The Galactic Sentinel: Ultimate Edition: 4 Books with 2000+ Pages of Highly Entertaining Sci-Fi Space Adventure

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The Galactic Sentinel: Ultimate Edition: 4 Books with 2000+ Pages of Highly Entertaining Sci-Fi Space Adventure Page 84

by Killian Carter

  "Why are you asking me?" Clio said. "Booster’s right here. What do you think, buddy?"

  "No," he said without missing a beat. "I’ll go with Clio."

  Phineosa turned to Booster and sighed, as though annoyed that she had to stoop so low as to speak with an animal. "Your health is at risk…more so than Captain Grimshaw. It would be wise to—"

  "No," Booster repeated.



  Clio smiled at the Zaqaran’s consternation. "I don’t think he likes the idea."

  "Very well." Phineosa’s SIG rang. "I have another appointment to keep." She slid the compad across the table. "Everything we found on your father is on there. If reading it causes you to remember anything, let us know."

  "Of course," Clio said without taking her eyes off the compad. She reached out but couldn’t bring herself to touch the device.

  "Keep it safe," the Zaqaran said, climbing out of her chair. "We’ll be in touch."

  Clio barely noticed the Zaqaran leave the room. Her eyes darted between Booster and the compad.

  Until this day, she had never thought about her father. Those who had abandoned her didn't deserve her consideration. Yet, curiosity beckoned, and her fingers brushed the compad.

  If her father had left information before his death, then perhaps she could learn more about her fury genes. Perhaps she could learn how to use and manipulate them instead of feeling like a slave. Perhaps they could actually be a useful tool against Chimera…if only she could learn how to use them. As things stood, they were nothing more than a liability.

  "Let’s get out of here, Booster. We’ve got work to do." She lifted the compad and tucked it into her uniform. She would read the files after running her check on the North Star’s flight systems.

  Booster chirped in agreement. "It’s been a long day," he said, as though reading her mind.

  "And what about how pushy Phineosa was about you staying behind? Don’t you think that was a bit strange?"

  "Everything inside the Shroud is fucking strange," Booster spat as they left.



  Instruments and controls buzzed as red-clad Zaqaran operators went about their duties in Hangar Tower Three’s observation station.

  Grimshaw watched the crews buzz around the North Star from atop the tower’s viewing platform. The ship looked completely different post-refit. New iridescent plating covered her hull giving her the appearance of some exotic bird. Her wings had been reconstructed and the plasma canons on their tips were twice as long as before. The booster jets were also much bigger than her originals. And that was only the outside. Her innards had changed just as much if not more so.

  The wide window before the platform offered a sweeping view of a dozen docking bays below. Yellow Zaqaran uniforms milled about with the gray-blue North Star crew as they loaded crates, checked systems, and ran any number of pre-mission tasks. The bay to either side of the advanced frigate remained unoccupied, allowing supply ships to come and go as they pleased.

  The platform’s observation terminal allowed Grimshaw to zoom in and watch sections of the dock closer. He controlled the camera on the primary terminal, panning away from a loading bay and enlarging the visual of the North Star.

  "She’s something to behold," Lieutenant Dann said, looking up from his compad on Grimshaw’s right. "It’s a shame I can’t say the same for these uniforms. It’s like those sumbitches are trying to show us they’ve got a leash around our necks."

  The lieutenant tugged at the tight collar of the new uniform the Orinmore crew had provided. The garments were dark blue in keeping with Confederation Fleet protocol, but harsh lines made them more angular and the under shirt did hug a bit tight at the seams. Grimshaw had to admit it was a little uncomfortable, but it was a far-cry from the standard issue rags Fleet provided.

  All the same, Grimshaw had to stop himself from pulling at his own collar. "The fit might be a little tight, but that’s a small price to pay for something that can take a plasma bolt or two." Grimshaw nodded to the viewing window. "The North Star isn’t complaining about her new uniform."

  Dann touched the cross around his neck as he looked outside. He cut a strong side-profile, his unshaven jaw and unkempt hair lending him that rough quality that made him the perfect candidate for keeping his team in line. His lips moved silently as though praying before he finally spoke again.

