Without Boundaries (the Without series)

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Without Boundaries (the Without series) Page 1

by CJ Azevedo




  Copyright © 2013 CJ Azevedo

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Cover art and design by Regina Wamba Mae I Design

  Cover Models Britta Monson and Dylan Prichard

  Copy Editing by Stephanie Lott www.lifeisbetterwithbooks.com

  ISBN-13: 978-1490960180


  Praise for Without Boundaries

  “…I give this book 5 beating hearts and highly recommend this book…One of the best books of 2013” -Crystal, www.ataleoftwobooks.wordpress.com

  “…it was pretty remarkable!...”- Liezel, www.liezelsbookblog.net

  “…There was so much that I liked about this book I couldn’t put it down.” – Beth, www.bestsellersandbeststellars.com

  “…I really fell in love with this story.”

  –Mary, www.maryelizabethscrazybookobsession.com


  To the woman who was my best friend for 25 years and who will now be my Pink Ribbon Guardian Angel for eternity; my beautiful Mom. I will love you forever and think of you always.



  I haven’t been out since, well, since forever. I do social events all the time for work, but never do anything like that for personal reasons anymore. When I started dating Hollister, my boyfriend whom I have lived with for six months now, we would go out to dinner and different clubs and such with his friends quite often. But we haven’t done that since I moved in with him. Everything changed when I moved into Hollister Harrison’s extravagant Upper East Side apartment.

  Hollister has flown down to the south to visit his parents for a few days. He never goes anywhere without me, so this is a first, but I had way too much going on at work to even entertain the idea and his mother was being relentless that he come this week. Besides, I really have no desire to spend any amount of time with his family. So he went, I stayed; I haven’t been this relaxed in months. Kali McAllister is a friend of mine whom I met at the gym a couple months back and the one who convinced me I must go out with her tonight. I managed to get Hollister on board by telling him I was going to a show and a quiet bar for a few drinks with Kali and a couple of her friends. It’s not a total lie, but I can’t honestly say it’s the complete truth either.

  This is just plain stupid to be so nervous! It’s drinks with friends Bailey. No. Big. Deal, I think to myself as I continue to stress over my attire.

  I must have changed my clothes a bazillion times and my shoes twice as many as that. Dos bazillion? I don’t know but it’s been way too many times that’s for sure. I’ve never gone out at night like this with Kali, so I’m not real sure what to expect. I know she said we were going to start out at her brother’s ice hockey game and then meet up with him and his friends afterwards to go to some pub. I get giddy at the thought of the pub being like that quaint little Irish pub on P.S I Love You. I definitely wouldn’t mind running into a Gerard Butler tonight, even just to look at him. Mmmm. Oh okay, that’s why you’re freaking out Bay! You haven’t stepped foot outside this apartment without being attached to Hollister unless it’s for work. So, cue the fashion police inside my own head to make sure Ol’ Joan Rivers will approve! Ridiculous!

  I’m standing in front of my Brazilian Cherry wood full length mirror in our master suite just staring. Dressing up nicely is nothing new to me. I work for an elite PR Firm in Soho, NY. Fashion is not only a job requirement but a social one as well; not that I have a social life anymore but once upon a time I did. So I’m comfortable with the decisions I finally make tonight as far as my appearance goes and am quite excited about making the decision to go out and have fun while Hollister is gone. Even if I am nervous as hell.

  The intercom buzzes and our concierge informs me that a car has arrived to pick me up. I pick up my latest Chanel clutch and head towards the foyer. I take the elevator down the twenty-seven floors and bid Fred, our concierge, a goodnight. I step out in the cold October weather and suddenly wish I had worn a heavy coat. Joan wears furs. Faux or not, I just can’t rock a fur! I reach the shiny black town car and I see Kali perched happily in the back as the driver opens the door for me. I thank him as I climb in and Kali starts immediately.

  “Oh my gosh Bay!!! You look stunning! You’re going to be fighting them off with a stick honey. Oh and I’m going to need to borrow that clutch next weekend, I’m heading over to the Hamptons and I have the perfect outfit for it!” Kali says in what I am pretty sure is one breath. She and I meet up at the gym for some classes and then we also like to run the parks and trails some mornings, so seeing me outside of running clothes is non-existent. She is also a few years younger than I am; most of the time I don’t notice the age difference. But when she talks to me like that I can’t help but laugh at her little girl excitement.

  “Thank you so much Kali. Of course you can use the bag, after tonight it’s yours for the week. And you look hot by the way.” I wink at her and know immediately she was shooting for ‘Hot’ tonight. She looks pleased with herself.

  “Thanks! Ok, so Talon’s game starts in about 45 minutes, here have a drink, and then we will meet some of his friends there and all head over to Delaney’s pub for some drinks.” She passes me what looks like a mimosa in a crystal glass. I’m not a big drinker but I take it from her and give it a test. It’s not bad, but way too sweet for me, so I just hold it out of politeness.

