SEAL Team Seven Books 6&7 Quinn and Devon

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SEAL Team Seven Books 6&7 Quinn and Devon Page 38

by Jordan Silver

  “Have you told me all you know about your childhood?” She’d already told me that she knew she’d been adopted but that was as far as she’d gone.

  “Yes, have something happened?”

  “No, no, everything’s fine. I have to tell you something and I don’t know where to start.”

  She took my face in her hand and turned it towards hers. “Everything has been hidden from me my whole life Devon, always a secret.” I kissed her palm.

  “It seems like I’m the only one who doesn’t know the truth. If we are to be happy together, you must never keep me in the dark again. Especially if it has something to do with me.”

  “I can’t go back to the way things used to be. These last few days with you and the others have been the happiest of my life. I never knew how bleak my life truly was until now. If I had to go back it would kill me I think. Kill my soul.”

  “You’re not going back, no matter what you’re not ever going to be locked away again.” As I said the words I realized how freeing they were.

  If I handed her over to her real father, what would her life be like? What am I really keeping her from if I keep her; marry her? Would that really be such a bad thing?

  It made it easier to start the dialogue that until a few minutes ago I’d been dreading. I took the printout from my pocket and unfolded it.

  “Let’s sit down.” I pulled her down beside me on my lap as I sat on the flat surface of the bluff above the cliffs.

  “Do you know this man?” She studied the image looking at it intensely for a few seconds before giving me an answer.

  “I think so, take away the robes and the turban and it could be my uncle.”

  “Your uncle.” I was holding a picture of the old king.

  “Yes, he came every year that I can remember, at the same time on the date of my birth. I’d awaken to find him in my room just sitting there quietly. He’s the only person other than my parents and brother that I was allowed to see. But he looks so different here. Always before he wore a suit and his hair was different.”

  “Has something happened to him, why do you have his picture?” I took a deep breath and told her the story as I’d heard it on the video the CO had left us from the beginning, making sure to leave nothing out.



  She didn’t interrupt but I could feel her body tense and tremble as I carried on with my tale. Once I was done she didn’t speak for the longest time and I knew she was crying. Broke my fucking heart.

  “Don’t baby.” I wrapped my arms around her, wishing I could take the pain away. I hadn’t thought of this angle, the pain she’d feel at learning the truth.

  Why hadn’t it crossed my mind? How was I to know that she’d feel guilt, a guilt that was none of her own? Her sobs tore at me, shredding my heart until they turned into sniffles.

  “What happened to my mother?” Shit!

  “She died after giving birth… no-no-no baby, not like that. She got an infection and went into septic shock. It wasn’t anything you did.”

  We learned this by digging through old news archives. It hadn’t been a secret. We found news of her death as well, the way the old king had staged it back then pretty much lined up with what the CO had said.

  It was hard not to feel bad for every one involved and I wondered had I been in his shoes would I have had the heart to do what he did. Personally I would’ve ended Khalil and his whole fucking tribe from day one, but that’s just me.

  I vacillated between anger and hope. Anger that her life had been fucked, and hope that now that I’d found her, nothing and no one would try to take her away from me; that we’d be left alone, to live out the rest of our lives in peace.

  I want to be the one to show her the world she’d missed. To share all her firsts with her, see that special light come into her eyes when she finds joy in something. Her voice interrupted my inner reverie.

  “And this man, this Khalil, he’s after me?”


  “And he’s bad.”

  “The worse.” I gave her a broad idea of the kind of man he was and the shit he’d been responsible for over the years without going too deep.

  He wasn’t her problem, was never going to be her problem. I hated even mentioning his name to her, but she was right. She’d been kept in the dark for too long.

  I skirted around a lot of issues, but I forgot about that mind of hers and pretty soon she was putting the pieces of the puzzle together on her own. That’s her thing; she listens.

  “Was he the one who had Kelly, and the other girls taken?” How the fuck did she know that? Of course, the women had been playing detective.

  “Why do you ask?”

  “It makes sense. Kelly thinks her kidnapping had something to do with her dad who happens to be one of your… commander’s team mates from back then. My dad, he too was in the service. There’s an obvious pattern. We just didn’t know the cause behind it.”

  “What else did you ladies discuss?” I should’ve asked what they hadn’t discussed. It was obvious from her words that they knew a hell of a lot more than we thought they did.

  Because of her lack of artifice she spoke openly about things I knew my sisters would never in a million years have told my brothers.

  I should probably tell her about sharing what I’m sure the others thought were secrets, but I love the fact that she doesn’t know how to lie. I give her three months tops before they turn her.

  I won’t say my sisters lie, but they know how to manipulate the truth to suit their purpose and I have the feeling my woman would put them all to shame in that department. Her mind scares me.

  But I too was listening to her, not just her words but also her body. And I knew what she was doing.

  “I know you’re scared, I know you’re asking me everything but what’s really on your mind. Tell me!”

  I brushed the hair back behind her ear and placed a kiss there before taking her hand in mine. I didn’t know how else to let her know that I was there, that I wouldn’t let anything touch her.

