Tasting the Teacher

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Tasting the Teacher Page 1

by Jodie Jacobs

  All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any written, electronic, recorded, or photocopied format without the permission from the author as allowed under the terms and conditions with which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author's rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  Tasting the Teacher is a work of fiction. All names, characters, events and places found in this book are either from the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any similarity to persons live or dead, actual events, locations, or organizations is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Tasting the Teacher is an erotic short story and is intended for readers of 18 years and over.

  Text and story © by Jodie Jacobs

  Tasting the Teacher

  I watched on as she leaned over my desk, a hint of cleavage on display, pink lace visible. I immediately shifted in my seat, my dick pressing hard against my pants. I bit my tongue hard to avoid groaning and from licking my bottom lip, imagining I was nibbling and sucking on her nipples. Fuck, so not helping.

  “Damon, if you look at what you’ve done here, with this equation, you’ll see where you went wrong.”

  I dragged my eyes from her breasts, stopping myself from wanting to bury myself in them and inhale. I stared down at the formula that, once again, I had screwed up. Math was not my strong point. If truth be told, I was flunking, which would screw any chances of getting into the school I wanted. I had to pass math.

  Part of flunking was I never fully concentrated in Miss Jordan’s class. This was hardly surprising. Everything from her fantastic tits, her tight ass, and her sexy, pouty lips, meant that I spent most of my lessons envisioning different ways I’d take her. Sometimes it would be a thought about what her sexy mouth would feel like around my hard cock. At least five times in her class over as many weeks, I nearly jizzed in my pants. That shit just was not funny. It also meant I had to ditch the next class so I could head to my car to jack off.

  The other part of flunking was numbers. I fucking hated the shit out of them. I knew people who were dyslexic, their words or letters or some shit would spin around before them. Well, fuck if that wasn’t what happened to me and numbers. I had no idea if there was such a thing as being numerically dyslexic, but if there was, I was at the top of that diagnosis.

  “So, if you look here at the X, you’ll find you’ve divided it with Y as opposed to A.”

  I sat my pen on the desk and rubbed my hands over my face wearily. “Don’t waste your time, Miss J. We’re in math, but it sounds more like English when you say letters to me, or maybe Japanese since I can’t speak that shit.”

  She coughed at my swearing in warning.

  “Shit, I mean, damn, Miss J. You know I just can’t do it.”

  “Nonsense.” Her voice was soft and soothing. Once again, my dick stirred to life and I lifted my eyes to look at her face. My eyes connected with hers. What I wouldn’t give to be staring up at them while she rode my cock. She leaned forward again slightly, her hip resting against my desk, and picked up my pen. She brought it to my hand, her fingers trailing mine just a fraction, so quick I questioned it even happened. My eyes flicked to her lips. She dragged in her lower lip for a moment, licked it, and then released. I gulped, pretty fucking sure it was loud enough to echo around the room. I glanced around to be doubly sure, but the rest of the class had their heads down and were focused.

  With finals coming up, it wouldn’t be long before we would all be heading out to college. As such, most were fixed intently on working their asses off to get the grades they needed, while I spent my time getting a boner over Miss J. Life sucked ass some times.

  My gaze returned to hers. Mouth dry, I swallowed a little before I spoke in a low voice. “I really need to pass. You know that, right? I’ll do anything you need. Just help get me through this. What do I need to do?” I was serious. It was time to finally get this shit under control. When I’d asked for her help, I’d deliberately emphasized anything. I was willing to do anything to pass at this point. I quirked my lip into a smile; I had a perpetual raging hard-on for my teacher and just had a pretty awesome fantasy that included her demanding sexual favors in exchange for private tuition. Now that would be a fucking dream come true.

  Her eyes stared intently into mine as she seemed to be debating something. “Okay. Stay back after class and we’ll talk.”

  I nodded eagerly, my focus travelling once again to her lips and down to her magnificent tits. I caught my breath in wonder and my eyes widened when her erect nipples greeted me. The room was definitely not cold. I licked my lips in appreciation and cocked a grin. “Thank you. I can’t wait.”

