Seriously Sexy Stocking Filler

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Seriously Sexy Stocking Filler Page 6

by Miranda Forbes

  I tweaked at my nipples mercilessly as the combination of my husband’s talented and eager tongue and the man wanking before me began to take its erotic toll. My body tensed. Muscle by muscle, I climbed towards my peak, higher and higher. I pinched and tugged each nipple, moaning loudly, lost in the pure joy as I felt my cheeks and chest flush with prickly heat.

  I watched the suited guy’s hand moving lightning quick now; his hand was a blur as it stroked, he must have been getting close. I could see his legs quivering. I felt sure he was going to come.

  As ropes of white erupted from the mystery cock, I felt my own orgasm swell over me. I arched my back and pushed my face onto the onslaught of my talented husband’s tongue. I squeezed my eyes shut against the wash of my sexual high tide, fighting for breath and clinging on to my own body for dear life. I shuddered and shook and my husband’s lips left my cunt and his arms wrapped around my waist, his head against my breasts as he held me close.

  My eyes fluttered open and I looked down. He smiled up at me and I grinned back but, when I glanced towards the window, the man had gone.

  “Oh, has he gone already?” Robert looked over his shoulder, “that’s a shame. We could have invited him in for some fun.”

  “You saw him then?” I blushed and he laughed.

  “I couldn’t exactly miss him. You were staring at him so hard. It turned you on being watched, didn’t it?”

  I nodded my head.

  “It turned me on too. Knowing that guy was looking at you and knowing you were all mine, that he couldn’t have you, that he couldn’t taste your sweet juices.”

  Robert unlaced his arms from me and sat back. “Look how aroused it made me.”

  I could see his dick. It was hard and excited and strained upwards, pointing at my cunt.

  “Can I fuck your cock?” I asked, the sight of it re-triggering my arousal.

  “Of course you can, my sweet slut,” he hissed and I dropped off the sofa and spread my knees around him. I shuffled up from his feet, aware of his gaze concentrated on my swaying breasts, until I was just above his hard-on.

  Slowly, I lowered my hips and felt him bump against my pussy lips. I reached down and positioned him at my wet hole and pushed down. He slid inside with a groan and I began to lift my pelvis up and down to stimulate us both.

  “I wish he’d knocked on the door,” Robert panted, “I’d have sent you, like this, with your tits out and got you to invite him in here. It would be a late Christmas present for you to enjoy. I’d get you here, right here on my cock and he’d feed his dick into your mouth, getting it good and wet.”

  I let my lips fall open as I imagined tasting the stranger’s cock. I felt a rumble of arousal shake my body and Robert’s dick throbbed inside me.

  “I’d pull you towards me, like this,” he took me by the arms and guided them down to the floor beside his head, opening me up and banging my clit against him. I cried out in pleasure. “And I’d tell him to fuck your arse, yes, your tight little bum hole, you dirty, dirty girl. You’d have two big dicks lodged inside you. Stretching you, fucking you. You’d love it, wouldn’t you?”

  “Fuck, yes,” I gasped, close to another climax, his fantasy making me wildly buck up and down on his cock. My heavy breasts bouncing, his hands plastered to my arse, prising my bum cheeks apart and adding to the fantasy.

  “Yes, fuck yes, I’m going to come. We’re going to come in both your holes, dirty slut, yes, that’s it, make me come.”

  I thrust down hard and my husband grunted. His fingers dug into the abundant flesh of my arse as I worked harder to move and attained my own fantasy-fuelled orgasm. We shuddered and shook in each other’s arms and, as we relaxed, I pressed my lips down to his and we kissed tenderly.

  I slipped off his body and lay panting beside him. My lust was sated, for a while anyway.

  “Robert,” I said. “Do you think pine scent is an aphrodisiac?” I was looking at the tree with its twinkling lights and its gaudy baubles and inhaling the scent of its needles mixed with the sex musk in the air.

  “No, my love,” He replied as he rolled to his side and looked down at me, “I just think you’re a horny slut, no matter the time of year.”

