Inescapably Hellbound (Spells That Bind Book 5)

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Inescapably Hellbound (Spells That Bind Book 5) Page 7

by Cassandra Lawson

  “Brother!” came a booming shout.

  I turned to find a man in a flowing white robe approaching us. He had long brown hair, and his black eyes glowed with an eerie light. His beard was long but well-groomed. I was doing my best to pretend his robe wasn’t flapping open in the front.

  “Zeus,” Hades growled in greeting.

  “You don’t seem happy to see me,” Zeus remarked with a frown.

  “I’m sure he’d be happier if he wasn’t seeing so much of you,” I scolded.

  Zeus cocked his head to the side before looking down at the exposed front of his body. “You should be glad for the chance to gaze upon my mighty sword.”

  His sword didn’t look all that mighty to me, but I decided to keep that to myself—at least, until after we left Olympus.

  “I see you found Persephone,” Ares said as he approached Zeus.

  “This is Persephone, right?” Zeus asked Hades as if I weren’t capable of speaking for myself.

  “I am Persephone,” I replied. “Thank you for inviting me to Olympus, but I would prefer that you close your robe. If not, we’ll leave now.”

  “She’s quite spirited,” Zeus told Ares and Hades.

  “Yes,” Ares agreed. “Is she this lively in bed?”

  “It’s rude to talk about me as if I’m not standing right here,” I snapped. “If I’d known you were going to treat me this way, I never would have agreed to come here.”

  Chapter 19


  I grinned as my witch scolded Zeus and Ares. She did it in such a polite manner that it brought more attention to their rudeness.

  “Do you always allow your women to behave this way?” Ares asked.

  “I don’t own Persephone,” I replied with a laugh. “Though, I will admit I’m disappointed in her behavior. She’s been far too patient with you. Not once has she threatened to sick Cerberus on you.”

  “They are your family,” Persephone said by way of explanation as she looped her arm through mine.

  “I’ve always liked spirited women,” Zeus added with a lopsided grin. “They make it more challenging. I should go find a nice succubus to help me with my robe.”

  “Don’t you dare!” Hera screeched from some unseen location.

  “That woman sounds like a banshee when she’s in a jealous rage,” Ares muttered.

  “Why did you invite me to Olympus?” Persephone asked Zeus.

  “I invited you?” Zeus asked in confusion.

  “You wanted to talk to her about the war thing,” Ares reminded him.

  “That’s right!” Zeus exclaimed before trying unsuccessfully to snap his fingers. “This used to be much easier.”

  “Can you just tell us what you want?” I asked impatiently.

  “We already told you what he wanted,” Ares muttered. “As you can see, that idea no longer appeals to him.”

  “So, you threatened Persephone for no reason?” I growled at Ares.

  “I didn’t threaten her,” Ares insisted. “I got involved in this latest scheme because I’d hoped it would get you to move to Olympus.”

  “Why?” Persephone demanded. “You’ve all treated Hades horribly. Why should he believe you suddenly want him around?”

  “I want to fight him,” Ares admitted.

  Persephone snorted. “Hades would destroy you, and I would thoroughly enjoy the show.”

  “You are a bloodthirsty woman,” I murmured before turning my attention to Zeus. “So, you’re no longer threatening Persephone?”

  “Never!” Zeus insisted. “She’s delightful. Look at Ares! See how red his face is turning.” He laughed. “You look like your head is about to explode, Ares.”

  “You do look angry,” I remarked as I glared at Ares.

  “Not angry,” Ares said in a rough voice, his attention focused on Persephone. “I’ll bet you’re phenomenal in a fight.”

  That’s when I realized it was arousal causing Ares to flush. My family was really fucked up.

  “Are you done seeing Olympus?” I asked Persephone.

  She nodded. “This place isn’t anything like I’d expected.”

  “But we had a feast prepared!” Zeus interrupted. “I sent Hermes to fetch my favorite burgers and onion rings in honor of your visit.”

  “Definitely not what I expected,” Persephone said with a sigh.