  "Something tells me we’ll be needing that armor before long. I’m still amazed at how fast the Omnion and Zaqarans refitted her. If the Confederation Fleet was half as efficient, we humans would be a force to be reckoned with."

  "Their engineers and technicians are impressive, for sure." Grimshaw gave Dann a wry smile. "Hopefully, the new stealth system means we won’t need that armor."

  "Being able to jump with an active stealth-drive will come in handy for sure. But just as we upgrade our ship, the good Lord knows that Chimera and the Aphnai will upgrade theirs."

  Grimshaw nodded. "Which is why we’re exercising extreme caution and preparing for as many eventualities as possible. How is progress with supplies?"

  "Almost there, sir. Commander Eline runs a tight shift." Lieutenant Dann swiped his compad. "With her in control, I’ve barely had to worry about a thing…outside of knocking a few heads together, of course. Some of the boys and girls don’t like the idea of a Shanti being over them, but they’ll get used to it in time. But that’s for me to worry about. Besides, anyone steps out of line and you can bet your ass Eline will kick them straight back into place."

  "They didn’t make her an Aegis for nothing, but I do worry about her sometimes, Dann. She has spent almost every moment since we got here on the North Star."

  "She’s been through the mill, sir. The Aegi Order meant everything to her, and even that’s gone now. Being Commander of the most powerful frigate in the galaxy is a good way to stay busy, to keep the mind on what matters. Were I in her position, I’d be no different."

  Grimshaw nodded. "What about the missing crate you mentioned in your last report?"

  "O’Donovan found that yesterday, sir. No fault of the Zaqarans. One of ours mistook the nutrition crate for ammunition and directed the dock hands to leave it on the weapons bay. If all continues as is, the North Star will be loaded within three hours."

  "Good work."

  "All credit to the crew, Captain. They’re eager to leave the Shroud."

  Grimshaw stretched his neck. "Can’t say I blame them. Things on the Orinmore have felt…restrictive lately."

  "Aye, nothing like getting out for fresh air." He tugged at his collar again.

  "It’ll be good to get proper updates on what’s been going on in Sentinel space. Hard to piece things together with the tidbits they’ve been feeding us in here."

  Dann looked out the window ponderously for a moment. "Any ideas on what to do about us being wanted criminals? Things have calmed down, but I hear some networks are still calling us terrorists."

  "Faye Laya is working on something. It’s going to take time, and we’ll have to hijack a connection to the Galactic Communications Network to make it work, but we need to take things one step at a time. We get through with this mission, then we can worry about clearing our names. In the meantime, hopefully we can make a break for the G-Gate without being detected using the North Star’s new ghost-drive. Failing that, we run. I’m told the North Star will be the fastest ship out there. But as you say, we won’t be the only ones with new tech. We still don’t know much about Chimera. They’re clearly well-funded, and now that the Galactic Council are under their control, there’s no telling what stunts they’ll pull."

  "I guess we’ll find out. Every mercenary and their dog must be out there waiting. At this stage, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Tal’ri put in an appearance. If anyone will come close to catching the North Star, it’ll be them. They’re bound to be hiding among those Shanti pilgrim ships. Even with the distraction the Orinmore will create, I get the feeling we�
��ll still be seen."

  "That’s a chance we have to take." Grimshaw didn’t like the uncertainty any more than Dann, but there wasn’t a lot they could do. "Other than being eager to leave, how are the crew doing?"

  "Most moved on board yesterday. Once the Starfall returns from her test flight and the primary flight crew show up, that’ll be everyone bar Doctor Roshi. All of his gear’s on board, but the Shanti isn’t scheduled to join until directly before take-off. It’s closer than I’d like to cut it, but the Zaqarans insist on having him as long as they possibly can before departure."

  "What about Anderson?"

  "She’s decided to stay and take over from Roshi while he’s gone."

  "Aren’t the Zaqarans better trained to deal with Omnion physiology? I can’t see why they would need Anderson."

  "I don’t understand the medical jargon, but from what I understand, Roshi’s work has been instrumental in slowing the progress of the illness, and Anderson knows his work better than anyone else. They were reluctant to let him go, but we need him to help with this cure the Krags have promised."

