Storm (The Scorpion MC Series Book 3)

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Storm (The Scorpion MC Series Book 3) Page 7

by Delia Petrano

  “I’m so happy to see you, I’m so sorry for being a bitch the last time we were together.” Erika says with a hint of sadness in her voice.

  “Erika it’s okay we both said things we didn’t mean.” He grabs her face and smiles.

  “I will always love you, you will always be my other sister and I will always have your back. Oh how is that little monster of yours?” Erika looked surprised but also happy at the same time.

  “How did you know I have a daughter?” He tilts his head to the side and smiles at her.

  “You know I always keep my ears to the ground.”

  “Of course. Would you like to meet her?”

  “Of course.” Erika takes Will to Melissa. I sit on the couch and Tessa sits on my lap. I hear Melissa giggle, I look up and see Will playing with Melissa. It’s good to see the whole family together. Tessa puts her hand in my pocket then takes my phone out of my pocket.

  “You should get this.”

  “Who is it?” I ask

  “Logan.” Tessa hands me my phone.

  Logan- Hey Stormie I was wondering if you and Tessa will be available this weekend.

  “Logan wants to know if we are available this weekend.”

  “I’m free.”

  Storm- We are available. What do you have in mind?”

  Logan- Nice try but you will just have to wait and see.

  Storm- Alright I’ll wait but that doesn’t mean Tessa is not going to bug you to tell her what you have planned.

  Logan- Noted I will deal with it, see you this weekend.

  I put my phone on the table and wrap my arm around Tessa and she leans into me.

  “What does Logan have planned for us?” Tessa asks curiously.

  “I have no idea what he has planned for us, he won’t say.” Tessa groans, Tessa is like Erika they are not patient at all.

  “Tessa be happy that the weekend is just three days away.”

  “Good point, I don’t think I can handle a whole week of not knowing.”

  “No you wouldn’t.Try not to drive him crazy.”

  “I will try no promises.” I feel bad for Logan she’s going to drive him up the damn wall.


  Walking into our bedroom Tessa was putting on her shirt, I have been ready for hours. It’s finally the weekend thank god. Tessa has been driving Logan and I crazy about this weekend and where we are going.

  “Logan is about to be here any minute Tessa.”

  “I’m ready.” Right when Logan pulls in the driveway, Tessa was out of the house and getting into the back seat. I shake my head as I lock the door. When I get in the car Logan smiles at me and I smile back.

  “Are you ready?” Logan asks. His eyes sparkle with merriment. l He is almost excited as we are. Tessa was about to say something and he cuts her off.

  “Tessa don’t even think about it.” Tessa crosses her arms and pouts, it’s cute and funny. Logan has been driving for about thirty minutes and I have no idea where we are just that we are in the Devil's Territory. Logan stops the car and we get out in the middle of nowhere.

  “Umm Logan.”

  “I know Tessa just wait a little longer.” I'm glad he knows this is very strange. Logan stops walking then moves to the side. I see a beautiful lake. Marco told me about this lake and he's right this is the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my life.

  “This is the lake Paul took Marco isn’t it?” I ask.

  “Yes it is Stormie.”

  “This is beautiful.” Tessa says with her eyes sparkling. Logan laid out a blanket for us, before he lays down he takes off his shirt his pants it’s hard not to scare at him. When a smirk appeared on his face, I knew I was so busted but I honestly didn’t care. Tessa didn’t waste no time she took her top off then her pants, she was about to take off her bra then stopped and looked at Logan. The fact that none of this is bothering me is a little weird but I’m okay with it. It’s doesn’t bother me if he sees Tessa naked or not. It’s Logan he’s different from any other man. If it was another guy she wouldn’t be half naked right now.

  “How many people know about this place?” He asks nervously.

  “Not a lot.Just the inner circle.” She nods her head then takes off her bra and panties and heads right into the water.

  “What's wrong Stormie are you nervous?”

  “No I'm not.” I grab the hem of my shirt and pull it over my head then toss it at Logan. He catches it with a smirk on his face.

  “Much better now the pants.”

  “If you wanted me to strip all you had to do is ask.” I said with a bigger smirk. I unbutton my pants I hook my thumb in my pants then push them down.

  “Come on boys the water feels amazing.” We didn't hesitate we take off our boxers and go into the water.

  “This was a great surprise Logan thank you.” Tessa says with a smile.

  “Tessa is right this place is amazing.”

  “I'm glad you both like it this is my favorite place.”

  “I can see why it's perfect.” I nod my head in agreement. Tessa swims over to me when she stops swimming she has a mischievous look on her face, I raise an eyebrow and she smirks. All I want to do is kiss that smirk off her face but I'm curious about what's going on in that beautiful head of her’s.

  “What are you planning in that head of yours?”

