This World

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This World Page 48

by Lee, TD

  “She’s quick and can hit hard for someone her size though,” Dom comments, her hand rubbing a bruise on her arm. “But I can confirm that this person can create weapons out of thin air. She would make knives in the middle of the fight. A pretty useful superpower if you ask me.”

  “Creating weapons? Makes it easy to replicate iconic weaponry then,” Drake comments. “Got anything else on this mystery person?”

  “Unfortunately, we do not possess any further information. The assailant had taken some of my documents, however they are not of any importance to the case at hand. She may attempt an attack on us again, but we will be better prepared,” Adele answers.

  “How so?” Ainia asks.

  “I got some unsavory friends that owe me a couple of favors,” Dom responds quickly, “we’ll have them be rotating on guard duty. Specifically, they’ll be watching over Adele more than me. Trust me, we’ll be in good hands.”

  “Are you guys really going to stay here considering you guys were attacked?” Kirika asks, her face filled with worry.

  “Adele’s a crazy woman, nothing can get in the way of her investigations. Besides, with free protection like this she’ll be ecstatic to continue working,” Dom remarks.

  Adele chuckles quietly to herself. “With all of that, I do highly advise that you all be safe as well. I am currently attempting my best to find the face behind this assailant. I had been doing research since the attack and have not been able to find a corresponding person that matches with our description. It is highly possible that this assailant has not been registered as a super person, as most villains are, and is undocumented in the system. So, it will take some time.”

  “Documented?” I mutter quietly.

  “All super people are documented at birth or by activation of their powers whether it be through natural means or forging a contract of some sort to gain that superhero status such as becoming a pilot of a mecha. It’s simply a document within HERO’s database,” Kirika explains to me quicky.

  “Let me tell you, it’s a bitch when you don’t get documented, they hound you down with the Seeker and pester you until you do,” Drake sighs, scratching the back of his head.

  What in the—what is this super lingo that they’re using all of the sudden? “Um, sorry, but what’s the Seeker?” I ask.

  “Seriously?” Ainia lets out, giving me a questioning look on her face. She sees my face and sighs in disappointment. “The Seeker is a device that telepaths use to connect with people all around the world. HERO uses it to find super people. It has other uses such as being able to channel a telepath’s thoughts into another person even if they’re on the other side of the universe. It’s a powerful tool kept hidden away from the public since it’s such a powerful device. Best not to mess with it.”

  “I see,” I say. I think I get it.

  “Anyways, Kirika, would you like to report what happened to you yesterday as well?” Adele suggests.

  “Yes, of course,” Kirika clears her throat, “One of my fellow Spectral Singers were attacked backstage during the Spectral Phantasm Concert yesterday. Luckily, she was not hurt and her Spectre saved her. Unluckily, I, too, did not get a good look at the assailant, but I can definitely confirm this person attacked with an iconic weapon. In this instance, it is the arrows of the deceased Mimie Flonne, which is a strange choice.”

  “It was Eileen, or Athena, that was attacked correct?” Adele asks.

  “Yes,” Kirika confirms with a nod, “you had successfully predicted the target again, which is really impressive I don’t know how you do that.”

  “That’s a good point, how are you predicting who is getting targeted? Well, besides us since, well you already know,” Dom questions. Despite seeming to be pretty close Adele, she seems to be pretty much in the dark like the rest of us.

  “It is no simple task, but it is a game of deduction and reasoning. Considering all of those that had been targeted and attacked, there is a strange pattern. First, they attack a subordinate before attacking a leader of figurehead. For example: in the case of Mimie Flonne, before being killed, her close subordinate, Cupid, had been killed. Similarly, Carmen who is one of the most notorious surgeons that walk the planet was targeted after an attack on her fellow coworker Desmond had succeeded. It may not be the most consistent pattern, but it is the only one that I have been able to find,” Adele explains.

