Claimed by the Alphas

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Claimed by the Alphas Page 10

by Izzy Slam

  I should push him off me, tell him that’s enough, I don’t want any more.

  But I do want more, damnit.

  And the second he sits up and straddles my face, tugging out his erection, I know I’m going to get more.

  Holding the base of his hard cock, Garret brushes the tip along my lips. “Give daddy’s dick a lick, baby girl.”

  I release a small growl, wondering what the hell makes him think he can boss me around like this. But as a string of pre-cum smears along my cheek, and I realize how aroused he is, by me, I start to feel that white-hot lust burning inside of me. My clit throbs, and I know I’m done for.

  I stick out my tongue and he fists the top of my head, tugging on my hair.

  “Atta girl, just like that, darlin’.”

  I swirl my tongue around his crown, feeling it flinch in response. It’s dark enough that I can’t see much more than the shape, but none of it matters as he pushes himself past my lips, forcing me to take him all the way to the back of my throat. He tastes salty and earthy, the texture of his erection smooth yet veiny.

  “Aw, shit. This mouth of yours works just as good for sucking as it does for fighting, don’t’cha think?”

  I whimper in response, and his animalistic growls are fuel for my lust as he pumps his hips wildly. I can feel him growing in length, getting harder, hotter, longer. I plant the palms of my hands on his upper quads, feeling his rough movements as he fucks my mouth and tightens his fingers in my hair.

  My scalp begins to burn, and I find myself thrusting upward, right as he lets out a loud, throaty moan and cums in my mouth.

  I choke and gag as hot liquid sprays my tonsils, struggling to swallow it all down. And just when I think he’s done, he thrusts again, one more pulse of thick fluid bursting out.

  “Fuuuuuuck,” he growls, burying himself so deep that his balls graze my chin.

  I struggle to breathe as he rolls his hips in a circle. But when he finally starts to go soft, he pulls out past my lips, and I can feel the blood flow back to my brain.

  I guess this is what “used” feels like. And I never would have thought it would turn me on so.


  Lilly and I sleep together all night, curled up in each other’s arms. I thought for sure she’d try to get out of the bed after I came in her mouth, fussing and fighting about how I took advantage.

  But she didn’t. In fact, she seemed … content, wiggling her little bottom against me before drifting off to the land of slumber.

  And when I woke up with a raging hard-on, I knew just what I wanted.

  She seemed to purr as I slid my hands down her pajama pants, kicking her leg up in the air to give me easier access to her pretty little pussy. Her cunt was wetter than it was last night as I sank a few fingers partway up her snatch, being careful not to bust through her delicate cherry, then coming out to play with her clit.

  She whimpered and squirmed as I brought her to orgasm, her backside rubbing against my hard cock and making it leak enough pre-cum to soak the damn bed. I could feel her little clitty just a bouncing and throbbing as I rubbed it, and it turned my dick to steel.

  Once she was done, and I felt like she was right where I needed her to be, I lifted her leg higher and slid my cock through her wet folds, getting it nice and lubed up.

  “Hold still for daddy. I’ve got a special delivery for a special girl.”

  She tossed a look over her shoulder and arched her back for me as I pressed the head of my cock to her tight asshole. Her voice whimpered and her body went tight.

  “Just relax, now, and it won’t hurt.”


  “Ssshhhh…” I said, putting a finger over her lips as I went deeper.

  I slid a hand under her pajama top and toyed with her puffy nipples as she let out a moan. My cock throbbed as I pushed inside her rear entry, and she squirmed a little more.

  I nuzzled my nose in her sweet smelling neck as I felt her ring of muscles stretching to accommodate me. “Damn, baby. Your tight little asshole is gonna make these balls explode,” I growled in her ear.

  Lilly huffed and shook her head slightly, pressing her hand down my thigh as if trying to push me away.

  “It—it hurts…”

  I pinched one of her nipples and she hissed.

  “Listen here, baby girl. This trailer is mine, and so is this hot little virgin ass of yours. And I’m gonna take what’s mine. Feel free to enjoy it if you like.”

