This World

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This World Page 55

by Lee, TD

  “So these Hag powers that you have now, what exactly can you do with them?”

  She holds her hand up and appearing before my eyes is a small little dancing ballerina that’s just hovering above her hands. She answers, “Basically the same when I was a Hag, reality and perception manipulation. I can alter things around me to make things appear differently than they are and make specific people see things that aren’t exactly there.”

  “That’s what you did to Mari yesterday then,” I let out, trying to comprehend the powers in front of me.

  She nods, she closes her fist and the ballerina disappears. “Yes. Adele had told me that Mariana may attempt to attack so my powers was going to be the first line of defense just in case. But that’s not just it. The Hag powers also make me in tune with people’s memories and emotions. Being the monstrous Hag, emotions and fear fueled my powers, but as a person with Hag powers, that’s not necessarily the case, but I still get a glimpse sometimes in people’s lives. It’s unintentional, it just happens. And before you ask, I cannot read any minds, but I can feel the same emotions and slightly relive memories of other people. That’s about it.”

  “Alright, so you have shadow manipulation as well as these Hag powers. That sounds pretty strong,” I remark.

  “Limited shadow manipulation. I can only really control where shadows go to an extent, but contrary to popular belief, I cannot go into them. Though with these powers, they may not be the strongest, but I do what I can with them. It’s more of the straining I got as a Spectral Singer that really honed in my abilities—Scathach is the primary source of anything superhuman about me at this point. I used to rely so much on my plant powers, and since that was taken away from me in favor for the Hag powers, it scared me to use them so I never quite did so. Maybe what I need to do is learn to use them and adapt to them. Yeah, I think that’s what I’ve been so afraid of, just letting these Hag powers overtake me. But I must learn, Adele was right, I have to learn to control and use the Hag powers because I can good with them. What I need is to finally accept and love myself for who I am and who I have become. These Hag powers were things that I tried to restrict, but maybe, just maybe, I need to accept it and understand it better,” she rambles, although her face has gotten brighter and a happier demeanor has taken over. She looks at me in the eyes, saying, “Thank you Ridley. Without this talk, I may have continued to suppress my powers.”

  “Oh, uh sure, yeah. Whatever I can do to help I guess,” I stammer. Didn’t think she’d be so quick to thank me even though I didn’t really do anything.

  “You are quite an easy person to speak to,” she repeats what others have said to me.

  I nod my head, saying “Yeah, I’ve been getting that a lot recently for some reason, I don’t really get it.”

  She clarifies for me, “You’ve adopted a curious nature that you didn’t have before. You’re expressing interest in understanding and learning. That’s what people are picking up when they talk to you, which is why they’re so open to communicate with you. You’re not asking things just for the sake of asking, you’re asking because you want to understand. That’s something that people really appreciate. You’re listening, and sometimes that’s all some people need.”

  “Oh, well. That’s good then,” I stammer.

  “It is,” she agrees. “To think popularity was all that I cared about. Even if people say I’m too old to continue on like this, I’ll keep going. I must go speak with Adele, apologize to her and continue helping with the investigation.”

  Kirika stands up from her chair, but before she can make it too far, I quickly try to stop her, “Uh, well about that. Adele was arrested this morning.”

  Kirika’s eyes stare at me in disbelief. “Arrested? How? Why?”

  I answer, “She was accused of murdering Mari and the cops that were taking her to HERO from the agency. There was no other proof than that, according to Dom. So, I’m actually glad that you came in here because Dom and I have no idea what to do to help Adele out. Drake is at HERO, or should be, and hopefully he’s able to talk to Adele. I’ve been trying to get a hold of Ainia, but she won’t pick up. Dom is freaking out, but doing her best to help out too. Worst part though, other than Adele being arrested, is that the officers took all of Adele’s information about the case so we don’t really know where to go off of.”

  Kirika sits back down and takes a deep breath. “We’re in a strange position then aren’t we? I was hoping I could speak to Adele, but maybe I would just have to see her at HERO as well. Although, I doubt they’d allow anyone in to speak with her since she was arrested today. So it seems we’re stuck.”

  “Yeah, unfortunately,” I agree, sighing loudly.

  There’s a brief silence between us, although it’s one that’s more of a thought session than anything else. I can tell Kirika is trying to come up with a plan, but is failing to do so much like me. What do we do in this sort of situation? Adele is the brains behind the investigation and did keep things a bit secretive now that I think about it, but she is the kind of person who wanted to have big reveals for the most part.

  Wasn’t there something that Adele said that she had Kirika work on? Maybe we can start with that. I break the silence and say, “Adele told me that you two were working on something to help with mind control? What is it?”

  “Ah, it’s these,” she says, reaching into her bag and pulling out a small clear box with a couple of earbuds in them. “My agency was able to help me make these. They’re to help cancel out mind control or psychic suggestion by playing my music.”

  “Oh, that’s pretty interesting. How does your music help with resisting mind control though?” I ask.