  “It’s hard for a witch like yourself to imagine such splendor,” Zeus stated as he spun around to gesture to the decrepit buildings. Unfortunately, it also caused his robe to billow around him, giving us a perfect view of his pasty ass.

  “And people think you’re the crazy one,” Persephone muttered.

  I laughed at her remark. “I am, but Zeus usually makes me look sane.”

  Chapter 20


  Hades was quiet as we made our way from Olympus. Cerberus also seemed pensive and lost in his own thoughts. He’d enjoyed Olympus, urinating on countless statues during our visit. I was impressed that he’d avoided seriously injuring anyone. There’d been a few minor incidents, and two fallen angels wouldn’t be able to fly for a few days.

  “I’ve never had a pet,” I remarked as I reached down to scratch Cerberus behind the ears of the head closest to me.

  “What about your familiar?” Hades quickly added, “Sorry, it must be painful to talk about. Witches are very attached to their familiars, so it must still hurt you to think about losing yours.”

  “What makes you think I lost my familiar?” I asked, stopping to look at him.

  “I assumed that, since you don’t have one, yours had died,” he explained.

  “That makes sense. It’s rare for a witch to be without a familiar. The process didn’t work for me. Even though my parents kept me isolated from other witches, my mom made a special trip to arrange for my familiar. She brought everything required for the spell, but it didn’t work. That happens on rare occasions, and no one knows why.”

  “Were you disappointed?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I admitted. “But not as much as I might have been had I seen other witches with their familiars. I didn’t understand what having a familiar would mean for me. I was just disappointed that I wasn’t getting a puppy.”

  “No kitten?” he asked.

  “I’m more of a dog person.” My answer prompted Cerberus to lean against my side, almost knocking me over again.

  “Give her some space,” Hades told Cerberus in an exasperated tone. “She can’t support your weight.”

  In response, Cerberus licked my arm with his middle head before moving to Hades’s side. “I’m definitely getting him those breath-fresheners.” My shirt didn’t smell nearly as bad since it had dried. Hopefully, the same would be true with my arm.

  Hades smiled. “Like I said before, there is a price to pay for Cerberus’s affections, but it’s better than being on his bad side.”

  “I’m sure it is,” I agreed. “All things considered, he was very well behaved on Olympus, but I definitely saw enough to know I don’t want to be his enemy. I’m hungry. I’ll bet Cerberus is, too. We should go to a demon realm restaurant. First, I should change out of these smelly clothes and wash the dog drool off.”

  Hades looked truly baffled by my request. “A restaurant?”

  “Yes,” I replied. “You know, a place where people go to eat food.”

  “I know what a restaurant is,” he replied in a dry tone. “I just don’t go to restaurants, and it would be a bad idea to bring Cerberus to one. He actually needs to get back to his post guarding the gates of Hell.”

  “Poor Cerberus. It seems unfair that he has to go back to work so soon.”

  “He likes working,” Hades insisted. “That may be hard to believe, but he’s like me. Work helps him deal with his aggression.”

  I considered what he’d said before responding. “I suppose he has a lot of aggression, what with three heads sharing the same body. They can’t always agree on what they’re going to do. Life is all about compromis
e, but this is more than most have to deal with.”

  “Exactly!” Hades seemed pleased that I understood. “At least, Cerberus has an excuse for his behavior.”

  “You have an excuse.” My argument was met with a snort of disbelief, so I decided to explain myself. “Everyone needs sexual release.”

  “Men take vows of chastity,” was his argument. “Some of those men seem perfectly at peace with their decision.”

  I wasn’t buying his argument. “I’ll bet those men still take care of matters on their own. Masturbation is good for you.”

  A startled bark of laughter slipped past Hades’s lips. “Are you telling me you masturbate for health reasons?”

  He was watching me, likely expecting me to be too embarrassed to answer. Hades had a lot to learn if he thought I was that innocent. With a smile, I replied to his question. “I usually masturbate because I’m horny.”

  Hades’s voice took on a dark quality. “Usually, but not always?”

