This World

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This World Page 23

by Lee, TD

  Being around these three is interesting though, definitely a different dynamic than I’m used to. Jaron is kind of quiet, but he can hold a conversation really well. Whenever Beth, who talks a lot, would say something, Jaron is usually the one to reply. Then there’s Pat who is the quietest one of them all, if you don’t include me in this equation. Pat really doesn’t say much, all she really does is agree with what Beth and Jaron has to say no matter what the topic is. It’s weird being around these people like I belong, because I feel like I don’t, but it’s probably just going to take me time to get to that point of comfort.

  Beth runs ahead of the rest of us and stops in front of a restaurant. The large sign above the clear doors reads “13th Diner”. We all enter and are immediately seated by the host stationed at the front. The host seems to recognize the three I’m with as they’re talking as if they’re old friends. After asking for our drink order, rather the host was asking me for my drink order, they leave briefly. Quickly looking around, there’s a few people here. Not too full, not too empty. There’s a long bar where some patrons sit to eat or drink their coffee.

  “So a diner huh?” I remark, quickly scanning through the menu to find something appetizing.

  “Yeah, this place is great. Three things makes this place fantastic. One, it’s open all day and all night. Two, food is great. Three, the guy that owns this place is also a leader of an anti-supers group that we go to every so often,” Beth remarks as she’s looking down at her phone.

  “Oh?” I murmur. I’m seeing a whole different side to this city. There’s a lot more people who don’t like super people than I thought. It’s really weird to be surrounded by so many people like this, but it’s refreshing.

  The waiter comes by and we all quickly order. The waiter recognizes the three I’m with so they already had their orders written down. For me, I decided on an omelet that looked pretty good on the menu. The waiter moves away and I look around the diner some more. There’s a couple of TVs that are playing random broadcasts. Some are sports, others are just infomercials. However, the news is always popular to have on.

  On some of the TVs is another one of those news reports about a superhero murder. On the screen is a blurred image with the only thing that’s pretty clear is a divine blue spear with intricate designs. Clashing with the soft blue is the crimson red of blood that stains the spear. There’s a profile picture of the victim which is a beautiful woman with short blonde hair. She has the appearance of a superhero, that’s for sure.

  The waiter comes by with the food we all ordered on a tray. The aroma from my omelet is making my stomach growl. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until food is presented before me. A large burger is placed in front of Beth, a sandwich with soup looks at Jaron, and a green salad sits in front of Pat. Quite the variety we have here.

  After my omelet is placed in front of me, I take a couple of bites as I continue to watch the news broadcast about the superhero murder. With this world filled with people who are apparently so amazing at everything, I’m surprised the culprit for the murders haven’t been found yet.

  “I hope whoever is doing all of these murders will kill all of the super freaks off. The world would be a much better place,” Beth remarks before taking a big bite of the burger she ordered.

  “You think it’s a normal person like us that’s killing them all off?” Jaron asks, his spoon slowly swirling the soup in front of him.

  Beth exclaims, bits of her food being spat out as she speaks, “Has to be! It’s about time a normal person like us is making the headlines by standing up to those super freaks! It’s only right!”

  “Yeah!” Pat agrees, high-fiving Beth.

  They’re cheering for murder? I get that they don’t like super people, but they’re actually wanting people to die. That’s weird, right?

  “A-are you guys actually rooting for a murderer?” I quietly speak in between chews.

  “No, we’re not rooting for a murderer, we’re rooting for a liberator. Normal people like us are suppressed by super freaks all the time, it’s about time we take over!” Beth announces loudly, drawing the attention of other patrons of the diner.

  “Shh,” Jaron hushes Beth, “people are watching.”

  Beth quickly realizes where she is and lowers her head and voice. “Anyway, the world could use more normal people compared to the freaks out there. There are amazing normal people out there, yet the freaks get all of the glory. It doesn’t matter what it is, freaks will always reap the rewards and it’s not fair!”