  “That sounds fun. Will any of your brother’s teammates be meeting us or will there be other women?” I don’t want to sound ungrateful for tonight or too panicky but I really hope it’s not just the two of us and a bunch of hockey players. At least we’re not going to be somewhere where there’ll be any chance of running into anyone from Hollister’s circle.

  “Umm, there might be a couple other women but I’m not sure. I just know Hunter and Alan and then a couple guys from his team usually meet up with us.” I notice Kali’s eyes light up as she says Hunter’s name. She’s mentioned him a couple times during our runs but nothing has ever come out of her crush so far.

  “Hunter?” I give her googly eyes with a big smile as I draw out his name.

  “Gaaawww! Yes, Hunter! You are really perceptive, aren’t you?” she says as she laughs.

  “Yes. But you also have very telling eyes.” I have to chuckle at her giddiness. “So? Any new developments on the Hunter front?”

  She lets out a very dramatic sigh and rolls her head back. “No. I don’t know Bay; he’s just caught up on my age, I guess. I don’t see the issue but apparently he does.” She shrugs her shoulders and lets them drop heavily.

  “He said that to you?” I’m kind of shocked at his candidness if he did in fact say that.

  “Well, not in so many words, but just like the other night; we were sitting out on Talon’s balcony and having a drink and amazing conversation.” Kali rolls her eyes and softly shakes her head. “Amazing convo, lame I know, but it was; and then he just says, ‘I can’t believe you’re only twenty-five’, like I’m not even legal or something! Then he just gets up and goes back inside. I don’t even get a chance to turn our ahhhmaaazing convo into ahhhmaaazing sex. He leaves; just like that. I don’t get it.”

  “How old is this guy? F
ifty? Sixty?” I ask with my face scrunched up because I have a hard time believing any guy would turn down a hot twenty-five year old.

  Kali lets out a booming laugh and I can’t help but laugh along with her; untouched mimosa in hand and all.

  “Whaaat?” Kali draws out. “NO!! Bailey, oh my God! He’s thirty-one like Talon. They went to school together. Sixty? Are you serious?” She’s still laughing.

  “Well geez, he has to be an old man to not want to take that smoking bod to bed given the chance!”

  “It is smoking, right?” she sighs as she smooths out her tight fitting top beneath a beautiful leopard coat.

  “Completely.” I offer her a reassuring smile and then turn my attention to the bright lights and beautiful store fronts of the city that stole my heart so many years ago.

  We pull up in front of the building that holds the ice rink where Talon apparently plays in a recreational league. The building is right in the middle of the city. I never would have guessed such a sport would be played right here amongst famous buildings, incredible architecture, and top restaurants, but it is. The driver opens my door and holds out his hand to help me out of the car. Kali slides out behind, yells back thanks to the driver and heads for the double doors. I walk quickly to catch up, but I’m in three inch Louboutins and I am not about to scratch those up just to walk in at the same time as Kali. She waits at the doors for me tapping her little foot. Man, this girl is impatient. We walk in and she heads straight to the beer stand. Apparently you have to drink beer while spectating at a hockey game. I see two very good looking guys standing there as we walk up to them.

  “Hey guys! You get our seats yet?” Kali asks the men who look like they should be at a hockey game.

  “Nah, not yet, thought we’d wait for you ladies to pick out where you want to be,” says the taller, more muscular man with a great scruff going on on his lower jaw, he glances my direction; but he’s talking to Kali.

  “Hunter, Alan, this is Bailey Hayes. Bailey, this is Hunter Collins (the man with the great scruff) and Alan Coleman. They both went to school with my brother.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” I extend my hand first to Hunter and then to Alan giving my best Public Relations smile.

  “The pleasure is all mine,” says Alan with an over confident grin on his tad bit too scruffy face.

  “Kali speaks highly of you Bailey; it’s nice to put a face with the name.” Hunter says with a kind, non-flirtatious smile.

  I smile again because I don’t trust myself at this point not to tell him that he’s an idiot and needs to pay more attention to Kali! Kali might die if I do that. Alan turns to get four beers and I let Kali know that I’m going to run to the ladies’ room before we take our seats.

  “Do you want me to walk with you?” she offers though I can tell she is quite content to stay with Hunter.

  “Oh no no, just point me in the right direction.”

  She tells me to take the hall to the right of the concession stand and curve around the building and it’ll be the last set of doors on the left. Then she jokes and says that I might want to get confused and go in the last doors on the right; apparently that’s where the locker room is. I stifle a laugh and tell her I will be right back.

  I look in the mirror and make sure I am still all put together, reapply my lipstick and then take a calming breath. I’m actually super comfortable for being so far out of my norm. I pack up my clutch and start back. As soon as I step through the door I walk right into something rather solid that I was not expecting. I stumble and drop my clutch, but I’m kept from falling by two strong hands holding firmly onto my waist. I am wearing a tight pencil skirt and very high heels; needless to say, I was not graceful. I take a look up from beneath my lashes and my eyes grow wide and my heart rate picks up rather quickly. I’m holding onto this beautiful man’s forearm with one hand and bicep with the other. I still have not righted myself as shirtless pictures of him begin swirling around in this sex deprived brain of mine. Holy all things that are gorgeous. Say something Bay, or how about you try to stand up on your own two feet Bailey! That’d be a great start!

