Claimed by the Alphas

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Claimed by the Alphas Page 12

by Izzy Slam


  After I make it home, I get everything ready to draw a hot bath. I’m a little rattled by seeing Dyer, in more ways than one. First, I’ve never been around to watch a prisoner being released. Secondly, I wouldn’t have expected to feel an attraction to such a wild looking thing. Who knows how dangerous he is. And he’s just going to be … walking around, a free man.

  When I hear a knock at my door, not long after getting the bath water heated on the wood stove, I nearly jump out of my skin. I don’t ever have visitors this late. And when I pull open the door, I can’t believe it when I see Dyer Wilson standing there, towering over me like a wild beast. He’s also holding a rose.

  I throw a hand to my mouth and he seems a little surprised.

  “It’s okay, ma’am. I ain’t here to start trouble.” He passes me the rose, and I take it from him, wondering what it’s for.

  “Can I help you with something?”

  “I sure hope so. You’re Ella Logan, right?”

  Dear God. He knows my name? “Yes. How did you know?”

  His smile melts my reserves just a bit, making me feel warm all over.

  “I enquired with one of the locals and he happened to inform me that you might be in need of some help around here, what with your family being gone and all.”

  I chew on the inside of my lip and glance down at the flower, still covered in a small amount of dew along the petals’ edges. “I’m … not sure what you mean. Help with what exactly?”

  Dyer looks past me and slides his hands inside of his pockets. “May I come in, Ella?”

  I’m not sure if this is a good idea. But if Dyer Wilson’s only crime was theft, and he’s not a violent criminal, I ought not be afraid. Not like I have anything worth stealing anyway. If he is a violent criminal, my telling him to get lost won’t do any good.

  He’s here on a mission. Might as well let him spell it out.

  “Sure, come on in.”

  I step aside and he walks in, floating his gaze around the cabin. “You got a cozy place here, Ella. You really live all alone here?”

  I swallow down the nervousness and nod. “Yes, I really do. My Ma and Pa perished last year in a horrible accident. I don’t have any siblings to take care of. Blessing and a curse, I suppose.”

  “How old are you, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  “I’m eighteen. But I’ll be nineteen next month.”

  He nods and eyes me up and down again. Heat ripples through me, and I shudder, lust suddenly flowing through my veins, unapologetically.

  “Sorry to hear about your family. Look, I won’t beat around the bush, Ella. My name’s Dyer Wilson. I just got out of jail. I ain’t never hurt anybody, but I did some thieving, got caught, paid my dues.”

  I gulp and nod, looking once again at the flower and lifting it to my nose to catch its sweet scent. Dyer takes a few steps toward me.

  “I need a place to stay, and in return, I’ll do whatever you need around here. I’ll hunt dinner—quail, deer, whatever you like—fix that bad spot in your fireplace …” Oh god, he noticed? “I’ll chop down trees and gather wood for the upcoming winter and use whatever’s left over to build you a bigger house.”

  I suck on my lower lip, not sure how to respond. His dark eyes pierce through me as he waits for me to say something. “You want to stay here? In this tiny, little house?”

  “Yes, I do. Surely you could use a little help. Young thing like yourself living all alone without a man to do the hard labor must be a challenge.”

  I think about all I’ve had to manage. I used to have to tend to the horses, but I ended up selling them. Mr. White has to bring me my firewood in his wagon every few weeks, which costs a little extra. Managing the garden, bringing in water, canning food for the winter, keeping track of all the other things … yes, it’s a bit much at times. And it sure would be nice to have some quail with my stew.

  “I suppose I could let you stay for a little while. You’d have to sleep on the couch, though. I only got the one bedroom.”

  He licks his lips as they spread into a smile. “Ella, I’d sleep on the floor if I had to.”

  I giggle. “Very well, then.”

  Dyer looks at me with so much need as he slides a hand through his hair, and I feel a stirring between my legs.