  Pulling in a rush of air, Lilly whimpered as I went all the way in. Her tight ring seemed to grip me, all the way down my shaft.

  Her body went soft and she mewed a “yaaaaahhhhh” as I started moving in and out.

  “You want daddy to make you cum again, baby?” I mumbled in her ear.

  She huffed hard several times and nodded her head.

  I increased my speed as I navigated my hand to her pussy, cupping it while also slipping one finger in her entrance. Fuck, I couldn’t believe how wet she was, and as my cock moved in and out of her little bottom, I came closer and closer to cumming.

  My balls filled with so much cum as I teased her clit, feeling it grow hard and puffy underneath my middle finger. And Lilly’s writhing and squirming brought me closer to the edge than I thought possible.

  Then again, given how tight her asshole was, and how wet her little pussy, it was no wonder, really.

  “Mm, daddy’s gonna blow his wad in his girl’s little bottom…” I grumbled in her ear.

  Lilly moaned and bucked her hips as she came. I could feel her sphincter clamping down around my shaft as she orgasmed, and it sucked the cum straight from my sack instantaneously.

  We both vocalized our pleasure in loud groans, filling up the air around us. By the time we were done, the bed was soaked.

  And I decided then and there I wanted to plow through that cherry of hers.

  Yep, I’m gonna make her my wife this week.


  I don’t know what’s come over me. I just know I can’t believe I let that asshole have his way with me. I keep telling myself I won’t get swept away by the touch of his hand again. But when I look at him, I can’t help but get so wet and horny.

  How am I supposed to stand up to him and get my trailer back if I’m going to go weak in the knees every time he’s near me?

  And don’t even get me started on what he said last night—that this trailer was his just as much as my hot little ass. Fuck. It should have infuriated me. And it kind of did. But then that fury turned into raw passion and lust that made me cum like the slut-for-him that I am.

  As if my inability to resist his advances isn’t bad enough, I had to resort to showering in his bathroom this morning since I didn’t have a curtain for the guest bath. I had promised myself I wouldn’t use anything of his that wasn’t mine. Otherwise, I would … I don’t know … owe him or something. But I didn’t have a choice. And as I’m standing here with all the hot water running down my body, and smelling his soaps and shampoos that are already familiar to me, I’m getting aroused again and finding myself fantasizing about him coming in here, pinning me against the shower wall, and fucking my bottom again.

  I touch my throbbing pussy as I imagine his rough hands holding me down, grunting as he plugs my butt with his thick shaft.

  And when I see his shadow enter the bathroom through the semi-see-through fiberglass door, I bite my lip, waiting for it to happen.

  “You about done, darlin’? Breakfast is ready.”

  What the—? Why isn’t he coming in here to take me?

  Fine. Not like I wanted it that bad anyway.

  “I’m not having breakfast with you,” I snap. “And do you mind giving me some fucking privacy?”

  I hear him growl and his shadow disappears. I’m madder at myself at this point for being so harsh with him. I mean, the man did go to the trouble to make breakfast. I can smell the bacon and maple syrup. Maybe I ought to apologize.

  I turn off the water and get out o
f the shower, drying myself off with one of his soft but thick towels. I step out onto the plush bath mat and wrap the towel tightly around my body and approach the sink, when all of a sudden, Garret enters the bathroom again.

  I spin to face him, ready to say I’m sorry, when this look washes over his face.

  “You’ve been a bad girl, mouthing off to daddy like that.”

  I chew on the inside of my lip and look at the floor, feeling those desires twist in my gut again. “Well, in my defense, you—”

  “Hush up and turn around,” he says, moving towards me.

  Trembling with arousal and maybe a little uncertainty, I do as he says, facing the mirror that’s fogged up with steam.

  “Now bend over and hike that towel up so I can see your naked bottom.”

  My pussy quivers as I lift the towel to my hips then fold my body in half, until my elbows are on the countertop.

