Adira's Mate

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Adira's Mate Page 17

by April Zyon

  He grunted at that, a thoughtful look on his face. “You know, I didn’t even consider that detail. Damn, I’m obviously way better at this whole planning thing than even I realized.” Pressing a kiss to her lips, he spun her around in a lazy circle.

  She moved with him, a dance that was all their own. “And more than likely our child was conceived on Bracken’s destroyer.” If the doctor was correct she had gotten pregnant practically the first time that she and Fintan came together.

  He stopped moving to stare at her, then wrinkled up his nose and let loose with a few choice Craegin words, swears if she wasn’t mistaking the tone. “Can we not tell him that part? At least not for a few years. He’ll damn well hold that one over my head. He’ll likely use it as leverage to ensure he’s our child’s guardian at the very least.”

  “You know as well as I do that he will figure it out. Bracken might pretend at times to be a bit dense but he’s not. He’s a very intelligent man and once he realizes that we are with child he will start to do some addition and come up with the same thing that I did.” She was snickering, however, and added, “I’m fine with him being our child’s guardian should anything happen to us. Who better than someone we both trust, right?” Because she knew that she would likely never see her brother again. She felt herself frowning, the sadness heavy in her heart from that confession.

  “There is truth in that,” he said quietly. “What’s upsetting you, Adira? Don’t say it’s nothing. I can see it in your eyes. Tell me what it is, little wife. Maybe I can help you with it, maybe I can’t, but I won’t know until you tell me what has you so sad.”

  “I will never see my brother again. He will never know this child. That makes me sad,” she admitted to him without hesitation. “It breaks my heart knowing that I will never see him again.”

  Fintan was silent for a time as they continued their slow dance. “I can’t make any promises, but I’ll see what I can do about at least getting him a message. That you’re safe, loved, and expecting a child. I don’t know if it will make it through. I don’t even know if he’ll listen to it once he sees the markers on the message. But I’m willing to give it a try for you, Adira.”

  She pulled back again and looked up at him. “You would do that for me?” she asked with her eyes wide. “Thank you. I would love that. Please. He might not even open it but it would be out there. He would one day open it and know that I was well. As long as it wouldn’t get you into trouble?”

  “Apparently I live for it, at least according to Bracken. I’m also very good at avoiding it. Normally,” he muttered. He gave her a gentle kiss, gathering her closer to him as he swayed them back and forth. “I’ll see what I can do. If you’d like you can put in a message as well. I’ll have to keep it short, encode it and then send it out. But I’ll use one of their current codes, so maybe he’ll open it out of curiosity.”

  “That sounds good to me. You could use my emergency code, it’s one that would always go directly to Petr no matter where it came from.” She had her head on his chest once more and eyes closed. “He set it up as soon as he was promoted the last time and someone attempted to kill me, again.”

  Fintan’s arms tightened around her. “We’ll use it,” he said softly. “You need to tell me about these attempts on your life, though. I need to know if I need to hunt some people down to ensure they no longer can breathe.”

  “Petr took care of them.” She shrugged. “The first time was when I received my position. There was a bit of anger that I was placed into the position that I was, they felt that they should have that position.” She rolled her eyes. “He was an idiot. He was caught as he tried to plant an explosive device on my personal crawler. There were a few others when Petr moved up in the ranks. A very few people knew that he and I were related. But some felt that he and I were lovers because of how often we were in the company of one another. The last one came when he was promoted once more. He very nearly got away with it but he didn’t, thankfully. He was caught by the guards that were assigned to watch over me that day. That’s all over now, though. I’m safe with you. Always.”

  “Yes, you are,” he said. His voice held more growl to it, as if he was holding on to his anger by a thread. “I hope he hurt them for what they tried to do.” She felt him press a kiss to the top of her head, his arms moving to wrap around her shoulders in more of a hug than a dance hold.

  “He did. A great deal,” she told him. “You and he are far more alike than you possibly know.” She swayed along with him, smiling as she spoke. “You are both fiercely protective and will do all that you can in order to ensure that justice is served.”

  “While I’m not sure how I feel being compared to your brother, I suppose you are right on a few points. I will always protect those I care about. May your spirits protect anyone that comes after you, though, because I will hunt them down and end their life.”

  “I know that you will,” she said with a nod. “I just hope that one day, hopefully in our lifetime, that our peoples will find peace and we will be able to see him. I would truly love to have you meet him. I think that the two of you would get along.”

  “You forget, he and I have had words before. In a manner we have met. Not in the best of situations but it still counts, to my way of thinking. As for our peoples being at peace… Having that happen in our lifetime may not be realistic, but we can hope.”

  She nodded and sighed. “True. And yes, I had forgotten that the two of you had words before. You both mutually withdrew from battle, which I’m now very grateful for. Perhaps the two of you will be old and gray, both retired from service when the war is over.” She could pray at least.

  “If we make it that long, I’ll be happy,” he said. “It’s rare for a soldier on either side to make it to old and gray unless they are pulled out of the service due to some injury, or other bureaucratic reason.” The music changed slightly and he stopped their dance. Gently he led her back to the chair she’d been sitting in earlier but moved it a little closer to the table she’d never noticed sitting there. Pouring her a cup from the pot on the table, he handed it over. The scent told her what it was instantly.

