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Prescription for Desire

Page 4

by Candace Shaw

  Raven turned to Maria, who was laughing, while the children pulled Armand away with them down the hall and into a room.

  “Are they siblings?” Raven asked as she followed Maria into the library and sat on comfy leather brown chairs. There was a round table in between the chairs that was set with a tea service.

  “Four-year-old twins,” Maria answered, pouring a cup of tea. “Tea, Dr. Arrington?”

  “Yes, thank you.” Raven took the elegant tea cup adorned with hand-painted erythrinas, Argentina’s national flower. “What’s Isabella and Israel’s back story?” Raven thought about her own twins that would’ve been almost three years old.

  “They came here when they were about two years old. Their parents were on vacation in Japan when the Tsunami hit, and they were found dead. The children were staying with their grandmother. She was their only living relative, but she took ill and died soon after from the distress of losing her only child and her husband. She was a friend of mine, and in her will requested the twins were brought to me because she knew I would find them a wonderful family.”

  “How horrible! I’m surprised no one has adopted them,” Raven stated, thinking who wouldn’t want both precious children. As a twin, she knew twins were best friends; they had their own special ways of communicating and trusting each other that only they understood.

  “People want babies or just one child. The grandmother’s dying wish was that they wouldn’t be separated. People have inquired about one or the other, but not both.”

  Raven sipped her tea as she drunk in the information. “Do they speak English?”

  “Yes, quite well, but whenever Señor Armand arrives, they’re so excited to see him that they speak Spanish. However, they go back and forth. Their father was African-American and their mother was Argentine, so the twins spoke both languages when they arrived. In fact, the majority of the children do. We have quite a few adopters from North America and other English speaking countries, so I want to make sure that all of the children are bilingual.”

  “Yes, of course. How many children are here, and is this your home?”

  “Fourteen, and yes it is. My parents left me this beautiful mansion, some millions, and the land when they passed. My children are grown and married, and my husband died a few years ago. But it’s not just me here. I have assistants, teachers, and volunteers. I don’t want the children to think of it as an adoption agency or even an orphanage but a home before they go to their forever homes.”

  “How very noble of you to do this.”

  Maria smiled wistfully. “Well … I was in their shoes when I was a little girl, bouncing from foster home to foster home. Finally, at age ten, the Hernándezes adopted me and my older brother. Now I’m able to give orphans a more loving environment than what I had before I was adopted.”

  “Maria, that is so wonderful to hear. Would you mind showing me around?”

  “Of course, love.”

  After the tour, Raven was able to meet some of the children, who were doing homework or playing board games, before some of the volunteers said it was time to get ready for dinner. She hadn’t seen Armand since they’d arrived and one of the volunteers said he was outside. She found him in the backyard, playing soccer with four boys who were around the same age as Israel, who was also playing. Raven sat at the table on the patio across from Isabella, who was coloring a bunny rabbit in a coloring book.

  The little girl looked up and smiled, melting Raven’s heart.

  “Who are you?” the little girl asked as she laid her brown crayon between the pages of the book and stared at Raven with curious black eyes.

  “I’m Dr. Arrington. I came with Dr. Phillips.”

  The little girl smiled as she glanced at Armand playing on the grass, and then back at Raven. “You’re Dr. Cannon’s twin sister?”

  “Yes. You’ve met him?”

  She nodded with a big smile. “He always comes here to visit when he’s in town. He’s very nice.”

  “Yes he is.”

  “Are you and Dr. Phillips friends?”

  “Um … yes. We work together at the clinic in Ghilaua.”

  “I have a twin brother like you,” Isabella said, turning her head toward the boys playing soccer and pointing before facing Raven again. “He’s the one kicking the ball now.”

  “I saw you and Israel when Dr. Phillips and I arrived.”

  The little girl smiled and picked up her crayon. “We love when he comes,” she said, proceeding to continue coloring the bunny rabbit. “He brings treats and does homework with us.”

  “That’s very nice of him.”