  Garret makes a fist in my hair, tugging it firmly as he hungrily gropes the globes of ass. He moans several times as he strokes my flesh, and I wonder if he’s about to discipline me or if he’s suddenly too aroused to do it.

  But then, right out of the blue, he pops me on the ass six times, so hard that it stings. I squeeze my eyes closed and feel my body quivering.

  “You’re gonna show me the respect I deserve in my own home, girl. Or else this bottom will be so sore, you won’t be able to sit down.”

  I huff, and my cunt is now dripping down the inside of my thighs.

  “Do I make myself clear?” he asks, sliding his hand between my legs and running his fingers over my throbbing labia.

  I nod, secretly hoping he will find my clit and give me the release I need.

  “I can’t hear you,” he barks.


  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, daddy.”

  He moves behind me and grinds his crotch into the crack of my ass, his jeans biting my flesh. I can feel his thick erection bulging, wanting to be free. Releasing his grip on my hair and backing away, Garret is still not taking me like I want.

  “You get dressed now and meet me in the kitchen for breakfast.”

  I stand there, my body hot and my cheeks flushed as he walks away. Well, at least I know what I can and can’t say to him.

  Which leads me to my original conundrum: how in the hell am I supposed to get my home from him if he’s acting like this?

  At breakfast, Garret is quiet. I stuff myself on bacon and pancakes and help myself to a second cup of coffee. As I’m pouring creamer in, he walks behind me and starts kissing my shoulder. A smile forms on my lips, and my nipples turn to steel bullets, tingling and pricking underneath my cotton top. I immediately force that smile right off my face, remembering I need to stand my ground with him.

  “You gotta work today, baby girl?”

  I shake my head. “Nope. I got the whole week off. You know, so I can move into my trailer. Think I’ll go see an attorney today, too. Get this shit straightened out once and for all.”

  He grumbles and slides his hands up my arms, moving them to cup my breasts. His fingers find my nipples, and since they’re still hard, he growls in my ear as he pinches them between his digits, forcing me to hiss.

  “Why you gotta be like that, baby? ‘Specially when I got us the perfect solution.”

  “What’s the solution?” I ask, my eyes starting to roll back into my head as he teases my nipples and grinds his erection against my bottom.

  “Well, it starts with a lickin’ and ends with a stickin’.”

  I huff as he tugs my shorts down my legs, then lifts me up and sets me on the kitchen counter.

  “And I’m about to do one of those right now.” He crashes his lips to mine and kisses me like I’ve never been kissed. His tongue swirls around inside my mouth and makes me ache between the legs.

  Desire ripples through me in waves as he pulls my dangling shorts and panties off my feet. I watch his face as he grabs me by the ankles, the years of experience and wisdom around his dark eyes making me so hot right now.

  He places my feet on the counter and tugs down the top of my shirt so that my small tits are exposed, and he drags his tongue over the both of them as his finger slides around my pussy.

  “Oh fuck,” I whisper, knowing I will never be able to resist this man. And oh, how I hate and love it.

  Garret bends down and replaces his finger with a tongue, slipping and sliding it all around my engorged cunt, then coming up to lick my clit.

  I groan in agonizing bliss, letting my legs fall open and my head fall back. Garret’s hands grip my hips as he goes to town licking my dripping pussy. I throttle my hips up and down, and when he slides two fingers partway in my cunt, I come undone.

  “Oh, please fuck me, daddy. Yes! Oh god, I want that cock!”

  I have no idea where all those words come from. I just know I want to feel him take me hard and fast.

  He growls and plunges his fingers slightly deeper, curling them up and digging them into this magical spot inside of me. When he flicks his gaze up at me and catches me staring at him, he presses his hand to my face, fingers covering my eyes and obscuring my view.

  “Don’t look at what daddy’s doing to you, baby. It’s too dirty for those virgin eyes…”

  I lose control just then, my body shaking and jerking as I cum while he sucks softly on my clit and massages my walls. I can feel the innermost part of me clenching around his fingers.

  He glides a hand up to my breasts, tweaking my nipples as my body shudders for the next few minutes. It’s the longest orgasm of my life. And by far the best one I’ve ever had.

