The California Saga

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The California Saga Page 42

by Chunichi

  Touch turned over the table and put his fist in the air as though he was gonna hit me. The bar went completely silent, except for the sound of the televisions.

  “Hit me, so I can haul your ass back to jail,” I proclaimed. I was scared as hell and didn’t want another busted nose, but I refused to punk down to him, especially since I knew the entire bar was watching.

  We stood face to face with Touch’s fist raised for what seemed like forever. Touch finally lowered his fist when he realized there were witnesses. Instead of hitting me, he spat in my face. With my finger, I wiped the spit off my face and smeared it on his. Touch was enraged. I had just humiliated his ass in front of the whole bar. I was sure this would take him over the edge. I thought I was about to get an ass-whipping of a lifetime.

  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I waited for the impact of his fist coming across my face. As I heard him growl, I braced my body for the impending impact of fist on face. Then I heard a crash that wasn’t bone against bone. I opened one eye to see Touch had punched a hole in the wall. I opened my other eye as he pushed his way through the crowd.

  “Fuck you, Lisa!” he yelled as he went through the bar room door. I rolled my eyes and acted like it was no big deal, but truthfully I was scared. Relieved to have my face intact and needing to regain composure, I immediately headed to the bathroom. While there, I not only washed my face, but I got prepared for all the strange looks I was about to receive when I walked back out. I fixed my hair and makeup, sprayed on some perfume, looked myself in the eyes, and gave myself a pep talk. Holding my head high and poking out my breasts, I strutted out the bathroom like I was walking in a high-end fashion show.

  I was surprised at the reaction of everyone at the bar. I didn’t notice any strange looks. Most people either avoided eye contact, while some of the girls gave me a pat on my back and said, “You go, girl.” “Stand up for yourself.” “You a bad bitch.”

  As soon as I walked back to the table, Candi said, “Damn, bitch! You crazy!”

  “O-m-g, Lisa!” Sharon chimed in. “I can’t believe you did that.”

  My girls wouldn’t shut up about how I’d handled Touch. In fact, it was the topic of discussion for the rest of the night.

  Deep inside I was ashamed of my actions. I was never that “psycho bitch” kind of girl, but something about Touch just took me there. It was like he added fuel to my fire. His nonchalance toward me and his selfish attitude had me doing things way out of character. Things could have been different, if only he had just given me a genuine sorry for what he had done to me. Then it would have been so much easier for me to just walk away. But no, his dumb-ass couldn’t see that he used me and didn’t have feelings for me at all. He was freeloading off my ass and spending all my hard-earned money. Then he goes and lays hands on me! I mean, really? Who does that?

  To make matters worse, he was already involved with another woman and lied about it. He had the nerve to treat me as if I had known there was another chick in the picture from the beginning. We all know if that was the case and I was truly made aware of Jewel, he would have never gotten my pussy. I had never played the number two role.

  The rest of the night was spent bitching about men. Each of my girls had their own horror stories to tell. Each of their stories always ended up saying that they wished they had the balls to do what I had done. While they were telling their stories I was in my own world. After my run-in with Touch, I had a feeling that our relationship wasn’t going to end pretty. Touch was pissed off, and I wasn’t about to give up fucking with him. Something had to give, and I was afraid one of us would end up dead.

  Chapter 20

  “Sweet Seduction”


  I stopped washing dishes and dried my hands when my cell phone rang. It was Jewel calling. I desperately wanted to answer, but part of me wanted to send her to voice mail. I figured playing some games might make her want me more. I’d been on an emotional roller coaster as of late, and my feelings for her were consuming me. I gave in to my desire for her.

  “Hey,” I answered.

  “I did it,” she stated immediately.

  “Did what?” I asked.

  “I left Touch. I finally got the nerve to do it. I’ve been with him for so many years, it was hard to break away.”

  I could tell Jewel was trying to hold back the tears. And I certainly was hoping she was able to do so, because I didn’t want her to shed one damn tear over Touch. He wasn’t worth it. Although I didn’t hear crying, I could still hear the pain in her voice. It broke my heart to hear it, and all I wanted to do was reach through that phone and hold her.

