Sunkissed Days

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Sunkissed Days Page 5

by Chase, Samantha

“I love this one here,” she said, pointing to the third sample. “It’s got a hint of blue to it but…I don’t know, my eye keeps going back to that one.”

  Oddly, so did his.

  “Then that’s the one we’ll use.”

  Turning her head, Mallory looked at him, her dark blue eyes a little wide. “Really? You think it’s okay? Think Pops will like it?”

  Laughing softly, Jake took the paintbrush from her hand and placed it on the drop cloth at her feet. “He said he trusted you and it’s a great color. You’ve got a good eye for this kind of stuff.”

  She blushed and quickly averted her eyes. “I never really thought about it. I enjoy decorating and shopping for new things for my room back home, but…” Stopping, she shrugged. “I’ve never had the opportunity to do anything like this before.”

  “Well, I think Zeke’s going to love it.”

  Beside him, she smiled broadly. “Thanks.”

  “You know…that color could also work down in the boathouse. Maybe not on all the walls, but maybe as an accent wall.” Then he paused and found he felt a little silly offering decorating advice. “If that’s the sort of thing you were thinking of.”

  Again, Mallory turned and studied him. Then, without a word, crouched down and picked up the can of paint and a brush. “Let’s go find out!” she said excitedly, walking out of the room.

  He followed and it was hard not to smile. Her excitement was contagious. As they walked through the kitchen, she grabbed a couple of cookies that she’d baked earlier and encouraged him to do the same.

  All without skipping a step.

  She was in constant motion and soon they were outside, walking down the wooden steps to the lawn and then out to the pier. This was his next project. As he walked, Jake made note of how many boards they were going to have to replace and the time involved to get it done. He stopped to examine a particularly rotted piece and when he looked up, Mallory was already inside the boathouse.

  Taking a bite out of one of the chocolate chip cookies in his hand, he made his way down the pier and joined Mallory. She already had the paint can open and was coating the brush.

  “I think the idea of a feature wall is fantastic,” she said without looking at him. And this one has the most wall space so I think this should be the one with the color. The rest will just get a fresh coat of white.”

  Nodding, Jake watched her paint a larger area than she had back in the study. Her body swayed with each brush stroke and by the time she was done, he was starting to sweat. To keep himself from doing something stupid, he focused on eating the rest of the cookie in his hands. Mallory moved to his side and took a bite of the one she was still holding.

  “I think it might be too dark for in here. The ceiling is lower than in the study and it’s more cluttered,” she went on. “Even with new furniture, I’m not sure it’ll work.” She looked at him. “What do you think?”

  That you’re beautiful…

  Clearing his throat, he pretended to study the wall. “Um…I think it will look great. Paint always looks darker when it’s wet and I’m sure with whatever furniture you decide to put in here, you’ll make it work.”

  Rather than say anything, she simply nodded and popped the last piece of chocolate chip cookie into her mouth.

  “Have you started looking at furniture yet?”

  Smiling, she turned her head and looked at him. “I have! I was down at Barb’s Beach Buys and found some really cute things already. Most of it is small stuff – a bistro set, a small coffee table, new lamps…” She shrugged. “I’m going to buy the sofa online and have it delivered because I have something specific in mind and I don’t think I’ll find it here in town. Barb’s holding all of the stuff I’m interested in for me. She’s getting in new inventory tomorrow and I told her I’d like first dibs on it before she puts it out.”

  “And did she go for that?”

  Her smile grew as she nodded. “I can’t wait. I’m going to head over there after lunch and take a look.”

  There was a small spot of chocolate on her lip.

  It wasn’t particularly big, but he couldn’t seem to focus on anything else. No doubt if he told her, she’d grab a napkin and wipe it away, but…

  Mallory continued to talk about the odds and ends she found while shopping and Jake made sure he at least looked like he was paying attention. Unfortunately, his mind went in a whole different direction.

  Why can’t we be together?

  It wasn’t as if there was that big of an age-gap, now that he thought of it. And their families had known each other forever so…it shouldn’t be a big deal on that front either.

  You’re leaving for college at the end of the summer.

  Well, so was Mallory. She didn’t live here in Magnolia Sound and they normally only saw each other during the summer so…who’s to say that she wouldn’t want this to just be a summer fling?

  She’s way more innocent than the girls you date.

  Okay, that was a big one. Jake had kissed and dated plenty of girls ever since he first kissed Sheila Jennings back in the sixth grade and he’d been proud to brag about all of them. The older he got, the more the local girls knew he wasn’t a long-term relationship kind of guy. It was something he made sure they all knew from the get-go. He wasn’t looking for anything serious and liked to keep things simple.

  Nothing about Mallory was simple.

  Especially the feelings he was starting to have toward her.

  It was more than physical – although his fingers were constantly twitching with the need to touch Mallory whenever she was near. He genuinely liked Mallory and this was the first time in all the years they’d known each other that they were spending this much time together. She was smart and funny and seemed to find joy in the most mundane things.

  And he wanted to know more.

  Was growing desperate to know more.

  Although she was currently talking about the painting she found for the wall, Jake interrupted. “Can I ask you something?”

