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Claimed by the Alphas

Page 13

by Izzy Slam

  “I can feel your cherry in there, too. Don’t think I won’t be taking that innocence soon as I see fit.”

  “Mmm,” I moan, causing Dyer to growl and reach for the top of my dress, tugging it down to expose my ample chest. I can’t even think about losing my virginity to that massive cock of his. But the way he’s laying claim to me is making me want to cum.

  “Aw fuck, look at those gorgeous, edible titties…”

  His tongue glides over my nipples as he continues working my clit. My flesh is searing hot as I rapidly thrust my hips.

  “Still want me to stop, baby?”

  “No,” I whisper, digging my nails into his shoulders. “Oh god, no.”

  “That’s what I thought. I’m gonna make you feel good like this all the time. Just you wait and see.”

  My teeth sink further into my lower lip as he moves his mouth to my breasts and forcibly tugs a nipple past his lips. My pussy explodes into orgasm, my cries of pleasure reverberating off the walls around us as Dyer sinks his teeth into my nipple while swirling his finger in agonizing circles over my throbbing pearl.

  My body is shaking from the intensity of it all. And Dyer finally allows me a brief reprieve. But when he pulls out his engorged shaft through the opening of his trousers, I feel another stirring.

  “I ain’t gonna fuck you with this just yet. But I need to put my seed somewhere. And your mouth is right pretty, Ella.”

  He grips the back of my head and slams his lips to mine, letting his tongue dance with lust inside of my mouth. His beard is scruffy on my face. A soft cry comes up from my throat, shocked at how forceful he’s being. But my body ends up melting into the kiss, my core reawakening to his dominance. His hands grope my breasts, fingers twisting and pinching my nipples, making both of us groan in pleasure.

  “Come on, baby. Get on those knees a’yours and show me what you can do.”

  He lifts me off his lap, and I stand before him, tits exposed, hair a mess, and chest heaving. Dyer grips the base of his shaft as I lower myself, trembling from a combination of fear and desire.

  “Fuck, I can’t wait to feel you suck me off.”

  And I can’t imagine being able to fit this monster in my mouth, but Dyer seems confident that I can. The crown is dark purple, and as his fingers pass over the veiny, throbbing length, clear fluid pulses out of his slit. For some odd reason, it makes my pussy drip, too.

  I give him a worried look, and he smiles at me, fisting my hair with his free hand.

  “Atta girl. It won’t take but a minute. You got my balls heaving now.”

  And with that, he pushes my head down, angling the head at my lips. I part them and deep inside my mouth he goes, his salty fluid streaking along the roof of my mouth.

  I grunt and grab ahold of his thighs right before he goes all the way to my tonsils, forcing me to gag. He’s so thick and so long, I don’t think my mouth could stretch any more than it already is. But yet he continues to force his way in. His fingers tighten around my hair, and he pumps my head up and down, forcing me over his length. I don’t think I’m taking more than half of what he’s got.

  “Aw, fuck yeah,” he grunts, giving several hard thrusts.

  I don’t know what to do to make him feel good, so I just move my tongue around the base of his shaft, mostly because all those veins are throbbing, and they’re making my pussy throb just as much.

  “That’s it, right there, baby…” he groans.

  I flick my tongue back and forth as he quickens his pace, pumping so fast I can hardly catch my breath. When thick, earthy fluid pulses out in hard bursts, he releases a growl so loud I’m sure everyone in town can hear. My body tingles all over. And all I can do is gulp down every drop.


  I help my Ella get presentable after she sucks me off, pulling her dress up and brushing her hair for her while she sits at her vanity.

  Lord help me, she definitely has the sweetest pussy, and the way she took my cock like a little champ…? Fuck, I ain’t letting her get away. I’m gonna make her my bride so I can have not only that mouth but also that pussy whenever I want.

  I spend the morning chopping wood and begin the project of repairing the fireplace while Ella tends to the garden. After we have a couple of sandwiches, I walk her into town, unable to keep my eyes off her. She keeps looking at me, too, with those rosy cheeks and eager eyes. I think she wants my fat cock stuffing her until she begs for mercy. I know that’s what I want.