  No. I can’t allow myself to even think those thoughts about him. I can’t be with an ex-convict. My parents would roll over in their graves if they knew I was even housing such a man in the home my daddy built.

  But if that’s the case, if I’m not supposed to be attracted to bad men, then why is my body betraying me right now?

  I put the rose he gave me in a small glass of water, then offer him the bath so he can clean up. I’m sure he hasn’t had a proper washing in a long time. While he’s in there, I go through my parent’s things—mostly clothes and other memorabilia that have been tucked away in a box. I find some clothes that look way too big for my daddy. I think they belonged to an uncle at some point. But they look like they’d fit Dyer.

  I knock on the door of the bathroom. “Dyer?”


  “I’ve got some clothes out here that might fit you. I’m going to leave them by the door here.”

  I start to place them against the wall, but he tells me to come on in, adding, “I’m decent.”

  Assuming that means that he’s finished washing and is already wrapped in a towel, I walk on in, only to find him still submerged in the water, one leg tossed over the side of the tub and his erection prominent, poking from the water.

  I pull in a rush of air, feeling my face heat and a hard throb between my legs. “Oh, I thought you said you were decent.”

  “I am,” he argues, following my gaze to his enormous cock. “Oh, darn. I’m sorry, Ella.”

  He grips the base of his man-meat and pushes it under the water so that it’s out of sight.

  “It’s … all right,” I say, rubbing my neck.

  “The thing does that all the time, I don’t hardly notice anymore. Well, anyways, if you don’t mind setting them down there, I’ll be out shortly.”

  With my heart pounding in my chest, and desire flooding my veins, I force myself to look away, leaving the folded clothes on top of a basket.

  And I dart out of there as fast as I can, making a beeline for the kitchen where I can distract myself by making some tea.

  But distractions don’t come easily after seeing something that … huge. Lord knows it’s not right, but all I can think about is how it would feel between my legs, and how hard I would orgasm as it slipped in and out of me.

  I bet it would feel better than my fingers. Not that I will ever find out. I decide then and there that I will be polite and let Dyer help me with a few projects over the next couple of days. But after that, he needs to be gone.


  I don’t know how any man in his right mind is supposed to sleep with a goddamn angel lying just twenty feet away. Ella’s bedroom doesn’t even have a door, so every time I peek over there, I can see the shape of her body under the covers. Lord have mercy, it’s all I can do to keep myself from going in there, spreading those legs apart, and pounding her pussy with the fury of a lion.

  She also let me take a nice, hot bath earlier, which has got me feeling extra handsy. Just knowing I’m clean all over makes me wanna get dirty with that girl, roll her around and fuck her this way and that. When I had the opportunity earlier to show her my ten-inch monster, fuck yeah I jumped on it. They say women don’t like looking at men’s dicks, but I tell you what: Ella looked at my hard cock like she wanted to take a ride and never get off.

  As I lay on her couch thinking about it, my cock stiffens and I have to tug it out and give it a few strokes, not at all planning to jerk off. Hell, I done decided I wanted to shoot my next load of semen in Ella’s belly. But the more I tug, the stiffer I get and the heavier my balls feel. I need to release some of this now as I don’t want to get the blue balls. So, I jerk it up and
down a few times, letting my voice release a low growl when I shoot my spunk all over my chest. Fuck, I wish Ella was out here to clean me off. Once I get the release I need, my eyes close and I drift to sleep, thinking of the new life I’m about to have.

  I wake up before the sun is up in the morning and decide to get to work. I don’t want to disturb Ella, so I pull on several layers of clothes and head outside with the lantern to investigate the property. I see a well in her backyard, so I immediately haul up several buckets and bring them into the house. I then decide to focus on breakfast, thinking it would be nice to cook my woman a hearty meal to enjoy once she wakes up.

  But after sorting through her ice box and pantry and not stumbling on one piece of meat, I decide to take the bull by the horns and head into town. If I’m gonna take care of my woman in all the ways I want, this big mule of a body needs protein. I’m also going to need steady income. It’s obvious that Ella can fend for herself, but she’s struggling. And I’ll be damned if I let her so much as sprain a pinky, much less go hungry.

