Prescription for Desire

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Prescription for Desire Page 14

by Candace Shaw

  “I see. So we’re back to that, Raven.” He sat in the chair in front of her desk as her face scrunched up.

  “We agreed to leave Buenos Aires in Buenos Aires.”

  “No … I told you I loved you and was coming for you. Did you not remember that? Do you not remember crying in my arms the last time I made love to you? You told me how much you were going to miss me, and I made you a promise. I never break my promises.”

  “Armand … this isn’t the time nor place for this conversation.” Her eyes glanced back to the screen.

  “I understand. Name the time and place and I’ll be there.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Raven couldn’t believe she was actually at home waiting for Armand. She’d honestly thought she’d never see him again, but there he was today in her practice, which he now owned a percentage of. A very small percent, but it was his nonetheless.

  After delivering a baby that evening, she’d finally made it home around ten o’clock. She’d told Armand earlier that she’d call when she got home, but that it might be late. He’d told her he didn’t care, and he was staying at the Peabody. He was in town for the next few days taking care of business. He wasn’t officially starting at the practice for another two weeks.

  The doorbell chimed around midnight. Sahara’s ears perked up, and she barked, running toward the door. She picked up the dog and opened the door to see Armand standing on the other side, holding a bouquet of red roses.

  He petted the dog’s head. “So you must be Sahara. Heard a lot about you.” The dog wagged her tail. What a traitor, Raven thought, putting her down. She playfully scratched at Armand’s jeans before darting off.

  “She has a lot of energy for midnight,” he said, handing Raven the roses.

  “Sahara is always hyper when company comes. She was asleep before you arrived.”

  “Well … can I come in?”

  Raven didn’t answer, but instead stepped aside, and he passed through as his fresh scent gently touched her nose. He smelled and looked divine in a pair of jeans and a light blue sweater under a black leather coat. It was early April in Memphis with warm days and cool nights.

  She led them into the living area of her home. Sitting on the couch, she motioned for him to sit in the opposite love seat. She placed the bouquet of roses on the coffee table.

  He glanced at her gesture and rested his eyes on her. “Why didn’t you return any of my phone calls?”

  “Because I thought it was best, and I still do. Especially now that we’re working together again. I don’t date doctors that I work with. What you and I had was an out of town fling. Nothing more.”


  “And why are you back in the States so soon, anyway?” Of course, she knew the real reason, but she wasn’t going to tell him. She wanted to see how long he was going to omit the fact that he’d already had children. He could’ve easily told her when she was going on and on about the fact that he deserved to have his own flesh and blood children, which she couldn’t give him. He just should’ve been honest and maybe I would’ve given us a chance. “I thought you were going to Chile.”

  “I’d contemplated it, but like I told you earlier today, things change and I had to get my priorities straight. When I turned down the Chile position, I told Cannon I couldn’t accept it because I needed to move back to the States. He offered me the position at your practice. I actually had some other offers in the area as well, but I assumed when he offered it to me you were consulted.”

  “Normally, but he was handling the hiring. Personally, if I’d known I don’t think I would’ve been in agreement.”

  “You signed the contract without any disputes.”

  “Well, I couldn’t very well tell my brother and father that the only reason I would disapprove is because I had a fling with Dr. Phillips, and he thinks he’s in love with me.”

  “First of all, Raven, what we had wasn’t a fling and you know I love you. Even though you’ve never verbally said it, you love me. It’s written all over your beautiful face when you look at me. Perhaps you should go find the nearest mirror and see your reflection.”

  She stood. “Perhaps you should leave. Unless, of course, there’s something else you need to tell me.”

  He chuckled and stood as well. “Honestly, there was, but … humph. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Dr. Arrington.”


  “Doctor’s meeting. Apparently you guys have them every Tuesday.”

  “Right. I’ll see you tomorrow, Dr. Phillips.”