  “I think you might be right,” I laughed, “it’s not like we only fuck at Christmas.”

  “Thank God,” he quipped, “I’d pronounce every day Christmas Day if that was the case. I need to fuck you much more often than once every twelve months.”

  “So, if every day is Christmas, what present do I get tomorrow?” I purred and snuggled against his warm body. We laughed together and kissed hard, the multi-coloured lights of the tree dancing across our skin. He was my gift and I couldn’t have asked for anything better.

  A Good Little Girl

  by Shanna Germain

  “Daria’s Delights, this is Kay, how may I help you?”

  “I got a job,” Shannon’s voice on the phone was a pleasant relief from a crazy morning of pre-Christmas underwear sales.

  “Holy shit!” I said. The man standing at the counter looked up from the string-of-pearl thong he was holding. “Sorry,” I said to him. He nodded, and went back to trying to decide between pearl and chain.

  Into the phone, a little softer, I said, “Shan, that’s awesome. I’m so proud of you.”

  She laughed. She’s got a big, boisterous laugh that I love. “It’s just a seasonal gig.”

  “Who cares,” I said. “Tell me all about it.”

  “Can’t, it’s a surprise.” Shannon sounded more like her old self than she had since she’d been laid off from work a few months ago. Since then, she’d tried to find temporary holiday work, but had mainly been sulking around the house and scrubbing things out of guilt for not bringing in any money.

  “Meet me tonight and I’ll show you,” she said. “I’ll leave directions on the bed.”

  After I hung up the phone, I couldn’t stop smiling, even though the man didn’t buy anything. Directions on the bed? That was our long-time term for an evening of fun, but we hadn’t had the money – or the desire – to do anything in a while.

  All day long, as I wrapped lacy thongs destined for Christmas gifts, I tried to figure out what kind of job she’d gotten that would entail directions on the bed. I couldn’t imagine her bartending. She was just too honest to kiss the asses of drunk businessmen. And I doubted she’d be dancing topless – Shannon was built more like a barrel than a Barbie. I personally loved her thick thighs and round belly, but I doubted that was the look that most dollar-stuffers were going for.

  As soon as my shift was over, I ran home to see what she’d left me. Laid out on the bed was a girly mini skirt with a white baby-doll T. “Pigtails are good. Clean-shaven is also good,” she’d written on the sticky note on top of my tennis shoes. “See you soon.”

  I hopped in the shower for a quick rinse and shave. Clean-shaven meant I’d most likely be getting at least semi-naked in front of others soon. Shannon knew there were few things I loved more than fucking her in public. I didn’t know how that worked into the job. Maybe it didn’t; maybe I was just going to pick her up and we’d go somewhere after.

  In the bedroom, I pulled everything on, including a pair of boy-cut panties, then took a look in the mirror. The short blue skirt showed my long legs nearly to the bottom of my ass and the T-shirt Shannon picked out was so tight it highlighted my small boobs. Jesus, I looked about 16. I completed the look with a smear of shiny lip gloss.

  The bad news was that my legs were bare. Shit, I was going to be freezing my ass off. Didn’t she realise it was the middle of December?

  I pulled my down coat out of the closet – I looked like a lollipop wrapped in a marshmallow, but at least I’d be warm in the car. I’d take it off when I got there. Maybe. I still wasn’t sure where there was, although Shannon had printed out a Yahoo map
for me.

  The drive wasn’t far – it only took me about twenty minutes. But I was pretty sure I’d taken a wrong turn. Up and down the street, only big quiet old houses. What was the deal here? Was Shannon house-sitting somewhere? Hopefully she wasn’t babysitting – she loved kids, but man, after an hour with her nieces and nephews, she had them all on sugar highs and jumping off the furniture.

  I parked the car at the end of the block and threw my coat into the backseat. Shivering, I counted house numbers. I didn’t need to: even before I got to the address, I could see the party lights and hear the tinny sound of holiday music coming from the house.