  # # #

  The rest of the lesson dragged. I had no idea what Miss J would do to help me. I only had my eighteen-year-old imagination for what I hoped she would suggest. I was sure there were a multitude of math puzzles we could role-play using our body parts.

  The bell signaled, causing an immediate ruckus as the rest of the class jumped out of their chairs and started talking, heading out to lunch. Hanging back, I tidied my books, picked them up, and headed to Miss J’s desk. She currently had her back to me and was on her tiptoes and reaching up to rub off the whiteboard. Seeing my opportunity and emboldened by my raging hormones and her flash of thigh, I placed my books quietly on her desk and stood behind her.

  There was barely an inch between us as my presence became known. Arm still reached high on the board mid-wipe, she froze. I leaned into her, my chest and hard groin rubbing against her. I too reached up my hand and placed it over hers, lowered my head next to her ear, and whispered, “Here, let me.” Despite our age difference—although I had no idea exactly how old she was, my guess was her late twenties—I towered over her voluptuous frame. Her curves were as sexy as hell. I’d spent hours over the last couple of years jacking off while imagining caressing and kissing every curve.

  When my breath caused a few stray hairs to brush across her cheek, I heard a deep inhale of breath, before she lowered from her tiptoes to her sexy heels. Not quite fuck-me heels, but still fucking hot. The action caused her ass to lean into me and rub down as she found her footing. My heart rate kicked up a notch. I could not believe this was happening. For a moment, I didn’t dare move. Fearing I’d break whatever the hell was going on between us.

  She broke the silence. “Okay, thank you.” She glanced over her shoulder and peered up at me. The flush across her cheeks and the brightness in her eyes caught my breath. Fuck, she’s hot. If I wasn’t mistaken, and I was pretty fucking sure I wasn’t, she was turned on. I stopped myself short before I embarrassed myself by either throwing myself at her or jumping up and down on the spot before breaking out into the robot or some shit. Instead, I grinned.

  Returning my smile, she stepped away from me and returned to her desk. I fixed my pants and finished rubbing off the whiteboard. Once done, I placed the eraser on her desk and picked up my books. She was looking at me expectantly, a small smile across her lips. “So,” I started awkwardly, feeling self-conscious about the tent in my pants, which just wouldn’t behave.

  She prevented me from saying more, and no doubt sounding like a moron, by speaking up. “I know passing is essential for you. I never give tuition; my day’s busy enough, but I’ll make an exception.” I nodded and gave her a big-ass grin. “For you,” she added. “I have a meeting after school. How about we meet at the library at seven?”

  I deflated. The library? There went any hopes of thinking the night would end up with my cock buried deep inside her. “Sure,” I answ
ered, trying my hardest not to look or sound like a pussy. “I didn’t even know the library was open that late.”

  Miss J smiled, her eyes lighting up in what could only be described as mischief. “Just meet me there at seven.”

  Nodding in agreement, I said my thanks, bypassed the lunchroom, and headed to my car. I had balls that were due to explode if I didn’t get my release. I knew I would be imagining my mouth latched over the pink lace covering her perky nipples while Miss J rode me hard.

  # # #

  Pulling open the library door, I entered to virtual darkness. There was just one light on above the balcony to my right where a couple of leather sofas sat. I stepped further into the room but was halted by Miss J’s voice. “I need you to lock the door behind you.”

  I looked up at the balcony and took in Miss J. Fuck me. She leaned against the railing wearing a short gray skirt, her long legs on display before me. A fitted shirt, buttons low with the sleeves rolled up, covered her breasts. My cock stood to attention as I fumbled with the lock of the door. Once secure, I made my way to the staircase, aware of my teacher tracking my every move.

  “You were right on time. You know how I hate tardiness.” She smiled before pausing, and then laughed, the sound echoing around the room. It was so far from the truth. Miss J was known for her easygoing nature, and among the male population, her fantastic tits. Tits which, if I had my way, would fit around my dick as I fucked them.

