Claimed by the Alphas

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Claimed by the Alphas Page 2

by Izzy Slam

  “With me? Of course. I want you to be comfortable, happy.”

  What could I ask that seemed curious and not intrusive? “Tell me about your family? Are your parents still alive?”

  “Yes, they are. My father owns the farm that I manage while he works at the general store four days a week. I also have three sisters, two aunts and uncles, and nine cousins. You’ll eventually meet them all.”

  We approached the shade of a tree, and he removed his vest, lying it on the ground and gesturing for me to sit. He quickly joined me, wrapping his arms around his knees. I noticed his large hands and thick veins rolling along the top.

  “Tell me about you. I know your father passed years ago from influenza, but do you have any other family?”

  “Not really. My mother was an only child, and her parents were killed in a village raid when she was just a teen. That’s when she met my father. He found her hiding and took her in to keep her safe, marrying her when she was of age.”

  He slipped his fingers through mine and stretched out his legs, pulling my hand to his lap. “Those raids created many orphans. I’m glad your mother was rescued.”

  “Me too,” I echoed with a smile. “She is a wonderful woman. I just hope she doesn’t get too lonely or struggle to get by.” I suddenly realized the passive aggressive nature of my musing and immediately turned red. “I’m sorry, Master. I just meant that, well, you know, I just worry about her, that’s all. I don’t regret being purchased at all.”

  His eyes darted around my face, an intense look in his eyes. There might be consequences for what I’d just said. Consequences that ranged from a hard spanking to a verbal thrashing.

  “You speak your mind to me, Claire. I’ll tell you if it is too much.”

  I gulped and nodded.

  “As for your mother, I will make sure she’s taken care of. If she gets lonely, I’ll move her here.”

  My chest suddenly swelled with happiness. “You would do that for her?”

  “I take care of my family. And that includes your widowed mother, if and when she needs it. I knew what I was getting into when I made the decision to purchase a fatherless bride.”

  So much honesty in his voice, and in his eyes. I wanted so much to cup his face, to feel the ruggedness of his body against mine. Lord, what was happening to me? I did not expect to be overwhelmed with this much lust when I first met him.

  “Thank you, Master. You’re a good man.”

  He pulled my hand closer to his crotch, making my heart race like mad. I wasn’t sure if it was an oversight or if he was feeling as heady as I was. But I had no desire to complain.

  We sat for another half hour, talking about our families. He filled me in on his wife and her passing, saying that he had never known such pain. He also told me that he sorted through dozens and dozens of photos before coming across mine.

  “May I ask what you thought when you first saw my picture?”

  He released a low growl and pulled my face towards his, dangerously close to his lips. “I had to have you. That’s what I thought.”

  I pulled in a rush of air, never expecting to hear such a raw confession.

  “In fact,” he grumbled. “I must have a small part of you right now. I can’t wait another moment to begin our training.”


  I stood before my master in the small bedroom as he brushed his hands over my face. He pushed the shoulders of my dress down, revealing my pale skin. Waves of desire rippled through me as well as uncertainty. Surely he wouldn’t take me before our wedding vows were exchanged? While he technically owned me, having paid for me already, he should still want to abide by common law rules, one of which was maintaining purity until legally wed.

  “You have questions running through that pretty little head, don’t you, darling?”

  I nodded as he inched so close to me, I felt his body heat blanket me. The corner of his lips pulled up into a sly smile as he moved to my neck, planting soft kisses along my flesh.

  I gasped and threw my hands up to his chest. My loins throbbed as the heat built there, and when his tongue dragged along my clavicle, my nipples puckered into hard bumps underneath my dress.

  Master’s fingers found them and softly pinched them, making me quiver with need. “Don’t worry,” he growled, cupping my breasts and squeezing them. “I’m not taking what’s not yet legally mine.”

  “Oh—okay…” I whispered, feeling a blissful combination of relief and disappointment.

  “But I do feel compelled to begin your bedroom training.”

  Holding my face steady, Master dragged his lips over my cheek, down to my chin, and up the other side, giving me soft kisses that made my knees wobble.

