65 Proof

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by Jack Kilborn

  Billy shook his head sadly. “Problem was, he hit you too hard.”

  “My bad,” said Freddie.

  Jim Bob tried to ask a question, but his lips moved in silence.

  “You died, Jim Bob. But since that vampire girl bit you on the pecker, we figured we should keep an eye on you, case you came back. And you did.”

  Zeke smiled. “You should see yourself, Jim Bob. You got teeth longer than my German Shepherd, Harley. I’d hold up a mirror to show you, but it probably wouldn’t do nuthin’.”

  A vampire? Jim Bob thought. This is crazy.

  But then he touched his tongue to his teeth and felt the sharp points.

  Holy shit! I’m a vampire. That must be the reason I can’t talk — I’m dead, and there’s no goddamn air in my lungs.

  “Sorry we had to tie you up,” Billy said. “But we didn’t know what else to do. You…uh…want some of this blood?”

  Billy held up a plump unit of plasma, one of the packs Jim Bob had bought from Jesse Miller at the hospital.

  Jim Bob’s mouth instantly filled with drool. He craned his neck toward the blood, licking his lips, trying to reach it. Never before had he been so hungry. He had to have that blood. Hadtohadtohadtohadto…

  “Damn!” Zeke said. “Will you lookit that! I think he wants it!”

  “Give it to him, Billy.” Freddie nudged him.

  Zeke held up a hand. “Hold on, wait a second.”

  “Give it to him. He’s our friend.”

  “He ain’t our friend no more. He’s a goddamn monster. Look at him, snapping and slobbering.”

  Gimmeegimmeegimmeegimmee! I need that blood!

  “So what should we do?” Billy asked. “Kill him?”

  Zeke grinned, rubbing his goatee. “I got me a better idea. Jim Bob may not have big old titties, but I bet he’ll be pretty good just the same.”

  Zeke picked up the mallet and chisel. Billy smiled, unzipping his pants.

  “I got first this time!”

  Jim Bob opened his mouth to scream, but nothing came out.

  Flash fiction, a little slice-of-life tale that I posted on my website as a freebie.

  Something is in my ear.

  It crawled in when I was sleeping. Really deep. I can feel it tickle against the side of my brain.

  I tried to kill it with a sharp pencil.

  There was a lot of blood. But it didn’t come out.

  I stuck some pliers in my ear, to pull it out.

  But it went in deeper.

  Then it started to talk to me.

  It didn’t sound like words, not at first. More like chirping.

  Kind of like a cricket.

  But if I concentrated real hard, I could understand.

  He says his name is Markey.

  Markey talks to me all the time. He tells me he understands me. He knows that I’m different.

  Markey says we’re going to be famous one day.

  He wants me to kill a little girl.

  I don’t want to. Killing is bad. I tried to get Markey out of my ear by banging my head into the wall, over and over.

  Markey didn’t like that. He made me hold my hand over the stove burner as punishment.

  It hurt a lot, and I had to go to the hospital for a while. The doctors were very nice. They asked me what happened.

  I told them it was an accident.

  I didn’t tell them about Markey.

  When my hand got better, Markey was nicer to me.

  For a while.

  Then he started talking about killing again.

  He said I should bring a little girl back to my basement and do mean things to her with a hammer.

  Markey said it won’t be much different than all the cats he’s made me kill. Except this will be even more fun.

  Markey has made me kill a lot of cats.

  I have a table in my basement with straps on it. The straps are strong, so the little girl won’t get away when I’m putting the nails in her head.

  I drive a school bus.

  It would be easy to grab a little girl.

  Better than cats, Markey said.

  I was so alone before Markey crawled into my ear.

  He’s my best friend.

  I’ll grab the little bitch tomorrow.

  Another EC Comics inspired tale that I wrote in my younger days. I polished it a decade later for an anthology that never came out, so instead I printed up copies as chapbooks and gave them away for free at horror conventions.

  Dominick Pataglia tried to block out the screaming coming from the Punishment Room, but the ceiling mounted speakers were at maximum volume.