  “Jewel, I know it was hard, but I’m proud of you for realizing that you deserve so much better.”

  “I moved everything out of the house and put it up for sale. It was difficult packing most of the belongings I could travel with in my car and putting the rest in storage, but I knew I had to do it. The realtor agreed to call me first thing if she had an offer on the table for me. The money from the sale of the house will help me finance a new beginning for myself. And you’re not gonna believe this. I talked to my attorney and signed a statement telling them all about Touch and the business. They’re granting me immunity for my testimony. That was the most difficult decision I’d ever had to make in my life, but it was necessary.”

  “That was very brave of you, but like you said, it was necessary. In order to move forward, you have to let go of the past,” I said.

  “You’re right. I’m tired of looking in the past. Now, I’m definitely looking forward to the future,” Jewel said, sounding upbeat for the first time in our conversation.

  “Now that’s the confidence I like to hear! So what’s the plan?” I inquired.

  “Well, my best buddy Shakira and her daughter couldn’t be happier knowing I am going to be staying with them for a while. Then as soon as the house is sold, I’m going to look for my own apartment. In the meantime, I’ll be looking for a legit way to make some cash.”

  “Damn! Sounds like you got it all mapped out. So here’s another question for you that doesn’t require as much planning. What are your plans for tonight?”

  “Not much. I’m heading to Shakira’s now. Probably get something to eat and then decompress after my stressful day.”

  “Well, before you head in that direction, would you like to come by for a few drinks and unwind? You can decompress over here. I’ll cook you some dinner, and we can hang out a bit.”

  “Sure,” Jewel said right away, surprising me.

  “I’m near Crystal City. When we hang up, I’ll text you the address. You just let your GPS do the rest.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you in a little while,” she said.

  I quickly ran around my place tidying up. I wanted it to look perfect for Jewel. I was so excited that she had agreed to come over and spend some time with me. I lit scented candles, started preparing the meal, and even had time to take a quick shower. Before I knew it, there was a knock at the door. “Coming,” I yelled as I rushed toward the door. Before opening it I smoothed my hair, took a deep breath, and put a big smile on my face.

  “Hi,” Jewel greeted me as the door opened. She seemed a little apprehensive and gave me this look as if I better not dare ask for a hug or touch her for that matter.

  “Hey.” I acted like I didn’t notice her look and directed her to the living room area. “Have a seat.” I motioned to the sofa.

  “Wow! This is really nice,” Jewel said, looking around.

  “Thanks,” I replied as I headed to the kitchen. “You hungry? I haven’t eaten anything today.”

  The aroma of stir fry filled the air. I knew one of Jewel’s favorite dishes was shrimp in garlic sauce, but all I had was chicken, so I improvised. I threw the chicken in a skillet.

  “Yes, I am, actually,” she responded.

  The energy in the room was tight, and I could tell her mind was elsewhere. I needed to lighten the mood, so I popped open a bottle of
Moscato and pressed play on the DVD player to Martin Lawrence standup show called You So Crazy. Jewel hadn’t laughed in a long time, and I was hoping a glass of wine and comedy could fix that.

  “Thank you,” she said as I handed her the glass of wine.

  Minutes later as I was putting the finishing touches on dinner, I heard her laughing. Then I served her my beloved chicken stir fry. I kept the wine flowing and the mood light.

  It wasn’t long before I could see Jewel becoming tipsy. She had gone from uneasy to relaxed and extra giddy in under an hour. After dinner I took Jewel to the balcony. The cool breeze of the night air was perfect. We looked in into the sky and admired the full moon and countless stars in the sky. I couldn’t have painted a more romantic sky. I was feeling relaxed and happy with her.

  “Misty, thank you for being there for me. A big dose of laughter and a little pampering was just what I needed.” Jewel then downed the last bit of wine in her glass.

