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Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

Page 4

by Joyce Jordan

  Moira watched out of the corner of her eyes, and saw Christi filling a box of goodies she wondered what Conrad would do with. Too many for one person, unless he intended on sharing them with his lady friend the next morning. Why that brought a sour taste to her mouth, Moira refused to ascertain. In the short time she had met him and talked to him, she was beginning to like him, despite his twisted sense of how he viewed women as playthings.

  She could only imgaine the poor soul who ended up being married to him. One thing for sure was that Conrad was a playboy for life. It would take one heck of a woman to change him. Well, that is if he wanted to change. To her knowledge, she knew first hand that men didn’t think the rules of fidelity applied to them, just to their wives or girlfriends. Look at the last two loser boyfriends of hers. Both had cheated and still assumed Moira would see nothing wrong with those choices of theirs. Tom even had the audacity to argue with her that when they agreed on an exclusive relationship that had meant she had to be faithful and he could continue to soar his wild oats. Moira had been out of that relationship so fast that Tom’s head probably swam for weeks.

  Once he had left the café, she went back to the office and quickly typed a memo which she e-mailed to Janet and asked her to have Conrad approve for mass e-mailing. She knew she would probably have to answer for it all later when they met for dinner. But for right now, it felt good to out-do him. Considering his parting shot about her weraing a short dress, he deserved it. The fact that she had probably gone a wee bit overboard, was neither here nor there. Well, maybe a little more overboard. She refused to admit it was way overboard. Well, time would tell, as someone once said.

  Moira drafted a memo and once she hit send, she went back to the kitchen and it was non-stop work until she left at 4pm, more than half an hour later than she had wanted to leave. She passed by the main office and dropped off some paperwork before she proceeded to the apartment she shared with Sam. Today, she found him already gone. That wasn’t surprising because he usually had to arrive at least an hour to two earlier than usual between Thursday and Saturday. Those three days were their busiest days at the clubs he was in charge of. Usually they tried to go to the club he would be that night. That way he was always able to reserve a table for her and her friends. Moira knew that it was more of to make sure they didn’t get into any trouble with drunk assholes.

  Moira managed to talk to her friend Serenity before she left. Unfortunately something had come up at work at the last minute and she was forced to leave later than she had planned and due to traffic it could take her well over the 5 hours she usually took.

  “I have a last minute dinner date I had to make. I can’t get into it now, but I’ll tell you all about it when you get here. But make sure you call me when you are close by,” Moira said to Serenity before they hung up to Serenity’s, “You’d better.”

  At first Moira refused to make a big deal out of the dinner with Conrad, but when she recognized the place he had chosen for their dinner, she knew it wasn’t the jeans and t-shirt eatery. People really gussied up at such type of places. With that in mind she chose a nice dress that looked simple at first glance, but when you moved drew attention and really showed the dress off. It was midnight blue in color and shimmied beautifully. She chose a low silver sandal because she knew she would need to wear an abnomally high heel the next day, courtesy of Serenity.

  She was glad the restaurant was only about fifteen minutes from her apartment, but with Friday night traffic, it could take her double the time, so she left half an hour early. She was glad to find Conrad waiting for her at the bar. When his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, Moira knew she had chosen the correct dress.

  “Wow! I almost thought you would wear pants just to put me in my place.” He smiled. “Moira, you look beautiful. Just absolutely stunning,” Conrad told her before he leaned down and kissed her lips.

  Not expecting him to do that, she didn’t have time to avoid his kiss. And decided not to make a big deal out of it since it was quick and light. “Thank you Conrad,” she replied as she took a step back.

  “Well, would you like a drink at the bar or to sit at our table?”

  “I’d rather sit. Besides, I won’t be able to stay long. I have a friend coming from out of town tonight.” If Moira hadn’t been looking at him, he would have missed the change in his body. And was surprised when he didn’t ask any questions. They were quickly shown to their table, a little further away from most tables.