  Once we make it there, I kiss her on the cheek. “You have fun with your friend. I’m going to get a job today so I can take care of you the way a man oughta.”

  She glides her hands up my chest. “You’ve already held to your end of the bargain, Dyer. If you take care of things around the house, well, I don’t want your money.”

  I can’t help but chuckle. “That’s what you say now. But there ain’t no way in hell I’m gonna take you as my bride with no job.”

  Her eyes light up. “Your bride?”

  “You’re goddamn right, baby. I’m gonna make you my bride so I can take care of you for the rest of your long life.”

  She sucks on her lower lip, her cheeks flushing again. I can tell she likes what she hears. She can feed me that “I don’t want your money” bullshit all day long. But a girl wants a man who’s a provider. Not a leach.

  “You want to marry me?” she asks, searching my face with those honest eyes.

  “That’s what I said, darlin’.” I cup her head and bring her ear to my lips. “And we’re gonna do it soon so I can slide my throbbing cock deep inside’a your womb, make you cum so hard, you’ll forget what day of the week it is.”

  She gasps and clenches my shirt, and I plant a quick kiss on her lips before walking off. I want her thinking about what I said. I want that pussy to be dripping for me later tonight. Just because I won’t take her innocence before we’re married doesn’t mean I ain’t gonna wreck that pussy with my mouth.

  I spend several hours looking for work. And with each “no” I get, I start to lose hope. I need to find work today so I can marry Ella sometime this week. It just has to be that way.

  Just when I think I’ve exhausted all leads, the sheriff comes out of the jailhouse, gives me a weird look.

  “Dyer? You still lurking around here?”

  “Damn right. Found me a nice woman to settle down with.”

  He raises a suspicious brow. “That fast?”

  “Sure enough. Ella Logan. Prettiest girl I ever laid eyes on.”

  “She’s pretty, alright.”

  “Yep. Now, if I could just find work.”

  I glance around at the local businesses. The only place I haven’t checked is the church. But I can’t imagine what they’d hire me for. Unless they need someone to clean the grounds, repaint, whatever.

  “I heard through the grapevine that they need more men working on the new church.”

  “New church?”

  “Yep,” the sheriff says, walking me down to the street and motioning for me to follow. “If you look over yonder, you can see where they’re rebuilding. They need to accommodate a bigger congregation. Big as you are, I’ll bet they’d hire you in a second.”

  I shake his hand and thank him before taking off across the field to the construction site. I find the foreman right away, and he hires me on the spot, telling me to show up at six o’clock the next morning.

  On the way back to the cabin, I give Ella the good news. “But don’t worry, there will be plenty of time in the afternoon for me to get stuff done around the house. I’m gonna take care of you in every way, baby.”

  She smiles and takes me by the hand, leaning her head on my shoulder.

  “That’s great, Dyer. I’m happy for you.”

  Fuck. I’ve never been this happy. Less than twenty-four hours ago, I was being released from jail, not knowing what my life would hold. And now, I’ve got work lined up and the most gorgeous woman I could ever hope for.

  Once we get back home,
Ella starts preparing our dinner while I get the fire going. Then I head outside to chop more wood. The first day I have off, I plan to do some hunting, and I plan to bring back enough meat to last us all winter.

  While I chop wood, I think about Ella and how sexy she was trimming my beard this morning. And I also think about a little trim that I’d like to do to her. My cock gets hard as I imagine her exposed for me, my mouth even watering a little bit as I fantasize about how she tastes.

  After I bring some wood inside, I walk behind Ella as she stands at the sink peeling a potato. I wrap my arms around her waist and bury my nose in her neck. She pulls in a sharp breath and sets the knife on the counter.

  “Dyer, you can’t just sneak up on a woman like that.”

  “Mm,” I say, pulling in her sweet scent. “Did I scare you?”

  I roam up to her chest and cup her luscious titties, feeling her nips go nice and hard through her dress.

  “Well, uh, no,” she huffs.

