been with me for a while. It’d be wrong to fire him just as I get signed.”
“Suit yourself. See you in the morning.”
Once I get into my room, I call Jeff repeatedly until he picks up. A woman giggles in the background. “What can’t wait until morning?”
“Don’t post that picture.”
“Too late, I already did.”
I pound my fist into the wall, cracking the drywall. “I told you not to. How is it going to look to Kira?”
“Listen up, kid. This kind of shit is going to happen all the time. She needs to get used to it. Better yet. Just grow a set of balls and break it off with her. You’re both too young to get serious and it’s not fair to her. A young woman needs sex and you’re not going to be around. She’s going to find someone else to dip into her honey. Then, she’ll be all guilty about doing what comes naturally. You’ll be pissed and start fucking other, more beautiful women. Trust me, I see it all the time. I’m doing you a favor. She doesn’t fit the picture, Ryan. Take a look at the NFL wives. They’re fucking gorgeous. How is your plain-Jane going to feel sitting in the bleachers next to them? You think she won’t notice?”
“You’re fired, asshole.” I hang up as he starts giving me all this shit, about the stuff he’s done for me. Nothing in the past excuses his present behavior. I love Kira and she’s more beautiful without an ounce of makeup on than those bimbos on the bleachers. And she’s way smarter, too.
By the time I pack my shit, I only get two hours of sleep and when the alarm goes off, I roll out of bed with a nasty headache. I meet CJ in the lobby and tell him about Jeff’s call during our ride to the airport.
He nods and slaps me on the back. “Sorry kid, saw that one coming. Mel called me, too. Did you know Jeff called Kira the other day, and told her pretty much the same thing? Said you told him to do it.”
“He might actually believe he’s looking out for you. Give me your phone.”
He puts a number in it. “Call Jaz. He’s the best in the business. Before I found Mel, he did everything for me.”
At the airport, there’s a screwup with my ticket. Without a doubt, Jeff is also a vindictive asshole. He cancelled my flight. By the time I get it all straightened out I’m sitting in the last seat, next to the toilets.
That’s the final straw. Before we take off, I have secured myself a new personal assistant and texted Kira.
Me: Fired Jeff
Kira: Good
Me: Home soon
Kira: Miss you
Me: Miss you more
Chapter 32
This is Kira McKenzie, streaming to you live, from her personal Facebook page. Today, I want to speak to you about an epidemic facing our college campus. This reporter, taking a sampling of over one thousand students, found over one in eight admitted they were roofied this year.
However, less than ten percent of these coeds reported this crime to the authorities. Ninety percent were women and over half had sex while under the influence.
To clarify, about five hundred women have had sex without the wherewithal to give consent. That, my listeners, is sexual assault. Asked why they said nothing to the police, most women believed it was their own fault for having too much to drink… even if they didn’t remember having more than one or two.
The local police have stated repeatedly, date rape drugs are not a problem at FSCU. They reported less than ten confirmed cases this year. When pressed further, they also admitted that usually, by the time the victim comes forth, there’s no evidence left to support their claims. Most date rape drugs quickly exit the body and by the time a vic
tim is cognizant enough to realize what happened, it is too late.
This reporter experienced firsthand what it was like to be under the influence of a date rape drug. One minute, I was drinking water, chatting with a friend, and the next I was in the bed of a stranger. To this day, I have no idea what went on for thirty minutes of my life. I am told I was speaking incoherently and stumbling as if drunk.
The day I reported this incident to the police, they implied I had over-indulged in alcohol or willingly ingested drugs despite my sworn statement to the contrary. Instead of being treated like a person who came close to sexual assault, I was patted on the head, and told to go home and sin no more.
This is not unusual. In a study done by the American Psychological Association, male college students were asked why they spike drinks. Most said it was for fun, an easy good time. Their victims called it sexual assault.
There are some changes taking place on campus. Melanie Quinn, wife of the famous New York Giants Quarterback, CJ Quinn, has started an email chain. If you or someone you know has been drugged while at an FSCU
party, add your incident and pass it along.