  “Honey tea,” she said with a smile. “Thank you. This is very helpful when I’m not feeling well,” she said with a grin. “And you are a very smart man that you were able to get so much of it on board for us. For me.”

  “Definitely for you,” he said. Shaking his head he settled down in another chair. He reached out and lifted a cover off a plate filled with her favorite cheeses, fruits, and other things she always got from the dining room. All items he normally had to steal a bite of from her so he could have a little.

  “Thank you.” She looked at the spread before her and simply smiled. “You amaze me.” She couldn’t believe that he had brought all of her favorite foods and drinks to this time together. “I’m happy. Beyond happy. I’m over-the-systems happy because I’m married to the best man alive and I’m going to have his child. Life is very, very good.”

  Fin grinned. “Good. Now, eat some of this before the others come to see if we’re still alive and to steal the leftovers. I had to fight off a lot of the crew to get these for you. When you’re done, we’ll go back to our rooms where we’ll get the message together for your brother, and then I’ll keep the other part of my promise. If you’re not too tired of course.”

  “I would never be too tired for you, Fin,” she told him with complete honesty. “You are the one that energizes me, and every single touch that you give me makes me need more. As for the food.” She took some, then winked at him. “They would never dare to take a pregnant woman’s favorite foods.”

  “They aren’t supposed to know you’re pregnant yet, remember? As far as they know you are the same woman I met on a planet, kidnapped, and fell in love with. Though there are bets that you were the one to woo me. About half the crew is on your side. The other half is split between thinking I wooed you into this, and that this is a con. I really have no faith in my people afte
r learning that from Markus. But he apparently thinks it’s hilarious.”

  “He would.” She was snickering as she said that. “He missed you, though. I think he’s happier that you are back than you are. I only say that because the poor man let out a breath when I met him and said something along the lines of ‘it’s about time’ or something like that.” She shrugged and added, “They’re all glad that you are back and you know it.”

  “I’m glad to be back,” he said. “I’m just a little nervous about having you on board with us on border patrol. Especially now that you’re pregnant. I worry for you, Adira. Keeping you safe and happy are my only priorities in life. Hopefully I’m not making a grave error by returning to my position here.”

  “There’s no where else that I would be. Don’t even think to ask me to leave you, Fin, because I won’t. Where you are is where I will be. If it’s on border patrol, then so be it. I have faith in you and your men. I know that you’ll all do whatever is necessary to ensure that we are all safe.”

  He grumbled under his breath before letting out a tired-sounding breath. Wiping a hand down his face, he looked at her. “I don’t want you anywhere but by my side. Not that it makes it any easier when I know exactly what dangers are out here. We cross the wrong group who are thinking to plunder one of our moons, and everything could go to hell fast. That is my worst nightmare right now.”

  “I’m a smart woman and I know that when there is a battle, where to be. I know that being right there with you is the safest place for me,” she said simply. “You would be able to see me and not worry for me.”

  Now he was glaring at her. She knew she was right, he knew she was right, but he didn’t seem willing to admit it out loud. That was fine, he would one day. Rolling his eyes to the ceiling, he leaned his head back. “Eat your food, little wife. Then we need to retire to our rooms. At some point today you need to have a nap.”

  “After you have loved me,” she put in as she popped another bite of food into her mouth. She was grinning as she watched him and winked when he shifted in his seat. “Because we both know that we need just that.” She certainly did.

  “You seem to be a little more interested in our sexual activities. Not that you weren’t before, but for the last few days you’ve definitely had more of an edge. Care to speculate on the reasons for that, little wife?”

  “Could be because I’m pregnant,” she said with a shrug. “It’s the only thing that I can think of. Either that or because I’ve become so used to being here with you. I’ve become very accustomed to having you with me. Having you loving me.”

  “Could be,” he agreed. He fell silent then, his eyes following every movement she made. His gaze grew warmer when she licked her fingers after popping a bite into her mouth, so she started to play it up. He got a hungry look on his face whenever she licked her lips. Adira knew she was playing with fire, but she was having fun in the process.

  Licking her lips, she allowed him to watch as she wrapped her tongue around her fingers, her lips around them and sucking them in and out of her mouth. With a grin she asked, “Yes, husband, is there something you need?”

  His low growl played havoc on her system, sending chills over her skin and a flood of need through her body. “Quit toying with me, woman, or I’ll toss you over my shoulder and haul you back to our rooms now. It won’t be very elegant, and I can assure you every one of the crew will know exactly what’s going on.” Fintan was usually so proper, and careful of keeping their private life just that. Private. To hear those words coming from him though, wow.

  She watched him and shrugged, once more licking her fingers. “And? I really wouldn’t mind it if you did that, to be perfectly honest with you. If you wanted to take me right here, I would be good with that.” She nipped her own fingertip with her teeth and sucked the digit into her mouth. “I haven’t been naughty for a while. What are you planning on doing about it?”

