Seriously Sexy Stocking Filler

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Seriously Sexy Stocking Filler Page 1

by Miranda Forbes


  A collection of twenty erotic stories

  Edited by Miranda Forbes

  Published by Accent Press Ltd

  Copyright © Accent Press Ltd 2009

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers: Xcite Books, Suite 11769, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street, London EC1V 4PY

  Cover design by Red Dot Design

  Digital Edition converted and published by Andrews UK Ltd 2010

  Fantasia Island

  by Harriet Hamblin

  “No way!” Jenna laughed off Beth’s suggestion that they spend their Christmas break at Club Chris. She peered, unimpressed, at the website photos of sun-drenched white sand melting into an aquamarine sea. “The festive season wouldn’t be the same without a crackling log fire, mistletoe, and parcels under the tree.”

  Beth rolled her eyes. “Same old, same old. Cold, damp and boring.” She pointed to the computer screen. “Whereas, this Christmas gift is hotly wrapped in sand, surf and sex. Check out the local talent, Jen,” she murmured, leaning in for a closer look. “That guy must be ultra-fit the way he’s scooted to the top of that palm tree.”

  “Fantasia Island,” Jenna read aloud, “Jewel of the Pacific.”

  “Where,” continued Beth, “not only do you get what you ASK for but where you get what you DESERVE.”

  Jenna glanced at Beth. “What, exactly, do they mean by that?”

  “I don’t know.” She giggled. “Let’s find out.”

  “Don’t you dare!” Jenna grabbed at the mouse but Beth beat her to it and with a couple of clicks it was done: A hotel room each, flights included.

  “I’ll cancel.”

  “There’s a penalty for that.”

  “I hate you.”

  “No you don’t. What else did you have planned?” Beth grinned. “Cheer up, Jen. It’s all very discreet. We deserve a bit of fun, don’t we?”

  Fun? Jenna’s mouth dried and her pulse picked up pace. What was fun for her best friend was downright terror for Jenna. She chewed her lip anxiously. This was promising to be the very worst Christmas she’d ever had.

  Manu’s gaze skimmed over the new intake of guests assembled in the hotel lounge. As usual, there was an imbalance of gender; more women than men. His eyes lingered on one pale-faced girl whose gaze flicked around the room as if searching for a bolt hole.

  Safe in the knowledge that she couldn’t see him behind the office’s one-way window screen, Manu spent a moment longer in observation. Her brown hair was pulled into a no-nonsense ponytail. Her jeans and navy blue T-shirt outlined a good figure but her body language screamed uptight and scared. He’d seen it all before – she, like others before her – had been talked into this holiday against her better judgement.

  He glanced at his chart to see if Wade was available. He had just the right mix of charm and tact to gently encourage these nervy, control-freak types to unwind. They always enjoyed themselves in the end and Wade often made it to the top of the resort’s repeat booking list.

  But his name was not on the rota. Damn, he must be off sick today. Manu glanced at his watch and switched the microphone on.

  “Kia Orana, welcome to Club Chris, where your festive wish list comes true.” He paused to allow the cheering to subside.

  “You’ll all be assigned a personal Santa, so please remember to hang up your stockings, on your outside door handle, every evening before 12pm.”

  More cheers, wolf-whistles too. Manu smiled. “Be warned, people. Santa will find out about all your vices. Are you nice? Or are you naughty? Do you deserve what you ask for or will you just have to take what Santa gives you?” He chuckled at the chorus of booing. “Don’t worry, Santa doesn’t disappoint.” He raised his voice, reasserting a tone of authority. “One last detail, which I must mention before you go, is that your comfort is our prime concern. Please observe our hygiene and safety conditions at all times.” Then, lightening his tone, he quipped, “The only souvenirs we want you to take home are the memories of a great time.”