  I scarf down a few biscuits and bring some coin with me as I head into town. The market ought to be open by now, and if I’m not mistaken, I think I recall the sheriff bragging on the bacon at Mr. Tomlinson’s. It nearly cleans me out, but half an hour later, I’m making my way back up to the house with some delicious cured pork, fresh butter, and some maple syrup.

  The second I walk through the front door, I see Ella, sitting on the edge of her bed and pulling up her socks. Her chest is bare, revealing a nice pair of plump breasts with light pink buttons that make me stiff right away.

  She gasps and brings her arms up, covering her titties way too fast.

  “Mornin’,” I say, giving her a nod before heading into the kitchen.

  She doesn’t say anything back, but I figure she’s probably embarrassed as all get out.

  I get everything put away, except for the bacon, tossing half a pound of the stuff in the fryer. The scent immediately fills the air, and within a few minutes, I’ve got water boiling for coffee and potatoes peeled for hash browns.

  “Where did you get all this?” she asks, peering over my arm as I flip the potatoes.

  “Some of it’s yours. The bacon I bought while you were asleep. Hungry?”

  Without answering, she nods. I can practically see the drool forming in her mouth, and I gotta say, it’s nice to be providing for a change instead of being the one provided for. Fuck, I want to take care of this girl, cook her breakfast every day before going to work, and then waiting to see what delicious meals she concocts for me every evening. And then in between, fucking her at my every whim.

  “Sit down, and I’ll fix you a plate that’ll fill your belly up, baby girl.”

  And that’s just what I do. We eat like a king and queen, and it’s the best damn meal I’ve had in two years, all because I get to enjoy my woman’s company. I think that by tonight, I’ll have her bouncing up and down on my raging erection while I watch those glorious tits of her bounce up and down and drive me right mad.

  “I’m going to work on that spot in the fireplace, then I’m gonna go outside and start chopping wood.”

  Ella wipes her forehead with the back of her hand, sweat forming on her brow.

  “Oh, I think I have the meat sweats,” she says, giggling.

  “Good. I’ma give you all the meat you can eat, baby girl.”

  She bites her lip and her cheeks blush pink. My cock stiffens especially hard since she doesn’t seem to object to my foul-mouthed implication.

  “I’ll clean up, then check on the vegetables in the garden. This afternoon, I’m going to town to meet Annie for some window shopping.”

  “You need some money?”

  I don’t have much left, but I’d give her every damn penny I had.

  “No, thank you” she answers, looking a little shell shocked. “I have some. And I have a part-time job. Which reminds me, I’m working most of the day tomorrow.”

  “All right then. How would you feel about giving my beard a little trim?”

  I tug on the thick tuft of hair growing down my chin. It’s gotten a little wild, and the thought of Ella cleaning it up for me makes my balls hum.

  She smiles, ever so slightly, and says, “I’d love to. I used to do my daddy’s when my ma wasn’t feeling good.”

  I wink at her. “Good. I wanna look nice and clean-cut when I’m looking for work.”

  Plus, I’ll be close to her, maybe even steal a peek at those of those beautiful breasts that I can’t wait to taste.


  As Dyer sits in the chair, waiting for me to trim his beard, I start to get a bad case of the nerves. I never felt this way when I worked on daddy, but with Dyer, I don’t know, it’s different.

  Maybe I’m still embarrassed by the fact that we’ve both been exposed, indecent to one another. That he’s seen me naked.

  No one has ever seen me naked. I don’t know how that’s supposed to feel. Should I be embarrassed?

  I lay a towel across his chest and start clipping, bringing the length up by about two inches.

  “How short do you want it?”

  He looks at me in earnest. “How short do you want it?”

  I stand back and observe him, thinking he looks mighty good. His dark, sexy eyes make me tingle as he teasingly moves his eyebrows up and down.

  “It looks nice. I think I should stop.”

