Too Many Lies

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Too Many Lies Page 24

by E B Corbin

  To her surprise he reached for her hand. "Look, if you're thinking I blame you for Chester's death, you're wrong. I'm angry at you, yes. I'm furious that you put yourself in danger without thinking about anyone's feelings. But I saw the shotguns on the floor. I'm sure Chester thought he could handle those bastards. He never wanted to act his age or grow old and frail." His eyes glistened with unshed tears before he continued. "In a way it's good he went like he did. He feared becoming infirm and irrelevant more than anything."

  Roxanne blinked away her own tears. "I..."

  "Don't... don't say you're sorry again. You didn't pull the trigger." He looked into her eyes as he squeezed her hand. "I don't want to talk about it anymore. I just need you to know I don't blame you and neither will anyone else." His voice broke. "The only way I can deal with it is to catch those bastards and make them pay."

  Roxanne pulled his hand to her lips; kissed his knuckles. "And I'll help all I can if you'll let me."

  "Thank you," he whispered, then sat upright in the seat and swiped his eyes. "Let's get back there and kick some ass."

  At the cabin, Pete and Ron gave up their posts as lookouts and joined everyone in the dining area for a warm dinner of stew and homemade bread. Roxanne paid little attention to the dinner conversation, her thoughts scrambling between the best action to take against the teenagers and how to avenge Chester.

  As far as Chester was concerned, she believed everyone in the room felt the same determination to settle the score but she didn't know how to go about it. As her frustration grew, her appetite diminished. Only Roxy noticed how she pushed the carrots and potatoes around her plate without actually moving them to her mouth. "Roxanne, you need to eat your vegetables!"

  She almost blurted "You're not my mother!" but bit back the retort since it didn't hold water. Instead she stuck a potato in her mouth and remained silent through the rest of the meal while the conversation flowed around her.

  After dinner, Roxy refused help with the clean-up; she loaded the dishwasher while keeping a running commentary with her guests. Everyone had moved into the living area closer to the warmth of the fire. Seven people stuffed into the same space could have been perceived as claustrophobic but no one complained.

  When Roxanne noticed Tiffany keeping watch outside her mind returned to the matter at hand. She needed to put aside her thoughts on how to help Sandy until their dealings with the IRA were over.

  Tiffany shook her head and sighed. "Why haven't they shown yet?"

  "They see too much activity around here." Roxy slammed a pot into the sink. "I think you should all leave."

  Callahan had joined Tiffany by the window. At Roxy's comment, he pivoted to face the room. "We're not leaving you here alone. As long as we're around you're safe. If they don't get their hands on the cash soon, they're going to get desperate."

  "Too many cars in the driveway, too many people inside," Roxy pointed out. "These guys aren't stupid. They're probably keeping an eye on things from the woods. They won't show until you're gone, no matter how determined they are to get the money. Besides, I can take care of myself."

  Pete pushed out of the wing chair. "I'm not saying I agree with either of you but I should get back to town. I'm on duty tonight."

  Tiffany and Ron looked at each other. "If you want, we could go back to the B&B," Ron said.

  "It can't hurt for someone to be with Kate and Jonathon," Callahan agreed. "You three go, I'll stay here."

  "They're not alone. Gabe's with them," Tiffany said from her spot next to the curtains.

  Callahan raised his eyebrows. "He's probably feeling real good, pumped with painkillers. You should be there, too."

  "I hate to leave you alone here." She glanced out the window once more before turning back to him.

  "We're here." Conor spoke from his seat on the couch. "We can handle whatever happens."

  "Take two cars." Roxy ignored their protests and searched through the closet for their coats. "That'll leave only one in the drive."

  "I'd like to get my car," Roxanne said, knowing it was still at Chester's. She hated to go back there, but she'd need transportation at some point and she preferred to have her own car.

  "Our forensics guys may be done by now," Callahan told her. "I'll check with them to see if I can pick it up and bring it over here."

  Tiffany stopped short with her one arm in her coat. "You called them in?"

  "Sure did. I'm not taking any chances with this."

  "Did Stephanie and Charles come?"

  "Yep. I wanted the best and so did the boss when he heard about it." Callahan helped Tiffany with her other sleeve and started to propel her toward the door.