  “Will he make me go with him?”

  “NO! Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell, I’m not mad at you baby.” I held her tighter as my heart raced with dread. She’d voiced my own fear out loud.

  “No one is taking you anywhere. I won’t let you go.” Even if I had to ghost I’d do it to keep her. This is such a fucked up situation.

  I saved her from one prison to bring her this close to another. I have nothing against other cultures and the way they do things, to each his own.

  But I can’t feel that way about her. I don’t care who her father was, or is. I don’t care that he loved her enough to send her away to protect her. She’s mine dammit.


  “Sorry baby!” I loosened my hold on her thinking I was holding her too tight, but she pulled my arms tighter around her.

  “No, tighter, hold me tighter.

  My baby was scared and shaking. “Come here baby.” I turned her around on my lap and took her mouth in a fierce kiss. “I love you, you’ll never be away from me.”

  I wiped the tears as they fell from her eyes and kissed her cheeks dry until she found my mouth again with hers.

  There was a world of desperation in her kiss and her little heart beat frantically against my chest. This is what I’d been dreading. Why I held off from telling her. Words are sometimes not enough and they were all I had to give her for now. “Come on, let’s get you inside.”

  I only planned to lay with her and comfort her until she calmed down. She had a lot to digest and as much as I wanted her as I always do, I needed to take care of her more.

  Once inside the cottage I took off her shoes and mine and climbed into bed, pulling the covers up over us both.

  I held her against my chest and caressed her back gently, placing intermittent kisses on her forehead and cheeks every so often.

  She felt so fragile in my arms. Like the most precious thing I’ve ever held. And w
hen I felt her warm tears brush against my skin, it damn near broke my heart again.

  “Don’t do that baby please.” I’ve heard one or more of my brothers claim that their woman’s tears fucks with their heads. I never understood the truth of that statement until this very moment.

  I rolled with her until she was beneath me. “Hey, look at me. None of this is your fault. Nothing that has happened is your fault.”

  Her poor heart; too young, too innocent to carry such a burden. Khalil deserves to die for that alone. For every second that she blames herself for the horrors he’d committed in the name of finding her. I want him dead now more than ever.

  “But if I hadn’t been born…”

  “Are you kidding me?” I put her hand over my heart. “You feel that? If you’d never been born I wouldn’t be feeling this. I could never have felt this for anyone but you. Would you deny me this?”

  “No, never I love you Devon. Please save me.” She wrapped her arms around my head and pulled me into a heated kiss having no idea what her words did to me. “I will, I promise you I will.”

  She studied my eyes seeking the truth, and once she found what it was she was looking for, ran her hands up my chest where my heart beat steadily, firm, strong.

  “Love me Devon, please love me.” I tried to go slow when I undressed her but she was in a hurry. She tore at my clothes while I worked on hers and once we were both naked, it was she who bit into my chest as if trying to consume my flesh.

  I gritted my teeth against the pain but said nothing as she marked me over and over again while I held still. I understood the wild need in her, the need to feel some kind of control in a situation where she had none.

  She wrapped her legs around me and tried to get me to fuck her before she was ready. Or at least I thought she wasn’t ready.

  But when I passed my hand between her thighs and dipped a finger inside her, she was more than ready to take me.

  Still I wanted her taste in my mouth. I needed it more than my next breath. I put my head between her thighs and licked her slit until her pussy opened under my tongue.

  I licked deep and drew her essence from deep inside before going back for more. I ran my hands up her chest until I held her tits under my hands while eating her out.

  She moved beneath my tongue, her hands gripping my hair hard as her legs writhed against the sheets, and she begged me softly to give her more.


  I don’t know what’s wrong with me. There’s a fire burning out of control inside me. Something dark and wild that unfolded as the words came from Devon’s lips.

  Each word, each new mystery revealed was like a dagger in my heart. Because of one man, my whole world had been destroyed.

  I felt anger, hurt, and pain. Why hadn’t my ‘father’ protected me better? Why had so many lives been destroyed because of mine?

  As those thoughts ran through my head on the heels of the pleasure Devon caused with his mouth, anger won the day.

  I moved against his tongue until that sweet ache had me lifting off the bed as I came with a burst of light that went off like a camera flash behind my closed lids.

  I didn’t give myself time to come down, but used the momentum of the most spectacular orgasm to reverse our positions.

  His look of surprise wasn’t lost on me, but the anger was fast becoming hunger as I ran my tongue down the center of his body until I came to the heavy length of flesh between his thighs.

  It was so beautiful his manhood. Nothing at all like the aesthetic pictures in the books I’d studied for biology that’s for sure.

  I teased him with my tongue while holding his eyes the way he’d taught me. I rubbed my face with the liquid that leaked from his tip before taking that tip into my mouth and running my tongue across the slit.

  His body jumped and I did it again. His hand came down and fisted my hair. I took more and more of him inside my mouth, using my teeth when my heart beat erratically and the strange hunger and need took me over.

  I moved my head from side to side as I swallowed more of his length, regretting the fact that I couldn’t fit all of him in my mouth.

