Claimed by the Alphas

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Claimed by the Alphas Page 17

by Izzy Slam

  I don’t want Callie to ever find out how I acquired her. Because the truth is, she’s worth so much more than the hundred grand her father owed me. Callie’s value is priceless.

  And I’ll make sure she does know that.


  Everything about my wedding is perfection, right down to the fact that my father is here and we have his blessing. I don’t know what Granger said to convince him he was the right man for me, but I’m thanking my lucky stars he’s here, right along with my best friend.

  Becca, of course, says I’m the luckiest girl in the world, to be married off to a rich hot man who adores me. But it isn’t about the money. At least not to me.

  It’s Granger and everything he represents. The fact that he would stop at nothing to make me his, and I know I can trust him because he’s been a family friend for decades. Call me crazy but I wouldn’t have my life going any other way.

  The wedding venue is outdoors, and we exchange our vows in a gazebo, surrounded by a small crowd of about a dozen people. When the minister announces us husband and wife, Granger commands all of my attention in his kiss. I practically melt right there.

  But when I see our hotel room, I really come undone. Granger insists on being old fashioned, picking me up to carry me across the threshold. And the place is lit up with candles and dusty pink roses.

  “Oh my god,” I mutter as he sets me down on the floor. “I’m speechless.”

  He slides an arm around my waist and starts kissing my neck, making me shudder with excitement.

  “Just wait until I fuck you, my love.”

  My nipples grow tight under the lace of my gown, and for the first time tonight, I’m suddenly eager to get it off. I reach behind me and grope Granger’s cock, feeling bolder than ever. He groans as I find it right away, and I make a few noises myself when I feel it throb in my grip.

  “You want that cock slamming in and out of you, don’t you, baby?”

  I huff and nod as his hands wander up the front of my dress and cup my breasts. While pressing his cock into my backside, he gently tugs down the top of my gown, exposing my eager tits. I let my head fall against his chest as he playfully teases them, running his fingers over my hard buds and growling in my ear.

  My pussy is drenched, leaking into the crotch of my panties. I recall the skill with which Granger licked my pussy just this afternoon, and I hope that I’ll experience that again soon.

  “As gorgeous as you are in this thing, I want it off,” Granger says in my ear.

  His fingers tug down the zipper, loosening the material enough that it slides down my shoulders and then my arms. He spins me around and holds me steady as I step out of the dress and lay it gently on the back of a leather chair.

  I’m standing before him in my garter and thigh highs, as well as a pair of satin white undies. My breasts hang down, punctuated with hard nipples that beg to be touched.

  Granger’s eyes sweep over me, and I can’t help but notice the bulge in his black trousers.

  “Do you like what you see?” I ask, placing my hands on my hips.

  He lifts a brow at me, as if he can’t believe I’d ask such an obvious question.

  “I love what I see, baby.”

  With the bed right behind him, he sits down and takes me by the hand, pulling me close. His lips wrap around my tender bud and he suckles softly, letting his tongue flick along the sensitive tip.

  I huff and slide my fingers through his salt and pepper hair, basking in the pleasure dancing along my flesh. Granger’s hands glide down my sides, over my hips, and then around to my ass where he sinks his fingers into my globes.

  His fingers softly move down my legs as he switches to my other breast, and he quickly unsnaps the clips attached to my thigh highs. As he looks up at me, he slides the belt down my legs while I hold onto his shoulders. Next, he grips the waistband of my silk panties and moves them down, revealing my drenched pussy.

  “Fuck,” he whispers, letting his hand cup me there.

  I tremble all over as he slides a finger partway inside of me, licking his lips the whole time.

  I wait for him to come out and tease my pearl, but instead, he offers his finger to my lips.

  I immediately suck his digit into my mouth, tasting the tangy sweetness of my desire.

  “Sit on my face so I can make you cum, baby.”

  He grips my waist and pulls me on top of him as he lies down, and even though I’ve never done anything like this, I already know I’ll love it.