  As everyone dispersed to their rooms, Manu reluctantly prepared for the task of filling in for Wade. His skills were a little rusty and he had a feeling that the girl was going to be all work and no play. Fortunately, it was a firm rule that none of the Santas were allowed to reveal their true identity. Fantasia Island was not real: it was strictly fantasy.

  “Isn’t this place fabulous?” Beth wandered into Jenna’s room and flopped onto the bed. Jenna, pausing from her task of hanging a sundress in the wardrobe, glanced at her friend’s bright-eyed face.

  “I can’t wait to see what Santa will make of my wish list.” Beth grinned and combed her fingers through her long, bleached hair.

  “It all seems very professional,” Jenna cautiously concluded, thinking of the announcer’s message of safety.

  Beth rolled onto her back and stared at her reflection in the mirrored tile ceiling. “I hope you’ll relax enough to get your money’s worth, Jen.” She sat upright and grabbed the wish menu off the bedside table. She opened it and traced one shiny purple fingernail down the page. “How about starting with a massage?”

  “You concentrate on your own wish list, Ms Busybody,” Jenna groaned, playfully flicking her with the towel she’d scooped up from the dresser.

  Beth squealed and squirmed out of reach. “Don’t worry; I’ve already filled out mine.” She giggled. “Top of my list is a big, handsome, cuddly fuck-buddy.”

  Jenna pulled a face. “Do you have to be so crude?” Turning her back on Beth, she reached for her white bikini. “I’m going for a swim. Want to join me?”

  “OK, Ms Goody-Two-Shoes.” Beth sprang to her feet and strode to the door. “Meet you at the pool in five.”

  The kidney-shaped pool, lined with deep blue tiles, sparkled enticingly in the sun and Jenna dived straight in. After a few laps, relaxed and refreshed, she sat on a lounger. Sipping an iced rum and coke she watched the other guests, relieved to find that they all seemed normal.

  “Seen any weirdoes yet?”

  Jenna flushed at Beth’s teasing grin. Not for the first time she wished that she had even just a tenth of Beth’s confidence and trust in human nature. She wanted to be open to new experiences – to lose her inhibitions – but she simply hadn’t been brought up that way.

  “They’re just regular people like you and me, Jen.” Beth put a hand on her arm. “But if it’s any consolation, I’m nervous as hell.” She sank onto a seat and jammed on a pair of purple-framed sunglasses. “Neither of us will sleep well tonight.”

  Jenna didn’t complete her wish list until after the evening meal in the resort’s café. She knew what she absolutely did not want – she wrinkled her nose at some of the more colourful suggestions – but tapped the pen against her pursed lips as she tried to decide which activities she did want. Suddenly regretting her lack of sexual experience she drew in a deep breath, and, before she could change her mind, quickly ticked the box labelled ‘Surprise me!’

  Poking it into the club’s black cotton stocking, which was trimmed with scarlet hibiscus, she looped it over the doorknob and shut the door. Determined to relax, she wrapped herself in a white satin robe, opened her window and gazed out at the stars. A tropical breeze stirred her loosened hair and she breathed in the scent of the sea. She sank into the armchair and tucked
up her legs, soothed by the rhythmic swish of surf kissing the moonlit sand.

  A knock on the door startled her. She rubbed her eyes, realizing she’d dozed off. Tying the robe’s sash firmly around her waist, she strode to the door, opened it and glanced into the corridor. It was empty. The only evidence of that knock was a telltale bulge in the formerly limp stocking.

  Her heart raced. What had Santa left her? She touched the shape with her index finger. She ran her hand down the hard length of it, then unhooked the little stocking and retreated back into her room, closing the door with a soft click.

  Fingers shaking, she held her breath as she plunged her hand in and drew out the rectangular shape. It was lime green plastic. She smiled, relieved to see that the gift was a familiar item that people used every day.

  She laughed at herself for being so apprehensive. Slipping out of the robe, she climbed into bed and switched on the mobile phone.

  It rang straight away. She pressed the button and pulled the sheet up to her chin.