  Conrad was a great conversationalist. He told her about how he grew up as an only child, how his parents refused to spoil him although he seemed to be making up for all since he was named one of the top five Miami’s billioniare playboys long with his friend Lucas Conrinthos. Moira didn’t mention that Sam worked for Lucas. It wasn’t like there was ever going to be anything between them, so she figured it didn’t warrant being mentioned.

  She refused to drink more than two glasses of wine. Not only did she need to keep a straight head around Conrad, but she was driving and didn’t relish getting a traffic ticket. She had just paid one not more than three months ago. Unfortunately the officer didn’t see how a delivery of pastries could be considered an emergency. She had been working for a chef who owned a string of bakeries and when one of the bakeries had a power failure that took over two hours to be repaired, the other bakeries had to bake extra pastries and deliver to that bakery so they wouldn’t turn customers away. That incident still hurt and she didn’t want to get a DUI this time. It would just be her misfortune to meet the same traffic officer. Sometimes, the world can be trully that small.

  Moira looked at her wrist watch and realized she had been there for three hours already. Time does fly when you are having fun. “Conrad. Thanks for dinner, it really was lovely, but I have to go.”

  “Right, your friend from out of town?”


  “I know it’s probably none of my business, but may I ask if this friend of yours is male or female?”

  Moira gave him points for the way he asked the question. She would have expected him to demand an answer. And for that, she answered him. “Female. My best friend actually,” she sad with a huge smile.

  “I’m glad to hear that. Because now we can concentrate on the reason why we are both here.”

  Is this the same man, Moira thought to herself? She had just heaped praises on him not more than five seconds ago.

  “We have just proved how compatible we are together. I think we can really have an amazing time together. Sex with you will be explosive… What’s so funny?” he asked when he realized Moira was laughing and not taking him seriously.

  “You. Being with you would never be boring that’s one thing for sure. But seriously, if that is how you start all your relationships or lack thereof, I’m not surprised none of them stick around for any length of time.”

  “Well, what is it that you want from me? Like I said before, I don’t do long term relationships. As a matter of fact the shorter the better,” he told her.

  “I can see that...” Moira was interrupted by her mobile ringing. “Sorry, I have to get that.” She picked it from her small purse and quickly answered the call . When Serenity told her she was 30-45 minutes away, she told her she would leave right away and they would meet at her apartment.

  By the time Moira was done, Conrad had paid the check. They exited together and he took her coat check ticket. Moira accepted his help and didn’t argue with him when he paid for her valet parking. Now he seemed to be pouting, so she decided to say something. “Look Conrad. We had a great dinner, why can’t we just leave it at that?”

  “Moira, do you have any idea how desirable you are? How hard I have been since I first saw you. I have never met a woman who I have not bedded if I wanted her. And now, you tell me you are not interested. If I didn’t know better, I would say you were playing hard to get.”

  “Thank you, I think. Somehow, I think that was meant to be a compliment. But…not all women like being tre
ated like the way you do, or have been doing it for however long. Some women like long relationships, that may or may not lead to something more, some kind of future, not always marriage mind you…but just knowing there was some kind of future between a couple says a lot to a woman. Now I am not saying all of them are like that. Obviously there are those who like it the way you have been doing it so far. My suggestion is go find those women. I am not one of them. I don’t do intentional one nighters,” she told him.

  The arrival of the valet attendant without her car surprised Moira. She was thinking that maybe her car had been stolen until he came closer and told her that someone had blocked her car and they were trying to find the owner of that car so he or she could move it.

  “Please I need to get home quickly,” she told the valet guy.

  “I understand ma’am. It shouldn’t be too long. I’m having the manager look into the issue for you. And in the meantime you can either wait in the bar or wait in that alcove where it’s a little warmer.

  If Moira didn’t know better, she would have thought Conrad had all this planned so she wouldn’t get to leave until she agreed to his demands, like he had done the other day in the café.