  That’s a weird pattern considering Hiro isn’t a figurehead, but he is a subordinate, but I don’t think the leader of the Mobile Knights had died or been targeted for that matter. If not for the guy in charge of the operations of the Mobile Knights, wouldn’t Arthur be the leader? Then again, didn’t he die during the Sefirot attack?

  Adele looks at me, almost as if she can read my mind she elaborates, “Your friend Hiro may not have been a figurehead, but he was very much indeed a subordinate or underling to someone bigger. However, in the case of the Mobile Knights, they are an outlier. None of the leaders or figureheads of the Mobile Knights had been targeted or attacked. So it is very much possible that is an attempt to throw sleuths off their scent. Or it could also indicate that they intend to target anyone that they deem as a threat or will oppose them in any sort of way. Or both, it is quite unclear, but time will only tell.”

  “Alright, so we have no idea who is going to be targeted next, necessarily, but we have a slight pattern. Great, wonderful. We basically had made no progress,” Ainia comments with an annoyed sigh.

  “I wouldn’t say that,” Kirika says, “we have a bad, but usable photo of the attacker from the concert last night as well as some eyewitness accounts that had seen the person.”

  “And what did they say?” Ainia asks.

  Kirika answers while she scavenges for something within a bag next to her leg, “One cameraman says that it was indeed a female who looked to be within her later teenage years, about Ridley and Ainia’s age. A producer says the girl was someone with a streak of color running through her hair. Lastly, Eileen herself says the attacker has a short build and was wearing all black to hide herself better.” She pulls out a photo a blurry set that shows a shadow with long hair holding a bow. It’s hard to tell who this is, but it’s safe to this is very likely to be the attacker.”

  “This evidence will have to make do,” Adele remarks.

  Everyone focuses their attention on the photo in between Kirika’s fingers, but Ainia analyzes the photo closely, biting her lower lip a bit in thought. She seems to really be thinking about who this potential attacker could be. I’m drawing a blank since I have no idea who any potential supervillain could be. I wish I would’ve listened to Hiro’s super talk a lot more closely now. Dammit Hiro, you would be so much better in this position than I would.

  “Well, with all of the information that has been shared out on the table, I will call-”

  “Before we end things here, have you heard any reports about Winona at all?” Drake quickly interrupts. Right, Winona attacked the hospital yesterday and nothing has been said about it yet.

  Adele shakes her head as she sits down on her desk. She answers, “There has not been a single official statement from Nimbus just yet, my sources say that she is awake and conscious, but refuses to speak about anything. Rather, she chooses to laugh in jest than be cooperative.”

  “Damn,” Drake lets out, snapping his fingers.

  “Now, I will end this meeting. Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I believe that it is very important that I divulged this information to you all so you all be on your best guard,” Adele says as we all start leaving the office.

  All of us except for Ainia. “Hey Adele, can I tell you something?” Ainia asks, she gives me a side glance before focusing her gaze on Adele.

  “Of course,” Adele replies.

  “Can we talk in private?” Ainia asks quietly.

  “Oh, yes of course,” Adele says, a bit surprised.

  “Go on ahead without me, you can walk yourself home. I won’t get mad at you this time,” Ain
ia says to me before I leave.

  “Um, okay.”

  I leave the agency and start making my way back home. I don’t walk too far from the agency to find Dom and Shiko taking a walk around, attached to Dom’s mouth is a cigarette. Dom notices me and sighs. “Don’t mention he cigarette to Adele. She hates it, tried to get me to quit a while back. Didn’t really work too well, obviously.”

  “Um, I won’t,” I say.

  “Good,” she says, taking a deep inhale of her cigarette. “Your ball ‘n chain not forcing you home today?”

  “She said she had to tell Adele something, so I’m going by myself,” I answer.

  Dom nods slowly, replying, “Wonder what she has to say. Hopefully something that’ll get this case finally over with.”

  Now that I think about it some more, what is Dom’s relation to this case anyway? Admittedly, Ainia and I kinda just got sucked into it. Drake seems to have a direct link to this case by knowing Winona. Kirika is probably someone that can just greatly benefit the whole team since it seems like she has connections. Shiko is, well, Adele’s pet from what it seems so it’s a given why he’s involved. By why is Dom?