  When I was dizzy and could hardly stand up, he took a few steps back and began to loosen his trousers.

  “Have you maintained purity for me, Claire? Internally?”

  A question I had been expecting. My maidenhood—external purity—had been checked and confirmed through a certification process he had paid for weeks ago, then rechecked before leaving yesterday morning. What he was asking about—my internal purity that could not be certified and relied solely on my honesty—referred to the deepest part of a woman’s womb and whether an orgasm had taken place by a lack of self-control, a need to touch yourself and experience that release. I’d wanted to many times but had resisted the deep urges.

  “Yes, Master. I have maintained the highest purity there is.”

  I saw his crotch twitch as he began unbuttoning his shirt, exposing the upper part of his tanned, muscular chest. My face heated. My whole body heated. I felt a pulse between my legs and squeezed my thighs together.

  “Your innocence makes me happier than I’ve ever been, darling. But you need to learn how to properly please your husband. And since I cannot strip you of your virginity just yet, that leaves your mouth for the taking.”

  Heat rippled through me, settling between my legs, an urge deep in my core. For the first time, the idea of taking him in my mouth didn’t revolt me. But it did terrify me. I had no idea what to do, if anything.

  “Nothing would make me happier than pleasing you with my mouth, Master.”

  I noticed movement at his crotch, a sudden flick of fabric. Reaching his hand through the slit, he kept his gaze focused on me as he pulled out his manhood. I knew what a man looked like, and my best friend had described her husband’s in great detail. But seeing one in real life, only several feet away, was shocking. The size of it, the color, the … erectness. He held it out for me, stroking it with his large hand several times.

  “Do you want me to get undressed?” I asked. I don’t know why. He would tell me what he wanted. He certainly wasn’t shy. And he owned me. It was his duty to tell me what to do.

  “Not yet, Claire. Come here.”

  I walked the few steps in his direction, keeping my eyes directed at his face, overwhelmed at the lust that seemed to be spilling forth.

  “Take it in your hands, see how hard it is.”

  Without looking, I reached forward and found his length, gasping at the heat of his silken flesh and the raging rod of hardness underneath all of that. I wrapped my fingers around it and squeezed slightly, and immediately felt it jerk in response.

  A low rumble came from deep in his throat. “Now, move your hand back and forth, let your fingers glide over the length of it.”

  I kept my eyes locked on his, feeling my urges grow. My cheeks felt like they were on fire, and as I moved my hand back and forth, and heard my future husband grumble in response, it made me throb more. I had a sudden compulsion to lift my dress and rub him against me. I was sure it wasn’t ladylike to have these urges, but there they were, nonetheless.

  “How does it feel?” he edged out, his voice sounding gruff.

  “It feels … so nice.” I didn’t know what else to call it.

  “Mm, it feels nice for me, too. Run your fingers around the circumference.”

  I did as he said, feeling wetness alon
g the very tip. Sticky, warm pre-cum smeared along my thumb, and I noticed that he let out a huff.

  “My darling. It’s time to get on your knees and take me past your lips.”

  My nipples pricked, and hot tingles danced along my flesh as I continued to smear around his pre-cum. Breathless, self-conscious, and nervous, I also felt that delightful knot forming in my core that was driving me to submit, to learn everything about pleasing my master as I could.

  I lifted the lower part of my dress as I went down, bunching it up along my knees to soften the impact. His erection bounced before me, and not sure of what to do, I flitted my gaze up at his handsome face.

  His hands went softly but firmly through my locks and he tugged my head forward. “Don’t give it a thought, darling. Just hold it in your mouth and swirl your tongue around. I’ll guide you the rest of the way to ensure you satisfy me.”

  My heart fluttered inside my chest as I held it steady with my thumb and forefinger. The veins along the side were a dark purple, snaking like a winding river over his shaft. I parted my lips and took him in my mouth, but his flesh stuck to my dry lips, so I came back out, then used my tongue to lick the surface of his crown, rolling it in large circles over the swelled, purple helmet.