  The little girl nodded, and grabbed a pink crayon. She placed it over the bunny’s nose, but didn’t color it. “Do you miss your twin when he’s not around?”

  Raven smiled at the little girl’s interest. “Yes. He and I are best friends.”

  Isabella sighed, and started coloring again. “So are me and Israel. I would hate to be separated from him if one of us is to become adopted. I’d never see him again.”

  Raven didn’t know what to say to that comment without getting the little girl’s hopes up or making her sadder than she already was. Luckily, one of the volunteers came out and called the boys in from playing soccer with Armand. They all hugged him before running in, including Isabella, who grabbed her coloring book and crayons, but not before telling Raven it was nice meeting her and giving her a hug.

  Raven’s heart melted as she watched Israel stand by the door and wait for his sister. When she was pregnant, she’d hoped that they would be a girl and a boy like her and Cannon. Twins ran in her family, and she wasn’t surprised when she found out she was having a set. Her mother also had a twin brother who had identical twin daughters, Raven’s favorite cousins, Megan and Sydney Chase, who lived in Atlanta.

  Armand sat in front of Raven and poured a glass of water from the pitcher that was in the middle of the table.

  “Looks like you had fun,” she said, handing him a napkin from her purse to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

  “I did, but those little boys wore me out. I’m exhausted, but it’s worth it.”

  “Yes, they really enjoy you coming, especially the twins.”

  A genuine smile crossed his face as she mentioned the twins. “I enjoy spending time with them as well. They’re such great, intelligent children. I really hope they get adopted together by a nice family. They deserve it.”

  Raven was moved by his sincere concern for Isabella and Israel. She was seeing a side of him she hadn’t witnessed before, and it warmed her heart. Maybe he wasn’t such an egotistical ass after all.

  “Isabella is concerned that they’ll be separated.”

  “Yeah,” he said as his smile turned wistful. “Me too.” Clearing his throat, he stood.

  “Are you ready to go?”


  They bid their good-byes to Maria, who walked them to the door, and Raven promised to return next week with Armand.

  “Had fun?” Armand asked as he started the truck and headed down the long driveway.

  “Yes, I’ve never been to an orphanage like that before. Maria seems to genuinely love and care for the children.”

  “She does. She still checks up on them after they’ve been adopted, and a few of the older ones volunteer sometimes.”

  Raven let out a long yawn and leaned back in her seat. It had been a tiring first week.

  Armand looked over at her and smiled. “Why don’t you take a nap on the way back? There may be a little traffic, so it might take an extra thirty minutes.”

  She was going to say she was fine and would rather finish her book, but another yawn and exhaustion hit, confirming she needed a nap.

  “I think you’re right,” she said, placing her feet underneath her in the seat. She pulled the lever to let the passenger seat recline back, and drifted off before she could say anything else.


  Raven’s cheek rested against warmth and smoothness, and
she moaned peacefully as she nestled her head deeper into the comfortable pillow that smelled exotic and addicting. Sighing, she felt at ease and relaxed. She hadn’t felt that way in a long time and wanted to savor the moment. Unfortunately, the motion under her stopped. Raven opened her eyes and saw a steering wheel with a golden, muscular arm attached to the bottom of it. She then realized that one of her arms was wrapped around Armand’s waist. She quickly sat back in her seat and looked over at him.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” he said, pulling into the parking lot of the medical facility.

  “Um, was I just lying on you?” Oh no …

  “Yep, for the past hour,” he said, turning off the truck. “You kinda slumped over on me. You were sleeping quite soundly and looked comfortable, so I didn’t want to disturb you.”

  Raven never was at a loss for words, but lately she had been in his presence. “Oh … I’m sorry. I …”

  “No biggie,” he shrugged, “didn’t bother me a bit. I don’t mind a pretty lady sleeping next to me.” He winked and opened his door. Sighing, Raven grabbed her purse and was about to open her door, but he beat her to it.