  “Hey, Dom. Can I ask why you’re helping Adele with all of this?” I question.

  She looks at me and takes another deep inhale of her cigarette. “Long story short, I owe Adele a favor and we had been friends for some time now. So it’s only natural to help your friends out. She helped me with her information, I help her with the heavy lifting and legwork. It’s a win-win friendship,” Dom answers.

  “Oh, I see,” I mumble. So Dom and Adele have been friends. That makes sense, smart to have such powerful friends in different departments. Adele with the smart, intellectual stuff and Dom with the combat, aggressive stuff. Definitely a dynamic duo. Dom’s such a strange person, she has a metal leg and fought in a martial arts tournament and has unsavory friends. Just who is this woman?

  “Um, can I also ask why you have a metal leg?”

  Dom sighs. “Do you just go around asking people about their personal problems? That’s a bad habit to have.”

  “Oh, sorry, I’m just really curious. It can shoot out a rocket or cannon so I thought it was really interesting,” I reply.

  “Whatever, let’s just say that the tournament I was in really screwed me up. It’s a story for another day, it’s pretty boring too,” she says.

  “Um, well, if you don’t mind. Could you tell me sometime?” I ask, God I’m starting to sound like Hiro now, just getting so invested in super people stories.

  “Sure, whatever kid. If it really interests you, I’ll tell you another day,” Dom replies, she then motions her hand to shoo me away, “better run along home before the crazed bitch catches you still here and not home.”

  “Um, yeah, okay. Thanks, see you next time,” I say, turning to start walking home.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Dom lazily waves me goodbye.

  There’s a weird tingle that zaps my spine. I look behind myself periodically as I walk. It feels like someone or something is following me, but I can’t tell. Something just feels really off on this simple stroll home.

  I find myself at the familiar setting of buildings. I look at the large TV and see a news report of something I just found out about. It shows footage from a phone of a concert and a flamboyantly dressed woman performing. Emerging in a flash of light is a ghostly looking shield that stops an arrow from flying into the woman’s chest. This must be taken at the Spectral Singers concert that Kirika was a part of last night. Good to see that it’s not a case of murder this time around. Kirika even shows on stage, among others, to check to see if the woman, who I suppose is Eileen, is unscathed.

  “Wow, I can’t believe someone tried to attack Athena. Don’t they know how popular she is?” I hear a boy comment.

  I look back to find a couple of teenage guys point and discuss about the broadcast.

  “Oh, hey look at that of course Scathach is there trying to take the spotlight from Athena,” the other boy scoffs, “doesn’t she know she’s getting old and irrelevant now? Like bitch, stop hogging the spotlight your time is over honey.”

  What the? Since when did people feel this way about Kirika? Last I remember, tons of people were at her concert and were pretty excited for her to come back.

  I continue walking home after watching the rest of the quick broadcast of the attempted attack of Athena. The weird tingly feeling is still with me though. Something just feels really weird. Adele sure seems to know what she’s doing and researching. The connections that she makes are a bit reaching, yet they make sense to me. I hope she can really figure who’s behind all of this. If Hiro’s death is really involved with this murder, then I want to know who it is that killed my best friend. What would their motive be?

  I spend the rest of the day working on what I need to for school. I look at my desk and remember that I still have the dossiers that Adele wanted back. Wow, I really suck at being prompt with this kind of stuff. I put the dossiers in my backpack, I’ll drop by the agency tomorrow and return them.

  As soon as it gets dark, I prepare for bed. There’s really nothing else for me to do except maybe play some games, but I’m not really in the mood. Best to just snooze.

  A loud creak from the hallway wakes me up in the middle of the night. Could just be the weird sounds that houses make during the night that just make you paranoid. Right?

  I try to turn over, but my body is refusing to move. I can’t even move my fingers or toes. My eye won’t even blink, it’s getting painful. This can’t be happening again, it can’t.