  She answers, “Adele was able to figure out that by mixing my power of music as a Spectral Singer as well as some hints of Hag powers, it can create a protective psychic barrier that will block out mind control. Or so it should. These were finished last night and it’s not as if I can find someone to attempt to mind control me to test it out. So, we’ll have to see when the time comes. Fingers crossed that they actually work.” She slides the box over to me and suggests, “You take these just in case. Adele had me make plenty, but again still unsure if they work.”

  I grab the box and put it in my pocket. “Thanks, I hope they work.”

  I hear the back door of the kitchen open, Sadie is wheeling herself over to me while she has a tray on her lap. She says, “Sorry it took a while. Normally my mom would be the one making this stuff, but she left to the st—oh! Aren’t you Kirika?” She looks at Kirika in surprise.

  “Yes, Sadie isn’t it?” Kirika greets Sadie politely. Maybe these two are acquainted because superheroes?

  “Y-yes, you know Ridley?” Sadie questions, her eyes darting between me and Kirika. She sets a tray down in front of me.

  “Let’s just say we’ve met a few times to become acquainted,” Kirika answers. “It does look like the two of you are about to catch up, so I’ll take a pomegranate herbal tea and be on my way.”

  “R-right, one pomegranate herbal tea coming right up!” Sadie says, wheeling herself back through the kitchen door.

  “Oh, here please let me help you,” Kirika says, grabbing a hold of the wheelchair and helping Sadie move over to the counter easier.

  After a few moments, Sadie, with Kirika’s help, wheels herself back through the kitchen door. Kirika moves over to me and says, “I’ll try to talk to Adele today as well. I might have a better chance than Drake considering his reputation. If I find anything I will let you all know.”

  “Sounds good. Oh, and if you can, see if Ainia is at the HERO HQ. She’s been dodging calls, and confronting her might not be the best idea, but it would definitely be a start,” I suggest.

  Kirika nods her head, replying, “I will do that. I’ll speak with some other heroes as well. One of them might know something about the situation at hand.”

  Sadie wheels herself back out and gives a tall cup to Kirika. “Here you go, your pomegranate herbal tea
,” Sadie says with a smile on her face.

  “Thank you! I’ll be off now, please take care,” Kirika says, waving us goodbye then leaving through the doors.

  Sadie looks at me in absolute disbelief and says, “Wow, I can’t believe you actually know Kirika. I know back at Hero con, Hiro was trying to have you talk to her, but it’s a whole other thing actually having a conversation with her.”

  I scratch the back of my neck and chuckle nervously, “Er, well. Life’s weird isn’t it?”

  “You’re telling me,” Sadie remarks.

  I look at the tray in front of me and it has a plate filled with some sort of pastry shaped like a shell with some red stuff inside which looks like pieces of fruit. On another plate is another pastry that looks like chocolate covered with some sort of shredded fruit. Then there’s a cup of steaming tea, I would assume, with a small jar of honey next to it. In a bowl is some sort of crumbly food that I can’t quite distinguish.

  “This looks great, but, uh. What is it?” I ask, I’m no way well-versed in this kind of stuff.

  “You have cranberry, orange madeleines, lamingtons, and Jasmine green tea to balance out the sweets with something a bit bitter,” Sadie explains to me. “Hiro had a huge sweet tooth so I had to give him something bitter to offset it so he doesn’t get too much of a flavor fatigue with the sugar. He always wanted an extra thing of honey just in case if the tea was too bitter.” She grabs the bowl of crumbles and sets it down on the floor. “This is for cute, little Shiko.”

  Shiko barks happily and starts digging in on the food.

  “Flavor fatigue, good term, I like it,” I remark, “sounds about right though. He did like to eat sweets whenever he could. But I don’t think he’s capable of getting flavor fatigue considering he would be able to eat whatever it is in front of him.” I take a bite of the madeleines and there’s a tart and a bit sour taste that compliments well with the softness and sweetness of the pastry. I take a sip of the tea that completely resets my palette that lets me take in the sweetness and raspberry surprise that the lamington had. All of this is really good.

  Sadie laughs quietly, “You’re right, he was not one to turn away food. So what brings you in here today? It’s a school day so I’m surprised that you’re here instead of there.” Shiko jumps into her lap and rests happily as Sadie reactively starts petting him.

  “I could say the same to you,” I remark, “but I’m excused from school for a while. I had someone try to attack me yesterday.”

  Sadie’s eyes shoot wide open, her ton shocked and concerned, “Are you okay? I mean, of course you are if you’re here, but what happened?”

  “It was while I was asleep, I woke up, but couldn’t move. Someone was over me then they tried to kill me. Luckily I was saved by a friendly neighborhood shadow hero,” I answer.

  Sadie breathes out audibly, “Wow, I’m sorry you had to go through something like that. That must’ve shook you up.”

  “It did and if I think about it too much I kinda start breaking down, so I try my best not to,” I say, “although, I would say you’ve had it worse than me. Considering you’re, well, you know.”

  “All pain is still pain, comparing it won’t help,” Sadie responds as she shrugs her shoulders, “but I’m glad you’re okay. Was the person caught?”