  “You’re welcome, baby. Anything for you.” I nodded as I ran my fingers through her hair. I knew I was taking a chance of blowing it, but it just seemed like the right time. The whole night seemed like it was leading up to this. Damn! My nipples became hard instantly. I’d waited so long for this moment.

  Jewel didn’t resist, so I kept doing it over and over again. Eventually she tilted her head back, and I kissed her passionately. We stayed out on the balcony kissing and caressing each other. The breeze blowing between us added another layer of sensuality.

  I needed to feel Jewel’s skin next to mine, so I led her back into the room and gently slipped off her maxi dress. I massaged her feet and rubbed her whole body down. Jewel dozed in and out of sleep, with intermittent moans.

  I moved from her feet and began massaging her legs. Then I moved up to her thighs. Jewel let out a gentle sigh when she realized my fingers had moved to her clit. I continued to massage it up and down with my fingers.

  “I love your beautiful breasts,” I whispered in her ear. I started sucking the nipple of her plump right breast.

  By this time Jewel was soaking wet. I continued to massage her clit back and forth. This time, it was with my tongue while I reached up and gently caressed her breasts. I couldn’t believe this was finally happening. Even in my best dreams, it was never this good. Jewel was sexier in person than she was in my fantasy.

  It didn’t take long before she had cum in my mouth and I was savoring the taste of her juices. I wasn’t finished giving pleasure to Jewel. I kissed her sensually before I whispered in her ear, “Just lay back, baby. I’m not done with you yet.”

  I reached into the bedside table and pulled out my strap-on dildo. After adjusting it around my waist, I pulled her legs up and pushed it inside.

  “Hmm!” Jewel sighed again.

  “Jewel, I love you so much. Please, let me make you mine,” I cooed in her ear as my deep thrusts kept coming.

  We made love over and over for hours. It was beyond all of my expectations. I was now fully in love with Jewel. I stroked her hair as she slept soundly after our lovemaking. As I stared at her, I knew what I had to do next. In order to keep all of my focus on Jewel, I had to end it with Jamie immediately. Jewel was the most important thing in my life.

  Jewel spent the night with me, and the next morning we had a nice breakfast on the balcony. Some eggs, bacon, toast and coffee were our food of choice. I was afraid that the next morning would have been awkward, but it was totally comfortable. Jewel showered while I prepared the breakfast, and then we had a nice conversation about her future. Although I was thinking it, I didn’t ask how I was going to fit into her plans.

  I got sad when it was time for Jewel to be on her way back to DC. There was a moment when I almost asked her to stay with me, but then I talked myself out of it. I didn’t want to come on too fast and strong. I would enjoy the fact that we had one night together and make sure that there were many more.

  As soon as Jewel was out the door, I picked up the phone and called Jamie. It wasn’t a conversation I was looking forward to having, but it needed to be done, and the sooner the better.

  “Hello,” Jamie answered. “Jamie, it’s me, Misty.” “Hey, Misty! I’m so happy you called. How are you?”

  “I’m good. I was hoping we could talk.” I didn’t waste any time.

  “Of course, baby. I’ll always be here to talk whenever you want.”

  I could already tell Jamie wasn’t going to make this easy. When someone is treating you so nice, how can you just drop him? I was already feeling guilty, and I hadn’t even told Jamie it was over before it even started. I knew I was going to have to stay strong and stick to my guns if I was going to make the break.

  “I want to talk about us. I think–”

  “I think we make a great pair. Our first go-around was just a trial. I’m ready for this. For you and me.”

  “Well, you may feel that, but–”

  “Hey, Misty, hold on one second. I have another call coming in.” Jamie switched over to the other line without even waiting for me to give him permission.

  As I listened to the silence on the other end, I started to rehearse what I was about to say when Jamie came back. The only problem was, everything I was rehearsing sounded stupid. After a few attempts to figure out exactly what to say, I gave up. I was going to have to just go with whatever came out and deal with Jamie’s reaction.