  "Wait, you'll need a ride to get the car," she protested.

  "We can take him," Conor piped in.

  When Callahan gave him a withering look, Roxanne joined the conversation. "I'll go with you. You drive Conor's car and I'll bring mine back."

  "I'm not keen on some strange lad driving our car," Niall grumbled.

  Callahan paid no mind to him and turned to Roxy. "You sure you want to be alone here with just those two?" He gestured to the Irishmen.

  "We'll be fine," Roxy said. "We've been in tighter spots than this."

  Callahan waved her off. "Not a good idea."

  Tiffany paused in the doorway. "You could ride over with me. Then I'll head to the B&B after I drop you. I'd like to say hello to Stephanie. Roxanne can stay here."

  Roxy slammed the closet door and stomped into the living area. "Look, you all should leave! Those three are not going to make a move until the coast is clear. Conor and Niall can stay and sleep in my guest room tonight. We'll be fine. If we manage to grab Clancy and the other two, we'll call you right away."

  Callahan took a deep breath and raised his eyes to the ceiling. "That won't work."

  "You have a better idea?" Roxy demanded. "We could be sitting here till doomsday otherwise. I don't know about you guys, but I'm sick of it."

  "She's right." Pete bundled into his coat and gloves. "I've got to go. If you want to send Ron with me, fine. But it's not necessary."

  Callahan nodded to Ron. "Go with him."

  Ron grabbed his jacket and followed Pete out the door.

  As they pulled out of the driveway, Tiffany kept her eyes glued to the woods. "I don't see a damn thing."

  "And you won't." Roxy slipped into the wing chair recently vacated by Pete and frowned at Callahan. "John, I respect your position but you're not thinking straight. Conor, Niall and I can take care of ourselves. We've done it before."

  Roxanne wanted to say that they were thirty years younger then, but she didn't feel like starting an argument. She managed to keep her mouth glued tight. Maybe Roxy was right. She had managed to escape this afternoon without any help and dragged her daughter along, as well. In doing so, she also cut the number of men looking for them in half. Not bad for a few hours work.

  With a shrug, she turned to Callahan. "Look, I'm not ready to throw in the towel, but Roxy's right. They won't show with all of us here. You and Tiffany should leave, too."

  "I'll leave with Tiff, but she can drop me on the road close to Chester's. I'll come back on foot through the woods. Might spot them easier that way." He grabbed his coat.

  Tiffany twisted away from the door. "Are you nuts? We can't leave civilians to handle these guys. They're too dangerous."

  He held up a hand to silence her. "I'll be back."

  She pursed her lips. "I don't like it."

  "I'm not crazy about it, either, but it might get things moving along." He urged her onto the front steps.

  "What if you don't get back in time?" she asked.

  "I've known every tree and hiding place between Chester's and Roxy's since I was ten. I'll see them before they see me. Besides, we'll unlock the back door before we go. If those three make a move while I'm gone, they won't expect me to come to the rescue."

  With a prolonged sigh, Tiffany started down the steps while Callahan went to the ki
tchen to unlock the door.

  He pointed at Conor and Niall. "You two better not disappear while I'm gone."

  Conor looked around in bewilderment. "Where would we go? And what do you take us for? We're not going to leave Roxy and her daughter unguarded."

  Callahan pulled Roxanne into a far corner of the kitchen area and handed her a 9-mm. "Do you know how to use this?"

  "I...I think so," she stuttered. "Don't you need it?"

  "I'll grab a weapon from Gramps' place. Don't worry about me. Keep yourself safe." He glanced at the Irishmen before he tucked her into his arms and traced her cheek with his fingers. Their lips met in a lingering kiss. Then he gripped her numb hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze. Two seconds later, he headed out the door with Tiffany.

  Roxanne's stomach clenched as she watched them leave. She lifted the gun, checked the safety and let it drop to her side. Doubts about her ability to pull the trigger blindsided her. Could she do it? Could she shoot another man the way she shot Luke? She took a deep breath and decided, yes, she could if necessary.

  "Sit down," Roxy ordered. "If we stand at the window, they'll know we're watching for them."