  “Thank you,” she said quietly, avoiding eye contact with him. She was still in shock that she had slept on his arm and actually thought it was comfortable.


  As soon as he asked, she realized that she was. It was after seven o’clock, and she hadn’t eaten since her empanada lunch.

  “I am. I’m longing for a cheeseburger.” Raven had begun to get homesick for American food. “However, I know that isn’t going to happen, or at least not the way I like it.” There were some eateries nearby that had American food, but she really wanted her favorite burger from Dyer’s Burgers on Beale Street.

  Armand opened the door to the building, and they walked toward the elevator.

  “Well … I can make you one.”

  “I didn’t think the chef liked us using his kitchen,” Raven replied, recalling two days ago, looking for something in one of the refrigerators only to be shooed out of the kitchen by Chef Reyes.

  “He doesn’t, but I have a galley kitchen in my apartment.”

  She stopped in her tracks as he stepped onto the elevator. She joined him a second later, still in shock.

  “Why do you have a kitchen in your apartment and I don’t?”

  “My dear, I have a few extra perks because I’m the chief of staff. However, you’re more than welcome to cook in it anytime while you’re here.”

  “Thank you. Now back to these burgers you’re going to cook for me.”

  A sexy grin crossed his handsome face, and his voice lowered as his gray eyes became darker. “So you’re accepting my invitation to cook dinner for you, Raven?”

  Upon hearing the intimate way he spoke her name, breathing escaped her. She tried to step back, but couldn’t because she was already in the corner of the elevator, which she prayed would open soon. It’s only three floors for goodness sakes!

  “Well …” Her voice trailed off as the elevator finally opened to the third floor, and her stomach rumbled.

  “So your stomach is answering for you?” he teased as they headed toward their apartments.

  She laughed nervously. “I guess so.” They stood facing each other in front of their respective doors. He was close enough to take one more step, and if he did his mouth would be on hers, something she almost wanted to happen considering the sexy way he’d just licked his lips like LL Cool J. “I have some salad items in my mini fridge.” She stepped back and found herself against her door. “I can go get them.” And take a cold shower to stop the fire that just blazed through my veins.

  “That sounds good.” He turned toward his apartment, and her heart finally started beating again. “I’ll leave the door unlocked for you.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you in about thirty minutes.”

  “I’ll be impatiently waiting,” he answered in a serious, seductive tone before disappearing into his apartment.

  Raven hurriedly went into hers, shut the door, and peeked out the peephole. His door was all the way shut, but then she saw it open. She dropped on the floor for the fear of him seeing her, but laughed to herself and shook her head. He couldn’t possibly see her through the small peephole.

  Okay, girl, get it together. You’re acting like a lovesick teenager over some man almost six years your junior.

  Chapter Four

  Waiting for Raven to arrive, Armand chopped up onions to sauté for the burgers while glancing at the ajar door. He was thankful he’d gone to the market that morning and picked up a pound of ground beef to make a meatloaf from a recipe his mother had emailed him. However, when Raven said she was longing for a cheeseburger, he had to oblige her. Luckily, he had some sourdough bread from his favorite bakery and potatoes to make steak fries. After Raven went into her apartment, he’d skipped down to the kitchen and managed to talk Chef Reyes into giving him some slices of cheese. The chef rambled something in Portuguese, his native language, but Armand heard a yes in there somewhere, grabbed some cheese, and made it back to his apartment before Raven arrived.

  On the ride home, he’d been pleasantly surprised that she’d curled up next to him to sleep. Of course, he knew it wasn’t on purpose. She was exhausted, and her body was still adjusting to a schedule she wasn’t used to in the States. He didn’t mind, especially when her arm reached around his waist, and she’d snuggled even closer. The soft moans she made were a complete turn on. Her addictive scent had loomed in the air, and he’d inhaled it deeply as she slept, occasionally stirring peacefully on him. He had to readjust himself in his seat a few times and think about something other than the gorgeous lady resting on him. Too bad his hands were on the steering wheel. He wanted to glide them over her exquisite body and pull her close to his chest as she slept while placing tender kisses on her forehead.