What can you do to prevent being roofied? Never leave your drink unattended. Be aware at all times. Most roofies happen at a house party and
the perpetrator is a stranger so drink with friends. If you suspect someone has been drugged, get them to a hospital and insist they pee in a cup immediately. For more information, check out my website, FSCUawareness.com.
This is Kira McKenzie, reporting. FSCU does not necessarily share my opinions nor endorse these findings.
I press stop, then listen back. It’s not bad. I wanted to say more but the assignment was clear. I have about two minutes to get my point across. Hopefully, my website will get some hits for people who want more info. It’s well past midnight when I close down my computer and fall asleep, too tired to wash the makeup off my face.
Star pounds on my door. “Wake up.”
“Oh my God.” I moan and squint through sticky mascara at my phone’s display. “It’s not even seven. Go away.”
“You have to see this.” She turns the handle and peeks in. “You decent?”
“It’s debatable.” I throw the pillow at her and she ducks.
Then she jumps up and down in my room in her PJ’s. “Good Morning, Freedham just played your Facebook posting.”
“Shit. No way.” I jump out of bed and log into my computer while she follows.
“Wait, I thought that was a good thing?” Star peers over my right shoulder while I type and moan.
“I wasn’t going to go public until Ryan made the drafts.”
Her face drops. “Oh, sorry.”
“For what?”
She plops her ass onto my bed. “I may have shared your post with a few hundred of my fans. This is not my fault. You always want publicity. You mad?”
“No.” I hug her and try not to worry about the possible fallout.
I try to cheer up and think of all the women I may be helping. “So, what did you think?”
“Oh my God, it’s on fire. I can’t even!” Despite the fact I’m in deep shit, her enthusiasm makes me smile.
After I throw a slice of bread into the toaster, I ping Ryan. Hopefully, he’ll see my text when he wakes. I don’t want him to be blindsided by my viral post.
Ryan rings and of course, I’m in the shower so pick up with suds stinging my eyes.
“When can I see you?” Because he doesn’t even say hi, I laugh.
“You tell me.” He’s the one with the booked schedule.
“Now?” He’s as horny as me but we both have classes and he should not be skipping.
“I have an hour off at lunch?” Still naked, I shiver thinking of joining with him. It’s been too long.
“Me too. Meet me at my dorm. Bye, lov-”
“Wait.” I duck my head under the water, rinse, and grab a towel. “Did you see my post on Facebook?”
“Not yet, why?”
“You might want to let Jeff know-”
“Remember, I fired him?” His voice gets tight, making me wonder what went down in Vegas.
I hope it wasn’t something I said. “Ahh… You hire anyone yet?”
“Yeah… Why?”
“Umm… I suspect your new guy will want to put a spin on my journalism final. I’m so, so, sorry, Ry. I have like ten followers on Facebook, one of them being Star who shared it with the whole damn world.”
“Fuck. Okay. I’ll call him right now. Thanks for the heads up. See you soon.”
The rest of the morning, I fret my way through classes, checking my phone every few minutes. Thank God, my ethics test was postponed because no way I would’ve passed. I leave my last lecture early and arrive at his dorm at exactly noon.
I knock and when he opens his door, my heart flutters. I promised myself we’d talk about the future, my journalism homework, and not jump right to sex. However, at the sight of his gorgeous, naked chest, I forget all my plans and rush into his open arms.
“I’ve missed you so much.” I reach to the back of his head and bring his mouth to mine.
“Mmm.” He deepens the kiss, his lower body responds, and I grind into his hard want.
Firm hands on my derriere, I’m lifted until my toes are on the top of his feet, and the world turns until I’m facing the ceiling with my back on his unmade comforter. Gasping, the musky, male scent of him fills my lungs. I wish I could bottle it and bathe in it for all the lonely nights in my future.
He kicks off his sweats while I work at the tiny pearl buttons of my blouse. I barely have it off before he crawls up the bed, and his lips are on mine again.