  Moira didn’t want to get back inside. Besides, if it was going to be a short while, it made sense to wait outside. It wasn’t that cold either. So as they moved back to the alcove, Conrad shocked her by saying, “What if I was willing to try?”

  “Conrad, you aren’t serious?”

  “Why not?”

  “Because that would just make you miserable. Besides I already have someone in my life.”

  Moira thought she might have finally made some headway until her lips were suddenly locked with Conrad’s. What started as a punishing kiss, soon flared with enough heat to drive away the remaining cold. Moira was attacked by the softest lips known to men. He demanded entrance and she gave it to him. Their tongues dueled – battled – clashed like swords in a sword fight. They both came up for air and continued their fight in the next breath. Conrad pushed Moira further until she felt the wall behind her back and Conrad’s full front against her front. His cock was hard and vibrating agaist her belly. She raised her hands and threaded her fingers in his hair. He brought his hands to cup her breasts and when she gasped, he deepened the kiss.

  A beep from across the street broke them apart, and when Moira tried to push him away, he held still. “Don’t. Just don’t.” He seemed to be trying to get his breathing under control. Which Moira was trying to do as well, but wasn’t having that much luck with his closeness. They stood like that for a while until he broke the silence with his next question. “So who is this sleazeball in your life?”

  Moira had to laugh at that. “Does he have to be a sleazeball?”

  “Yes, I doubt he can ever appreciate you like I do. So who is he?” he asked again.

  “What, you want a name?”

  “Yes. I think if I am to accept this so called relationship you have with the sleazeball, the least I deserve is to know his name,” he said into her neck, pressing his lips to the juncture of her neck and her shoulder.

  “But it’s not like you run in the same circles. You wouldn’t know him,” Moira breathed. Although it wasn’t uncomfortable, she was being literally held hostage against the wall.

  “His name Moira.”

  “Mr. Rabbit,” he pulled out of the blue.

  Conrad pulled back a little and looked at her. “How long have you been together?”

  “Uummm. About 6 years now.”

  “You say you are in a relationship, yet you call him Mr. Rabbit?”

  Busted. Moira hadn’t had a relationship for the past 6 months since she broke up with the loser, Tom. “Well, he is an older gentleman. And I like calling him Mr. Rabbit. But his first name is Freddie,” she clarified.

  Moira was relieved when she saw her car come through. Conrad moved back and escorted her to her car. He held her against the door as he gave her a kiss like he owned her. Even if she wanted to move, Moira realized she didn’t have that option. And the kiss was over when Conrad was good and ready. Moira was on autopilot as he guided her into her car and told her to put on her seat belt.

  He leaned into the car and pecked her cheek before he said, “Call me when it’s over with Mr. Rabbit.” He moved further away and gave his ticket to the valet attendant who was off in a rush to find his car.

  The ringing of her phone prompted Moira to drive away. She picked up her cell and answered Serenity. “I know and I’m sorry. I will be there is less than fifteen minutes.” And fortunately there was no traffic going back and Mayra made it in twelve minutes.

  Chapter Seven

  As soon as they had brought in Serenity’s bag - which was really more of a suitcase befitting someone going away for a week rather than the two day weekend she had taken – she wanted the dinner run down. Moira knew her friend would probably have three or four dresses she had set aside to wear for tomorrow night, including the possible three or four matching shoe combinations. She tried to sidestep and buy herself some time to compose herself a little more, but Serenity was on a mission.

  Moira had to start from the beginning by telling Serenity how it all began in that boardroom, just that past Monday afternoon.

  “So you faked a boyfriend and let some hot guy slip through your fingers?”

  “Well, technically he is not fake. Mr. Rabbit does exist. And we have been together for 6 years.”

  “Are you shitting me, Moira?”

  “BOB – battery operated boyfriend. You know him. Our love affair has stood the test of time. Freddie is faithful and will never be a playboy,” Moira laughed at Serenity’s frustration at her.