  I crawl up the bed and settle my pussy over his face as he cups my ass. He growls as his tongue dives between my folds, licking and sucking and teasing my clit with incredible skill.

  His hands wander up my tummy, then to my breasts where he stays put, twisting and tweaking my buds as he licks away. God, I’ve never felt anything so good in all my life.

  My legs shake, and right as I begin to grind my hips back and forth, that balloon ruptures.

  “Oh god … I’m gonna cum,” I purr, pressing my hands over his as I hold on for dear life.

  I arch my back and feel a gush of fluids as I orgasm, and Granger growls, pinching my nipples so hard, it sends me over the edge yet again in a back-to-back orgasm unlike anything I’ve ever had. I buck my hips and cry out in pleasure. And as my body’s trembling subsides, I hear the telltale sounds of Granger’s zipper being tugged down, and I imagine he’s taking out his length, ready to claim me as his.

  With those strong hands under my armpits, he lifts me up and moves me down to his waist, holding me up just high enough that his cock is teasing my entrance. It’s so sexy, the way he’s exposed himself while still wearing his tuxedo we were just married in.

  I press my hands to his chest, feeling my walls ache to have him enter me.

  “Tell me how much you want my cock, baby girl. Tell me how bad your little pussy has ached to have a man like me, someone who knows what he wants.”

  I close my eyes as he sinks me further down his length. “I want it so badly,” I beg.

  He groans and enters me even more, making me sink my teeth into my lower lip.

  “Beg for it,” he grits out, his cock twitching as it slides a little further.

  “Please…. Please fuck me with your hard cock. Fuck me hard and fast.”

  That does it. Granger growls as he drops me all the way down, his cock spearing me hard and fast and forcing me to pull in a rush of air. His thickness stretches me, fills me up, and rubs all the right places.

  His hands grope my ass as he grinds his dick in and out. I huff and dig my nails into his shirt, my clit rubbing along his pants with each thrust. Need fills me again, but there’s also this feeling of satisfaction as his length moves through me, making my whole body come to life.

  I feel my legs tighten as I get ready to cum again, and as Granger pounds me so hard my tits thrash around on my chest, I cry out in ecstasy, heat and wildness coursing through my blood.

  “That’s it, baby. Cum on my cock.”

  His words send me over the edge, and as my walls clench tightly around him, I hear his growls, indicating he’s right there, ready to burst.

  I feel his seed fill me up, then spill out of me. Granger immediately flips me on my back and hikes my legs around him, pressing his lips to mine and kissing me with a ferocity.

  He continues grinding his hips against mine as his liquid dribbles down my ass and to the bed below, letting his tongue dart inside my mouth. His groans reach the back of my throat, and all I want is to feel his flesh against mine. So I tug up the bottom of his shirt and slide my palms over his lower back.

  “Mm, I want to feel your body,” I moan as he sinks his teeth gently into my neck.

  “Let’s shower together, then we can come back to bed.”

  “That sounds promising, and fun,” I say.

  But what’s more fun is watching him get undressed after turning on the water. With steam floating all around us, he carefully removes my thigh highs, then pulls me inside the
open space, the walls and floors all looking as though they’re made of marble. He hugs me to his hard body, letting the water spill all over me.

  “Baby, you’re so sexy. I’m going to devour that pussy over and over…”

  His hands grip my ass, and all I want to do is run my hands over his body, to feel every inch of him. I stroke his cock, feeling it grow in my fingers, the veins throbbing and pulsing as I move my hand up and down.

  “Oh, fuck, baby. You know I have so much cum for you.”

  “You do?” I ask, noticing the hungry way he’s looking at me.

  His fingers grip my hair and he nods. “Yes. And I plan to dump every bit of it inside of your tender body.”

  I sink my teeth into my lower lip, and Granger brushes his thumbs over my nipples, making them curl up nice and tight. Heat runs through me again as he tells me to sit down on the corner seat.