  - 30 -

  When Roxanne turned around, Conor and Niall both had pistols within easy reach and Roxy's shotgun leaned against the wing chair. "Jesus! Where did all the guns come from?"

  Roxy smiled. "Been here all along. You need to be more observant."

  The younger woman paced the room before stopping at the fireplace where she carefully deposited the 9mm on the mantle. "This is crazy! I feel like it's all a bad dream."

  "I'm sorry I involved you in this." Roxy looked into her daughter's confused eyes. "I never expected it to cause so many problems."

  "What did you expect?" Roxanne pushed for an answer--any answer to relieve her agitation. "That they'd just go away with a shrug of their shoulders?"

  The fire in the hearth created dancing shadows around the room. Roxy watched the images bounce over the walls, then sighed. "I hoped to do some good with the money before the evil bastards could use it to start the violence again. I had enough of that years ago."

  Roxanne wanted to reassure her mother that everything would turn out all right but the words stuck in her throat. "Well, I'm right in the thick of it now. Maybe that's fine for a vigilante or diehard fanatic. But I just want to live a quiet life and do my job."

  "I know what you are and I'm proud of you." Roxy put her arm around her daughter's shoulders. "If I could go back and change things, I would."

  She patted her mother's hand as Chester came to mind again. "I'm not trying to give you the guilts. I understand the choices you made. I would have done the same thing... I think."

  Niall jumped to his feet and slid to the front door with a warning finger on his lips. Conor dropped behind the couch, his gun pointed at the entrance.

  Someone pounded on the door breaking the stillness. Roxy grabbed the shotgun and pulled Roxanne close. She reached for the gun left on the mantle but Roxy caught her by the waist and shook her head. She slumped beside her mother feeling useless and disgusted with herself. Why hadn't she kept the 9mm close at hand?

  A kick sent the front door slamming into Niall, knocking him off his feet. When his small revolver clattered across the floor in front of the open door Roxy used the distraction to pump a shell into the shotgun. She also pushed her daughter down out of the line of fire. Roxanne landed on her ass, her arms flailing.

  At the same time the back door flew open and Roxanne's heart leapt in fear for Callahan.

  But it wasn't Callahan invading the kitchen. The man she'd dubbed Boss Two entered brandishing a machine gun with a small orange barrel that he swept from side to side. He spotted Roxy and Roxanne behind the chair and aimed in their direction. Roxy swung the shotgun towards him and fired before he could press the trigger.

  Boss Two grabbed his shoulder and crumpled to the floor. Boss One and Seamus, aka Watch Cap, barreled through the front door, spraying the room with bullets. Roxy ducked behind the chair next to her daughter as the slugs flew around them--thudding into the sofa and chair, pinging off the fireplace stones.

  Seamus kicked Niall in the head knocking him against the wall. When Niall slumped to the floor, the barrage of bullets abruptly stopped. "Ye might as well come out from behind that chair, Aileen. We know you're there."

  Roxy put her fingers to her lips and motioned for her daughter to slide closer to the chair for cover. Then she stood with her hands up and the shotgun pointed to the ceiling. "Christ Almighty, Pearse! What the hell are you doing?"

  Pearse kept the barrel of his weapon pointed at Roxy. "What do ye think we're about? You lied to us! Ye blew up the farmhouse and killed our mates. And ye shot Clancy! Jaysus, he only had a bb gun." His ferret eyes narrowed. "Me thinks ye've been playin' us all along."

  "I haven't lied," Roxy said. "What did you expect me to do when you come busting into my home? I'm going to protect myself. I didn't know it was Clancy and I had no idea what kind of weapon he had before I pulled the trigger. Your dumbass antics turned this into a big mess."

  Seamus grunted his disagreement, pulling at his watch cap as a moan came from the kitchen. Pearse shifted his head towards Clancy when he yelled, "I'm dying' here. She shot me arm off!"

  "I doubt ye arm is off." He stepped closer to check on Clancy while Seamus kept his focus on Roxy and Niall. "She just clipped ye shoulder. Ye'll be fine." His voice held no sympathy for his fallen comrade.

  Roxanne huddled behind the chair wishing she could reach the gun on the mantle but equally sure if she stood suddenly she'd be blasted from both sides by the Irishmen. She doubted their guns shot bb's. Her breathing sounded thunderous to her ears. Now was not a good time to panic but her body's nervous system wasn't listening to reason.