  “I don't know what you’re talking about?” Se tries to sound all innocent but I can see past that, Logan swims over to us with a raised eyebrow.

  “What's going on?” Logan ask curiously.

  “She's up to something I just don't know what it is.” I tell him.

  “Am not.” Logan laughs and shakes his head.

  “Busted tell us Tessa.” She shakes her head with a smile.

  “I can show you better than I can tell you.” She says with a devious grin. Tessa grabs Logan’s hand it didn't take me long to figure out what she was up to I feel a hand wrap around my cock then a squeeze. I couldn't stop the moan that escapes from me. Logan eyes widen with surprise. He looks more surprised than I do, and Tessa has a successful smile on her beautiful face. Tessa leans into Logan and kisses his cheek then she whispers something into his ear. That's when his hand starts to move at this point, I can't even think straight. I don't know why I bother trying to fight it when it feels so damn good. Tessa leans in and kisses me softly.

  “Doesn't that feel good?” She whispers in my ear. I nod my head as I slip my finger into her pussy and she moans. I grab Logan’s cock and start moving my hand up and down his shaft, I couldn't leave him out. This is very new for me and the fact that I like it is a whole new level that I don't know what to do with it or how to wrap my head around it. As we move as one I feel our cocks twitch and we all come as one. Even though I don't know what to think of this I didn't freak out and to my surprise I really enjoyed it.


  Walking inside the house I couldn't help but to smile at the beautiful picture I’m looking at. Tessa is painting Emily nails as they jam out to the music and singing their hearts out. It’s nice to see Tessa calm and relax since Rob is most likely here already according to Will and we all have our guards up.

  “You girls look like your having fun.” Emily’s head shoots up and she has the biggest smile on her face, I hope one day I will have a daughter.

  “Uncle Storm come and join us.” I sit next to Emily.

  “What do you think uncle Storm?” She shows me her nails and they are bright red.

  “It looks amazing red is one hundred percent your color ladybug.”

  “I think so too. Do you know where uncle Rain is?”

  “No I don’t why is there something wrong ladybug?”

  “No we are suppose to play poker today.” The fact that my brother is teaching her how to play poker scares me, she’s going to be great at it.

  “Your training starts tomorrow.” I told her and a big smile appears on her face, she’s very excited about this plus it’s good to learn when your young to prot
ect yourself. Rain walks in the house and holds up a deck of cards.

  “Are you ready Emily?” He asks.

  “Yes I am.”

  “Have fun Emily remember your training start tomorrow.” She nods her head as she walks to the kitchen table. I grab Tessa hand and took her to our room.

  “Tessa we need to talk.” She nods her head like she was waiting for this conversation.

  “It’s about last weekend, right?” I nod my head.

  “Tell me what’s going on in your head? Because I don’t know what you’re thinking or what you want to come out all of this.”

  “I want him to be a part of our family.”

  “He’s already a part of our family.”

  “Yes, but it could be more.” I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

  “Tessa you need to give me more information. I’m very confused right now.”

  “Alright, you didn’t freak out when Logan kissed you, you kissed him back and what happened last weekend, you enjoyed it right?”

  “Yeah what’s your point Tessa just lay it all out for me.”

  “Like I said he can be more. He practically is he’s half your boyfriend already. We can have a polyamorous relationship.” I heard that word before, Erika had mentioned it before when she was reading a book than explained it to me.

  “Isn't that where three people are in a relationship like the books you and Erika read?”

  “Yes it is and before you freak out just think about it you and Logan have something special, Logan and I get along great. I think it would work, we all care for each other just think about it that’s all I’m asking.” Tessa kisses my cheek then goes to the door.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Not far. I just want you to really think about it with me not around.” Why the fuck did she put that idea in my head? Now I really don’t know what to think. Lying down in bed and I start to think about everything.

  Seventeen Years Ago

  It’s been four months since Felix found me and I still don’t know where Rain is at but I understand it won't be easy finding him n at all. My door opens and I see Marco. He smiles up at me,I like Marco he’s nice and always trying to make me feel better just like Rain does.

  “It’s time for your training.”

  “I’m ready.” Marco has been training me for a month now. I’m not good as him but I’m getting better. When we get in the training room we tape our hands. Marco swings and I block then he swings and I block. W keep on going until I can get a hit on him and I haven’t been able to do that yet.

  “Straighten your wrist when you punch Storm.”

  “Come to the punching bag.” Marco grabs my waist and turns it.

  “When you punch your waist needs to come with you and don’t forget to straighten your wrist.”

  “Got it.” I straighten my wrist then punch and I move my waist with me just like Marco said.

  “That’s good now keep on doing that until I tell you to stop.” I keep on punching the bag it felt like hours until I finally heard the word I wanted to hear.