  “Aw,” he bellows. “I was enjoying your touch. Maybe you could give me a quick shave, straighten out the edges?”

  He rubs his face, and I can see that he could use a little cleaning up. But I don’t know if it’s a good idea to keep touching him. I can already see a bulge forming in his crotch.

  “Maybe tomorrow. My back is a little sore from bending down.”

  “Well, sit on my lap then.”

  “Um…” I giggle. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  “Oh, come on, now,” he says, taking me by the hand. “I won’t bite. I promise.”

  I lick my lips, thinking that what we’re even discussing is awful inappropriate. “I’m probably too heavy for you. I shouldn’t.”

  “Too heavy? Darlin’, you can’t weigh no more’n a minute. Let’s see here…”

  Without warning, he lifts up the bottom of my dress and wraps his hands around the backs of my legs, lifting me up and bringing me down on the tops of his thighs.

  “Oh!” I cry out, throwing my hands to his broad shoulders. My legs are bare from the knees up, but they’re now covered by Dyer’s large hands, making me tremble.

  His smile lets me know he’s mighty proud of himself. “See there? You don’t weigh hardly nothin’. And, you’re in the perfect position to shave me, aren’t ya?”

  “I … I suppose,” I choke out, feeling those naughty stirrings of desire. Oh lord, I knew this would happen if we spent enough time together. I should have never let him stay here. “I’ll go get the razor and shaving cream.”

  “Or,” Dyer interrupts, his hands now gliding around to my rear end, making my pussy throb with need. “You could stay put and we can skip the shaving. For now.”

  He grips the back of my head, a hungry look in those eyes. Fingers dig into the globes of my ass as he scoots me across his lap, inching me closer to his bulging crotch.

  My heart is pounding with ferocity as he licks his lips. “You know how long it’s been since I had the touch of a woman? And you got me hard as a rock. I gotta put my seed in you, you know that?”

  He slides my dress down one of my shoulders, until the top part of my breast is exposed. “I don’t know, Dyer. I don’t think we oughta…”

  “Why not? You ain’t wet for me?”

  He leans in to my neck, pulls in my scent. I press my hands to his chest, afraid of going any further.

  “I don’t know what you mean,” I say, playing dumb.

  When his hand disappears under my dress, and I feel his fingers delicately pull back the fabric of my briefs, I feel my br
eath catch in my throat.

  “Right here,” he mumbles, passing a finger over my heated lips. “Is that pussy of yours wet?”

  I dig my fingers into his chest, tugging at his shirt. “No … no, Dyer. You shouldn’t do that.”

  I lean back, deciding I’m going to have to fight him harder if I want him to stop. Because as much as I hate to admit it, I am wet.

  But Dyer holds me still, cupping my ass as one of his fingers slides right into my folds. When he realizes just how slick I am for him, he growls.

  I try once again, unsuccessfully, to push him away. “Stop it, Dyer. This isn’t right. We’re not married. I … I don’t even know you.”

  He grumbles again, his lips planting several kisses along my neck. “We can get to know each other, baby. I wanna know every inch of your body, starting now.”

  He dips inside my slick vagina, then comes out and touches my clit, making me release a slight moan.

  “That’s it, baby. Cum for me so I can feel you squirm.”

  His hand tightens on my bottom as he moves his finger back and forth over my quickly swelling button. I am so ashamed that I’m letting a perfect stranger touch me like this. No matter how good it feels, I shouldn’t let him. I shouldn’t enjoy it.

  “Stop it, Dyer,” I murmur, feeling my thighs tremble.

  “Aw, come on now. You really want me to stop?”

  I huff and nod, but he just chuckles, quickening his pace over my sensitive clit.

  “Even though you’re about to cum?”

  I bite my lip and grunt. Dammit, he’s right. That tightness is building up, and in an act of betrayal, I start to grind my hips against him, no longer able to fight it.

  He dunks several fingers in my canal again, then comes back out, this time his fingers slicker than ever.


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