  “Sometimes, I’m just bored and masturbation is fun.” On those words, I continued walking.

  Chapter 21


  “I should have offered to take her to a restaurant.”

  Lucifer raised an eyebrow at my grumbled comment as I walked into his den. After returning Cerberus to the gates of Hell, I’d escorted Persephone back to Lucifer’s home. Upon discovering he was there, I’d decided it was a good time to update him on the details of my trip to Olympus. Persephone was showering and changing, so there was still time to offer to take her for lunch, but it seemed awkward after how I’d reacted to her suggestion that we go to a restaurant in the first place.

  “Sorry,” I muttered. “I was just thinking out loud.”

  “Not a problem,” Lucifer assured me. “I’ve been known to do the same. How was the visit with Zeus?”

  I took a seat on one of the leather sofas and let out a frustrated breath. “It was annoying. I seriously doubt Persephone will ask to visit Olympus again. I had no idea how run-down it’s gotten. Zeus, naturally, still believes Olympus is a glorious place. He’s even worse off than the last time I saw him.”

  “How is that even possible?” Lucifer asked. “The last time you saw him, he was in goose form, trying to seduce a succubus as he left trails of goose shit all over the place.”

  I laughed at the memory. “It’s hard to believe there’s anything worse, but Zeus did a great job of proving it to me. He couldn’t even remember inviting Persephone to visit. If I never see his pale ass again, it will still be too soon. I can’t decide which side was worse.”

  “Please, don’t tell me he was naked.” Lucifer shuddered at the idea.

  “No, but his robe kept flying open.” I accompanied my explanation with a shudder of my own. “Then there was Ares. I definitely didn’t want to see him again. He claims he only wants me back on Olympus to fight with him.”

  Lucifer considered what I’d said before responding. “It’s possible he’s telling the truth. Most inhabitants of Olympus are no longer capable of holding their own in a fight, but I imagine Ares still trains as if he’s going to be in some great war.”

  I agreed. “You’re right. I can’t think of anyone who could give him a good fight. Athena used to be impressive, but the last time I saw her, she was too confused to offer him much of a challenge.”

  “She hasn’t been the same for several centuries.” Lucifer paused to consider all I’d told him. “It doesn’t sound like there’s any plan in the works. Persephone should be able to return home when she’s ready.”

  Persephone was not returning to her home yet, but I decided to try for diplomacy. “I’d still feel better if Persephone stayed here a little longer now that Ares knows about Persephone’s relationship to Azrael.”

  Lucifer leaned forward, tapping a pen on his desk as he mulled over what I’d said. We could pretend it was a request, but we both knew it wasn’t. I might be loyal to Lucifer, but I wasn’t a good follower.

  “You want me to keep Persephone in my home, even when we think there’s no danger to her?”

  His question pissed me off, and my irritation was obvious in my tone. “Are you telling me you think we should send her home? I wonder how Beatrice would feel about putting her best friend in danger.”

  “Don’t fuck with me Hades,” he growled. No matter how close we were, he had his limits, and I was pushing them. I’d bet my left nut we were both aching for a good fight. I was always tense after dealing with the assholes on Olympus, and Lucifer hadn’t looked happy when I’d walked into his den. He clearly had his own pain in the ass to deal with.

  “Lucifer!” Beatrice called out, pulling us both back from the edge.

  “In here!” he shouted in response.

  Beatrice entered the room and briefly glared at me, so I assumed she was annoyed with me about something to do with Persephone.

  Lucifer immediately rose to his feet and walked across the room to pull Beatrice into his arms.

  I didn’t even pretend to look away. Since meeting Persephone, I was a complete voyeur. It wasn’t the sex so much as the affection between a couple. My new fascination was unusual for me. Even when I’d been desperately searching for the woman who could lift my curse, I’d never stopped to consider what falling in love would be like. I’d only thought about how good it would be to find my release in a woman again. Hell, after the first five years of my curse, I’d reached a point where I’d do anything to find release in my own hand.