  “Hi Jenna. This is Santa calling. Do you like your gift?”

  “Erm … yes thank you.”

  “I expect that you already have a mobile.”

  “Yes, I do,” she replied honestly.

  “Not like this model though,” the deep voice said. “This one’s a love phone.”

  Jenna raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you mean lust?”

  “If that’s what you want.” The rich voice sounded amused. “Are you in bed?”

  Jenna’s face heated. “Mmhm.”

  “No need to be shy,” the man said. “I can’t see you.” He paused. “Are you looking up at the mirror?”

  Jenna glanced at the ceiling. “Yes.”

  “Is your light on?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Good,” the voice approved, drawing the word out seductively. A thrill of anticipation shivered through her.

  “I hope you’re not wearing any underwear.”

  “No.” She quickly peeled off her knickers with her free hand.

  “Good,” he purred once more, and Jenna’s toes curled.

  “Lie on top of the covers and do what I tell you.”

  Meekly, she obeyed Santa, kicking off the sheet. She held her breath, her pulse hammering as she anticipated the next command.

  “This is your own private show, Jenna. No one can hear you except me. Are you willing to take the next step?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, squeezing her eyes shut.

  “Are you looking into the mirror to see how sexy you are?”

  Her eyes flew open.

  “Spread your legs a little, Jenna. Get yourself comfortable.”

  She flushed but did as he said, following his further instructions to stroke her breasts, to circle and gently pinch her nipples into peaks.

  “Arrow down your belly to bury your hand between your thighs. Feel the softness of your skin. Touch your darling pussy now, fondle it, and stroke it.”

  She moaned into the phone, aroused by his sensual murmurings, teased by the erotic reflection of her writhing, naked limbs. Her breathing quickened when he whispered, “Push a finger in, push it in as far as it can go, see how wet you are. You are very wet now, aren’t you!”

  “Mmhm,” she agreed, her moistened fingers circling her clit, stroking the engorged nub, gasping and holding her breath as the tension rose.

  “You sexy thing,” he murmured, “You know what to do. Sweet dreams.”

  “What?” She gripped the phone tighter. How dare he abandon her? But, too late, he’d gone. “G’night, Santa,” she said with a sigh as the phone slipped from her fingers.

  Bringing herself to a shuddering climax, Jenna fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  “Look what Santa left me!” Beth bounced into her room early the next morning, like an over-excited kid. She held the lolly-pink nipple clips up for inspection.

  “Euww.” Jenna eyed them suspiciously. “Does pain turn you on?”

  “That’s the general idea.” Beth giggled.

  “That’s gross.”

  “Have you ever tried anything like these?”

  “No.” Jenna crinkled her forehead in distaste. “And I don’t want to, thanks all the same.”

  “I wasn’t offering.” Beth sounded miffed. “Anyway, what did you get?”

  Jenna gestured to the mobile.

  Beth yawned. “Oh, bad luck. What’s sexy about a boring old cell phone?”

  “I guess we’re only getting what we deserve.” Jenna hid her smile.

  “That’s true,” Beth said, her expression brightening, “We were warned.” She laughed as she left the room. “Let’s up the stakes. I’m planning to be very wicked today.”

  After a day spent swimming and snorkelling in the clear lagoon, they mingled with other guests at the bar. Beth decided that she deserved a spanking for the way she’d shamelessly accepted several drinks from a guy she was not at all attracted to.

  Jenna revealed her wish only to Santa. Tucking it into the stocking, she waited for the phone to ring.

  “Your wish is my command.”

  Her stomach flip-flopped at the sound of his voice.

  “Quick, go and see what Santa’s left you.”

  Mouth dry, heart fluttering, she stared at the distorted stocking. OK, so she’d asked for something sweet …

  With a twinge of disappointment, her hand closed around the banana. Drawing it out, her eyes widened and she clapped her hand over her mouth. This was no piece of fruit.

  “Chocolate,” the voice murmured. “The food of love.”