  Once I stopped my rehearsal, I realized I had been on hold for a while, and it started to aggravate me. Why was I holding for so long with someone I was about to dump? I hung up and went to the bedroom to dress for the day.

  When I got to the bedroom I noticed that Jewel had left her panties behind. I quickly grabbed them up off the floor and shoved them into my nose. I inhaled her sweet scent, and memories of the previous night flooded my mind. I instantly went right back between Jewel’s legs. Just as I was starting to play with my pussy, the phone rang and shocked me out of my memory.

  “Hello,” I answered in an agitated tone.

  “Hey, it’s me. Sorry I was on the other line for so long. There’s an emergency at work, and I was trying to solve it over the phone. Looks like I have to go in and deal with it. Can we meet up later to discuss us?”

  I really didn’t want to meet face to face with Jamie. It would be easier for me to end it over the phone, but I just wanted to get back to tending my pussy, so I agreed. I knew, whether over the phone or in person, Jamie wasn’t going to take this well.

  “Text me the time and place, and I’ll be there,” I said.

  “Will do,” Jamie replied, sounding chipper.

  “See you later.” As I was about to hang up, Jamie had one more thing to say to me.

  “Hey, Misty, I’m glad you called.” I could tell there was a smile on his face.

  Ugh! I thought. This nigga is trippin’. I wasn’t looking forward to meeting him later.

  I hung up the phone and picked up right where I had left off. My hand went directly to my clit as I lay back on the bed and closed my eyes. In an instant I was picturing Jewel between my legs, and all thoughts of Jamie had disappeared.

  Chapter 21

  “Wicked Realization”


  My pussy was aching, along with me feeling sick. Laying on my side didn’t help either. A wave of nausea took over. I ran to the bathroom, barely making it to the stool. I vomited so hard, it even came out of my nose. Afterward, I looked in the mirror and realized that I was naked. I cleaned myself up and slowly walked out of the bathroom, afraid of what or who I may see next. There, lying in the bed was Misty, and she was naked as well. Oh ,shit! What have I done? I thought to myself. I wracked my brain trying to figure it out.

  Bits and pieces of the night before started to come back to me. One of the empty wine bottles was scattered on the carpet. I started to feel nervous and jittery. My hands were shaking, and my brain was racing. I just had sex with not only a woman, but a woman who happens to be in love with me. After Sasha I vowed I would never do this agai
n. We can’t just be friends now. Misty will want more. This all happened so fast. Did Misty take advantage of me?

  I didn’t know what to think. I started getting afraid that Misty was still working with the feds, so I didn’t want to do anything to piss her off. Instead of running out of there, I stayed around and acted cool. Luckily for me, Misty didn’t move when I jumped out of bed to throw up, so I just slipped right back next to her. This time I nudged her a little bit so she would wake up.

  “Hey, Jewel,” Misty said as she wiped her eyes and stretched.

  I smiled. “Hey, yourself.”

  “Stay for breakfast?” Misty asked. It sounded like a question, but I wasn’t sure if she was telling me to stay. I decided it better to stay and try and make her happy. Hopefully this little fling would just fade away. I didn’t need no cop pissed off at me.

  “Yeah. Let me shower first.”

  “You shower, I’ll cook.” Misty put her robe on while I went to the bathroom.

  I tried acting as normal as possible throughout breakfast. Misty kept asking me about my future and what I was planning. Not wanting to give up too much, I made up some bullshit about taking night courses. I was pretty vague about the whole thing though.

  After breakfast Misty tried to get me to stay longer, but I put a stop to that. Told her I needed to get back to Shakira and take care of her daughter. I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I reached my car. On my way home, Misty began blowing up my cell phone. She called so many times that I shut off my phone. Driving like a bat out of hell, I rushed home.

  “Hey, Auntie Jewel, I made you a picture,” Kelly said as soon as I walked in the door.

  “Thanks, baby.” I smiled and gave her a hug.

  Shakira could see how upset I was and told her little one to go in her room and color. “Jewel, what’s going on?” she asked as soon as the coast was clear.


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