  Over the last couple of years, I had my fair share of girls. Girls. That was what they were. I’d had fun, even popped a few sweet cherries, but all the time, I fantasized about the woman in front of me. I’d turned eighteen just last week. At the time, I hadn’t thought anything of it, but considering who I was headed toward, Miss J’s comment last week about my ‘being a man’ made so much sense. This woman wanted me to fuck her as much as I did.

  I found my voice. “Shit, if I thought punishment was involved, I would have hung outside a little longer.” I grinned, finally reaching the staircase and climbing toward her.

  Moving to the top of the stairs, Miss J waited for me, a mock stern face lighting her features. “Damon,” she gasped, “did you just swear?”

  I nodded as I took the final step toward her. Gazing down, I whispered, “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Good,” she said around a grin. “Now, fuck me, Damon, and let’s see if I can help you with your math problem.”

  That was all the direction I needed; hell, the fact she instructed me to fuck her almost brought me to my knees. Instead, my lips slammed against hers as I pulled her toward me, lifted her ass, and wrapped her legs around my hips.

  I carried her to the leather sofa, desperate to be inside her, but knowing I needed a taste first. I had imagined what she would taste like over the past two years. There was no way I was missing the opportunity. Our tongues caressed and battled. She pushed her pussy against me, her heat spreading through my jeans. I groaned around her and broke away, kissing down her neck, desperate to get her nipples in my mouth. “Fuck, Miss J, you’re so fucking hot. I’m going to fuck you so goddamn hard, every time you come into this library, all you’re going to think about is me and my cock fucking you.”

  She gasped and grinded against me harder, her hand reaching between our legs and squeezing my cock. “That’s a pretty statement, Damon, but let’s see if you can put your tongue to better use.”

  Placing her on the sofa, kneeling between her legs, I grinned. “Yes, ma’am. Happy to oblige.” I trailed kisses down her neck and opened the few fastened buttons on her shirt. Her pink lace was gone and bare breasts sprung from the restraining fabric.

  “Fuck, I’ve wanted to taste you for so long, Miss J.”

  She arched toward me, aching for my mouth. I trailed more kisses down to her naked breasts and firmly gripped both, caressing and tweaking her nipples. My mouth latched on to her right nipple as I sucked hungrily, lapping and laving, nibbling and sucking, all the while tweaking and massaging her other. Her tits were fucking perfect. I pulled my mouth away briefly, just allowing my fingers to twirl around her erect nipples. “Your tits are fucking sexy.”

  Her eyes sprung open and gazed into mine. She smiled lightly as I tweaked and twisted a little harder before lowering my head and gently laving each of them, causing her to moan and grind against me. “You know what I’ve always wanted to do, Miss J?”

  “No, what?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Fuck them. I want to fuck your sexy tits, Miss J.”

  A delectable blush spread across her chest and swiftly travelled up her neck and to her cheeks.

  “Is that what you want, Miss J? Do you want me to fuck your tits?”

  “Yes,” she gasped, clasping her breasts and forcing them together. “Your cock would look perfect here. I think if you do a good job, you may even get a reward. A gold star of sorts.”

  Her flirty, soft voice caressed my skin and made my dick impossibly hard. My balls ached, wanting release. I was so pleased I’d thought to jack off before I arrived. If not, I was sure to have come already. I peaked my brow in challenge. “A gold star?” I questioned.

  She laughed sweetly. “If I like what I see, then you may get to taste me straight after.” I pinched her nipple in response, making her gasp. “Do you like the sound of that, Damon, you naughty boy? Do you want to fuck me with your tongue?”

  I kissed her, forcing my tongue into her mouth and licking hers into mine. Making myself pull back, I tugged off my t-shirt and removed the rest of my clothes. I stood before her naked, enjoying her eyes roaming over my broad chest and stiff cock. It bobbed up and down under her scrutiny. “Like what you see, Miss J?” I teased. I was known around the school for my cocky, no-shit attitude, and despite my moment’s hesitation earlier, Miss J, the sexy woman before me, brought out the best, or possibly the worse in me.