  “I’m really sorry about that. Are you alright?” the beautiful man says to me while looking down into my eyes. Are you kidding me? Of course he sounds like heaven. That deep sultry voice just glides right on over to my heat stricken ears. What is this? A conspiracy against Bailey night, c’mon!

  “Excuse me, I didn’t see you. Or I guess I just really wasn’t paying attention.” I’m pretty sure I stammered all of that. “Thank you for not letting me fall. If you think that was graceless,” I chuckle, “me getting up off the floor in this skirt would have been horrendous.” I give a small smile trying to make sure I keep all of those fluttering butterflies contained in my stomach as I try to step back from his grip. But he doesn’t let go. In my failed attempt to step back from him I have turned to him instead of away and then conveniently found both my hands on his ridiculously muscled chest; his hands are still on my waist. So we stand there staring at each other for a second… or five. Oddly enough, it is not weird. At all. He is tall and big. This is not a small guy by any means. He has really dark brown, almost black hair that is styled to be a combed out spike and comes to a loose point just above the middle of his forehead. I don’t even have words for those eyes; they’re a deep green with specks of ocean blue around the pupil. His lips are the most kissable, luscious looking lips I have ever laid eyes on. He has this dark freckle on the lower part of his right cheek that just screams sexy.

  “Dude! Where the hell have you been? We need to take the ice, right now! Get your ass in here!” A guy in full pads and jersey yells out and interrupts our stare contest.

  He drops his hands and bends down to pick up my clutch and his eyes follow the length of my body on his way back up. Then he places the clutch in my hand, his fingers grazing mine sending electric waves through my insides. “If you’re sure you’re alright, I’m really late. Need to get out there.” He jerks his thumb to the rink, I assume, while walking backwards towards the locker room with the sexiest lopsided grin. His eyes still haven’t left me, I still haven’t moved.

  I clear my throat as silently as possible. “Right, um, good luck tonight,” I say around a smile. I turn around before anything further can come out of that blissful run in. Well, that’s going to make my already miserable relationship near intolerable. Crap.



  How the hell am I supposed to go out onto the ice after that?? I didn’t even get her name, what was I thinking? That’s right, I wasn’t. I have been around beautiful women my whole life, running into someone that gorgeous has never done that to me.

  Being out on the ice has always centered me. It doesn’t matter what took place the week before; once my skates hit that ice all seems right. The blade of my skate cutting through the smooth glass of the ice brings comfort with a sense of familiarity. I have played hockey since I could skate. My dad made a small rink on our property when I was very young. My sister would figure skate and my dad and I would hit the puck around. I started with a league when I turned eight and played all the way through college. After graduation some of the guys from the team and I joined a men’s adult league and have been playing on Saturday evenings ever since.

  We’re playing our known rivals tonight so the stands are pretty packed. I keep glancing out there trying to find the woman I ran into outside of the locker room but I can’t seem to find anyone tonight. My sister comes to every game without fail; I can’t find her either. It’s an intense game; pretty much everyone in the stands are on their feet either cheering for us or booing at us. We’re close to the end of the game and there have been lots of fights tonight, I was involved in two of those fights and am exhausted. Adrenaline is pumping through me like a wildfire but all of my muscles are protesting. The ref calls a penalty on the opposing team for hooking one of our guys so I head over to our bench until they get it sorted out. We have six minutes
left in the third period and are ahead.

  I look up trying to spot my sister. I hate that I haven’t seen her yet; it’s normal for her to be right behind our bench with Hunter and Alan, but they’re not there either. As I scan the crowd for the hundredth time since the game started, I see her, the woman from the hall. She’s headed toward the stairs to get to the top of the stands. It is seriously taking all of my willpower to stay down here on the ice. My team heads back out to finish off the game with the player from the other team in the penalty box and I reluctantly tear my gaze from her as one of my guys pushes past me and brings me back to the present. Before I take off I look back up to try and see where she is sitting but I lost her. Again.

  We won the game by one point, there’s going to be a huge celebration tonight. A few of us usually go to Delaney’s pub after the games but tonight will most likely be the whole team plus spouses. It’s going to be packed and old man Delaney is going to be a happy camper. I still haven’t seen my sister and the guys but they’ll know to meet me at the doors, so I hit the shower, get dressed and head out.

  Standing outside by the curb is the entire team minus the few guys still in the locker room, and what looks like at least half of the spectators. Correction, old man Delaney isn’t going to be a happy camper; he just may have a heart attack. We’re going to be so squished in that tiny pub. I finally see my sister and the guys.

  “Kali. Where have you been? I was looking for you guys throughout the whole game, why weren’t you in your seats? I was worried.”

  “I’m sorry! I was going to let you know that we were late getting to our seats so we had to sit up top but that game was sooo intense I couldn’t make it down to you.”

  “You weren’t late. You were here before I was,” I state in confusion, knowing our company car had dropped her off before I arrived.


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