  That’s all I’d cared about with the other women. They’d hated me, and I hadn’t given a damn as long as they eventually came to my bed. With Persephone—my Persephone as I considered her—I hadn’t even tried to take her to my bed. She wouldn’t turn me away. She was so transparent, so open, I couldn’t miss her arousal. I loved that about her, loved how she never tried to be coy.

  “Are you done gawking at us?”

  Beatrice’s question jerked me from my own thoughts. I had been standing there, just staring at them.

  “Sorry.” I shook my head to clear it. “My mind wandered.”

  “We noticed.” Lucifer’s lips were twitching, likely because he’d figured out where my mind had wandered to. His attention shifted to Beatrice again. “What did you need to see me about?”

  “I’m going out to lunch with Persephone and Lucy after Persephone finishes getting ready,” she replied.

  Lucifer frowned as he considered what she’d said. Though his daughter was a grown woman, he still acted like Lucy was a child in need of his constant protection. “Where are you going?”

  “That café overlooking The River of Fire.”

  At her reply, Lucifer frowned more. “That’s a long trip. I’m not sure you should go when we haven’t decided if there’s a danger to Persephone yet.”

  Since he was using Persephone as an excuse to prevent Lucy and Beatrice from going out to lunch, I figured I might as well take advantage of the situation. “Lucifer agreed that Persephone should stay here and have guards for at least another two weeks.”

  “You did?” Beatrice sounded shocked. “Persephone is planning to go home tomorrow.”

  Over my dead body.

  “Persephone was mistaken,” was my terse response.

  “You might want to communicate better,” Beatrice told me with narrowed eyes.

  Surprisingly, Lucifer came to my defense. “He’s new to this.” His attention shifted to me. “Why don’t you go talk to Persephone about your fears regarding her safety while I arrange for guards to accompany the ladies to lunch?”

  “I’ll go with them after I talk to Persephone,” I said on my way to the door.

  Lucifer’s words stopped me. “I think you’d prefer to stay with me. Azrael is stopping by here soon.”

  “Fuck my life,” I grumbled.

  Chapter 22


  Lunch by The River of Fire was too exciting to pass up. When I’d returned and bemoaned the fact that Hades hadn’t agreed to stop for lun
ch, Beatrice had immediately arranged for us to go out with Lucy. I still had trouble believing I was friends with Lucifer’s daughter. After Beatrice left to tell Lucifer about our plans, and likely argue about the number of guards we should bring with us, I headed to my mom’s room. I wanted to shower first, but my mom would be worried.

  She yanked open the door after the first knock, and I almost hit her when I went to knock a second time.

  “Have you been waiting by the door for me to get back, Mom?”

  She shrugged and flashed me a sheepish smile. “I was worried. You traveled through Hell with Hades and then went to Olympus where people may be out to get you.”

  I laughed at her description. “Out to get me? You make this sound like some gangster movie.”

  “Angels are much worse than gangsters,” came her dire warning.

  “The angels on Olympus are all too confused to be anything like gangsters.” I was hoping my assurance would ease her worries. My mom had been paranoid about angels for a long time. After hearing the full story, I had a much better understanding of why. I’d probably be the same way with my own daughter. “Do you think I’ll have a daughter with Hades? That is, if I have children.”

  My mom blinked at my question. “You’re already planning to have children with Hades?” Before I could answer, she laughed at her own question. “Don’t say it. I already know I need to calm down. This is still a big adjustment for me. I wish I could have told you about all of this long ago.”

  “We’ve already been through this.” I wasn’t certain why I needed to remind her. “I really am glad you couldn’t tell me before.”

  My mom gave me a fond smile. “You are an amazing woman, Persephone.”

  “I had good role models,” I pointed out. “Even when you were at your most paranoid, you were nice to the people around us. I hear about witches looking down on humans and trying to avoid them all the time. That kind of behavior doesn’t make any sense to me because you taught me to be loving and accepting.”

  “I specifically told you to avoid angels and demons,” my mom reminded me. “Not once did I say anything positive about either.”


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