  She nodded.

  “How long are you staying with Zeke this summer?”

  Mallory stared at him as if she didn’t quite understand the question. “Um…until the first week of August. How come?”

  “Are you going right back to school when you leave?”

  “No, I’m going to spend a week with my mom and Sam back home before heading back to Plattsburgh.” She paused. “And you’re going to Colorado, right?”

  He nodded. “My mom has family there and when I finally decided to do this – to go to school and get a degree – the University of Colorado in Boulder was one of my choices.” He looked away, feeling a little embarrassed. “I was grateful I got in.”

  Her hand on his arm startled him. “I think it’s amazing that you’re doing it,” she said, and her sincerity touched him. “Some people would think there’s a time limit on when you can go to school, but I think as long as the desire is there and you have the will to make it happen, nothing should hold you back.”

  Maybe he was wrong, but her words didn’t strike him as only having to do with school.

  Shifting a little closer to her, he asked, “You think so?”

  “I do,” she said earnestly. “I really do.” With her hand still on his arm, she continued. “And to be going so far away from home is going to be a little intimidating too, I’m sure.” Then she blushed and took a step back. “Or maybe that’s just for me. Sam didn’t have a problem with it, but…I don’t know…it took me a while to adjust.”

  Jake didn’t let her move too far before he followed. Reaching out, he cupped her cheek and used the pad of his thumb to wipe that little spot of chocolate away. Mallory’s eyes went wide and he heard her soft gasp.

  Too late, he realized. He couldn’t stop what was about to happen even if his life depended on it. Slowly, he lowered his mouth to hers. The instant their lips touched, she melted against him and it felt better than he remembered. His arms wrapped around her even as hers came
up and did the same. It was slow and sweet and a little lazy – the kind of kiss that asked questions and had your heart beating a little faster.

  And as he pulled Mallory closer, he knew hers was beating just as fast and hard as his.

  Good to know.

  He wanted to keep kissing her. He wanted to explain why. But she was so soft and smelled so good and tasted even better that he had to simply indulge for a little while longer. Together they moved to the sofa and his brain instantly remembered the feel of her body in her tiny bikini, but right now, this was better.

  The kiss went on and on and on and when Mallory’s hands raked up into his hair, he finally allowed himself to let it go deeper. His tongue traced her lower lip before she opened fully for him and then he simply sank into it. Shifting his body until he was practically covering her, his need for her ratcheted up another notch.

  Her long, slim fingers gripped his hair a little tighter right before she broke the kiss and panted his name.

  Swallowing hard, Jake looked down at her and gave her a lopsided grin. “Hi.”

  Her smile completely transformed her face from beautiful to damn-near stunning. “Hi.”

  “So uh…here’s the thing,” he began softly. “I have no idea if this is a good idea or not, but I think…I think I’d really like to see if it is.”

  “It will be.” The words were spoken softly but with a confidence he wished he possessed. And before he could question it, before he could say another word, Mallory guided his lips back to hers.

  And all was right with his world.


  “I can’t believe you’re dating Jake.”

  Two weeks later, Mallory was having lunch with her cousins Parker and Peyton, who were both staring at her with wide-eyed fascination. They were younger than her, but they had always been close. Peyton was eighteen and Parker was sixteen and they were more than cousins to her. If they had all lived closer together, they’d probably be more like sisters.

  A slow smile spread across Mallory’s face. “Well, believe it,” she said happily. “I never thought it would happen and it’s even better than I ever imagined.”

  “I don’t see how,” Peyton said. “You guys are kind of sneaking around and not telling anyone about it.”

  “I told you,” Mallory reasoned.

  “Yeah, well…we’re safe,” Parker chimed in. “Does your mom know? Does Pops? Sam?”

  Fidgeting slightly in her chair, Mallory explained. “Mom left a week ago and there was so much going on and it was all so new that I didn’t think it was necessary to talk to her about it.”

  “And since then? Have you talked to her?” Peyton asked.

  Almost daily…

  Reaching for her drink, she shrugged, “A couple of times. But it never came up.”

  “Probably because you didn’t bring it up,” Peyton commented. “And what about Pops? With Jake doing all that work around the house, I’m sure he’s noticed that there’s something going on between the two of you.”

  Ugh…why was she just now realizing how right her cousins were? She and Jake were sneaking around simply by not letting people know they were dating!

  Another shrug. “Honestly, Pops has a pretty active social life. He’s not home a lot while Jake’s working and I don’t know if that’s on purpose or not. You know he was against doing anything to the house so…”

  “Yeah, it’s got to be hard on him. He used to love to be the one doing the work and I’m sure it bothers him to have to sit back and let someone else do it,” Peyton said.

  “Not only that, but it’s his childhood home and any changes must feel like we’re erasing part of his family’s history,” Parker added sadly.

  “Damn, I hadn’t thought of it like that,” Mallory said with a sigh. “All I know is that things are faded and outdated. I’m sure the entire place could use new plumbing and electrical work, but there’s no way he’ll go for that. As it is, most of the work is being done to the exterior and the grounds. It’s all he’s allowing for now.”