  Oh yes, it can.

  If I could, my eyes would be shot wide open. I try to take a deep breath, but I can’t even do that. Breathing is hard. I can’t even blink.

  My door opens slowly. I can't see who it is that opened it, they’re just a shadowy figure. They're taking slow steps towards me and dragging something behind them since I can hear something scratching the floor. The scratchy sound stops next to my bed. I can’t look up at this person. I know they're next to me. Their presence is obvious. Am I going to die?

  I can feel the air change as they raise their weapon. This is it. I really couldn't do anything in the end. Just a useless person after all.

  The breeze of the assailant raising their weapon hits my face. Here it is. Goodbye world.

  There’s hesitation in the assailant’s movement. They stopped. Why? What’s happening? I’m still frozen in place, not being able to move at all. I’m straining my eyes to move just a little just so I can see what’s happening to the person above me.

  The assailant gets pushed away from me, I can feel a light gust of air brush over me. The assailant is slammed into the wall and lifted up. I can’t quite tell who or what it is that is lifting the assailant, all I see are dark figures. The assailant attempts to yell or scream, but every sound they make becomes muffled. Loud thuds hit the wall, the assailant I think is kicking the wall. Within seconds the kicking and muffled screaming stops.

  A shadowy figure starts moving towards me with completely silent footsteps. They loom over me as I still can’t move. My heart is racing. Their hand extends out to me and I can’t do anything to stop them. But then what’s presented before me is not what I expected. A bright phone screen shines before my eyes. Bold words read:

  Sorry to scare you, I work with Adele. I’m here to help! (^.^)/

  Chapter 26

  It suddenly got really busy at my house. Police are here investigating, some superheroes are roaming around as well. When my body is finally free from being frozen from mind control, I immediately asked if my family is okay. I don’t know if the assailant did anything to them. Luckily, my family is fine, not a single scratch on them. They’re busy talking with the investigators though. I was questioned about what I saw and what happened. I told the police and superheroes everything I could to the best of my ability.

  My savior is the enigma that was Vesper, as he told me through his phone. If I remember the dossier o
n him correctly, he can’t talk at all. Even with the phone he didn’t really say much to me as soon as the police arrived, he disappeared, probably into a shadow since that’s his power, and left me a message to give to the police:

  Tell the cops that your representation will show up soon! And don’t tell them that I was here, like you didn’t get a good glimpse or something. Make something up! Talk to you later! _(: p | <)_

  And so I told the investigators that an unknown hero came to my rescue, but I couldn’t identify who it was because I couldn’t move. Vesper is a really weirdly, adorable acting person. Like, what’s with the emoticons? Upon first look of the guy, he’s dressed completely in black with his face and neck covered with a thin black cloth. His clothes were closely clinging onto him with little room for anything else. His hair is buzzed on the sides and short on top. I couldn’t tell at first, but he was wearing some sort of overcoat that was also tightly bound to his body. He even had some padding here and there. His demeanor is totally serious, yet his messages are the opposite. It’s a weird juxtaposition.

  Adele makes it to my house, I’m assuming she’s the representation Vesper told me about. She almost immediately gets into the investigation and gathers information from the fellow police and superheroes. It’s so early in the morning, how does she seem so awake, she’s even dressed up in her usual nice outfit. She’s a bit aggressive with them, starting small arguments that ultimately sway in her favor. I don’t get a chance to talk with her since she’s so busy, but she at least acknowledged that I’m safe.

  Although, I have to wonder. How did Vesper know to come help me tonight? Was it Adele? Did she somehow predict that I would be next victim? If so, then wow is her intuition really good. But it doesn’t’ really follow her theory. I’m just a nobody, not even a super person. Why would I be a target for just being a normal person?

  The assailant hasn’t been revealed to me yet. They’re still sitting up in my room while I’m just sitting in the living room with my family who are talking with the investigators. I wonder who it is. We finally got them though, so that’s good.


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