  My nails dragged along his sides as I sucked more of him into my mouth, stretching my lips around him. Suddenly his taste on my tongue was like the sweetest ambrosia and I wanted more.

  His hiss and moans escalated the beats of my heart and I moved my mouth faster, lower until my cheeks hurt and my mouth grew tired. Still I didn’t stop.

  “Give me Devon.” I pulled off long enough to say before speeding up my efforts even when he tried calming me down.

  “Shh, baby, easy, easy.” He ran his hand lovingly down my cheek, but I didn’t want tenderness. I wanted to feel the sweet burn of his flesh pounding into me like he would die if he didn’t have me.

  When I fondled his balls, his cock jumped on my tongue and I kept it up until I felt the seed fill his balls and they grew hard and drew up close to his body.

  He warned me that he was about to cum seconds before I felt the first spurt hit the back of my throat. I pulled my head back just the slightest bit and the next volley landed on my tongue.

  I sucked until there was nothing but dribbles left, and then I climbed on top of him and holding him in place with one hand, lowered myself onto his semi hard length.

  It wasn’t long before I felt him grow and harden inside me as I rode up and down on his length. His words of encouragement spurred me on to go faster and faster as I chased something inside that seemed just out of reach.

  His hands on my hips felt different, stronger somehow; his thick length inside me more filling. I didn’t know I was crying until he started crooning softly to me again and kissing the tears from my cheeks.

  “Come ‘ere, I’ve got you.” He pulled my face down to his with a hand behind my head and took my lips a little more roughly this time as my body undulated over his.

  I used him to outrace the thoughts in my head, but no matter how hard I ground myself against him. Or how hard I slammed my hips into his. I couldn’t quite catch whatever it was that I was running after.

  But he knew! I should’ve known he would. “I’ve got you.” He whispered the words in my ear as he held my head and rolled us until I was beneath him.

  He looked down at me as he lifted my legs around his waist and that’s when I found it. From his first powerful stroke, I started to cum.

  The look in his eyes: such determination. The strength in his arms, as I gripped them, the feel of his hard length going in and out of me. And most of all the way his body covered and shielded mine blocking out the rest of the world.

  We moved together in perfect sync. As his cock butted against that place inside me that makes me see stars, I finally felt fulfilled, like I’d captured whatever it was that had been escaping me.

  The void his words had opened, that had widened with each syllable was finally filled and closed. He watched me as if he knew, licking the tears as they fell before they had the chance to flow down my cheeks.

  He whispered things in my ears. Sweet things, reassuring things! Things I needed to hear, to believe. Now my heart was full to overflowing.

  His hands felt heavy, rough, powerful, as he lifted my ass, bringing me closer to him. My belly was filled with him, and so was the place between my thighs.

  And when he bit into my flesh, starting at my throat and making his way down to the tender flesh above my nipples, I felt owned, cherished, loved. “Mine!”

  That growl, held such intense heat it made my body respond and I came again, locking off his body inside my own. “My Devon.”

  “Always.” His kiss this time was punishingly rough. I felt his teeth scrape against my lip and teeth as he took my tongue into his mouth, before pushing it out roughly again with his, feeding it to me.

  The noise the bed made as it knocked against the wall sent shivers straight to my sex. I loved it almost as much as his growls and sounds of uncontrollable lust.

  Those sounds told me that he was t
otally and completely under my spell. That his need for me was as strong as mine for him.

  I spread my legs wider unlocking them from around his waist and holding onto my ankles. Looking down between us I got lost in the sight of his sun bronzed flesh as it slid into me over and over.

  I reveled in the sight of my juices that coated him more and more each time he thrust into me. The sight was so primal, so lust inflaming that I began to cum and couldn’t stop.

  His cock became a blur as he used it to piston in and out of me harder, faster. I felt that sweet burn again as he drove into my belly, hitting something inside me that seemed to have been waiting for him.

  He covered my mouth with his hand when my body erupted and I screamed. I bit his palm making him swear and take it away, only to replace it with mouth and tongue.

  Now he was bouncing between my thighs, our stomachs meeting in time with our hips as he drove that solid steel length deep into me.

  I felt his seed burst inside me. I didn’t think you were supposed to, but I did. I felt its slippery warmth as it splashed against my walls before he snuck into that place that caused me pain mingled with pleasure.

  Then his seed seemed to target a secret place inside me that only he knew, only he will ever know. My womb!



  Merciful fuck, what was that? I barely had enough strength left to roll to my side and pull her into me since my cock refused to slip out of her.

  I felt like I’d just shared my soul with her. She sure as fuck took something out of me! I pulled her head back and stared down at her in total amazement.

  I could see it in her eyes. I’d brought a lamb to my bed but she now stared back at me with the eyes of a lioness. I had the marks on my back and my sides to prove it.

  Some of her innocence was gone and I mourned that. But I welcomed this new change. She was going to need to be strong so that we could save each other.

  I need her to keep the dark away. If she goes the sun would cease to shine and my days would go back to being bleak once more.


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