  “I want you to do something for me.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Go and fetch me a pair of scissors, then meet me in the bathroom.”

  She spins around and runs her hands down the sides of my face. “Did I not trim your beard short enough?”

  “You did. I wanna trim something else.”

  Ella looks a little nervous, but I promise her it’ll be okay.

  There’s a pot of warm water on the stove, so I pour a little inside of a mug, carrying it into the bathroom where she joins me seconds later, watching me like a hawk as I wipe the scissors down with a towel.

  “Take off your drawers.”

  “What?” she asks, her eyes growing wide.

  I set the scissors down and walk to her, lifting her skirt up. “I’m gonna trim that pussy of yours so I can lick every inch of it.”

  “Oh,” she says, touching her throat.

  I grab the top of her drawers and tug them down her legs, and she kicks them aside. I then pull her skirt off, leaving her blouse in place so she can still have a little bit of modesty.

  She looks so damn sexy standing in front of me, her bush exposed and making blood rush through my cock. I can’t wait to trim that hair away and taste her. She’s going to love the way it feels, too.

  “What do I do now?” she asks shyly.

  I spread the towel on the floor and motion for her to sit on the edge of the tub. “Spread those legs nice and wide for me, darlin’.”

  She does as I ask, forcing her delicate pussy lips to open up and reveal her pink folds. I rub my crotch, feeling my dick pulse inside my pants.

  “Like this?” she asks.

  “Yes. Just like that.”

  I sit in the floor in front of her and kiss the inside of her thighs, feeling heady from how much I want to plunge inside of her. But I have to be patient.

  I just want to make her cum before cumming myself. Her folds are glistening as I run my fingers over them, desperate to eat her out.

  She purrs and lets her head fall back.

  I bring those same fingers to my mouth and taste her womanhood, and her sweet and tangy flavor makes my cock throb inside my pants.

  I take my time trimming her, and every few seconds she peers down to watch. I know it must be nerve wracking, but by the time her hair is so short that she looks nearly bald, my dick is leaking. I run my palm over her smooth mound and look up at her face.

  She’s smiling and as her teeth sink into her lower lip, I can tell she’s pleased and horny. “You like it?” I ask.

  “Yes,” she answers with rosy cheeks. Ella places her hand down there and flattens her palm over her puffy lips. Her eyes flutter closed and she tilts her pelvis upward.

  “Feels good, too, huh?”

  She nods in agreement. I take a wash cloth and dunk it in the warm water, then brush the stray hairs away. My tongue is quivering to get at her pretty snatch. And the moment I dive in, Ella moans like she’s in heaven.

  I lap at her quickly swelling bump before inserting several fingers inside her pussy. I don’t go too far because I want to be tearing through that cherry with my big, meaty cock. But Ella doesn’t seem to need deep penetration right now.

  I angle my eyes up and low and behold if she isn’t spreading her shirt apart to reveal that creamy bosom of hers. She uses her fingers to pinch her nipples. And oh god it makes me leak in my pants, watching her stimulate herself like that.

  “Oh yeah,” she purrs, slowly bucking her hips up and down.

  I pull her hard little clit past my lips and curl my fingers up before pumping them lightly in and out, and that sends her over the edge. Her thighs tremble as she cums on my mouth. Her walls contract around my digits, making me want to fuck her even more. Fuck, I can’t wait to feel that tightness around all ten inches of my manhood.

  When Ella is finished cumming, I consider going for a second round right away, but I got something better in mind.

  I get up off the floor and lift her off the tub, and she wraps her arms and legs around me, pressing her ample titties to my face.

  “You’re making me crazy, baby doll. I’ve been needing you my whole life. And pretty soon, every inch of you will belong to me.”


  I can’t believe I’m letting this former prisoner have his way with me. But I can’t resist his touch. And he wants to marry me.

  It’s absolutely insane that I’m even entertaining it. But there’s no doubt I’m insane about Dyer. I know he’ll take good care of me. I never knew how badly I wanted a man to come into my life and just … demand to be a part of it.