Our kisses grow frantic as one of his hands caresses my breast, still covered in lace. The other helps as I squirm out of my leggings. He catches the stretchy fabric of my waistband between his toes as his foot slides down my inner thigh and my calf. Once my pants are off, his knee comes up to my core, pressing lightly. Moaning, I nibble his lower lip as my desire climbs off the charts.
Finished with my mouth, he kisses down my neck and tongues my collarbone. Slowly, he lowers one bra strap and tucks a finger into the lace to pull out a nipple. He takes the hardened tip between his teeth, and gently bites down.
“Ryan…” I arch up for more.
He groans and single-mindedly plays with my breast until it’s so sensitive, every lick, every nibble sends spikes of want to my clit.
On fire, I grind against his leg, spread my legs so he can press up more, and reach for his cock. My fingers wrap around him while my thumb lubricates the soft head wet with pre-cum.
His gaze moves down to where I hold him, growing thicker. “Fuck. I missed your sweetness.”
When his eyes meet mine, they’re black with want. “Red, I, ah, damn. I’m out of my mind. Not sure I can go slow.”
“Fast and hard. Do it.” Holding those amazing eyes prisoner, I slip out of my undies, pull my bra down to my waist, and straddle him.
I impale myself with his huge, thickness. Once we’re core to core, I begin to ride, loving each ridge of him inside me. Just as I angle to the spot that aches for more, he flips me over and thrusts in so deep, I see stars.
Wrapping my legs around him, I arch to meet his quickening pace and grip the comforter. His eyes close with brows creased. He pumps faster, harder, in and out, until I’m mindless with want, A tsunami of an orgasm, looms.
“Fuck, Kir, cum now.” His fingers slip between our writhing body and with one press to my sensitive clit, a huge wave of nerve cells explode.
In this almost out-of-body experience, I cum around him, shaking and shivering. He stiffens, thickens, then empties into me with a groan sending more shivers down my back.
Our bodies echo each final explosion of pleasure while we lay drenched in sweat, his heavy weight atop me. His heart thumps with mine and for a moment, nothing else in the world matters.
I love this man, so much it takes my breath away. If he ever leaves me, I
’ll be shattered.
“Did you see my report?” I ask when I find my brain.
“It was great.” He pulls out, rolls onto his side, and with one finger, pulls a lock of hair out of my mouth.
“I was worried, you know. About too much controversy?”
His smile melts my heart. “Darlin’, I have a feeling we’ll be makin’ a lot of that. Best folks get used to it.”
“But the drafts…?”
He kisses the top of my nose. “One scout for the Patriots loved my speech on woman’s rights. He said it showed, ah, moral fortitude, which they stand for.”
“Hmmm… it wouldn’t have anything to do with the owner of the team being charged with solicitation?” My brows raise and he shrugs.
“Whatever the reason, it’s all good.” He hugs me to his chest. “There is one thing I need you to see. Actually, I’m surprised you haven’t already.”
He opens his computer to his Instagram account where a woman is kissing him on the lips, her boobs about to fall out of her strappy gold dress. And yet, it’s hard to be jealous laying in his arms, the smell of his scent all over me.
“She’s pretty enough, got lots of chest going on… how was the kiss?” I grin when his brows go up.
Laughing he shakes his head back and forth. “You never cease to amaze me. If you must know, she tasted of cigarette smoke and whiskey.”
“See this. “With two fingers, I zoom the picture on the screen until only his eyes show. “That is definitely not your passionate look.”
“And exactly what is?” He nibbles my ear.
“I’d show you, but I have another class. Don’t you?”
He moans as he gets dressed. “I’m meeting my tutor in twenty. We’re going to go over everything. Do you have my notes for public speaking?”
“I got you covered. As long as you hand in your assignments by the end of next month, he’ll pass you.”
“Dufferson likes me.”
“He likes your limericks.”
“Whatever. Want to hear a new one?”
“No.” I kiss him, wishing we could spend the rest of the day in bed.
“Come by tonight?”
After I say goodbye, as I head for class, I check the number of hits to my website. Three thousand? Can that be right? I’ve had so many calls, now my mailbox is full. Maybe I need a personal assistant, too?
Misconduct (FSCU Pitbulls Book 1) Page 17