  “Oh yes, my maiden. That’s perfect.”

  I smiled to myself, and when I got to the slit of his small opening, I probed my tongue through the hole, tasting the saltiness of his pre-cum. It was also slick, just like what was between my legs. When I heard him let out a low growl and fist my hair tightly, that throb found its way between my legs again, and desire swept through me, leaving me dizzy.

  At that point, his crown was thoroughly coated in a mixture of saliva and his slick fluids, so I wrapped my lips around him and sank all the way down his length. My jaw had to really stretch to accommodate all of him.

  “Oh God…” he groaned. “My Claire… my innocent, sweet Claire…”

  Thrilled that I was pleasing him, I used my tongue to move along his shaft, darting it quickly along the base of his glans. He throbbed inside my mouth, and it made me realize that I wanted his tongue between my legs, doing the same naughty deed. The mental imagery forced me to buck my hips as my own fluid seeped into my drawers.

  I found myself bobbing my head as his penis hardened like a pistol. My fingers even began to massage the base of him as my saliva dripped down and made his flesh slick.

  “Oooohh, yeah…. Suck my cock…”

  Master held my head and pumped his rigidness in and out of my mouth, taking control of me and demanding I suck him harder and faster. My vagina ached the harder he got, and need rippled through my stomach, floating down between my legs.

  “I’m about to cum, darling. Swallow every bit of my seed like a good bride in training.”

  I released a moan, and there was this hard jerk that passed through his erection. Just then, warm, salty fluid spilled onto the back of my tongue. My pulse pounded, but I did as he said, swallowing every bit that oozed like syrup from his slit.

  “So gooooood…” he growled. “Your mouth is so good, so fuckable.”

  His filthy mouth shocked me but also made me hot. I sucked and licked him until he forcibly ejected himself, brushing back my long curls and telling me what a good job I had done pleasing him.

  He gripped the base of his shaft and held his long, purple cock in front of my face.

  “Would you like for me to do it again, Master?”

  I desperately wanted to know what it felt like to be orally pleased as well, but I knew that wouldn’t happen. Not now, and maybe not ever. And I couldn’t even touch myself to remove the ache that had become unbearable.

  “Not right now. There’s something else I wish to do.”

  I stood in front of him as he lowered the top part my dress to expose my ample breasts.

  “There will be times that I need you to service my cock, Claire, as nothing more than a place to quickly deposit my seed when the urge strikes. I may not want to take the time to remove your clothes. I’ll simply … lift your dress or request you to your knees, like I did just now.” I sank my teeth into my lower lip as he brushed his thumb along my exposed nipple. “But then, at other times, I may wish to indulge you in the pleasures of your own flesh. I may wish to see your beautiful body, your full breasts, your wet pussy, and all those wonderful curves that I know are hiding underneath this dress.”

  I let out a whimper, and his gaze flitted in my direction.

  “How does that make you feel?” he asked, wrapping a strong grip around my breasts.

  How could I describe how I felt? I wanted more of him touching me, everywhere. “Warm, wanted,” I managed to say.

  He flashed a hungry smile, then leaned down and pressed his lips to one of my nipples, cupping my other breast with his free hand and teasing that nipple with a soft pinch. His tongue swirled over the hardened bud, forcing tingling sensations to shoot right between my legs. I huffed as he released a moan.

  It was as if every part of my body was suddenly alive. But my vagina was throbbing with need. And so much liquid was leaking out of me, I was sure that even the slit of my drawers was soaked.

  Master kissed, sucked, and licked the sensitive bumps atop my fleshy breasts, flicking his tongue with such speed, I let out a long moan that took me by surprise. His breathing became ragged, and when his hand wandered down the side of my hip, I knew where he was headed.

  He lifted the bottom of my dress until my drawers were exposed. “Sit on the bed there and spread your legs for me.”

  I did as he asked, bringing my feet up to the mattress and parting my thighs. He stood before me and finished unbuttoning his shirt before tugging it off. He was so strong and masculine, it made me throb and pulse out a voluminous amount of fluid that dribbled down the crack of my rear. My breasts stood out like hard points, the sensitive nipples erect like my master’s manhood poking out from his trousers.

