World Tree Online: The Duchess of Hammers: 2nd Dive Begins

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World Tree Online: The Duchess of Hammers: 2nd Dive Begins Page 13

by M. A. Carlson

  Frowning, Micaela looked around for someone that worked in the park. After a minute, she finally spotted someone in a bright yellow shirt with a nameplate . He looked like a teenager with pointy ears and a light complexion and dark hair, a high elf unless Micaela was mistaken.

  “Excuse me, but when will the Spirit Wolf exhibit reopen?” Micaela asked, startling the attendant slightly.

  “Uh,” the guy eloquently responded, his eyes wide as he stared up at Micaela’s massive form. “Um . . . uh . . .”

  Micaela rolled her eye. “I’m not going to hurt you. I just wanted to know about the exhibit,” she asked, pointing to the enclosure behind her.

  The boy took another moment of stuttering before he snapped out of it. “Right . . . sorry . . . right, the Spirit Wolves. Uh, I do not think it will ever reopen,” he finally answered.

  “Oh, why not?” Micaela pouted.

  “Well, the female is sick and if she dies so will the male,” he answered sadly. “I know they have sent for help, but the soonest someone can come, would be sometime next week. The beast tamers do not think she has that long,” explained the young man.

  “Aw, that is so sad,” said Micaela.

  “You should help,” said Sundance.

  “Yeah, you should definitely help,” said Butch, agreeing with his brother for a change. It wasn’t uncommon for Butch to be contrary to his brother just for the sake of being contrary. Usually, it amused Micaela, it made her imagine what it would have been like to have twin sons. So, when the pair agreed on something, she listened.

  All the totems pretty much echoed that.

  “Um, I don’t know how much I can do, but is there any way I can help?” she asked.

  “Unless you know a shaman, I do not think there is much you can do,” he replied morosely.

  “Ooh, ooh, I am a shaman,” she replied excitedly.

  “Seriously?” he asked, his eyes wide.

  “Seriously,” she replied.

  “Then follow me, I cannot promise the beast tamers will let you help but we can at least ask,” offered the boy.

  Class Quest Alert: Sick Wolves, Help Wanted! 1 (Recommended Level 6-8)

  You have learned that a spirit animal has become very sick and needs a shaman to even have a chance at being saved. Follow the attendant and convince the tamers to allow you to help.

  Reward: Experience

  Do you accept this quest?



  “Lead the way,” she said, very excited about the class quest. She was quick to follow the young man as he weaved through the crowd. “I’m Micaela Crushhammer, by the way.”

  “Snow Whittle and please do not laugh at my name. I do not know why all of you adventurers find it so amusing,” he replied, halting her before she could utter a giggle of amusement.

  Micaela had to swallow her laugh, the name was very silly and so close. Still, she had to at least try to respect his wishes even though it was really hard.

  “So, are you a beast tamer?” she asked, trying to make a little conversation.

  “Sadly, not yet. It is customary among my people to wait until after our eightieth name day to choose a class. I find it annoying, what is one more year after I have already lived 79? How much am I going to mature in just one year? My parents treat me like I am still in my forties,” he complained, sounding very much like he was just a teenager.

  “So, you’re working here to be close to the animals?” Micaela asked, remembering a very similar argument with her daughter when she was around seventeen.

  “That and learning more about beast taming. I am really hoping to be able to join the Hunters Union, but their entry requirements are very strict. If I can get good letters of recommendation from the tamers here, then I will have a very good chance,” Snow answered. “Otherwise, I might look into joining an Order, assuming any of the adventurer orders would accept me. Still, I must try right?”

  Micaela almost missed a step when she heard the boy state he was going to try to join an Order. “You do know how dangerous that is right? I mean, if you die, that’s it, game over.”

  “I could die just the same as being part of the Hunters Union,” he replied with a small shrug. “It does not really matter right now though. I still have a month before I turn eighty and the Hunters Union might accept me. I can worry about that later.”