  "It’s a shame Anderson won’t be joining us."

  "Aye, but she seemed pleased to be left behind. You know what she’s like. Prefers to keep busy. I doubt the long stretches of quiet between destinations would sit well with her. The Zaqarans have filled any gaps with medical personnel of their own."

  "Speaking of our guests, how are they settling in?"

  "I’ve assigned them separate quarters as you ordered. The diplomatic envoy have already made themselves at home. The medical staff arrive later. The engineers moved in this morning. So far, they haven’t caused any trouble. Neither have any of ours, though I can’t say they’re taking it well. Integrating Shanti into the crew is challenging enough. Throwing Zaqarans into the mix might be enough to tip things over the edge."

  "Keep an eye on things, Dann. I don’t even want to think about what would happen if Evans gets in a fight with one of them." Grimshaw lowered his voice. "I’m glad we have engineers who know what they’re doing on board, for a change, but part of me sides with Evans in her distrust of the Omnion and Zaqarans. The kid’s got good intuition."

  Lieutenant Dann nodded. "Don’t worry, Captain. I already have a few of my men keeping an eye on things. Speak of the devil…"

  Grimshaw followed the Lieutenant’s gaze to the main doorway.

  Evans entered the observation area with someone wearing an unpainted TEK he didn’t recognize close on her heels.

  As they drew near, Grimshaw did a second take. The person in the man-sized TEK was Booster. Grimshaw’s brain struggled to decipher the scene. The Puck’s small head looked comical in such a large suit, yet his movements were fluid and natural. Grimshaw didn’t know much about robotics, but he had never seen such a machine operate so smoothly.

  "What the hell is that?" Dann said, voicing Grimshaw’s thoughts.

  "It’s Booster’s new suit. New-gen robotics. Alvar made it for him…with a little help from the Orinmore crew of course."

  "Me too," Booster squeaked in objection.

  Clio rolled her eyes. "Yes, of course. Booster too. It’s why I’ve barely seen him since we got here. I was as surprised as you are when he showed up in it this morning."

  Booster beamed with pride as he flexed the suit’s arms like a body builder posing on a stage, servos humming quietly with every move.

  "It’s…impressive," Grimshaw muttered, his mind still racing to catch up with his eyes.

  "It needs a lick of paint and a few other adjustments, but we took it for a spin in the training bay on the way over," she said with excitement. "It’s battle-ready."

  Grimshaw was glad to see her smirk. Booster was just what Clio needed to take her mind off recent events.

  "He can fight?" Dann said, cocking an eyebrow.

  Clio nodded with a smile as Booster’s silver arm made a chopping motion.

  "Where we’re going, hopefully he won’t need to," Grimshaw said. "Good to know we have you on our side all the same, Booster."

  "Glad to be here," Booster said, balancing perfectly on one leg.

  Grimshaw found it bizarre looking having the Puck at eye-level. He added it to the long list of strange things he’d seen since crashing on Colony 115 the year before.

  Clio looked at him nervously. "May I speak to you, Captain?"

  "Of course," he said.

  She looked at Dann apologetically.

  "I’ve got a stack of special crates to load onto the North Star," Dann said, winking at her and gesturing at Booster as he took his leave. "Maybe you can show me what that rig of yours can do."

  "Sure," Booster chirped with a wave as he joined the Lieutenant, excited to put his new suit to use.

  They disappeared through the doorway, and Clio looked around to make sure no one was nearby.

  "Is everything okay, Evans?"

  "Yes, sir…It’s…I had some news from Agent Phineosa, and she wanted me to keep it on the DL. It’s regarding the fury thing."

  Grimshaw nodded, trying not to show too much concern. "They’ve made progress with your tests?"

  "Sort of. They found some information that might help, but it could be a dud." She hesitated. "Apparently, I inherited genes from my father. They found his information in some old, abandoned CSD facility."

  "I see," he said, doing his best to contain his surprise as fractured memories of his time at such a place leapt unbidden into his head. "I thought the CSD destroyed all their labs."