  The screams came at regular intervals — animal cries, sharp and shrill, only identifiable as human because they were punctuated with pleas for mercy.

  Mercy was not known here.

  Dominick clamped his fists over his ears, but the terrible sound penetrated the flesh and bone of his hands. From the creaking noise that underscored the screaming, Dominick guessed they were using the screws; wooden clamps, tightened on joints until the bones almost cracked.

  Sometimes bones did crack, causing political bedlam in the form of inquiries and written protestations from sympathy groups.

  This usually resulted in a sharp fine.

  The Law plainly stated that the punishment couldn’t inflict permanent damage. The Government was a stickler on that. It interfered with the education process.

  Another scream, like a pig being butchered. Dominick squeezed his eyes shut. He had felt the screws before, and other things that were even more horrible.

  Dominick had been a guest of the Punishment Room three times since he came here. Each time it had gotten worse.

  His first visit had been just after he arrived. Two men in hoods and uniforms grabbed him before he’d even gotten off the bus. They dragged him to the Waiting Room and locked him in, confused and afraid.

  There were no windows in the Waiting Room, no furniture, and the floor was cold, gray concrete. It had a sharp, acrid odor, beneath the scent of antiseptic. Dominick would later identify it as the smell of fear.

  On the walls of the Waiting Room, tacked up in ranks and files and covering every inch of space, were photographs.

  Pictures of people being tortured.

  Thousands of photos, thousands of faces, each depicting a moment of grotesque agony.

  Dominick opened his eyes and they locked onto a picture of himself. He looked so young in the picture, even in the grip of agony. It was taken only a few months ago.

  They had used the rack the first time.

  He hadn’t done anything to warrant it. It was just to get him acquainted with the way things were done here.

  He had screamed until his voice gave out.

  That was what seemed to be happening to his comrade in the Punishment Room. The screams were becoming hoarser. Not because the pain was lessening, but because he had been in there for over an hour. Poor bastard.

  Dominick let his eyes wander around the room until he saw the photo of the second time he’d visited the Punishment Room. For talking to an instructor out of turn. Dominick couldn’t even remember what he had said to him.

  Dominick’s face in the picture was tear-stained and manic.

  They had used the screws on him. On his thumbs, his knees, his testicles.

  It had taken him ten days in the infirmary to recover.

  His third visit to the Punishment Room was the worst, and warranted three Polaroids, all of which hung on the wall. During a two hour period he was strung up by his feet and beaten with a rubber whip over every inch of his naked body.

  Then he was beaten again.

  And again.

  And again.

  The pain reached such an intense level he kept blacking out, and a doctor had to be called in to give him amphetamine shots to keep him awake.

  That’s what the Torture Man thrived on. There was a rumor one poor girl had been in the Punishment Room for fourteen hours, simply because she kept
passing out from the pain.

  The Torture Man loved that.

  What he loved even more was breaking someone tough.

  The Torture Man glowed when someone showed anger or hatred; anything other than total submission. Because then the Torture Man got to break the spirit along with the body.

  Where they found people like the Torture Man, God only knew.

  Another hoarse cry. It would be ending soon, and then it would be Dominick’s turn.

  This was his fourth visit. That meant the electricity. From what others had told him, electricity made everything else look mild.

  He would have current driven into his teeth, and his ears, and up his anus. The Government had not banned this torture, even though it resulted in burns on the contact points. Burns weren’t considered permanent damage.

  The screaming stopped. The silence that filled the Waiting Room made Dominick dizzy.

  It would be only moments now.

  He hugged his knees to his chest and touched the bottom of his left heel for the hundredth time. Rules required he strip before he came in, but Dominick had managed to tape a stubby pencil to the bottom of his bare foot.

  He tapped the sharpened point, but it offered him no courage. Even if Dominick somehow found the guts to use it as a weapon, he didn’t think it would get him very far. The Torture Man would probably be amused.

  And after the amusement would come anger.

  Thinking about it made Dominick nauseous. But he thought about it anyway.

