Adira's Mate

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Adira's Mate Page 9

by April Zyon

  He nodded. “Of course. It’s a part of our agreement, and one I’ll abide by always. Now why don’t you curl in closer, close your eyes and drift off to sleep? We’ll have a nap, and then I’ll show you around the destroyer.”

  “Sleep does sound good.” She settled in as close to him as she could possibly get and closed her eyes. Adi yawned again and found herself drifting off and into sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  Five days later, Adira was alone in their quarters on the destroyer. Fintan had gone to speak with Bracken about some matter, and left her to do some more reading about her new home world and the people. She was in the middle of an interesting section about their history when the door from the corridor opened.

  Fintan entered, pausing only long enough to locate her before walking toward her. He settled on the sofa next her and stretched his legs out. She knew his knee was still bothering him, but he was healing remarkably well, and quickly. “What are you reading now?” he asked, leaning in to see the data pad.

  “I’m reading about the social structures and how the women of your people fit your society. I think it’s amazing that you have women inside of your Fleets.” If only her people would see that women were more than just the wombs to carry the next generation or healers. His people were far above where the Imarian people would ever be. She was one of the highest ranking women on her world, but there was still a council that would go over what she had ordered. She was essentially a glorified manager of sorts. “I missed you,” she confessed as she passed him the data pad to place on the table. “Did you get everything done that you needed to, with Bracken?”

  “I did,” he said. His hands free, he lifted her up and settled her into his lap. “He’s become rather impressed with you over the last couple of days. He has also agreed to preside over our marriage as commander of the ship. Though he mentioned trying to talk you out of marrying a bum like me. I think you have a fan in my soon-to-be ex-friend.”

  Adi couldn’t help but grin. She actually rather liked Fintan’s friend as well. “He’s a very sweet man. He and I have found a common ground in our care for you. He finally relented, though, and gave in that perhaps I did indeed care for you far more than he possibly could.” She shifted slightly and pressed a kiss to the side of Fin’s neck. “So did you come get me so that we could have lunch together?” Even though the men and women on board had accepted her, they were all still wary around her. Even worse, they all knew something she didn’t and it was bothering her. “Are you ready to tell me yet what is going on behind the scenes? Why at times Bracken won’t look at me?”

  “I did come to gather you for our midday meal. Bracken tells me he has a surprise for you, something he won’t even share with me. As to the rest, it’s a few things that need to be dealt with prior to our arrival. Paperwork, notifications, and such things. The rest you will need to ask Bracken, though. I do not pretend to know what goes through his mind. I prefer not to know, actually.”

  “Very good point.” She relented. “Okay, I don’t think I’ll ask him, because I’m worried he will say something that will make me uncomfortable and then you will once more decide that you need to train a bit with him.” She snickered as she recalled the event two days previously. Bracken had made a comment about Fintan’s sexual prowess and Fin had, of course, taken offense and ordered him to train with him. It was funny, actually, because Bracken had been praising Fin. Said that she certainly had more color in her face and wore the look of a well-loved woman.

  “He has no right to make you uncomfortable. I know he was teasing, as he explained several times during our training. Does not mean I don’t have the right to correct him. Hopefully he’ll be a little more circumspect in his words to you.” He urged her off his lap, then stood next to her. Taking her hand in his, he gave her a look up and down. “You ready to go for our meal?”

  “I think that he will. He’s a good man, Fintan. I like him. Not as I like you, of course, but I do enjoy that I’m able to call him a friend just as you are able. As for food, yes I’m starving. I hadn’t realized that I was hungry until I saw you and then heard my stomach rumble.”

  “So you saw me, and got hungry for food?” Shaking his head, he led her out of their quarters. He tucked her arm through his as they walked through the corridors. “We will need to discuss your reactions to seeing me. I’m not sure how I feel about that particular one.”

  “Actually, I saw you and got hungry for you. I was trying to come up with a way that would have you asking me to get naked for you but my stomach decided to speak out against the feelings that my pussy was putting out.” She spoke bluntly because she knew she could with him, always. “But if it means that I will be punished for thinking things like that, then I am willing to give in. I’m willing to claim that I did see you and think of food first.”

  He snorted at that. “You’re not supposed to find ways to be punished, Adira. We’ll talk about it when we are in private,” he said softly. They stepped into the lift to go down three levels to where the dining hall was.

  She was standing just to his side and bowed her head as was respectful. She was only about an inch behind him but still felt the heat of him surrounding her. When he put his hand to his side she easily slipped her hand into his and gave a squeeze. It was odd just how quickly she was easing into life at his side, something that made her very happy. “Thank you for taking the time to instruct me.” She was playing with fire and knew it. She loved it, loved the way that he would look at her and the way that he would growl lightly at her. The sounds were things that made her panties wet and had her aching with need.

  He shot her a warning look, but one filled with heat. Fintan knew exactly what she was up to. The fact she was behaving in public, though, earned her points, she knew. Adira was learning that fine line she could walk around others, and was using it as much as she could to get what she wanted. Fin squeezed her hand when the lift stopped, and tugged her along. “I think I will punish you, Adira. But it won’t be anything you’re expecting,” he said.