  Beth continues to rant while we all eat. Doesn’t matter what the rest of us have to say or what’s happening around us, Beth will be talking about how much she hates super people. Other than that, the food was pretty decent. Not the Chiffon Room or Gourmet Duel, but good enough to satisfy my appetite. Breakfast food is always really good in my opinion.

  During the middle of our meal and in the middle of one of Beth’s monologues, a well-dressed man approaches our table. Something about him is really familiar, but I can’t quite pinpoint what. His dark brown hair is slicked back with some hints of grey growing from the roots. He has rugged facial hair that compliments a nice jawline. His eyes are a light green. Overall, this guy is so nicely groomed that he looks extremely out of place in this diner. He looks even more out of place talking to us. “I couldn’t help but overhear, well because the fine lady over there is quite ear piercer, however would you all be interested in a get together tomorrow night?” the man speaks with a very suave accent. His words sound so soothing that it was a little hard to find the strangeness in his proposal.

  “Uh, yeah sure, we should totally go party with a stranger we met in a diner,” Beth speaks sarcastically, still with a full mouth.

  “Right, right, of course. How impolite of me. My name is Oswell Jaeger, I have a group that specializes in helping those who have been affected by super people that would greatly benefit from young, bright, and passionate individuals such as you all. So, I extend my invitation to join my group to you all,” the man explains. He reaches into one of his pockets and places a business card on the table.

  Jaron picks up the card and reads it. A gleeful expression crosses his face as he looks up at Oswell in admiration, “You’re the leader of SAVE?”

  “What!?” Beth exclaims, ripping the card out of Jaron’s fingers. “I thought SAVE was created by HERO.”

  Oswell shakes his head, answering with a gentle smile, “That is a very common misconception. Yes, while HERO is funding SAVE, SAVE is created by normal people just like myself and all of you. After all, we must take care of ourselves in this kind of world.”

  “So why exactly do you want us to join SAVE?” Beth questions. Her tone is more out of intrigue than it is suspicion now.

  “We could use a lot of young, brilliant minds to help lead several groups as well as inspire passion for others. SAVE, is, of course, an assemblage of those who desire to be in a safe place,” Oswell continues to explain. He rolls up his sleeve to look at the watch on his wrist. “Ah, I must leave, but I do hope you all consider coming to our get together tomorrow. All of the information you need is on my card. Have a great day.”

  Before anyone could say anything, even Beth, Oswell leaves our table and walks out the door.

  “How cool!” Pat says as she looks at the business card Oswell left behind.

  “Right?” Beth exclaims, “We all have to go to that get together tomorrow! It has to be something pretty awesome!”

  “I mean, I guess,” I mumble. I don’t get why these guys are so excited about this SAVE get together thing, let alone the leader of SAVE talking to us.

  “Oh come on Ridley, it’s pretty cool that such a prestigious guy would talk to us!” Beth replies, a wide smile is plastered on her face.

  “Err, I guess,” I mumble again.

  Maybe I’m the weird one, but how is this so special? How is this any different that super people interacting with us? He’s just some notorious guy that just happens
to have a following, big whoop. So some normal person is famous for something, it’s just the same as super people having a following for having superpowers. It’s all the same.

  We all finish our food and head outside. The three are heading in the same direction while I have to separate and go in the opposite direction to head home. Beth turns to me and says, “We’ll expect you tomorrow right Ridley?”

  “Uh, yeah, sure,” I answer quickly.

  “Good! You get home safe then! We’ll see you tomorrow at the SAVE get together!” Beth exclaims, running towards Jaron and Pat.

  A deep sigh escapes my mouth as I watch the three walk far ahead of me until they disappear into the sidewalk.

  At the end of the day, I’m still alone in both my thoughts and in life.

  Chapter 13

  It’s just me and Hiro all alone. But he’s pinned to the ground. Even with his big physique, he’s not moving even though he can. My hands tightly clenching his neck, my nails digging into him. Right. He’s lifeless. No wonder he’s so still. He’s dead. My hands are bloody when I lift them up.