  “How on earth am I supposed to fit this into my mouth?” Jenna gasped as she tore the cellophane wrapping off the huge dark chocolate penis.

  “Imagine it’s an ice cream.”

  Jenna pressed her tongue to the smooth surface.

  “Lick, lick, lick, all the way up and tell me how it tastes.”

  Jenna licked and swallowed. “Mmm, sweet and rich,” she said.

  “Swirl your tongue around the tip. How does that feel?”

  “Smooth as satin.” She licked faster. “Good enough to eat.”

  “Don’t bite,” he warned.

  “Too late,” she said, chewing a big chunk off the top.

  “You naughty girl!”

  She grinned. “Can I choose my punishment?”

  “No.” He sighed. “I’m afraid you’ll have to take what you deserve.”

  Muffled sounds from Beth’s room, of a dull thud, followed by a squeal, floated through the wall.

  Jenna shivered and drew in a sharp intake of breath. “What will it be?”

  “Don’t worry,” the man soothed. “It won’t hurt too much.”

  But she did worry. What did he mean?

  She woke at dawn, squinting bleary-eyed at her image in the mirror above, her sheets in a tangle, her hair all mussed up. There was only one thought on her mind – how the heck was she going to avoid being punished?

  At breakfast she studied Beth closely but, to her surprise, her friend was in high spirits, as if a jolly good spanking was the perfect gift. Jenna hid her fear by quickly spooning mango, coconut and banana slices into her mouth.

  All day she worried. But when Beth noticed that she was unusually quiet, Jenna said she was just tired.

  Beth grinned knowingly and suggested that they could both do with a snooze in the shade of the palm trees. Beth went straight to sleep but Jenna couldn’t relax. From behind the cover of her sunglasses, she examined every male resort staff member who wandered by, worrying her bottom lip almost raw. Was that one her personal Santa? She quailed at how big he was. Or was it him? Her stomach churned at the way his biceps rippled with strength.
r />   With her imagination working overtime it wasn’t long before she couldn’t stand it any longer. She turned to Beth and said, “I’m going back to my room. It’s quieter there.”

  Manu watched Jenna leave, her sarong–draped hips swaying as she negotiated the sand with dainty steps. Keeping a good distance so as not to spook her, he followed to see where she went. If she was going where he expected then all was well and good. Tonight, that nervous, pent-up energy of hers would finally be released.

  His cock twitched as she slipped into her room. He blew out his cheeks, astonished by this unexpected stirring of desire. He was usually firmly ensconced in the office, sorting out staff rosters and balancing the books. Unwittingly, Wade had given him the chance to be hands-on and now his pulse leapt at the opportunity to pleasure Jenna.

  There was only one downside: Pleasure for her could mean punishment for him. His balls tightened. Did he dare risk it?

  That evening, Jenna withdrew a pamper pack from the stocking and read the attached note. ‘Put on a swimsuit and meet me at the outdoor spa. xx Santa.’

  She glanced at the loofah and massage oil. They looked harmless enough. She quit holding her breath. What was she so worried about? He must have been only kidding about the punishment thing.

  Discovering the wooden spa pool, hidden behind latticed palm leaf screens, she found him waiting for her. His face, masked with a traditional white beard and moustache, contrasted strongly with his smooth, naked chest. Her gaze dropped to the shiny boxer shorts caressing his firm, muscled thighs and her skin flamed as red as that Christmas silk.

  He slipped into the water and offered her his hand. She swallowed, her pulse leaping about like her first day at infant school. It was now or never. Moistening her dry lips with the tip of her tongue she shrugged off her robe and slid, naked, into the pool.

  One eyebrow arched at her lack of swimwear. “Hi there, Jenna.” His sexy tone reverberated right between her legs.

  “Hello.” She sank down up to her neck in the warm, bubbling water, trying to stifle a giggle. “Sorry,” she said, “But that beard you’re wearing …”


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