  “You know I may have to disown you as my best friend. You get one of Miami’s hot bachelor’s to give you more than two seconds and you vomit on him like he is yesterday’s gabbage? Since when have you been looking at the marriage angle? I thought you said you wanted at least a year or two to prove yourself in uncle Stu’s business before you decided to have a serious boyfriend. So this is the perfect opportunity for you. You get to have great sex when you need it and don’t have to worry about anything,” Serenity told her.

  “Serenity, you know I love you like a sister. 1 - But you are side-stepping the issue that this may be one night or two nights? And who is to say the sex will be great? 2 – I will just be one of many playthings he has gone through. 3 – Who says I will get the sex when I want or need it? 4 – We work together.”

  “Well let’s see. 1 – Sometimes you get into relationships thinking it will be more than a few months or a few years, but sadly ends up being just one night. Remember Justin and Silas? None of them lasted more than a night even though you went into both relationships thinking they were great guys. 2 – Even if you go out with the boy from next door, you could still be one of many girls he has gone through. His affairs are more pronounced because he is rich and often in the media. 3 – You could take control of the days you meet or have sex. That way you don’t have to be at his beck and call all the time. 4 – A lot of people who work together screw each other all the time. You just have to be mature about how you handle stuff afterwards. Don’t try to find ways to derail your life. Live a little girlfriend.”

  “You know it’s already after 2am. We should sleep if we have any hope of hitting the malls early tomorrow,” Moira said as she looked at the time.

  “As your friend, I know that’s your way of avoiding the topic. So we will sleep, but don’t think I won’t bring it up tomorrow again. I think I should probably move back to Miami. You surely need me to guide you along.”

  “Sometimes your so called guidance has too many risks involved. Ever think about that?”

  “Life is full of risks. Look at me, I moved to Orlando to be with my boyfriend. That was a risk. So far it’s been great. The sex too,” she laughed.

  “Well we better go to bed because if Sam finds us still awake, we may never get to sleep for another couple of hours again.”
  As tired as Moira was, sleep eluded her. Her mind kept going back to the dinner with Conrad, the kiss outside while she had been waiting for her car, the kiss as he said good-bye. Why her? He could have any woman, sophisticated woman he wanted, yet he was busy chasing her. The challenge perhaps? And after that then what? Throw her to the curb? Maybe if she went into this with eyes open she wouldn’t be disappointed when it all ended. Maybe, Serenity probably had a point after all. Because that kiss could lead to amazing sex. And Moira wouldn’t mind some of that. Well as long as it didn’t interfere with her personal goals. She didn’t want to lose sight of what she wanted in life and end up relying on a guy to take care of her.

  She heard Sam come in about an hour later and she was nowhere close to falling asleep. Her mind kept focusing on the dinner events and what had happened after. He had been mad to hear about Mr. Rabbit. Hopefully he never found out the identity of Mr. Rabbit. Smiling, Moira eventually fell asleep, but her dreams were filled with Conrad.

  She woke to the smell of breakfast and when she left her bedroom she found Sam and Serenity talking in the kitchen.

  “Hey sleepyhead. You want some breakfast?” her friend Serenity asked. “I made it just a few minutes ago.”

  “It’s a Saturday and you two are already up? Can’t we just get a few more hours of sleep?”

  “What’s wrong? Eight hours not enough sleep anymore? Besides we have a long day today. Us girls need some pampering.”

  Moira was not about to contradict Serenity and end up revealing why she didn’t sleep eight hours. That Conrad had been on her mind until the wee hours of the morning. That would just have her point out the fact that her mind was trying to tell her to go for it. And besides, she didn’t want Sam to know. He would get all big brotherly and start laying out some ground rules as if she were still a teenager.

  “Well, I guess you are right. It’s just that I wake up early everyday and would have loved to stay up in bed. But since you made it all the way here for some girl time, I will have to put off sleeping till next weekend,” Moira replied as she moved closer to the breakfast table and kissed Sam on the cheek. “Morning.”


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