  “Now, spread those legs for me,” he commands, lifting the shower head from the wall.

  I lift one leg up, placing the sole of my foot on the seat, letting my thighs drape open to expose my pussy. With an eager look in his eyes, Granger parts my lips with his fingers and angles the shower head to my engorged clit, letting the water pulse over the bump of tissue.

  “Oh god,” I moan, letting my head fall back against the shower wall.

  “A little something you should know about your new husband,” Granger says, “I will use whatever tools I have at my disposal to make you cum, whenever I want. Understood?”

  I huff and nod, thrusting my hips against the pulse of water.

  “That’s a good girl. Now I’m going to stand here and watch you cum like a dripping, eager slut.”

  I bite my lip and twist my head to the side, feeling the urge grow larger.

  I hear him press the pump on a bottle, then seconds later, his hands are smoothing over my breasts, caressing them with the slickness of fresh soap. His fingers tease my nipples, going back and forth to each one while he moves the shower head from side to side, forcing the spray of the water to move across the clit in much the same way his tongue would.

  I feel my nipples grow hard and open my eyes, and right there in front of me is Granger’s rigid shaft, dribbling a large drop of pre-cum from the slit. The head is practically throbbing, an angry shade of red as he obviously is getting as turned on as I am.

  And the sight of his cock is enough to push me over the edge.

  Grangers situates the shower head an inch closer to my clit, and the sensation is so strong, I cum in an instant.

  “Oh yesssss,” I moan, giving one final thrust upward.

  “Good girl… cum for me…” he growls, slicking his hands over my buds and making me feel like I’m on fire all over.

  He wiggles the nozzle as I rotate my hips, the intensity of my orgasm slowly subsiding.

  But I’m still looking at my husband’s cock with need.

  “Stop staring at it and put it in your mouth,” he grinds out, placing his hands on the back of my head and pushing me to his cock.

  I wrap my fingers around the base and start sucking him, tasting his salty goodness as he moans above me.

  He holds the shower head over my back, letting the water keep me warm while I suck his dick.

  “Fuck, you’re good at that,” he grits out, tugging my hair tightly as I bob my head up and down.

  I purr as I fondle his balls, letting my tongue flick around the head, along the underside, and dip inside his salty but slick hole.

  I plant kisses along the length, watching it bob as I delicately move my fingers up and down the rigid base.

  He grows harder, longer, groaning with each lick and suck.

  And when he’s had all he can take, he removes himself from my mouth and stands me up, flips me around, and bends me over.

  “Put your hands on the wall, baby,” he growls.

  I hear him slide the shower head back into place, and then he grips me by the hips, not wasting a moment to enter me.

  I hold on for dear life as he slips inside my tight entrance, now slicker than it’s ever been, and begins to pound me like he owns me.

  Our moans override each other in the shower, and as the water splashes down on my back, I feel his balls slap into my pussy lips. His fingers grip my flesh tighter, and I can feel my ass jiggling with each hard thrust.

  He pounds me harder and harder, forcing me to cum again as he roars, spraying his seed with such force I can feel it hit my walls. And he doesn’t stop pumping his manhood in and out of me until I feel him start to go soft.

  “Fuuuuck!” he growls, giving my ass a good slap before slipping out of me.

  I feel spent as he exits, but maybe he can see the shakiness with which I’m holding myself up because he ends up lifting me out of the shower and wrapping a warm robe around me before helping me to the bed.

  We snuggle under the covers, our bodies intertwined with one another.

  I stroke his chest as I feel my pulse slow, and I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.

  “Are you hungry?” he asks after a while.

  I nod. “But I’m too tired to eat.”

  He chuckles and kisses me on the head. “That’s why you have me. I’ll go downstairs and order us some dinner. You stay here and rest.”

  “Mmm, thank you.”

  I watch him get dressed and realize I really did hit the jackpot with my new husband.

  ~The End

  Thanks so much for reading!

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  Izzy Slam

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