Erin's Rebel

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Erin's Rebel Page 10

by Susan Macatee

  She was wonderful with Amanda and seemed to really care for his daughter.

  Since Anne’s death, he’d dismissed the thought of remarrying, afraid of being hurt again. But maybe it was time to reconsider.

  Just after Christmas, he’d cut off a lock of his hair and taken it to a hair jeweler. The woman had woven the lock into an engraved-edged brooch. He planned to present it to Erin tonight. Should he fall in battle, she was the woman with whom he wanted to leave a piece of himself.

  He watched her all through dinner. Her hair, confined in a braided coil, was adorned with one of Jenny’s blue velvet ribbon hairnets. Her eyes seemed brighter, her complexion pink and cream. The time spent here had agreed with her. The gray and pink striped gown she wore complemented her coloring. And the bodice accentuated her lush bosom.

  He watched her generous lips as she bit into and chewed every morsel of food. Or curved into a smile at something he or Jenny said. Under her smooth jawline, the creamy skin at her throat fascinated him, making it difficult to swallow his meal or converse politely.

  Erin’s gaze lifted to him as she sipped her tea. The tip of her tongue darted out to lick her lips. Swallowing, he found himself unable to look away. He longed to hear those lips form his name, tell him she felt for him as he did for her.

  No longer able to concentrate on what his father was saying, he cleared his throat and stood.

  “Pardon me,” he said, his gaze sweeping the table, “I need some air.” With measured steps, he walked from the dining room into the foyer. Opening the door, he stepped into the frigid air and let the chill wash over him and bring his erratic breathing under control. One thought monopolized his mind. He wanted to see her before she went to bed. He feared he wouldn’t get any sleep with his need for her so strong.

  After everyone retired, he moved quietly to Erin’s door. Light flickered beneath the crack at the bottom. He’d hoped to catch her before she retired. Raising his hand, he lightly rapped.

  The door opened a crack, and a vivid blue eye regarded him.


  “Please, call me Will.”

  The door opened a few more inches. She’d changed into her nightclothes, and her hair flowed loosely about her shoulders. Her brows rose in question.

  “Forgive me, ma’am. I have something I want to give you.”

  She opened the door further, inviting him in.

  He glanced over his shoulder, before awkwardly stepping into the room.

  She closed the door behind him, tilting her chin as her lips curved into a smile.


  What is going on here? Erin’s heart skipped a beat as she anticipated finally being alone with Will Montgomery. He’d been her hero from the start, since the dreams that had begun this whole adventure. He was the one bright spot in an otherwise nightmarish experience.

  He reached into the pocket of his coat, pulling out a small item wrapped in brown paper and presented it to her.

  “What’s this?” She accepted the small parcel turning it over in her hands.

  “Open it, ma’am.”

  “Just a minute,” she said. “If I’m supposed to call you Will, I’d appreciate it if you’d stop calling me ma’am...or Mrs. O’Connell. Call me Erin.”

  “Yes, ma—, Erin.” His dark eyes gentled when he spoke her name.

  The sound of her name on his lips made her skin tingle. She tore the paper off the package. At the sight of the brooch, her breath caught.

  “Do you like it?” he asked anxiously. “I had it made just for you.”

  Eyeing him, she had a hard time finding her voice. This was Erin O’Connell’s brooch, the very one that had sent her back in time. It shone in her hands, new and unworn from time and wear.

  What did this mean? She must be following Erin O’Connell’s footsteps. As far as she knew her being here hadn’t changed anything. Will was still destined to die this year.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you, Erin. If you don’t want the brooch—”

  “No.” She clasped the pin against her chest as the meaning of his gift sank in. “It just means so much to me.”

  His look of concern softened into a lopsided grin. “I’m happy you feel that way.”

  “Thank you, Will.” She slipped the brooch into the pocket of her wrapper, then stood on her toes, lifting her arms to circle his neck. She kissed his cheek, inhaling his musky scent.

  His mouth was on hers, hot and urgent. The softness of his moustache and chin beard tickled her lips. She opened to him, her tongue slipping inside to taste him thoroughly. He groaned, pressing the length of his body against her. Through her thin wrapper and nightgown, she felt his hardened need against her belly. Her heart fluttered in overdrive when he turned her and backed her into the wall. Cupping one of her breasts in his hand, he gently kneaded it and thumbed the hardened nipple through the fabric. Her breath caught, and she moaned deep in her throat as waves of pleasure raced through her core. He growled in response. Her insides heated as moisture pooled between her legs. She didn’t know how long she could last. Although she denied it, she’d secretly dreamed of this moment for months. Reaching between them, she attempted to undo the buttons traveling down the length of her wrapper. He obliged by helping her until, together, they slipped the garment off her shoulders, leaving her wearing only her nightgown.

  Pulling at the buttons of his shirt, she loosened the first few, exposing dark curls covering hardened muscle. His hands covered hers, and together they undid the remaining buttons. She pushed the shirt over his broad shoulders down to his elbows, and ran her hands over his taut chest. When she brushed one of his brown nipples, his breath hitched.