  Micaela was stunned silent as she followed the boy . . . no, young man. He was confronting some very real adult decisions. Thinking of him as a boy would have been insulting. Even after four months of gameplay, Micaela was still so very impressed by the AI that managed all the NPC’s. They were so lifelike. But this . . . this was something completely new. Was it even possible?

  Snow led Micaela through the park, weaving between people and down different paths with ease. Finally, leading her down a path blocked by a gate with ‘Authorized Personnel Only’.

  “Maybe wait here,” said Snow, sounding a little unsure. “I will go ask Tamer Ridley.”

  “Sure,” said Micaela, nodding.

  “I like him,” said Sundance.

  “I do not, he is weak,” said Butch haughtily, and back to being contrary.

  “Be nice,” Micaela chided Butch.

  The ax scoffed at her, Butch was a very moody spirit. If she were to guess, a level 6 spirit was the equivalent of a teenager in spirit levels, he was so much like her daughter at times, all of them were actually. Micaela had always prided herself on being the best mother a child could ask for.

  When her daughter needed something, she got it and sometimes even when she didn’t need something, she got it anyway. Micaela was the cool mom all her daughter’s friends loved. It was something that eventually caused a rift between mother and daughter. Daphne felt like Micaela was an embarrassment, she started keeping secrets. Then Daphne got into some real trouble after she started hanging out with the wrong crowd.

  Micaela had to take a different approach after that. She couldn’t be her daughter's friend anymore or continue to spoil her. She had to become Drill Sergeant Millie Meadows again, something her daughter hated her for at the time. Micaela never enjoyed being a Drill Sergeant, it was the very antithesis to her personality. On the other hand, she always enjoyed pulling rank on Olaf, it certainly kept things in the bedroom interesting. Anyway, Drill Sergeant Meadows was more successful in reaching her daughter, evidenced by her now going to Oxford.

  Now, Micaela was more or less having to relive those teen years, but with several kids instead of just the one. Micaela was still trying to find a balance with the totems, it was only a matter of time or levels before they grew a bit more mature.

  Micaela was so lost in her memories, she was surprised when Snow gently shook her shoulder.

  “You still here, Miss Micaela?” the young park attendant asked.

  “I’m here, sorry, lost in memories for a minute there,” she replied with a chuckle. “Will he let me try?”

  “He will speak with you,” said Snow, wincing as he said it.

  “Let’s go then,” said Micaela energetically. She understood from the way the boy winced, it was likely the tamer didn’t really want to meet with her.

  Snow led the way again, opening the gate to allow her through then locking it behind them.

  Micaela wasn’t sure what to expect from the employee only area but if she was honest, she was disappointed. There were no animals wandering around, no hustle and bustle of tamers moving from one enclosure to another. It was kind of boring.

  They passed a few gates that led into enclosures before they came to a single, plain looking barn. It was nicer than a barn, but the size was about right.

  “This is the medical center, the tamers treat injured and sick animals here as well as injured and sick tamers,” explained Snow, without being asked.

  Inside the medical barn, Micaela was introduced to Tamer Ridley, a tall Orc with sharp lower fangs and a frown etched on his face. He wore leather armor from head to toe a
nd had a whip at his hip.

  “Kid tells me you are a shaman,” Ridley said gruffly.

  “That’s right,” said Micaela, trying to be as friendly and approachable as possible.

  “Huh, so the kid was telling the truth. An ogre that is not a complete moron. Alright, follow me,” he ordered.

  Class Quest Alert: Sick Wolves, Help Wanted! 1 (Recommended Level 6-8) - Completed

  You have learned that a spirit animal has become very sick and needs a shaman to even have a chance at being saved. Follow the attendant and convince the tamers to allow you to help.

  Reward: +1,000-Experience

  Micaela couldn’t help thinking that was too easy. Micaela was quick to follow the man to a cordoned-off section of the barn, the sound of snarling and growling emerging from behind the wooden barrier.