  Maybe it would work, if he was quick. Maybe it would work, if he stabbed the Torture Man somewhere vital, like the face. Maybe…

  The door opened.

  The Torture Man filled the doorway, steeped in the stench of body odor and fear. He stood almost twenty inches taller than Dominick, a monster of a man, with a barrel chest and strong, thick fingers.

  “Nice to see you again, Mr. Pataglia.” His voice was like raking leaves. The black cowl left his mouth uncovered, and his crooked brown teeth smiled with power and certainty. There were stains on his gray shirt from his armpits to his flanks, and a large wet spot soaked the front of his black pants.

  Though sexual abuse and rape weren’t allowed by the law, the government allowed him to masturbate while torturing.

  Dominick palmed the pencil and fought to keep his sphincter closed. He could hardly breathe. The Torture Man produced a clip board and glared at it with little rat eyes.

  “Attacked a hall monitor, eh Dominick? Haven’t you got the balls? We’ll have to hook them up to the generator, see if we can light them up.”

  The Torture Man giggled like a young girl.

  Dominick stood on rubbery legs and backed into the corner of the room. Dread soaked him to the core. The Torture Man closed in, huge and looming. He grabbed Dominick by the wrist.

  “Please,” Dominick pleaded. The pencil felt like a strand of spaghetti in his hand, slick and useless.

  The Torture Man brought his face close, so close Dominick could smell his rancid breath.

  “You’re my last assignment of the day, so we’ll have plenty of time together.”

  Dominick looked away, catching a glimpse of his photo on the wall.

  “No we won’t.”

  Dominick’s voice surprised him. It was low and hard, steely with resolve.

  The Torture Man was surprised as well. He went smiley and wide-eyed.

  “Why, Mr. Pataglia, did you just contradict —”

  Dominick’s hand shot out and plunged the pencil into the center of the Torture Man’s right eye.

  It went in hard, like stabbing a tire, and there was a sucking-slurping sound.

  The Torture Man screamed. He released his grip and stumbled backwards, his meaty hands fluttering around his face like birds afraid to land. Blood and black fluid seeped down his face in gooey trails.

  Dominick took three quick steps after him and swung his fist at the pencil, managing to knock it deeper into the socket.

  The Torture Man made a keening sound, and then crumpled into a large, fat pile on the concrete. His mouth hung open like an empty sack, and his good eye rolled up into the socket, baring the bloodshot white.

  Dominick stood over him for a moment, shocked. Had he done it? Had he killed him?

  Run! demanded the voice in his head.

  But Dominick remained rooted to the floor.

  He had to make sure. He had to make sure the bastard was dead.

  The adrenalin was wearing off, leaving Dominick sick and shaky. He forced himself to kneel, and then tentatively stretched out a hand to check the Torture Man’s pulse.

  It was like willfully putting his hand in a fire.

  After an eternity of inching closer and closer, Dominick touched the Torture Man’s wet, clammy neck. He probed beneath the fat and the stubble, seeking out the carotid.

  There was a pulse.

  Dominick yanked his hand back as if shocked.

  Run, you idiot! If he wakes up…

  But Dominick couldn’t run. He embraced a chilling certainty; even if he didn’t escape, he couldn’t allow this evil man to live. Not just for himself, but for all the others.

  He chewed his lower lip and reached for the pencil.

  The Torture Man groaned.

  Dominick sprang to his feet. He needed a weapon of some kind. Side-stepping the Torture Man, Dominick raced out the door and into the hallway. To the left, the door to the courtyard. To the right, the Punishment Room.

  Dominick’s reaction was visceral — he didn’t want to go in the Punishment Room ever again. But there were weapons…

  He went right.

  The Punishment Room was straight out of his nightmares. Dark and filthy, illuminated by two bare bulbs hanging from the ceiling by greasy cords. The walls were black, and an underlying stink of urine and excrement fouled the moist air. Chains and shackles were bolted to the floor and walls, a rack sat in one corner, and a cabinet full of the Torture Man’s hideous instruments yawned open, revealing his tools of pain.