  Adira looked at Fintan and grinned. Oh she certainly looked forward to whatever her fiance would do to her. The punishments that he had come up with so far for her had been wonderful, granted she knew that he knew she was misbehaving mostly to have him strip her naked and do delicious things to her body. “I’m certain that whatever you choose to do to me will be more than acceptable.” She squeezed his hand once more and nodded. “I’m happy, Fin. Are you?” Not the right place for that strange question, but she blurted it out before she could even think to stop herself.

  He stopped, hand on the door release for the dining hall. Lowering his hand, he turned to face her. “Of course I’m happy, Adira,” he said softly. “I know this is all strange, and new to you, and your nerves are frayed from all the unknown. But you have to know that I would say something if anything at all wasn’t right in our relationship.” Shocking her, he cupped her face in his hands. “I may be the type of man to keep things close, but I would never hide anything from you on a personal front, Adira.”

  Adira leaned into his touch and closed her eyes as she soaked up his gentle caress. “I know, and for that I’m happy. I won’t ever hold anything back from you either.” He was far too important to her to hold anything back from him.

  “Good,” he said. She felt the press of his lips to her forehead as his hands moved to her shoulders and gave a squeeze. “Now, can we go inside and eat? Bracken is likely getting very impatient in there. He’s not one with a lot of patience when it comes to his food.”

  “So I have come to notice,” Adira told him with a grin. “At least he saves us the good foods.” She had also noticed that Fintan tasted her foods before he let her eat. She was astounded by this man, in every way possible.

  “He’s the one in charge around here. Of course he’s going to ensure he has the best foods possible. The fact we get some is luck, I believe.” Fintan placed his hand on the door release. Taking her hand in his once more, they walk
ed in and toward where Bracken sat drumming his fingers on the table top.

  “I have a feeling that no matter who was in charge you would ensure we were both well cared for.” Once more Adira went quiet. She knew the protocols in that she couldn’t speak until she had been once more addressed by Bracken since they were on board his ship.

  “True enough,” he said. At the table he pulled out a chair for her. Once she sat, he settled in next to her. He looked at the covered dishes on the table, then to Bracken. “Been waiting long?”

  “Long enough,” his friend muttered. “Adira, you’re looking rather mischievous today. What diabolical plans do you have in mind for my old friend here?”

  “Well, I thought that perhaps today I would be able to talk him into going out onto the G-Deck with me.” The deck on the ship that allowed for zero gravity, a deck that she couldn’t personally wait to see. “I was also hopeful that he would then walk with me in the hydroponics bay to see how our little seedlings are doing.” She had planted seeds with Bracken, of all people, while Fintan saw to something that needed his direct attention.

  “Last I checked they were doing quite well,” Bracken told her. “I wouldn’t go to G-Deck today, though. We have some training sessions going on there today and tomorrow. Last I looked in on the group, there were several not able to hold down their meals. I’d wait on that trip until after we clean it out.”

  “Likely a wise plan. Besides, we do have something else to attend to today.”

  “True enough,” Bracken said. Reaching out, he pulled off and stacked the covers for the platters on the table. “I’d normally say ladies first, but we both know Fintan will want to taste everything.”

  Adira blushed at his words but nodded. “This is true,” she said as she relaxed against the back of her seat. “He is far too good to me. He’s an amazing man.” One she cared deeply for, her affection growing more and more with each day that they spent together.

  “Call me overly suspicious, but I’m not going to risk her life. Too many are unhappy with the Imarians. Which is why today’s events need to proceed without a hitch.”

  “They will,” Bracken assured him. Fintan started to taste everything on the platters. Each bite he rolled around his mouth, and frowned over. “I’ve seen to everything personally. I have all the pieces in place. All we need are the two of you in position on time.”

  “What is planned for today?” Adira asked with a slight frown and tilt of her head. Placing her hand over Fintan’s, she smiled. “I’m thankful that you take such wonderful care with me. You are truly a woman’s dream come true.” He was her only family now. He was all she had in this universe now that they had signed the contracts, and she chose to stay with him. She couldn’t think of a better place to be, either.

  “It’s all safe,” Fintan said to her. “You can tell her our plans,” he told Bracken. Fin passed her a plate and set the utensils down next to her hand.

  “Thank you,” Bracken said sarcastically. “The plans today are to marry you two. We have an area set up for some of the crew to witness the ceremony. It’s relatively simple, but Fintan was very clear he wanted it done prior to our arrival. It’s another measure to ensure your safety on our home world, one I applaud and am happy to assist in. Fintan’s even seen to a special outfit for the ceremony for you to wear. It should be delivered to your rooms any time now, actually.”

  That was a surprise to her. She had thought he would wait until they got to his home world before he arranged for their marriage. “Really? Fin, thank you,” she whispered, her hand once more going to his and giving it a squeeze. “I can’t wait to be married to you.” They had already had their wedding night, so now it was all about getting married.

  Fin shrugged, but he gave her hand a squeeze in return. “You should eat. We’ll be holding the ceremony later this afternoon. Then there will be a small celebration, including some sweets the cooks have been working on. They have also, or so I’ve been told, been working on a traditional Imarian wedding cake. No idea how they figured that one out.”