  “Okay, so the little lady is breach, one the pups didn’t turn properly and is blocking all the pups from being born,” Riley began, standing in front of the door, his arms crossed. “You need to cut it free, preferably without killing her or any of the pups. As a shaman, you’re the only one that can work in this world and the other to see them safely born. Any questions?”

  Class Quest Alert: Sick Wolves, Help Wanted! 2 (Recommended Level 6-8)

  You have learned that a spirit animal is struggling to give birth to a litter of puppies. You have been asked to assist with the wolves to safely give birth.

  Reward: Experience, Hidden

  Do you accept this quest?



  “Puppies?” Micaela asked, fixating on the fact there were going to be puppies.

  Ridley groaned in annoyance. “Yes, puppies, but only if she can give birth. Layla is in pain, so she might be a bit snippy with you. Gabriel is in full on protection mode so do not be surprised if you have to convince him to let you help first.”

  Micaela sobered, this was a serious event that required her to be serious.

  “Good luck,” Ridley said, stepping out of the way and allowing her access to the door.

  Micaela stepped inside cautiously, not sure what she should expect. A giant spectral blue and gold wolf looking her in the eye was not what she expected.

  “Spiritwalk,” Micaela said, entering the spirit world instantly. She didn’t need say it out loud like that, in this case, it was more of a panic response than anything.

  The familiar grey mist of the spirit world was quick to surround her. The wolf in front of her didn’t move.

  “Good, you are a shaman? You will help my mate . . . or I will kill you,” said the wolf, his deep timber voice suggested this was Gabriel.

  “Gabe, is the shaman finally here?” called a weak sounding female, Layla.

  “Yeah, finally showed up, you want me to let her in?” he asked, not taking his eyes off Micaela.

  “Yes, let her in already,” said Layla, sounding exasperated.

  Gabriel studied Micaela for a moment longer before he turned away, walking over and sitting on his haunches next to Layla.

  “Hello dear,” said Layla, the corners of her muzzle upturning slightly, forming a weak smile.

  “Hello,” said Micaela, moving closer to the wolf and her bulging stomach. “First time?” she asked, trying to lighten the mood.

  “How could you tell?” Layla asked.

  “My husband was the same way when we had our first,” said Micaela with a kind smile for the giant wolf.

  Gabriel huffed, a soft growl rumbled in his throat.

  “Oh hush, Gabe, you are being ridiculous,” Layla chided her mate. Looking back to Micaela, she asked, “Am I going to make it?”

  Micaela had very limited information to work with. She wasn’t a veterinarian and her dogs had never had puppies. Still, she understood what a breach was and the options for dealing with it, something any military trained mother to be would thoroughly investigate. Looking at the wolf, and checking the birth canal, she believed there were only two options. She could either cut the mother open to deliver the pups or try to manually turn the one blocking the path.

  Looking at the fully effaced birth canal with a spectral tall and hind quarter sticking out gave her very little choice. Micaela placed a hand on Layla’s side then grabbed hold of the pup’s hind leg. “This is going to hurt, I need to push the pup back in to grab the other leg. I should be able to pull him out from there.”

  Layla grimaced. “Do what you must, please save my babies.”

  Micaela took a deep calming breath, then pushed.

  Layla yelped in pain.

  “Almost done,” said Micaela, her meaty fingers probing for the missing leg. Finally, brushing the limb, she was able to slowly bring it into her hand, already holding the tail and the other leg. With all three limbs in hand, Micaela slowly guided the pup out. The little spirit wolf came free with a splash and a wet plop followed quickly by three more wet plops.

  Layla seemed to finally relax, breathing in relief.

  Micaela did one final check, there didn’t appear to be anything wrong, again, not that she would really know as there was a significant difference between humans and animals. Still, it would seem Micaela was successful.

  Gabriel was quick to see to the pups, helping them to their mother to start feeding as well as licking them clean.

  “Thank you, shaman,” said Layla, tiredly.

  “Happy to help,” said Micaela, unbelievably happy.

  “Shaman, you have done us a great service,” said Gabriel very formally. “I would reward you.”