  As he carries me to the living room and lays me down on the soft couch, I feel goose pimples prick my flesh at the excitement of things to come. He spreads my legs wide and laps at my freshly trimmed pussy while tweaking my nipples. His rough beard rubs against my lips, but it’s his tongue swiping madly back and forth across my clit that does me in. I cum again so hard I shriek in pleasure.

  Dyer stands up with this raging look in his eyes as he gets undressed. My shirt is splayed open and I grope my breasts because he seems to like it so. When he’s naked, his cock is like a third leg it’s so big, bouncing and seeping clear fluid as he strokes it slowly.

  “Damn, girl, you are the sexiest woman in this world.”

  I can’t help but smile up at him as he settles between my legs, gripping his mighty cock as it hovers over my aching mound.

  “Dyer, I thought…”

  “I ain’t gonna fuck you yet, darlin’. But I am gonna mark what’s mine.”

  He lifts my legs and begins rubbing his cock over my clit, the sounds of his meat slicking through my wet folds making me delirious.

  “Aw, fuck, that feels good.”

  He closes his eyes and grinds his hips back and forth, and I look down and watch his length as it glides between my lips. Every few seconds the head of his cock barely slides inside my entrance, making me hiss with need. But then he comes back out, growling and thrusting.

  Watching the veins throbbing along his length, I reach down and place my hand over it, admiring the way his flesh is smooth over all that hardness. I can feel how hard he’s getting, his heavy ball sack slapping wetly against my opening makes me cum again. My nipples turn into hard little acorns as I’m tossed into another orgasm.

  “I’m … I’m cumming again…” I moan.

  “Oh fuck, baby, me too,” he growls.

  I sink my teeth into my lower lip as my walls contract violently. But when I see all that white stuff shoot out of his slit, it makes a groan erupt from my throat. Each hard spurt of his seed looks more erotic than the last. And to know that I made my soon-to-be husband cum without yet giving him my innocence tells me just how compatible we are.

  Dyer roars, tightening his grip around my ankles as one more burst of fluid pulses from his shaft and over my clit. I use my fingers to rub his liquid all along my pussy lips as he watches.

  After backing away slightly, he takes me by the wrist and pushes those s
ame fingers that were sliding through his seed into my tunnel, effectively planting his seed inside of me.

  “Dyer, I don’t think we should be doing that—”

  “It’s okay. You and I are gonna be married in a few days, and that pussy will belong to me for good.” He leans down and plants a kiss on my lips, using his tongue to emphasize his point. My body tingles all over. “Actually, scratch that. You and that pussy already belong to me.”

  Dyer moves down to my chest and starts kissing my nipples while his big, meaty hands squeeze the fleshy globes. He flicks them gently with his tongue, then stretches his jaw wide as he encompasses the tender tissue before sucking hard. I can feel his teeth bite into my flesh, and it ignites something primitive in me.

  I run my fingers through his hair, instinctively knowing that he will do to me whatever he wants.

  And I want it that way.


  Over the next few days, Dyer uses my body for his pleasure. He comes home after working all day, and you’d think he’d be worn out. But he isn’t. It’s like he can’t get enough.

  Once, he bent me over the chair and spread my cheeks apart wide, spurting on my tight rose. Then he took his seed and rubbed it all along my folds, telling me to cum on his cum.

  He also pushed me to the floor and forced his cock into my mouth, making me suck him until he orgasmed with specific instructions for me to use one hand to play with his balls and the other to stroke my clit.

  But he also takes care of me in other ways. He’s already repaired the loose bricks in the fireplace, chopped enough wood to last a month. And he got an advance on his pay and bought me a diamond ring.

  It isn’t huge, but it’s perfectly gorgeous. I told him I’d never seen anything sparkle so bright. To that, he replied, “I have, and I see it every day in your eyes.”

  I rub his shoulders every night, and he makes me lie down on the couch so he can rub my feet. And yes, he often rubs my pussy, too, bringing me earth shaking orgasms.

  I hate that he sleeps on the couch. I want him in my bed so much it hurts. Which is why when he comes home and announces that he arranged our wedding with the preacher for the next day, I’m over the moon with joy.


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