  Knowing this hot woman wanted me did wonders for my ego and I was sure my cock grew an extra inch before her wide eyes. If I came away from this with simply a taste of her pussy and not able to dip my cock in her cunt, I would still walk away happy. Stiff as a board, but still satisfied. Miss J was so much more than I had fantasized over. Her sexy mouth and playful demands were the biggest fucking turn on.

  I stared at her full breasts as I made my way toward her. Positioning myself in line with her tits, she took a firm grip of my cock, making my balls clench in anticipation. Miss J was most definitely the hottest woman I’d ever had under me. Shit, the only woman. Before she pulled my dick toward her, she stroked her fingers across my slit, rubbing the pre-cum around my cock for lubrication. Following her lead, I reached down and pushed up her skirt to find her bare, not only panty-less but clean-shaven too. Damn, if I wasn’t careful, I’d shoot my load all over her perfect white tits. While the image had a certain draw, I’d much prefer to come inside her. I dipped two fingers into her sweet pussy, finding her wet and ready for me. The scent alone of her juices was intoxicating. I knew she would taste sweet and I’d love her flavor. I imagined honey and peaches combined. Her cunt was slick as I easily thrust my fingers inside her. Wet, soft walls greeted and gripped my fingers. I pulled in and out a few times, earning an erotic whimper to escape her lips. My eyes still on the target of fucking her tits, I removed my soaked fingers, circling her clit a few times, enjoying her shuddering beneath me. Lifting my drenched fingers, I used her pussy juices as lubricant, enjoying the sensation of her silky essence on my dick.

  Once slick, I guided down to her tit. “Give me your tits, Miss J.”

  She immediately complied, squeezing and lifting them to me as a gift. I had no idea what I’d done to deserve the woman before me, but fuck if it wasn’t the hottest thing I’d ever seen.

  “That’s right, Miss J. You’re doing a perfect job of teaching me the right way to do things. Let me know if I’m doing this right,” I jested, feigning innocence.

  She flicked her tongue out in anticipation. “Damon, fuck my breasts. Be a good boy and do as you’ve been told. I’d hate to
have to give you a detention for keeping me waiting.”

  Leaning on my hands, I looked down and watched my dick slide between her breasts. Back and forth, I thrust gently, wanting the sensation to last. I pushed up as high as I could go, desperately hoping she’d take the bait. I was rewarded when her tongue flicked out and licked the end of my dick. The next time I thrust up, her mouth was open, waiting for me. She sucked me like a Popsicle for a moment, circling my head with her clever tongue, before she released with a pop as I pulled back. Her hands remained on her breasts, but she shifted so she was able to play with her taut rose nipples. Watching her hands on herself, I needed another taste. Pulling away from her breasts, I shifted down her body and pulled her up to sit so I could remove her shirt.

  Once off, I kissed her deeply before returning to her exquisite breasts. Her arms wrapped around me, tugging me closer.

  “You most definitely deserve a gold star, Damon. You have my permission to use your tongue. Ace this, and I think you may even go up a grade.” We laughed at the same time, but her laughter soon died as I yanked down her skirt and exposed her to me. Her pussy was fucking divine. She lay bare before me, glistening under the light overhead.

  “Like what you see, Damon?” she purred.

  I nodded, momentarily speechless. The delicate aroma of peaches and honey circled the air as I repositioned myself in front of her waiting cunt. A gift just for me. I was the luckiest fucking student ever and had never been more relieved than to be flunking math than at that moment.

  Head positioned between her soft thighs, I rubbed my nose along her seam, inhaling her scent.

  Her breath caught as she lifted and looked down at me. I raised my brows and smiled. “See something you like?” I threw back. Before she had the chance to answer, I used the flat of my tongue to lick along her cunt from the back to the front, ensuring I pushed a little harder on her swollen clit. She groaned loudly and flopped back against the sofa, gripping my head with her hands. She could ride my face all she wanted. I could not ever imagine having enough of her.


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