  Dominick heard a noise like wind whistling through the trees. He looked back and saw the Torture Man standing in the doorway, wheezing. The pencil was still poking from his eye, and gooey red tears streaked down his face. He pointed a huge finger at Dominick, and took another labored step forward.

  Dominick reached into the Torture Man’s cabinet and removed a can of lighter fluid. He popped the top and squirted it at the Torture Man’s face.

  The Torture Man screamed when the alcohol hit his punctured eye. He stumbled backwards and tripped over the generator.

  “You little bastard! When I get you…”

  Dominick grabbed the nearest object — a digital camera sitting on the cart — and fell upon the Torture Man. He brought the weapon down on his tormentor’s face, again and again, the plastic case cracking and splintering as he used it to knock out teeth and break bone.

  The Torture Man lashed out, connecting with the side of Dominick’s head. Dominick fell onto his back, landing hard. His vision blurred, and something was poking him behind his left shoulder.

  Next to him, the Torture Man sat up. He grabbed the pencil and pulled. His eye slurped out of the socket, looking like a tiny red jellyfish trailing its tentacles. The Torture Man howled, dropping the pencil. The eye swung freely down at cheek level, hanging by a coil of optic nerves.

  Dominick reached behind his back, seeking the source of his discomfort. He pulled it into view.

  It was a steel clamp, almost the size of his hand. He squeezed the ends and it opened its jaws, baring tiny teeth. A cord was attached to the bottom, and Dominick followed it along the floor to where it plugged into the electric generator.

  He glanced at the Torture Man, who had managed to find his rubber whip. He smacked it against Dominick’s face, the pain instant and staggering.

  Dominick rolled onto his side, still gripping the clamp. The whip lashed across his naked back, and he cried out.

  “You think you know pain?!” the Torture M
an bellowed. “I’ll show you pain!”

  Dominick spun around onto his bottom, taking another whip stroke in the face. He thrust the clamp at the Torture Man, securing it to his ankle.

  Then he stretched out his hand and hit the switch on the generator.

  The reaction was instant.

  The Torture Man doubled in half like a book slamming shut, and pitched head-first to the floor. A strong whiff of ozone plumed around him as his grotesque body shook in racking spasms. Blood sprayed from his mouth and a piece of tongue escaped his clenched teeth and tumbled down his chin.

  Dominick crab walked backwards, putting distance between them. He watched, wide-eyed, as the clamp on the Torture Man’s leg began to smoke, and then ignited the soaked-in lighter fluid.

  The Torture Man burned like kindling.

  Dominick pulled his gaze away and found the drawer next to the cabinet that held his clothes. He tried to ignore the popping sound of blistering flesh and the Torture Man’s gurgling moans. By the time he’d tied his shoes the moans had died along with the monster.

  The can of lighter fluid was on the cart, next to a pair of tin snips. Dominick shoved the snips in his back pocket and squirted fluid onto the rack. Then he did the same to the Torture Man’s dreaded cabinet and the instruments it contained.

  They burned well.

  Finally, he went back into the Waiting Room and doused the walls, staring one last time at the picture of himself on the rack, watching it burn.

  They would be coming. Soon. He had to get away.

  The door to the courtyard was open, and amazingly, no one was around. It made sense — the Hall Monitors hadn’t expected to escort him out of there for another few hours.

  Dominick stepped out into the fresh air. The sun winked through the trees like an old friend. A light breeze cleared the stench of urine from his nostrils.

  The fence was just beyond the basketball courts, locked and topped with razor wire. Impossible to climb over.

  But he wasn’t climbing.

  Two minutes with the tin snips, and he was though the fence.

  Freedom enveloped him like a mother’s love.

  He ran off into the woods, giddy, yet knowing that someday he would return.

  But not as a victim.

  Dominick had read the forbidden history books. He knew that a hundred years ago there was no torture in America’s Public Schools. There was once a time when eleven-year-olds like himself went to school to learn. When education wasn’t Government indoctrination. When children were free.


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