  “Likely best not to ask,” Bracken advised. He shot Adira a wink over the cup he’d lifted to drink from.

  She could have cried because of just how amazing these people were being to her. “I can’t thank you and your crew enough. You are all so amazing.” She wanted to hug Bracken. He was truly a great friend to her and Fintan. “I’m very happy that you are going to be the one marrying us instead of someone from the home world.”

  “It will be much shorter with my version,” Bracken confided. “If you did it on the home world it would be three days long. Trust me, even those living on the planet try and get on a destroyer so they can have a quicker wedding. They pay rather well too. Not that I’ve actually been approached by anyone, but I’ve heard the stories.”

  “Only the very wealthy go the full three days. The smart ones, rich or not, don’t waste that much time or money. It’s pointless, and costly for such a length of time,” Fintan said. “Especially as the end result is the exact same no matter how long the ceremony takes.”

  “I don’t think that I would be able to survive a three-day wedding excursion,” she blurted. “Heavens, I suppose that is one thing I do appreciate about the Imarians. The weddings are very short. The cakes, though, are divine.” Imarian cakes were the things that people all over the universe looked forward to having. “However, no matter what I will enjoy the cake that your kitchen staff comes up with simply because of the trouble they are going through for me.”

  “They like you. I’ve heard many of them comment on how lovely you are, both in personality and appearance. Apparently a few of them bought into the rumors you were all extremely short people and vaguely resembled one of the creatures on our home world. It’s quite ugly, its face looks mangled, and it has very large teeth. Much too large for its mouth. Somehow it survives, though how I’ve yet to figure out. They were very much relieved to discover you look much as we do, if only shorter and paler.”

  “I have to admit that I’m rather happy that you are all not the giants that the Imarians have been made to believe,” she said with a shrug and began to eat the food that Fintan had put before her. “So today is my wedding day? I need to know the star date, please. It is a custom of my people to mark our bodies permanently with the star date of the day of our marriage. We marry only once as a people, and the date is important. We also mark our bodies with the star dates of any children that we might be blessed with, only the marking is not as large. Our soul-bonded mates receive the largest markings.”

  Bracken told her the date as he looked toward Fintan. “How exactly are you planning on getting the markings put onto your skin?”

  “I’ll take her to a place she can have it done,” Fin said. At her look, he shrugged. “It is important to you, so it’s important to me, Adira. It is part of your culture, and a tradition you wish to uphold. I’m all for that.”

  “Thank you for that.” She bowed her head to him and smiled. “What about you, Fin, do you have any traditions that you would like to tell me about with our marriage?”

  “None,” he said simply. “Our people aren’t as spiritual as yours. We don’t believe in an entity that watches over us, and who we will meet upon the closure of our lives. Our marriages are simply a joining of two lives into one, that is about as far as we go. But if you are willing, I will have the date of our wedding marked on my body as well.”

  “You would do that for me?” She was completely shocked, and from the way that the table closest to theirs had gone quiet, she wasn’t the only one who was surprised. “Fin.” She said his name with a small, breathy sounding sigh. “You amaze me.” She reached out and touched her hand to his cheek, smiling as she did so. “Incredible. You are perfect.”

  “Hardly,” he said. “But yes, I would do that for you and for me. You needn’t be so surprised, Adira.” For a moment he leaned into her light touch. Then he leaned back and looked pointedly at her plate and turned back to his own.
  Letting her hand move back to her utensils, she began to eat with a smile on her face. Adira couldn’t believe just how happy that she was. This was going to be a perfect day, of that she was sure.

  Chapter Ten

  After the meal shared with Bracken, they returned to their quarters. Upon seeing the box that was settled on their bed, she looked at Fintan nervously but opened it with just a bit of prodding from him. The gown that was settled inside the box was incredible. It was solid white and sheer. The only places where her skin didn’t show through was over her breasts and pussy. Her ass cheeks showed through the gown, as did her legs, stomach, and every other part of her body. She loved the gown, though; it was utterly spectacular.

  The remaining day had been spent in a flurry of activity. The few women on board that weren’t officers came in and shooed Fintan out so they could prepare her for her wedding.

  The wedding had been beyond anything she could ever have dreamed of. The way that the men all bowed their heads to her and the way that they had stood up for her. When Bracken asked who was giving her away, she felt a bit of sadness because she always had thought that when she got married her brother would be there. She pushed off the sadness, however, and looked to Fintan and knew that her life was only beginning.

  Once the ceremony was over she was kissed to within an inch of her life by Fintan. When they parted, she was lost in him. The applause was deafening, but all she could focus on was Fin.

  The celebration after was simple. Lot’s of food, plenty of drinks, both alcoholic and not. Those still on shift among the crew were avoiding the strong alcoholic beverages. Everyone was talking, some were laughing, and all of them were commenting about the cake she’d yet to see. Fintan finally wrapped up a conversation he’d been dragged into as soon as they’d entered the dining hall, and came to her side. Sliding an arm around her waist, he squeezed her closer. “That took longer than it should have, apologies.”


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