  His face cleared of all emotion, and slowly up went an eyebrow. Then his lips began to curve into what ended up being a very feral-looking smirk. In a quick move he had her up and over his shoulder and was heading for the door with a hand firmly planted on her ass. He said nothing, just strode out of hydroponics and past a few of the crew who happened to be out in the corridor on the way to the lifts.

  Adira was grinning, bracing her hands on Fintan’s ass she allowed him to manhandle her as he was. When she heard the snickering she lifted her head and waved at the guards that followed at a discreet distance. “Will you please make sure that the hydroponics bay gets cleaned up and the wooden box that’s there is delivered to my rooms tomorrow?” she called to one of the guards, then squeaked when Fintan smacked her ass once more. Damn her body but she found herself getting wetter by the movement.

  In the lift he let her slide off his shoulder, spinning her so her back was to his front with his arms wrapped around her torso. “You are being very naughty, Adira. You do know what happens to naughty women, right?” He slid a hand down to cover her breast and gave it a squeeze before pinching her nipple lightly.

  She leaned against him and closed her eyes. “Naughty girls get spanked,” she whispered in a slight pant, pushing her breast against his hand once more. “But that is for you to decide, husband. I am yours to guide,” she teased.

  He spun her around and pushed her to the wall. Moving to the controls he slowed the lift to nearly a crawl. “Bend over, hands on the wall, spread your legs for me right now,” he told her.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered and did as he instructed. She was bent over, her hands clenching the bar at the back of the lift. She looked over her shoulder at him and licked her lips. “Like this?” she asked and felt her pussy weeping for him, needing him inside of her, now.

  “Face the wall,” he ordered. He did something else at the controls before moving to stand behind her. She felt his hands on her legs, adjusting them apart a little more before he drew her skirt up her legs. Flipping it over her ass, he bared her to his view but didn’t touch her, just let her wait.

  Adira was biting her lower lip. The wait was killing her. She allowed her shoulders to drop lower, her head falling as well so that she was completely submissive to him. She didn’t say anything because she knew that would only cause this to be drawn out even more.

  Finally she felt the slide of a finger over one buttock, then the other. His touch vanished again and left her aching, wanting, and waiting for what was next. She was braced, ready and waiting. The first slap jolted her it was such a surprise. The second was less so, and by the third she was getting into it.

  She was pushing her ass back to him time and time again. She was moaning now, her head down between her shoulders, and she cried out as he smacked her ass over and over again. “Fin, please.” She was begging him now, needing more.

  A harder slap to her ass that left much more sting behind. Then he peppered her ass with more slaps. After a round of smacks he drew away, tugging her skirt back down over her ass just in time for the doors of the lift to finally slide open. Taking her arm, he straightened her out and got them walking toward their rooms.

  She was more than a little unsatisfied but she knew without a shadow of a doubt he would ensure that they both soon were flying. She was trying to walk in a straight line but failed and if not for Fin holding her up she would have fallen down. Once they were in their room she looked at him. “Where?” she asked softly.

  “Where what?” he asked after sealing the doors. He shrugged out of his uniform jacket and moved to hang it up. He shot her a curious look as he waited on her to expand on her question.

  “Where would you like me?” Oh no, he so wasn’t going to get out of making love with her that fast. She frowned and shrugged. “Or I could find the vibrating toy that you use on me. I would like for it to be with you, though. I need you, husband.”

  Fintan slowly walked toward her while undoing the buttons on his shirt. “Adira, little wife, what are my rules about when you are permitted to come?” He stopp
ed in front of her, his hands moving to take hers in his.

  “When you allow me to come.” She bowed her head and stepped in closer to him. “I’m sorry for thinking to take away your part in our relationship.” She felt terrible now, but also, weirdly excited. She wanted to know what he would do to her now.

  “Precisely. When I allow you to come, because your body belongs to me. Strip and climb onto the bed. Lay on your back in the middle, arms over your head, legs spread wide with your knees up. And put the blindfold on. You will lay there, quietly, and wait for whatever I decide to do to you. Should I decide you come quickly, you will, and if I decide to draw it out, you must wait. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she told him with her head still bowed. Doing as he instructed, she placed the blindfold on first and climbed onto the bed. On her back she stretched her body for him the way that he wanted, her knees up and slightly apart. She didn’t speak. Instead, she waited anxiously.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Time seemed to stretch out while Adira lay waiting on the bed. She couldn’t hear Fintan moving around, so she had no idea where he was in their rooms. She knew for a fact he’d never leave her there; he’d made that very clear when they’d first used the blindfold. He wouldn’t abandon her to uncertainty.

  Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she felt the bed dip. Still only complete silence from him. He didn’t touch her, and she couldn’t even feel his breath on her skin. She knew he was looking at her though, the weight of his gaze almost a stroke over her every sense available.

  It was a struggle not to wiggle and not to move. It was difficult to keep from reaching out for him and talking to him. It was hard for her but she remained quiet. She was still just as he had instructed her so often. He made sure she always knew just what to expect with their sessions together. This time, however, he was so quiet, so still. He didn’t touch her and that was bothering her, a great deal.


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