  “How’s the boathouse coming along?”

  “The last of the furniture is being delivered today,” Mallory replied excitedly. “I can’t wait to get back and set it all up. I mean, I’ve been doing it all bit by bit as the repairs were done and all, but with these last pieces coming in, it will all be done by tonight.”

  And boy did she have plans to celebrate later.

  “So tell us again why you haven’t told Pops that you’re dating Jake,” Parker said with a grin. “We know he’s still pretty active and social, but we also know that he’s back home after lunch every day for a nap and then doesn’t go out again for the rest of the day. So…”

  “Okay, fine. It just felt…weird. Awkward. I mean, who wants to talk to their great-grandfather about their romantic life?” she cried. “And you know Pops…sometimes he’s super on top of everything that’s going on around him and other times…well…he’s a little clueless. Right now, I’m kind of happy that he’s clueless.”

  “He hasn’t seen the two of you together?”

  “He sees us together all the time, but it’s been while we were working on the study or when he came down to see how work was going in the boathouse.” She paused and noticed both of her cousins were looking at her with mild amusement. “And every night at dinner the conversation tends to stick to either the topic of the actual work being done or about what’s going on in town and who he saw earlier in the day. Did you know how much Pops loves to hear the town gossip?”

  Her cousins both laughed. “Oh, gosh,” Parker said, “Pops is the worst with that. He knows what everyone in town is doing!” Then she tilted her head and studied Mallory. “Which is why it’s so odd that he hasn’t picked up on the whole you and Jake thing. You must really be keeping things quiet if no one else is talking about it either. Don’t you guys go out anywhere?”


  “Oh my God!” Peyton cried out. “You don’t! You guys seriously are sneaking around!”

  “Would you be quiet!” Mallory hissed as people at the surrounding tables turned to stare. After a moment, she focused on her cousins again and hated how their conversation had taken this turn. “No, we don’t go out much, but we have gone out. We just…don’t go out around here. And for that exact reason! We don’t want the gossip because it’s nobody’s business but our own. We’ve only got the summer and then we’re both leaving. Jake’s moving to Colorado and I’ll be back up in New York so…it’s not like this is going anywhere, okay?”

  Defensive much? She chided herself. And yes, it bothered her. A lot. They talked about it after Jake finally made his move that day in the boathouse. As much as Mallory was thinking that their relationship was something she wanted for the long run – as in forever – she knew Jake wasn’t there yet. Maybe by the end of the summer he’d agree to trying a long-distance relationship where they’d find ways to see each other during school breaks, but she wanted to give them time to settle in to what they had right now.

  Which was fantastic.

  They spent every day together. And while, yes, it had more to do with the fact that he was working on Pops’ house, it still meant that they got to see each other a lot more than if Jake were working on another job site. They ate lunch together every day out on the pier or on the deck of the boathouse. Just thinking about the time they spent sitting in the sun while talking and laughing…it made her smile.

  “She’s getting that goofy look on her face,” Parker murmured. “I think she’s in deep.”

  “Who could blame her?” her sister added. “Jake Summerford is one of the hottest guys in Magnolia Sound. There’s going to be a day of mourning when he moves away. The entire town’s gonna feel it.”

  Mallory couldn’t help but smile. She was going to feel it too.

  She just wasn’t ready to think about it too much yet.

  “Who’s ready for dessert?” she asked cheerily.

  * * *

  Even with the small air
conditioner blowing out cool air, Mallory felt warm.

  Too warm.

  And more than a little flustered.

  All of the furniture had been delivered and put into place. The oversized sofa was probably not the smartest choice for a room this size, but it was so comfortable that she couldn’t regret her decision. Looking around the room, she smiled. It was perfect. Three of the walls were painted a crisp white along with the trim, the feature wall was done in shiplap and painted the same soft gray they used in Pops’ study. All of the furniture was bright and beachy, the accessories carried through with her beach theme and overall, it was a very soothing space. It filled her with pride to know she had done this.

  Footsteps on the pier alerted Mallory to someone’s presence and she hoped it wasn’t Jake. She was a mess and wasn’t ready to see him yet – not when she had big plans to reveal the space to him later.

  A smile played across her lips as Pops walked in the door with a smile of his own.

  “Not bad work for a computer girl,” he teased, stepping inside. He looked around the room, touched the walls, the furniture, and admired the paintings before looking at Mallory. “I knew you’d do this just right. This space is cozy and inviting and it suits you perfectly, sweet pea.”

  His praise meant the world to her.

  “I know it’s not a big space – and most people don’t come in here once they dock the boat – but those of who do will love this.” He glanced around again. “Hell, I might spend some time down here. It’s much quieter in here than it is up at the house.”

  She looked at him curiously. “What’s going on up there? I thought all the work on the house was done.”

  “Had a pipe burst in one of the upstairs bathrooms while you were out to lunch with your cousins,” he said. “It’s a mess. Plumber’s here, Jake’s in there with a small crew because the floor is damaged and that means the ceiling below is as well.” He sighed and raked a hand through his white hair. “I knew this would happen. As soon as you touch one thing, everything else starts to fall apart.”


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