  Great, I thought, she’s serving cocktails for some haughty old folks and I’m supposed to show up looking like Gidgit’s baby sister. How does she get me into these things?

  But it was way too cold to be standing in the driveway worrying, so I ran up to the front door and rang the bell. An elf – about my height and with the most gorgeous green eyes I’d ever seen – opened the door.

  “Welcome to the Jingle No-Ball!” she said, sweeping her bell-clad arm around the room.

  “Th-thanks,” I shivered. The whole place looked like something out of the North Pole – there was fake snow everywhere, cotton running in drifts along the floor, and elves running around carrying plates of cookies.

  “Make yourself at home,” the elf said with a wink, as she closed the door behind me.

  The other guests were in the living room, milling around with food and drinks. To my relief, I saw that I wasn’t the only one dressed up. There were lots and lots of girl outfits – a few even wore footed pyjamas and carried teddy bears. I looked at my bare legs and cursed Shannon for not thinking of that instead. Others wore antlers and red noses, or gift wrapping. I didn’t see any real boys, although there were at least a few girls that were packing, dressed in sailor suits or as boy elves.

  I took a quick look around for Shannon, but didn’t see her. At least I knew from everyone else’s costumes that I was at the right house. I didn’t see her in the dining room, either, which was packed with all kinds of finger foods and steaming bowls of cider and eggnog. I poured myself a cup of eggnog – it was brandy-warm and delicious.

  Through the kitchen was another room, a sort of second living room with a huge fireplace and sparkling tree loaded with presents. Girls and reindeer sat on couches and chairs, while elves ran to and fro with a seemingly endless supply of food.

  And, there, in the middle of it all, in a huge royal chair, was Santa. I took a couple of steps closer and realised it wasn’t Santa, it was Shannon as Santa. She wore typical garb: red suit, and a white wig that covered her blonde stubble and a white beard. Her big belly pressed against the front of her suit, filled it in a way that made it obvious that she hadn’t had to stuff it—it was all her. She was the most beautiful Santa I’d ever seen. I was getting wet, just watching her sit there in her fluffy red suit. I’d never wanted to sit on Santa’s lap so badly in my life.

  There was already someone on her lap though—and a whole line of girls waiting for her. I could tell just by looking that they weren’t all good girls either. I wanted to give them a shove out of the way and join the bad girl list myself. But instead I got in line behind a pig-tailed redhead in pink PJs. She was sucking on a candy cane, and it was turning her lips as red as Rudolph’s nose.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had a candy cane. Working in retail during the holidays for so many years – listening to Jingle Bells thirty times a day and putting out decorations in October – had quenched a lot of the joy I’d once had about Christmas.

  I gave the girl a smile, and she smiled back around the candy cane, showing teeth that were a Christmassy shade of pink.

  “Hey, where did you get that?” I don’t know why I whispered. It just felt right.

  She ducked her head toward me. “My mummy put it in my stocking,” she said. Then she pulled another one out of her pyjama pants pocket and held it out to me. “Mummy says I should share.”

  “Wow, thanks,” I said. “I like these.”

  “Me too,” she said.

  We stood, sucking on our candy canes, waiting for the line to move. It wasn’t going very fast though; everyone seemed to be having a great time on Shannon’s lap. And she was the perfect Santa; I could hear her ho-ho-hos from where I stood in line, and saw her give more than a few girls a swat on the behind as they climbed off her lap.

  I tried not to get antsy, but I felt like I had to pee or something. Watching Shannon, waiting for her, my insides were all wiggly. I sucked harder on my candy cane, trying to let the mint take over my mouth and distract me from what I really wanted.

  Finally, it was the red-headed girl’s turn, which meant I was next. I tried not to look as the girl plopped herself down on Shannon’s lap and snuggled up to her big belly. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I did hear Shannon tell her she could have whatever she wanted, and then give that big belly laugh.

  I was already wet under my skirt, and wishing I hadn’t worn panties. Would Shannon be able to get her hands up there? I didn’t know, but that was all I cared about.