  Armand had been surprised of his thoughts. Since Raven had arrived, he’d told himself that he would keep it professional as she requested. However, it was something about her that made him want her. It was actually borderline need her, but he couldn’t entertain that at the moment. He never wanted to cross the line at his workplace, considering he was her boss and she was Cannon’s sister, and Armand respected him.

  A light knock on the door, and the squeak of it being pushed open, sent his head to the right. A smile emerged as Raven entered, carrying a huge bowl and a bottle of ranch salad dressing. She’d changed into wide-legged blue jeans that hugged her curvy hips, and a black ribbed tank stopped at the top of her jeans, which left a little of her brown-sugar skin exposed. Armand almost cut his finger as his concentration focused on her body. She may have been in her late thirties, but she definitely kept herself up. She wasn’t a skinny Minnie, but he could tell she watched her figure. Her juicy breasts were quite perky and jiggled as she walked toward him. He tried his hardest to rest his eyes on her face when she approached.

  “Hi there,” he said. “I just made the patties and placed them in the fridge. Also, I had some potatoes, so I made steak fries. They’re roasting in the oven now.” He tossed the onions into the hot skillet and washed the scent off his hands.

  “Mmmm … I was wondering what smelled so good.” She closed her eyes and inhaled the air. “Is that fresh rosemary and garlic?”

  “Yep. I sprinkled a little on the fries along with some olive oil.”

  “Can’t wait. What do you need me to do?” she asked, placing the salad and dressing in the refrigerator.

  He held the refrigerator door open before she could close it, and reached in to grab the plate of four plump beef patties. “Nothing. I’m cooking for you. Just have a glass of wine and relax.” He nodded his head toward the coffee table, which had a bottle of red wine and a glass next to it. His beer bottle sat on the table as well.

  She cocked her head to the side. “Actually, do you have another beer?”

  He was taken aback. She seemed too refined and classy to drink a beer, but then again he didn’t know
her which was one of the reasons why he invited her over.

  He grabbed another one from the refrigerator, opened it, and offered to put it in a glass, but she declined.

  “Your burgers and fries will be ready soon.” He placed the patties in the heated pan and grabbed two plates from the cabinet.

  “You’re sure you don’t need any help?”

  “I got this, Raven. Just relax.”

  “No arguments from me.” She proceeded to the living area in front of the kitchen with her beer, and sat on the floor resting her back on the bottom of the couch.

  “So do you cook often?”

  “Only when I want something in particular. Otherwise, I eat whatever Chef Reyes has prepared, or at one of the restaurants.”

  “Well it definitely smells good,” she said, taking a swig of her beer. “Good thing we’re not officially on call tonight.”

  “Yep. Unless something drastic happens, but that’s rare. Plus, that’s non alcoholic beer.”

  “Oh.” She pondered for a moment. “So … you were going to give me wine?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “I’m doing rounds later on tonight, otherwise I would’ve had wine as well.”

  Moments later, he joined her on the floor at the coffee table with their burgers, fries, and tossed salad. He’d thought they’d eat at the small kitchen table, but she seemed comfortable there.

  He watched as Raven bit into her burger. Instantly, she closed her eyes and moaned with a smile. Armand briefly imagined her lying underneath him with the same facial expression and the arousing moans escaping her. Goodness this woman is something else, and she doesn’t even know what she’s doing to me.

  Raven’s personal phone beeped. Retrieving it from the floor, she smiled wide at whatever the message said and typed something back with a loving expression. He felt a slight tinge of jealousy at whoever was receiving such an amazing smile. It never occurred to him that she may have a man. He didn’t know anything about her life except that she was Cannon’s twin sister and an Ob-Gyn from Memphis. He assumed she wasn’t married or engaged, for she wore no rings, but a woman as intelligent and beautiful as she was definitely had a boyfriend, or at least a man in her life that wanted the position.


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