  Garret stands up and steps out of his jeans, his erection prominent as he cups my ass and slides me off the counter top. I wrap my arms around his neck and he carries me to the couch, setting me down and ordering me to take him in my mouth.

  I scoot to the edge of the sofa, wrapping my fingers around the base of his length, taking in his sheer size with intimidation.

  “I done the lickin’, but I ain’t gonna do the stickin’ in your pussy till you’re my wife. Now use that mouth for something good and make daddy cum.”

  I tug his length a few times, not quite sure how I’m supposed to react to his declaration of marrying me. I think he must be joking. But the way his dick is twitching in my hand and oozing clear fluid is making me so hot I can hardly think straight.

  I wrap my lips around his crown and suck, bobbing my head as he tangles his fingers in my hair.

  “Ahhh, shit,” he moans, grinding his hips back and forth.

  His hardness glides in and out of my mouth. I can feel his veins throbbing against my tongue as I slather it all over his length. I reach up and cup his balls, curious about how they feel. He groans in response and forces himself to the back of my throat, tightening his grip on my hair. I feel his shaft pulse and his balls turn hard as they seem to coil in the palm of my hand. And then Garret releases a long growl as he jets a hot stream in my mouth.

  I’m forced to drink him down, every bit of his earthy liquid, his cock a bouncing, throbbing rod of steel with each pulse of fluid. His animalistic noises let me know I must be doing a good job. And when he picks me up from the couch and holds me tightly to him, I wrap my legs around his waist and run my fingers through his hair.

  The creases around his eyes speak of experience, but they soften as he looks at me. “You and me are gonna have a good life, baby girl. I promise you that.”

  He winks at me and sets me down, and as he walks away, I know I’m powerless to saying ‘no’ to him.

  He’s going to make me his wife, no matter what. And I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.


  I’ve never been with a woman I had so much power over. I think that’s why, for the remainder of the week, I’m able to fuck my Lilly several times a day.

  I don’t even ask her. I just go up to her, lift her slinky top, rub her tits while groaning in her ear, and her tender little body melts against my erect

  I’ve also never known a woman to cum with such force—on my finger, my tongue, and around my cock when I’m fucking her tight little ass. She no longer fights me about the house being hers. And when I mention this being my place and her obeying my rules, I swear her pussy just gushes.

  This morning, I watch her while she plants seedlings in the garden outside. The little angel had put on a pair of pink shorts that were way too fucking short (to wear in public anyway). When she bends over, the seam of those shorts rides into the crack of her ass, forcing her round bottom to stick out. Her skin is so creamy, and if I’m not mistaken, there’s a small wet spot right smack dab in the middle. God dammit, my Lilly is making me hard as a rock.

  I walk outside while she’s digging a new hole, that pretty little ass just jutting up in the air, and I pull my cock out of my pants. We don’t have any neighbors, so I don’t have to worry about that, which is a good thing, because I’m about to commit vile acts on my soon-to-be bride.

  She hears me coming up behind her and swivels her head in my direction, but doesn’t get up.

  “Oh! You scared me,” she laughs.

  “Yeah, well, I’m about to assfuck you in the garden. How you feel about that?”

  I yank her shorts down, exposing her round ass and pretty pussy lips. Lilly pulls in a gasp as I sink the head of my cock into her cunt to get it slicked up, then go right into her tight rose. I ain’t wasting no time today as my dick is leaking more pre-cum than ever.

  I grip her hips tightly and proceed to fuck her so hard, her hair swooshes violently back and forth, brushing along the loose dirt where she was just digging.

  Lilly grunts with each thrust as her body remains folded over. I can feel the cum brewing in my ball sack, growing heavier and heavier with each passing second. Lilly’s grunts turn into moans of pleasure as her ass tightens around my girth. I can tell she’s about to cum.

  “You like being taken rough by daddy like this, don’t you, baby girl?”

  Her voice squeaks, and that’s when I notice a gush of fluid rush out of her pussy, spraying my balls and dripping down my thighs.


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