  Her blood pounded through her veins and her hands began to shake. She closed her eyes and willed her breathing to slow as she attempted to hear what was going down.

  Tuning into the conversation between her mother and Pearse, she concentrated on following Roxy's game plan--assuming she had one.

  "Pearse, get Clancy medical attention right away. I don't want to be responsible for what might happen to him." Roxy moved away from the chair and started for the kitchen.

  "Stay where ye are!" Pearse ordered. "We'll take care of Clancy as soon as we have the money."

  "Aw, for God's sake." Roxy shook her head in disgust. "Do you really think my people are going to deliver the cash when they see you pointing those cannons at me?"

  From her position behind the chair, Roxanne could sense his hesitation. She tensed, waiting for his reaction then collapsed against the back of the chair when he told Seamus to help Clancy up and take him to the van.

  "This isn't over," he told Roxy. "We want that stash as soon as ye have it. Time's running out. Don't fool with us, Aileen. We don't want to hurt ye but we'll get the cash one way or another."

  "I'm trying to get it for you." Roxy's annoyance came across loud and strong. "But you keep jumping in and scaring my people. Kidnapping me didn't turn out so well, did it? And you didn't have to shoot Chester, either. Now, leave me be until I contact you."

  "Ye seem to forget who's in charge here," Pearse said.

  "And you seem to forget who has access to the cash." Roxy followed them to the porch. "Look what you did to my door! Dammit, Pearse, you're paying for the repairs."

  "Ye are mad as a box of frogs," he muttered. "Fix your own damn door." He helped Seamus lead Clancy to the van. "We'll be back, Aileen. This is ye last chance, count on it!"

  Roxy cursed as she tried to prop the door closed. The bent top hinge made it pop open again, at which point Conor eased out from behind the couch.

  "Are they gone? Let me do that."

  Roxy waved him down. "They're backing out the drive. Stay down 'til they're out of sight."

  "The hell with them!" Conor moved to the door adding his weight to get it closed. He glanced at Niall. "He's still out of it."
br />   "Yeah, I almost blasted Seamus when he kicked him."

  "Strange they didn't ask why Niall was here," Conor said.

  "This whole situation is strange." Roxy put her shoulder to the door jamming it into the frame. "What's so important about that money now after it's been sitting here for years?"

  Conor scratched his chin then twirled around with his revolver raised as the kitchen door slammed open. Callahan entered with his gun drawn.

  "Jaysus! Ye almost got shot!" Conor cried.

  "Easy." Callahan jerked his head as Roxanne extricated herself from behind the wing chair. "Is everyone all right? I was halfway back when I heard the shotgun blast. I had my hand on the doorknob just as Roxy started talking." He turned to her. "You didn't sound frightened or hurt so I waited."

  Roxy nodded. "Glad you did. I managed to reason with them... somewhat."

  "But we didn't overpower the buggers," Conor growled.

  Roxanne cleared her throat to gain their attention. "Do you think they'll be back?"

  Before Roxy could answer, Callahan spoke. "Not to worry. Pete, Ron and Tiffany are waiting down the road. They'll pick them up."

  Roxanne rubbed her neck to relieve the tension in her muscles. "How did you...?"

  "When I heard those blasted machine guns, I speed dialed them and told them to get back here, stat. Luckily Tiffany had enough sense to approach with care. She texted that they were in position and would wait for my signal before storming the place."

  "Smart girl." Roxy knelt beside Niall and gave his face a gentle slap. He groaned, opened his eyes, took a moment to get his bearings then sat up with a jolt.

  "Faith and begorra, what happened?" Niall looked at Conor in confusion.

  "Just a wee bit of a problem with Seamus and Pearse," Conor told him. "Aileen took care of it."

  "Aileen?" Callahan looked around the room as if expecting to see another woman.

  Roxy smiled. "That's how Pearse knows me."

  His forehead wrinkled. "But the note called you Roxy."

  "Tommy wrote the first note. He knew me as Roxy from Niall." She waved her hand. "It's all a bit confusing; I'll explain later. Are you sure Tiffany and Ron picked up those guys?"


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