  After he left, Raven stared in the mirror over the foyer table. She let out a sarcastic laugh and wondered how on earth she was going to work with him again. He was right; it was written all over her face that she was in love with him.

  The next day, Raven sat numbly in her chair during the doctor’s meeting. She tried to concentrate on the quarterly update that Cannon discussed, but she couldn’t because Armand sat across from her. Luckily, his eyes were on Cannon or on the report in front of him.

  The meeting continued with Sean and Bria giving updates on the health and psychological screenings they’d done for a veteran’s association that past weekend.

  Sean breathed in deeply before he began. “The event was definitely a success, and I feel that we should continue assisting The Veteran’s Association of Memphis. You’d be amazed how many veterans aren’t receiving the proper health and psychological help they need. A lot of them have PTSD. It was truly heartbreaking to know that these men and women have fought to protect our country, only to come home and have nowhere to turn even though the veteran’s hospital is supposed to help.”

  Raven smiled at her brother. Some people never took him seriously because of his Will Smith type of personality. Sean reminded her of Will’s character from the Men in Black movies. However, her brother was truly the epitome of what she expected from a psychiatrist that cared about his patients and wanted to make a difference in their lives. He may have been a jokester and didn’t take life too seriously, but at work he was all business.

  “As a child of military parents, I definitely agree with you,” Armand stated. “Luckily, my parents are among the fortunate ones, but you’d be amazed at how many veterans are left out in the cold and shunned. Let me know when the next health screening is. I would definitely like to be involved.”

  “That’s awesome, man,” Sean said. “I’m going back this Saturday. Afterwards, we can go scope out some honeys … unless you have a woman.”

  Armand briefly glanced at Raven. She thought she was going to faint if he mentioned her, so she kicked his leg under the table. Grabbing her foot with his two feet, he held it hostage.

  “Nope. Apparently, she has moved on.”

  “Cool. Well, you know what they say about getting over a woman. We can go get drinks after work today with my friend Garrett. He’s also a PCP.”

  “That sounds like a plan,” Armand said, nodding his head with a wicked smile.

  Raven felt the jealously rise in her. “Excuse me, gentleman, but can we finish the meeting? We all have patients to see in an hour.” Raven managed to wiggle her foot free from his grasp.

  “Sorry, sis. You know I like to help people in all aspects of their life,” Sean said, scribbling something on the back of his business card. He turned it back over and slid it down the table to Armand. “The name on the back is the woman you should consider.”

  Armand stared at the name with a puzzled look on his face before slipping it into his shirt pocket with a grin and a sparkle in his eyes. Knowing Sean, it was some name like Honey, Candi, or Sapphire, Raven thought.

  The ring of a cell phone sent all of the doctors checking to see was it theirs. It was Armand’s.

  “Excuse me, everyone,” he said, pushing his chair away from the table. “Hello? Wait, slow down, Anastasia, and speak slowly. What’s wrong?”

  At the mention of his sister’s name, Raven placed her focus on Armand. His eyes met hers, growing wider and mor
e panic-stricken by each passing second.

  “Isabella is allergic to peanuts! Where’s her EpiPen?” He stood and rushed toward the door. “I’ll meet you at the hospital. Who has Israel?”

  Isabella? Israel?

  “What’s happened?” Cannon inquired.

  “I have to go. My daughter is on her way to Memphis General.”

  Raven grabbed her tote bag from under her chair, her pulse racing at one hundred miles per second. “I’ll drive you.”

  They rushed out of the office and into the elevator. Armand was still on the phone, listening to his sister. Raven stood numbly in the corner, watching the floor numbers go down. She wanted to ask him so badly what Isabella and Israel were doing with him, even though deep down she knew the answer. He’d called Isabella his daughter. Now she knew who Maria was referring to.

  “This way,” she said as they entered the parking garage and headed toward her Mercedes.

  “I’ll drive,” he shouted, reaching for her keys.

  “You don’t know the way, and you’re in no condition. Just stay on the phone.”