  “Gabe, no, they are just born,” Layla protested against whatever her mate was about to do.

  “It is our way,” said Gabriel. “If she had not come, the pups would have died, you would have died, and I would have died. There is nothing we can give her but this. Or do you not think she is worthy?”

  Layla growled, disturbing the feeding pups but only for a moment as hunger won out. “No, you are right. She is worthy. But I do not like it.”

  “You guys don’t have to give me anything. I was happy to help. Plus, the puppies are so cute,” she gushed, barely holding herself back from petting them.

  “But we must,” insisted Gabriel, looking briefly to his wife.

  “The troublemaker,” said Layla sadly.

  Gabriel nodded.

  “Um, really, it’s okay,” said Micaela, not sure what they were talking about.

  Gabriel ignored her. He lowered his head and picked up one of the cubs and moved it away from the mother, setting it in front of Micaela. “I call on the ancient ones. The great Lupis and Canis. I call on your powers to protect this cub and his shaman. I call on your powers to help him grow into a formidable companion and spiritual warrior. I call on you now, show my son your power and bless his journey,” he finished and howled loudly.

  Micaela was so stunned she didn’t know what she was supposed to be doing. She could only watch as the mist swirled and gathered around the pup that had been placed before her. She watched as the pup began to grow and age. First, becoming level 1, then 2 and 3, all the way to 6 before the mist suddenly dispersed, leaving a more grown pup, looking at her expectantly.

  “Our debt is paid,” said Gabriel, a tear falling down his face.

  Class Quest Alert: Sick Wolves, Help Wanted! 2 (Recommended Level 6-8)

  You have learned that a spirit animal is struggling to give birth to a little of puppies. You have been asked to assist with the wolves to safely give birth.

  Reward: +1,500-Experience, Spirit Wolf, ‘Summon Spirit Wolf’

  You have learned the spell ‘Summon Spirit Wolf’

  Summon Spirit Wolf

  Level: 1

  Experience: 0.00%

  Spell Effect (Active): Call your spirit wolf to your aid.

  Spell Cast Speed: 5.00 seconds

  Spell Mana Cost: 600

  “Wait, what just happened?” Micaela asked, very confused.

  Gabriel blinked away the tear and turned away, returning to his mate and the other cubs.
r />   “Hey boss,” said the little wolf cub in front of Micaela.

  Micaela looked down at the little guy. “Hello,” she said, not sure how to proceed.

  “So, momma and papa bound us together, isn’t that great?” the pup asked.

  “They did?” Micaela wondered. Was that what happened?

  “Of course, you are silly, boss. So, are you going to name me?” he asked, eagerly.

  Micaela looked to Layla and Gabriel, but they were acting as if they did not even see Micaela there or the pup they just gave her.

  “They will not look,” said the pup sadly. “They cannot, they are blind to the both of us now. It is part of the binding, the blessing, and the curse.”

  “Hello, brother,” said Sundance, leaping from his ax form and tackling the other wolf playfully.

  “I will not call him brother,” insisted Butch, also taking wolf form, something they could only do in the spirit world.

  “Then Micaela should hurry up and give him a name,” insisted Sundance, playing happily with the new wolf in her collection.

  Except this wolf wasn’t a totem. This wolf existed in both the spirit plain and her plain of existence. Then realization struck, she had a spirit wolf. Like, an actual pet spirit wolf, one that could fight alongside her and everything.

  “Vision,” said Micaela, looking at the new member of her pack. “Your name is Vision.”

  “I shall see the path ahead of you. I shall guide you through the dark and the light. I shall see what you cannot,” said the little wolf, his eyes flaring white for a moment before fading to their normal black voids. Micaela just smiled happily.

  A loud thump from outside the room drew Micaela’s attention back to the other plain. Muffled shouting warned her something was wrong. Of course, nothing about this quest could be easy.

  Class Quest Alert: Sick Wolves, Help Wanted! 3 (Recommended Level 6-8)


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