  “You’re just as I dreamed you’d be,” she whispered. She planted soft kisses along his exposed skin, inhaling his musky scent.

  He groaned again, reaching to loosen the tiny buttons at the neck of her nightgown. He slid the gown up over her hips. In seconds the garment dropped to the floor, leaving her naked. Watching his eyes, she shivered in anticipation, wondering if he approved of what he saw.

  In the soft glow of the oil lamp, his eyes burned with desire. He bent his head to suckle one of her breasts.

  “Oh, Will, please...” She moaned softly as his hot tongue teased her nipple. Pure sensation took her back to the sensual dreams she’d had of him. He was her love, her only love.

  Lifting her into his arms, he carried her across the room and laid her on the quilt covering the bed. He gazed down at her. She kicked off her slippers, then leaned up to reach for the buttons at the crotch of his trousers. There were no buttons. When she cast him a perplexed look, he grinned, guiding her hand. The buttons were inside. He quickly undid them and slid his pants to the floor. His drawers followed.

  She stared in admiration, as he stood naked before her. He was definitely ready for her.

  Once he joined her on the bed, she draped herself over his body, inhaling the delicious scent of sandalwood and maleness. Raining kisses over his warm, slightly damp skin, she worked her way from his face, to his neck, shoulders, and chest, all the way down to his hard shaft.

  “Heavens, woman!” He rolled her onto her back. He suckled each nipple, in turn, pushing himself up and bestowing soft kisses on her forehead, eyelids, and cheeks.

  “I never believed this would happen again, but I’m afraid I’ve fallen hopelessly in love with you, Erin,” he said before taking her mouth.

  After pulling away to take a breath, she said, “I loved you before I ever met you.”

  “Mmmmn,” he murmured, “I feel as if I’ve know you always, too, darlin’.” He parted her legs gently stroking the sensitive folds between them with his fingers until she cried out. If he stopped now, she’d surely die, her need was so great.

  “Please,” she said. “It’s been so long. I can’t take much more.”

  He lowered himself over her, taking her mouth again, moving his hot lips against her neck. His hot breath and the heat of his hard body tormented her. By the t
ime he reached her breast, taking each nipple in turn into his mouth, her insides had turned to liquid fire. She writhed beneath him.

  “Will, please.”

  His kisses continued down over her stomach. When his teeth gently squeezed her flesh at the inside of her thigh, she nearly jumped out of her skin.

  “Will, please, I’m ready.”

  “And I’m more than ready for you, darlin’.”

  Nestling his hips between her thighs, he thrust into her, filling her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he moved within her tightening her need into a hot coil in her belly. His rhythm matched her own, until they dissolved into waves of ecstasy as they found their long sought release together.


  Will hadn’t been with a woman since Anne, except for the comforts of an occasional prostitute. All through the night, they made love, then they dozed, only to wake and make love again. After his heartbreak at losing his wife, he thought he’d never love anyone that way again.

  But Erin had put a spark back into his life. He felt as if they had always been meant to be together. Through the months, they’d grown to be a part of each other. No one else’s thoughts, including his parents, mattered. He loved her more than his own life.

  She murmured sleepily as he ran his hand along her silky thigh. What would his parents think if they caught them like this? He grinned wickedly. They’d likely banish them both from the house. Well, he’d be sure no one caught them.

  He reached for her again, cupping one of her lush breasts in his hand. She gasped in delight, turning toward him.

  “You’re really here,” she whispered. “I thought it was all a dream.”

  “It’s no dream, darlin’,” he said.

  She reached up, circling his neck, and pulled his head down to her lips.

  He obliged by taking her mouth and felt himself grow hard yet again.

  They made love once more as the first rosy rays of sunrise lit the sky.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Will woke with a start, then settled back when he felt Erin’s warm body beside him. It had been so long since he’d awakened beside a woman. Not since Anne. Reaching beneath the quilt, he caressed Erin’s silky thigh. She answered with a low purring sound deep in her throat.

  His body responded. As much as he wanted to stay beside her and make love again, he had to get out of here and back to his own room. If they were caught in this compromising position in his parents’ house, there would be hell to pay.

  “Darlin’,” he whispered, running his thumb along her cheek and lips, “I’m sorry, but I have to leave.”

  She stirred, opened her eyes, and stared at him. He rose and drew back the curtain so he could locate his tossed clothing. Sitting up, she clutched the quilt against her body as she took in the situation.

  “Darlin’.” He handed her the nightgown. “You may want to put this on.”

  She took the gown, lifting it over her head as he retrieved her wrapper.

  After he pulled on his trousers, he buttoned his shirt and glanced up to find her studying him.

  “Will,” she said, “before you leave, there’s something I have to tell you.”


  Ever since he’d given her the brooch and declared his love for her, Erin decided she had to tell him. She didn’t want to conceal the truth from him any longer.

  His dark gaze narrowed as he fastened the final button on his shirt. “Can it wait until later?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I’ve been keeping this from you, and now I’ve got to tell you the truth.”

  He sighed, his eyes taking on a haunted look. What did he think she was about to tell him?

  “Go ahead if you must.” He paced the length of the bed.