  My eyes are awakened from the nightmare. How many nightmares will I have about me pretty much ending Hiro’s life? I reach over for my phone to check the time. It’s almost time for school, so there’s no point to going back to sleep. Even if I wanted to, the harsh rain pounding against my window would keep me awake. The sky is blanketed in gray clouds, lightning strikes from a distance. The entire neighborhood is soaked from the rain. It’s going to be a pain walking to school today.

  I get ready as quick as I can. Even though I don’t have to worry about traffic at all, rain still makes people react weird. It’s like, just a drop of water hits the ground then everyone starts acting like the most cautious people ever. Rain is better than snow, but it’s still a pain. Once I get ready and eat a good breakfast, I make sure to grab an umbrella before I leave.

  My way to school was filled with streets filled with backed up cars and people with umbrellas. It’s a particularly cold day today too, not just because of the rain but the wind is pretty strong too. There’s tons of people that make a mad dash around me as they splash rainwater onto me. Anyone who is flying in the air is being a little more cautious, unless they’re the kind of super people that can absorb and be fine with getting hit by lightning.

  Once I finally make it to my class, I take my seat and notice the lack of Hiro’s presence. Soaked student after soaked student, the classroom is starting to smell a bit like rainwater. The hallways are squeaking. Even after the bell rings Hiro isn’t here. The guy must be out on duty or something. Whatever, he could get hit by lightning in that mech of his for all I care.

  Class is pretty boring, as usual. I’m not even paying attention anymore. Here I am, just sitting idly in class, staring outside the window to the rainy city. Can’t I just drop out of school at this point? It doesn’t matter what I do after school, I’m not a super person or anything so I’ll be subject to do mundane jobs. Ugh, super people get so much slack in society.

  Lunchtime rolls around and I go to my usual spot. The sky is darkened by the clouds. Rain keeps on pouring. After yesterday and just what has happened, I can’t even bring myself to enjoy lunch anymore. The food is bland. Nothing seems right anymore. Either I’m just sick of how this world works or that mind controller really messed with my head.

  “Hey!” I hear Jaron’s voice greet me.

  I snap my neck to the direction Jaron’s voice came from. He sits down next to me as I say, “Oh, hey.”

  “So you’re coming with us tonight right?” he asks as he takes a bite of his food.

  “Tonight? Oh, the SAVE thing?” I murmur quietly.

  “Yeah! You’re coming right?” Jaron asks again. His eyes look at me with intensity.

  Do I really want to go? Not really, especially since that Oswell guy didn’t even explain what it was that we would be attending. “Uh, well-”

  “Of course you are!” Jaron laughs, playfully slapping my back.

  “Well I, uh-”

  Jaron interrupts me again, “We’ll meet up after school somewhere. I’ll text Beth about a good place to meet up and send it to you.” He pulls out his phone and quickly starts texting.

  “Well, I don’t think-”

  “Oh! I have to go meet up with someone right now! I forgot!” Jaron says excitedly. He immediately stands up and says, “I’ll see you later alright? Keep a look out for my text!”

  Before I can say anything, Jaron runs off. I sigh, annoyed. Why does it seem like people are just dictating what I do with my life these days? Whatever, it doesn’t hurt to meet up with them. What’s one little get together at SAVE anyway? This way, I go once and don’t have to go back at all. It’ll all work out just fine.

  Lunch ends in silence. God, not only am I bored of this world, but I’m bored just in general. What exactly is there to do anymore? I thought being around people who has the same anti-supers mentality that I do would be entertaining to me, but nope. Everything is still boring. The rest of classes is the same menial stuff. Just boring, boring, boring.

  The bell rings loudly, finally signifying the end of the school day. It’s also the start of the weekend. My phone buzzes. Showing up is a text from Jaron telling me that the meeting spot is the nearby park. Guess I have to go since they expect me there. As I walk through the hall to leave the school and meet up with Jaron at the designating meeting spot, I feel a strong tug on my arm. When I look back I see Sadie.

  "Can we talk?” she asks with a serious look in her eyes. I’m not even allowed to say anything as Sadie literally drags me out the doors.