  Ten minutes later they made it to the hospital. She dropped him off at the curb outside of the ER and drove off to park. Luckily, this was one of the hospital’s she was associated with and could park in the doctor’s parking lot. She had a gazillion questions to ask him, but now wasn’t the time. The only thing that mattered was Isabella.


  “Oh thank God, you’re okay.” Armand sat on the edge of the bed with Isabella on his lap rocking her back and forth. “Daddy’s here.”

  “I’m so sorry, Armand,” Anastasia pleaded. “I had no idea the cookies had peanut butter in them, and we couldn’t find her EpiPen.”

  “It’s okay, sis. She only broke out in hives this time. You did the right thing in bringing her here. She’ll be fine, isn’t that right, big girl?” Armand asked as Isabella smiled at him. Suddenly, her eyes diverted from his face and she jumped off of his lap.

  “Dr. Arrington!” Isabella and Israel both screamed, running toward her for a hug.

  “Well, hello, Isabella and Israel.” She hugged them tightly and exhaled. He saw the tears well in her eyes, and she blinked several times. Armand knew then he’d made the right decision.

  “We missed you,” Israel said.

  “I missed the two of you as well. Very, very much.” She looked at Isabella. “How do you feel, precious?”

  “Just a little sleepy. The doctor gave me something to make the hives go away.”

  “They’ll be gone before you know it.” Raven stood and faced Armand. “What did the doctor say?”

  “He said she’ll be fine. She’s actually been released. Luckily, her breathing is fine, and there are no sores in her throat or mouth. I rechecked myself, of course. She’s only needed the EpiPen once a few years ago according to Maria. We went over everything I needed to know when I adopted the twins a couple of weeks ago.” He stopped and turned to his sister. “Anastasia, this is Dr. Raven Arrington.”

  Anastasia reached out her hand to shake Raven’s. “Pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you for the past few months, and now I see why my brother was determined more than ever to move back to the States.”

  “Oh … nice to meet you, as well. Armand tells me you’re a personal trainer. You definitely have a strong grip.”

  “Thank you.”

  Raven tilted her head to the side. “You look familiar, like I’ve seen you on television.”

  “You probably have. I do commercials and brochure ads for my family’s gym, The Fitness Palace.”

  “Wait.” Raven glanced at Armand and back to Anastasia. “Your family owns The Fitness Palace Gyms? They’re one of the top gyms in the country.”

  “Yes. Our parents started it about a year after they retired from the military. We’ve branched out all over the United States in the last five years and business has been very lucrative.” Anastasia turned toward her brother. “Armand, do you want me to take the twins back to the Peabody?”

  “Um … yes, and I’ll be on shortly. My rental car is back at the practice.”

  “Okay. Kiddies, I’ll be outside in the hallway while you say good-bye to your … father and Dr. Arrington.”

  “Are you coming soon?” Isabella asked.

  “Yes. I just need to take care of a few things at work, and I have an appointment to look at another townhome for us.”

  “And will you come, too, Dr. Arrington?” Israel asked.

  She smiled and ruffled his hair. “I’m sure I’ll see you later.”

  The children hugged both of them one more time before running out into the hallway.

  Exhaling loudly, Armand sat on the edge of the bed. “Wow, my first big scare. I don’t think I’ve ever been so frightened before in my life. My heart was racing a mile a minute.”

  She rubbed his back, and his heartbeat began to settle down again. “Thank you for bringing me. I would’ve crashed into something driving like a mad man.”

  “You’re welcome. I … well, I needed to come, too. When you said their names, I was in shock. I had no idea you’d adopted them. I’d called Maria to do the same, but she said that someone had adopted them and they were in good hands. I prayed it was the truth. Now I know that they are because they’re with you.”