  He dropped to his knees and put his hands on my thighs, boring his gaze into me as he lowered his lips to my ladyhood. A solitary finger probed my opening, forcing both of us to groan.

  “My lovely, innocent bride-to-be … you’re so deliciously wet.”

  I huffed as he pumped the tip of his finger in and out of my opening. His touch was making the ache stronger, but also satisfying a deep, urgent need.

  “Oh … Master,” I whispered, so happy to have the promise of an orgasm so close.

  “Yes,” he growled, pushing his finger in further. “I am your master, and this is my pussy.”

  He pulled his finger out and swirled it over that bump of tissue. My body shook all over as he moved a finger over it.

  “I can feel your maidenhood, and it’s making me so hard, darling.”

  “Oh yes,” I purred like a kitten.

  He licked his lips as he stared at the small tuft of dark hair that rested on top of my mound. My clit felt heavy and swollen, and his eyes floated up to my chest. Just the simple act of that quick glance made my nipples curl up.

  When his hand smoothed over my thin thatch of hair, I trembled uncontrollably, forcing more fluid to leak down the crack of my bottom. His fingers parted my vaginal lips, and I got a good look at my clitoris—all pink, shiny, and swollen.

  His tongue swiped along that little bump, and I jerked hard on the bed. I leaned back on my elbows and watched him plant kisses along the wet tissue, making me tingle all over.

  “Master …” I moaned.

  His groan echoed mine, and he once again inserted one of his thick fingers part of the way in my channel, moving it in and out and putting slight pressure on that sliver of tissue that defined my innocence. It felt so good, I couldn’t help but rock my hips up and down in sync with his hand.

  When he began lapping my wet gash repeatedly, letting his tongue glide over my clit with each pass, a ball formed in my belly. A very hot ball that grew bigger and tighter. It felt as though my clit were expanding, growing larger by the second.

  He wiggled his tong
ue fiercely back and forth over that swollen bundle of tissue for a few seconds, then paused. As his finger pumped in and out of my tight vagina, he looked up at me.

  “You will not cum until I allow it, do you understand?”

  I gripped the sheets and huffed. “Yes, Master.”

  “When I do finally take your innocence, you will have an orgasm around my cock. I want to feel your walls grip me and milk my sack for every drop of seed. Is that clear?”

  “Y—yes, sir. I mean Master.”

  God, I was delirious with need, but he didn’t seem to mind my slip of the tongue. He simply removed his finger from my hole and stood up before gripping my hips and tugging me down to the edge of the bed.

  His manhood was raging hard and bright red as it hovered over my pussy. He began rapidly moving a fist up and down the length of his shaft, and I found myself unconsciously thrusting my hips upward. Veins throbbed on his forehead, and his jaw clenched.

  When I glanced back down at his cock, all I saw were white knuckles as he gripped the base tightly. Thick, white fluid spurted out, landing on my pubic hair, then on the fabric of my pretty white dress before shooting and landing on the flesh between my breasts.

  “Fuuuuck!” he cried out, tightening his grip and letting one more burst of fluid pulse out. It landed on my lower belly as he let out a long growl.

  My pussy throbbed, wanting to experience the same kind of release. How could I go another day with this and not lose my sanity? It didn’t matter because I didn’t have a choice.


  I teased her with my tongue, savoring her sweet and tangy juices as she harshly rocked her hips in repetitive jerks. She was desperate for a release, that was easy to see. And the tease was making me in dire need for one as well. But I would not let her cum yet. I want to feel her contractions gripping my manhood on our wedding night, knowing that her walls are milking my balls, that her fertile body is craving pregnancy as much as I want to see her pregnant with my child.

  The way Claire was splayed out before me, with her large breasts and virginal pussy exposed for me, how could I not shoot another load? It landed on her pubic mound, soiled her dress, and sprayed along her cleavage as I held back a roar.


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