  "They did. But it looks like they missed one…or part of one." She produced a Zaqaran compad. "I know you don’t like to talk about it, sir…but I was wondering if you would mind having a look…see if you knew him?"

  Grimshaw tentatively accepted the device, fearing a dead squad member might look back from the display. The tremors hadn’t bothered him in a while, but they suddenly shifted just below the surface. He turned the compad in his hand and cast his eyes over the profile. The clean-shaven man staring back at him was maybe a little older than Evans. He had her red hair, mischievous eyes, and a wry smile. There was no doubt the man was her father. To Grimshaw’s relief, he didn’t recognize the face. He shook his head.

  "Sorry, Evans. The Fury Project spanned several systems. The only other subjects I knew were on my squad, and we first met before the operation on Gorthore…"

  He returned the compad to Evans.

  "I understand, Captain," she said, disappointment creeping into her eyes. "Thank you for looking."

  "Do they think he’s alive?"

  "They aren’t sure. It’s unlikely. Not that it matters…"

  "You know I’m not much of a talker, but I can listen…" He awkwardly touched her shoulder. "As a friend, I mean. If you need. Just let me know."

  "I appreciate that, sir. But I’ll do my best not to bother you." She smirked and nodded in the direction of the scene in the hangar below. "You already have plenty to worry about with all that going on down there."

  Thunder rolled from the hangar’s left as the Starfall glided into view.

  Grimshaw watched as it gently descended towards the North Star. "Looks like Commander Eline’s secondary flight team are getting to grips with the North Star’s new shuttle."

  "No small feat," Evans said as she watched the shuttle bank and glide through the opening in the North Star’s hull. "Marilda’s been working hard. She’ll have my job in no time."

  "I doubt that, but the more pilots we have, the better."

  She turned back to Grimshaw with a smile. "I better go make sure Booster isn’t causing trouble for Lieutenant Dann. He isn’t used to the new suit yet, and he tends to get a little carried away at the best of times. See you on board, sir."

  She saluted and left through the tower’s door.

  Evans was always one of the sharpest people in the room, but she appeared to be more distracted than Grimshaw had feared. He looked at his SIG and considered contacting Agent Phineosa.

  Perhaps the Zaqaran officia
l can shine more light on the matter.

  "Jason!" a familiar voice called from ahead.

  Faye Laya stormed into the observation room, and Grimshaw couldn’t help but smile despite his misgivings about Evans. "I wasn’t expecting you so soon."

  "I dropped Kristine at school early. Thought I’d see you off before things get too busy." She crossed the room and gave him a peck on the cheek.

  "How is she?”

  "She finishes her final round next week. The Zaqarans say that her lung function is almost back to normal. It’s such a relief to see her able to play with the other kids."

  "She still giving them a run for their money?"

  "You know Kristine. She’s got ambition and is the only human in the learning center. She loves the spotlight. Just like her mother." Faye gave a mock bow. "She was annoyed that I wouldn’t let her come say goodbye again."

  "She’s as stubborn as her mother too."

  Faye laughed. "Speaking of which, I should be joining you on the mission…to get more footage."

  "No." Grimshaw did his best not to sigh. "I need you to keep working on the files the Omnion have collected. It’s important we make as strong a case as possible before making a move. Besides, I’ve got those auto-cams you gave me."

  "They don’t do as good a job when set to fully-automatic."

  "They’ll be good enough," he said. "We’re gathering information for our case, not shooting a documentary.”

  She looked at him with pleading eyes for a moment before backing down. Suddenly, she leaned in and kissed him deeply, her body pressing into his. He was glad none of the crew were around.

  Faye drew back, her breath warm on his lips.

  He held her hands as she looked into his eyes. "We’ll be back in a few weeks."

  "You better," she threatened. "Any delays and you’ll have to answer to Kristine."

  A siren rang from the hangar below. "Afraid that means they’ll need me soon."

  She threw her arms around him once more. They embraced for a while before she drew away. "Promise me you’ll be back."

  "I promise."

  "The video and case files will be ready by the time you return. Good luck out there, Captain." She tapped him on the nose with her index finger before heading for the exit. On reaching the door, she turned and blew him a kiss. Then she was gone.


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