  Sadie drags me in silence all the way to her family's bakery that’s pretty close by the school. She orders both of us some tea and pastries, all in complete silence towards me. When she takes her seat, she avoids all eye contact. Her finger dances at the rim of the teacup in front of her. She’s nervous about something.

  "For someone who wants to talk, you sure aren't talking," I bluntly speak. Seriously, who drags someone all the way from school in complete silence saying they want to talk, then doesn’t talk?

  Sadie has a shocked expression when I speak. She looks down at the tea and cookies on her plate. "First, I want to apologize for how I treated you."

  "Don't, I'm not friends with Hiro so there's no reason for you to apologize to me," I say.

  She responds hastily, "But that's why I brought you here. I wanted to talk to you about Hiro. He hasn't really been the same since your guys' argument."

  "Well, it’s pretty clear between the two of us that we’re not really friends anymore. There’s really no point in me trying.” I take a small sip of the tea, it has a very subtle fruit taste.

  "But you have to! Please, not for me, but for him," Sadie cries out. Tears form at the edge of her eyes, slowly rolling down her cheek as she grips the table cloth. "You really don't know him do you?"

  "You keep saying that, what do you mean? Just be straightforward, is that so hard?”

  She takes a deep breath, doing her best to compose herself. "Do you know about Hiro's history? Why he wanted to be a hero?"

  "He always looked up to superheroes, so it only makes sense why he wanted to be one. He finally did it when he became a pilot. He's always just been that guy who loved superheroes so much that he wouldn't shut up about them."

  "But do you know about his upbringing? His family? Or even how or why he wanted to be a hero in the first place? I’ll give you a hint, it’s not because he’s always looked up to superheroes," she replies quickly.

  "His upbringing, family? Why?" I stammer. Now that I think about it, I know nothing about those. Where has Hiro's family been this whole time? He never mentioned anything about them. I've never met them either. "Isn't the reason why he wanted to be a hero is because he just admired them?"

  "You really don't know anything," Sadie says bitterly. "Do you remember Ragnarok that happened over a decade ago?"

  "Ragnarok? Wasn't that the fight between
these celestial beings or something?" I say. Ragnarok is something I can recognize, but don't remember as an event happening.

  Sadie explains, "Ragnarok was the war between two factions of celestial beings, or Gods some might call them, where it resulted in a lot of the world being destroyed. Not just our planet, but other planets were heavily affected too. But during this war, innocent civilians were hurt as those celestial beings didn't care about our lives, but theirs. Hiro's family died during that event. An earthquake happened during Ragnarok which caused Hiro's house at the time to lose its foundation and start crumbling. His family all died under that rubble, leaving Hiro the only sole survivor. The thing is, Hiro didn't grow up in a happy household either. Abandoned father, drunk mother, abusive siblings. He didn't know what love was or happiness. The only thing that would make him feel a little better were superheroes. These larger than life people that could conquer anything if they tried hard enough which is why Hiro loves superheroes so much. The only thing that gave him some sort of joy was superheroes. During Ragnarok, Meteor, Hiro's favorite superhero, was the one to save Hiro. That's why Hiro looks up to Meteor even when others hate him to this day.”

  Ugh, Meteor.

  “You were there weren't you? When Meteor was saving people from a powerful mind controller? The public, as it is now, hates Meteor, but Hiro still looks up to Meteor because he was the superhero that saved him during Ragnarok. Even though Meteor couldn't save Hiro's family, Hiro doesn't hold that against Meteor."

  “So? That just means Meteor failed to do what he’s supposed to. What good is a superhero if they can’t even-”

  “It’s hard you know!” Sadie interjects loudly, catching the attention of other people inside the bakery. She takes a deep breath trying to compose herself and speaks in a more hushed tone, “Being a superhero isn’t easy. There are people we can save, but there are those we can’t. And I can’t tell you how many times it hurts when I can’t save someone.” Tears fall from her eyes, outlining her cheeks. “It hurts more when you have to be the one to tell a victim’s loved one that you couldn’t save them.”


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