  “You can stop now.” Marco walks over to to me and smiles.

  “You are getting a lot better now try to hit me.” I take a deep breath then slowly let it out. Marco punches at me, I block then I throw a punch and it lands.I was so shocked I let my guard down and Marco punches me in the face.

  “Alway keep your guard up Storm, but you did good. You finally landed a punch on me congratulations brother.”

  “Thank you Marco.”

  “One day I will get you to call me brother.” He says with a smile and I nod my head one day I will be able to.

  Seventeen Years Later

  It’s twelve in the afternoon and to my surprise Emily has not come to ask me to take her to the park. Maybe she’s too tired from all the training we did yesterday. Not even a minute later Emily is walking into the living room with a smile on her face, I guess we are going to the park after all.

  “Uncle Storm I’m ready to go to the park.”

  “Alright let’s go ladybug. We are walking to the park think of it as part of your training and building up your leg muscles.”

  “Alright let's go.” As we are walking to the park Emily starts punching the air and I couldn’t stop the laughter that came out. Emily is very serious about her training.

  “That’s it Emily keep your wrist straight.” Emily punches and kicks her way to the park she is good and determined to get stronger and lean.

  “Alright ladybug you can stop now.” She smiles up at me as she grabs my hand and we go straight to the swing set. As I’m pushing her on the swing she turns her head and smiles up at me.

  “Thank you for training me Uncle Storm.”

  “You’re welcome ladybug.” Emily stops swinging then touches me.

  “Tag you’re it.” What a sneaky little thing she is. Emily runs off and I run after her what feels like forever. I grab her and start tickling her until she gives in she taps on my arm the signal for I surrender. I put her down then her smile fades away and her eyes widen I have never seen her this terrified before.

  “What’s wrong Emily?” She slowly points to someone behind me, I turn around and see Rob with a gun pointed at me.

  “Emily stay behind me.” I push her behind me, this is so not the right time for this prick to show up. He tilts his head to the side the gun goes off and all I hear is Emily crying.

  “Uncle Storm are you okay?” She asks with tears running down her cheeks I’m so worried about her I don’t even feel the pain in my arm.

  “Run Emily! Go to the bar as fast as you can.”

  “What about you?”

  “Don’t worry about me now go Emily.”


  “RUN EMILY!” He points the gun at her and I jump in front of the gun.

  “Don’t you even think about it you son of a bitch.” I turn my head and she saw that she was out of the park.

  “You have been making it very hard for me to get my girl.”

  “She’s not yours you psychopath.” I glare at him.

  “If you want that little girl to make it home safe you will come with me.” I won’t let anything happen to her.

  “Fine.” He goes behind me and ties my hand behind my back with I believe what are cable ties. When we get to his car he puts a cloth around my eyes. I don’t know how long we are driving it feels like hours until the car stops. I was dragged out of the car and into a building before being pushed into a chair that I can’t get out of. The blindfold was taken off, I’m in an old unfamiliar building. I have no idea where I am.

  “Where is Tessa?” Rob says with anger, if he thinks I’m going to tell him anything he’s stupider than I thought.

  “Go fuck yourself.” His fist connects with my jaw and my head snaps back.

  “Where is she?” He asks again. I taste the blood in my mouth I spit at his shoes and he punches me again.

  “You really are delusional if you think I’m going to tell you anything. Tessa is mine not yours, you crazy bastard.”

  “I would be careful on what you say I may just torture you for it.”

  “Do your best I have been there done that, there’s nothing you can do that I haven’t been through already.” He takes out a knife and cuts my arm I take a deep breath then slowly let it out.

  “You know you won’t survive this right? When this is all over my brothers will kill you one of the three. You will be lucky if they decide to to it quickly.”

  “If you don’t shut up I will end this quicker than I want to.” He pushes his finger into my open gunshot wound and I scream and he smirks.

  “I can’t wait for my brothers to kill you, when they do come that smirk won’t be on your face.”

  “Don’t worry your death will come soon. You just have to be patient but until then I’m going to have some fun.” Rob starts cutting me all over my body not deep that I would bleed out just enough to torture me. He wants me alive for now I just don’t know why. The
re is one thing I am sure of I don’t plan on dying today.


  Looking down at a positive pregnancy test I don’t know what to do at the moment. This is good we wanted this, we both want kids why am I so nervous for? I wonder how Logan will react to this, I laid my cards out to Storm the other day. But I still don’t know what will happen. I hope Logan will be okay with the baby if he’s not that will mess up me trying to get us all together. Before leaving the house I grab the keys to the car and drive to the Scorpion Bar. When I walk in Marco and Erika are behind the bar making drinks, as I was walking towards the bar Marco looks up and smiles at me. He then goes into the backroom; when I sit down Marco comes back with a bottle of water and hands it to me.


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