  He stood and cupped her face. “Well, I couldn’t leave them. I just couldn’t imagine my life without them in it. That’s one of the reasons I didn’t take the position in Chile. The other is you. Why do you think we’re here?” He wiped a tear that had fallen down her cheek. “I wanted to tell you last night, but—”

  “I was a bitch.”

  “No, no, baby. You’ve never been that. You were just scared, but I promised you I was coming for you.”

  “So you still want to be with me?”

  He tilted his head to the side. “Well, I don’t know … that depends on something.”


  He removed Sean’s business card from his shirt pocket. “Do you think I should go out with her?”

  She smacked her lips and huffed. “One of Sean’s stripper friends? Who is it … Diamond? Luscious? Chardonnay?”

  “Read it.” He handed her the card, and Raven flipped it over. He watched as her almond-shaped eyes turned into saucer-shaped ones. Laughing, she shook her head.

  “This is my name,” she said, pointing to it.

  “Yeah, shocked me, too. Unless, of course, he knows something I don’t know.”

  “Well, I know I need to tell you something.”

  Instantly, a grin etched his face. “Oh really, and what’s that, beautiful?”

  “I love you, Armand.”

  “I love you, too, Raven.” He kissed her, tempted to toss her on to the hospital bed, until he heard a code red across the intercom system. Remembering where they were, they both laughed.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he said in a tone laced with passion.

  A few hours later, they were on the floor at the bottom of Raven’s staircase, unable to make it up the stairs to her bedroom. He caressed her back gently as she lay on top of him, placing kisses on her forehead.

  Raven ran her hand along his clean-shaven face. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I was wondering how you were able to buy into the practice and now I know.”

  “Yeah, I used some of my trust fund. Plus, I own a percentage of the Fitness Palace. Just so you know, I could’ve bought the entire practice ten times.”

  “I guess we have a lot of explaining to do with my family about us,” she said, circling her finger around the lion on his chest. She glanced at her watch and sighed. “We need to leave in a moment.”

  He groaned. “Oh yeah, we’re supposed to be at work. Remind me to call Maria.”

  “About Isabella?” Resting her chin on his chest, she gazed up at him.

  “No. About adding you to the adoption papers. You do still want to be their mother, right?”

  “More than anything else.” She
couldn’t stop smiling.

  “Didn’t I ask what you wanted more than anything in the world, and you popped a strawberry into my mouth to avoid the conversation?” He kissed her forehead before sitting up to button his shirt. “Since it was followed by mind-blowing sex, I didn’t mind, but I was asking for a reason.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Yes you did, and I’m forever grateful, even though I’m still in shock that all of this is happening. You’re actually here, and you did all of this for me.”

  “I told you to have a little faith.” He kissed her softly.

  “My mom said the same thing. Oh, by the way, she saw your picture on the Doctors Unlimited website and thinks you’re hot!” She reached up to the second step to retrieve her blouse and bra.

  “Cool. I guess mother and daughter both have great taste.”

  “I’ve missed you so much.”

  “Couldn’t tell. You weren’t returning my phone calls.”

  “I just wanted you to be happy,” she said, snapping her bra and turning it around to the back. “Sometimes you have to do the right thing, even when you don’t want to. Trust me, it wasn’t easy. I just didn’t want you to waste your time with an older woman.”

  “I’m very happy with you, and I love my cougar very much.” Armand pulled her onto his lap and kissed her softly, twirling his tongue with hers. “I wish I had time to show you again,” he whispered against her mouth, running his hands through her loose curls.

  “I’m not a cougar, and we don’t have time.” She scooted off of his lap and retrieved her dress slacks that were lying by the front door, along with her panties that were sitting by the foyer table.

  “I have an appointment with a real estate agent in less than an hour. We need to head back to the practice so I can grab my car, and you can go back to work. Are we telling them today, or do you want to wait?”

  She reached out her hands to help him off of the floor. While she fixed his tie, he buttoned her pants and belt buckle. “Um … no problem, but you can cancel your appointment. I know of a perfect place for you and our children to stay.”


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