  After a few minutes, the red-head jumped off Shannon’s lap and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, Santa,” she said. Then she flashed me another pink-toothed grin and stood at the side of the chair.

  It was my turn, and I suddenly got shy. I sidled up to her, my head down. “Hi Santa,” I whispered.

  Shannon opened her arms wide and said “Ho-ho-ho!” in a way that made it sound less like she was laughing and more like she knew exactly what was on my mind.

  I jumped into her lap – she gave a little oof as I hit her full on – but then she wrapped those big arms around me and pulled me to her. Her belly was so soft, wrapped in the velvet-like costume. The beard and hair hid her face really well – the only way I could tell it was Shannon was by her big brown eyes looking at me.

  As I settled in her lap, I realised she was packing – something long and large from the feel of it. The pressure of it against me was incredible. It was all I could do to keep myself from wiggling around like jelly.

  “And what would you like from Santa, little girl?” Shannon asked with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes as she jiggled her hips beneath me.

  “I, uh, would, uh…” The unexpected pleasure of the dildo wiggling beneath me made it hard to concentrate. I could feel it rubbing against the thin fabric of my skirt, like it wanted to work its way inside.

  “I don’t see you on my good list, though,” Shannon pulled at her beard with one white-gloved hand. “Something tells me you were a bad girl this year.”

  “Oh no, Santa, I was …” I didn’t know what to say. Had I been good? And if so, was I going to get whatever I wanted? But if I was bad, then maybe I would have to be punished. I couldn’t decide.

  But it didn’t matter, because Shannon was rubbing her gloved hands up my bare thighs. The fabric was soft and silky against my skin, and I imagined her pressing the tips to my clit, rubbing, soaking up my juices. She was whispering in my ear, her beard scratching against my skin. “I think you were a very bad girl, don’t you?”

  I nodded. I didn’t trust myself to speak. And I didn’t want to open my eyes – I knew there were other little girls and elves who wanted Santa’s attention, but I didn’t want to share. I guess that made me a bad girl after all.

  Shannon’s hands were pulling the skirt up, seeking out my centre, and I inched toward the edge of her lap, feeling the dildo slide along my crack. I wanted her to slide her hands under my panties and touch me with those perfect white gloves. I could just imagine them, starting with slow circles, then growing more insistent.

  Shannon gave the inside of my thigh a slap. “Bad girls don’t get what they ask for, you know that, right?”

  “But …” I said.

only butt in this story is yours,” she said. “Now, hop off Santa’s lap.”

  “But I don’t want to,” I said. I put my lips out in a big, candy cane-coated pout.

  “Well, then you’d better get on Santa’s good list, don’t you think?” She stood, tumbling me off her lap. Then she unbuckled her big square black belt. I went down on my knees in front of her and opened my mouth, begging for her to stuff my throat. I wanted to suck her so badly, I could already taste the rubber. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the red-head sucking on her candy cane hard, one hand down the front of her pink PJs.

  In front of me, Shannon opened the crotch of the Santa pants and brought out the dildo. It wasn’t one I’d seen before – she must have picked it up earlier, or else it came as part of the job. It was bright green, and ridged like a long, thin Christmas tree.

  She offered it up to me, and I sucked it the way I’d sucked the candy cane. I loved the feel of the rubber against my teeth, the thrust of her hips, the way she grabbed the back of my head like she’d never let go. I moaned against the rubber as her thrusts increased and she forced herself farther back in my throat.

  She pulled away from me before I was ready, leaving me with my mouth empty and my clit beating jingle bells against the stupid panties I’d worn.

  I stood. My panties were soaked, my mouth tasted like rubber and mint, and I could feel the line of girls behind me waiting their turn.

  Shannon sat back down in the Santa throne, and steadied the dildo with her hand. “Now you can come sit on Santa’s lap,” she said.

  I climbed back on her, catching a glimpse of the red head next to us, who had gotten rid of her candy cane and had both hands down her pyjama bottoms.


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