  She drew a steadying breath and exhaled slowly. “I don’t know how I can expect you to believe this, but here goes...”

  He watched her expectantly.

  “I’ve come from a distant place.”

  “Yes, I know you came from Ireland.”

  “No. That’s not it...the place I’ve come from doesn’t yet exist.” She rose from the bed and pulled on her wrapper. After pacing back and forth, she turned to face him. “I’ve come from the future.”

  He frowned. “The future? What future?”

  “The twenty-first century.” His eyes widened. She was crazy to have thought he’d ever believe her. “Until the accident when I was told I fell off a horse, I’d been living more than one-hundred and forty years in the future.”

  His dark eyes hardened. Why had she said anything?

  Now that she’d gone this far, she had to tell him all of it. “I had a life there and a fiancé. We broke it off because I couldn’t stop dreaming about you.”

  “This is utter nonsense.” He raked his hand through his hair.

  She held up her hand, desperately needing him to understand. “It didn’t make sense to me at first, either.”

  “If what you say it true, how and why are you here now?”

  “I’m not sure how, but I do know why.” She reached her hand out to him. “I’ve come back in time for you, Will.”


  Will stared at her. His pulse thundered, and he feared he’d collapse. He’d expected her to tell him she was a Yankee spy or a whore, but could she expect him to believe this preposterous story? She had to be daft. He groaned inwardly. After two long years, he’d given his heart to a woman who was insane.

  “I’ve got to get back to my room,” he said.

  Her face fell.

  He walked down the hall, his fury building. She actually expected him to believe her crazed story.

  Of all the women I could have fallen in love with, why did I have to choose a raving lunatic? He’d actually planned to propose. Thank God, he hadn’t.


  Will dressed and went down to the empty dining room. He needed time alone to think. What a mess this had turned out to be. And now, he had no choice but to take her back to camp with him. After they returned, he’d distance himself from her. And now that he’d told her he’d fallen in love with her, that was going to be difficult.

  As he considered his options, Jenny appeared at the door, startling him.

  “Will, I’m so glad to see you up,” she said. “I need to speak with you before you leave.”

  “What is it?” he asked.

  She took the seat across from him. “You have to take me with you.”

  Will gritted his teeth. “We’ve already been over this. I can’t take you.”

  “But you can take Miss Erin.”

  “That’s different.”

  “How is it different? She’s a woman, too.”

  “But she’s used to hard work. You’re not.”

  She drew her mouth into a pout. “Please, Will, you can’t leave me here with them.”


  “I’ll just die if you leave me here.”

  “You’re being dramatic.” His gaze drilled over her. She wore her morning gown, her hair covered with a white cap. “You would not even last one day in a grungy, smelly army camp.”

  “I’ve been to camp.” She eyed him with scorn.

  “As a visitor. It’s not the same as living there.”

  “I can do it.”

  He shook his head, folding his arms across his chest. “You can take lice, rats, men covered in blood, amputations, enemy shelling, constant rain,’ll set eyes on the most horrible sights you can imagine. No, my dear sister, I do not believe you are ready to do that.”

  She stood, anger flashing in her gray eyes. “You won’t even give me the chance to prove myself.”

  “Because I know how it will turn out. I’ll be shipping you back home before the second day dawns.”

  “That’s not true!”

  “Mother and Father will never permit it, anyway.”

  “You could persuade them.” She clasped her hands.

  “No, I cannot. And furthermore, I won’t.”
  “I hate you!” She stormed from the room.

  He sighed. Women were turning out to plague him right and left. If it weren’t for Erin, he’d almost look forward to returning to the army.


  Erin folded her clothes and packed them in the satchel she’d brought with her.

  She’d absolutely blown any chance she had with Will. The look on his face when she’d told him she’d come from the future would torment her forever.

  But she should’ve known. She couldn’t expect anyone to believe her crazy story. She still had a hard time believing it herself. It wouldn’t surprise her if he refused to take her with him. Then what would she do? She had nowhere else to go. She’d have to beg in the streets.

  This is all going wrong. All she could hope was that he’d take her to camp, so she could have a second chance with him. If he even spoke to her again.

  A knock at the door drew her from her anxious thoughts.

  “Come in.”

  Jenny burst in, dabbing her eyes with an embroidered hanky.

  “Will’s being so stubborn,” she said.

  “About what?”

  “I asked him to take me to camp so I can be a nurse like you.”

  Erin stared at her. “You’d want to do that?” She couldn’t imagine this pampered woman nursing soldiers.

  “Yes. I’d be good at it. I swear.”

  Erin hesitated. She wondered why Jenny was telling her. “You said Will won’t let you go.”

  “No, he says I won’t last a day in camp.”

  “Well.” She had to suppress the urge to laugh. “I guess that’s that.”

  “You could persuade him for me, couldn’t you?”

  “Your brother’s a bit unhappy with me right now. I’ll be surprised if he takes me back with him.”

  “Oh, no,” Jenny whined. “Why does he have to be so difficult?”

  Why, indeed.


  In the end, Erin had been no help to Jenny. Will ordered his sister to stay home.


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