  “Yeah, they were caught,” I say. I stop myself before I give Sadie too much information. How would she react if I just casually mention the fact that Mari was killed.

  “Who was it?” she asks.

  “A girl named Mari, she had the power to create weapons out of thin air and used them to kill people. Pretty convenient power for what she did,” I answer.

  “Mari,” Sadie mutters, her eyes look downward as she’s in thought, “didn’t you ask me about a Mari before?”

  I nod my head. “Yeah, but that was when I thought she was just another person. Not someone who would try to kill me.”

  “Do you know why she did it? Sorry if I’m probing too much, it’s just that—wow, it’s weird just knowing that someone would intentionally go after you. I couldn’t even imagine how that would feel like,

  “You, of all people?” I question, raising a brow.

  “While I was part of the Mobile Knights, I played a supportive role, so instead of fighting I was fixing. But I know where you’re coming from,” Sadie says.

  “How have you been by the way? It’s good to see you’re not in the hospital anymore,” I say, taking a sip of the tea.

  “I’ve been okay. Going through physical therapy when I can. Haven’t been at school since my physical recovery is taking priority, but I still get the homework delivered to me. Other than that, I’ve just been here most of the time to help out my parents,” Sadie answers, “it’d be nice to be able to talk about my grievances to a professional though.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Sadie explains, “Oh, it’s nothing. There’s just not really anyone to talk to as a superhero and issues you have with it, especially after being discharged, whether it be voluntary or involuntary.”

  My eyebrows narrow as I question, “Wait, there’s no like grievance counselor for super people? Why?”

  “That’s a good question,” Sadie sighs, “maybe they think since we’re super people we wouldn’t have issues? I’m honestly not sure, but hey, I’m still going strong.” Sadie manages to smile a bit.

  “That’s just strange to me. I’d think out of everyone, you guys would have the best of the best when it comes to getting help,” I respond, a bit surprised. How could super people of all people not really have anyone to talk to, like a counselor or something.

  “What people perceive is often different from reality. It sucks, but it’s a part of life I guess,” Sadie replies. “Although, you’re kind of surprising me a bit Ridley.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ve changed recently, even if it’s a little bit, it’s pretty noticeable. You’re a bit more…driven, I guess would be the best word to describe it. You’re a lot different than the quiet person that you once were, you’re asking more questions. It’s a nice change,” Sadie explains with a larger smile.

  “Really? I guess I haven’t noticed,” I remark.

  “Most people don’t see the changes that happen within themselves, but others do,” she says. Her eyes gaze outside the window. She rests her chin on her palm, “Do you ever think I can become a superhero again Ridley?”

  The question catches me off guard a bit. “Um, y-yeah, I don’t see why not?”

  She looks over at me and gives me a sly smile. “You’re not just saying that to be nice are you?”

  I shake my head, “No, not at all. I’m sure there’s a superhero duty you can perform. Maybe nothing too physical, but I’m sure there’s something. Wasn’t there a superheroine who was in a wheelchair, but still kicked ass, not necessarily with fighting, but at least with technology or using her mind.” I swear I’ve heard Hiro talk about some superheroine like that.

  Sadie smiles widely again, saying, “That would be Draco Girl, but she did go by Sibyl when she was in a wheelchair. I actually looked up to her when I was younger. Wonder what she’s up to these days, haven’t heard much from her.”

  “See, if she can make a comeback, I’m sure you can,” I say, doing my best to reassure her. “I hope I’m not giving you any false hope here. It’s just that, knowing you now, I’m sure you’re capable of doing really good things. It’ll be hard, but you have that drive to get to where you want.”

  Sadie chuckles quietly, “Thanks Ridley,”

  I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. “Sorry,” I say as I pull it out to check on it. It’s a text message from Dom saying to go to the agency now. “Sorry, I have to go. Thank you so much for this. How much do I owe you?”

  “It’s on the house, let’s just say it’s a thank you discount for checking up on me,” Sadie replies. “It was good seeing you Ridley, hopefully I’ll see you soon.”

  “Yeah, I hope so too,”
I stand up and start walking for the door, “Let’s go Shiko.” Shiko trails behind me as we exit the bakery.

  Shiko and I briskly walk to the agency. I wonder why Dom needs us at the agency so quickly. Did she make a breakthrough? Did something happen? Guess I’ll find out as soon as I get there.

  When I make it to the agency, I immediately go to the office and find Dom, Drake, and Kirika. Almost everyone is here, though I’m sure Ainia still is being reluctant to answer anything from any of us.

  “Cool, we’re all here. So what’s going on Dom?” Drake asks. I wonder how it went with him at HERO. Same with Kirika, she didn’t have much time to do anything since I saw her not that long ago.

  “First, can you tell us what happened at the HERO HQ?” Dom asks Drake, her arms folded and a finger impatiently tapping.

  Drake sighs disappointedly. “Not much to be honest. It was hard enough trying to get through the HQ with security watching me constantly, but they’ve been turning everyone away from Adele. Not even reporters can get to her. They’re being weirdly careful with who gets to talk to Adele which I think is weird.”


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