Danger by Association: The Riverhill Trilogy: Book 3

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Danger by Association: The Riverhill Trilogy: Book 3 Page 19

by Heather Burnside

  “I see,” said DI Collins, nodding to the detective sergeant. “Can you let us have his name please?”

  Sergeant Fletcher followed his prompt and removed a notepad and pen from his inside jacket pocket.

  “It’s John Steadman.”

  “And, can you tell me his rank and where he is stationed?”

  “Manchester, I’m not sure where exactly. He’s special task force.”

  DI Collins seemed more interested at the mention of the special task force. ‘Oh no, I’ve done it again!’ thought Rita. She wasn’t even sure whether she should have been aware that John was a special task force officer. Perhaps he wasn’t supposed to share that information.

  Under normal circumstances she would have been much more cautious, but her mind was in turmoil. From the moment she saw the officers she thought only of Daniel, and prepared herself for bad news. And when the DI had delivered the news about the paedophile, even though she expected it, she had still been distracted. She was also thankful that it was his dead body they were referring to rather than Daniel’s. Because of her relief, she reacted without restraint.

  “Right,” said the inspector. “I think that will be all for now.”

  The two police officers stood up to leave. Rita couldn’t wait to get them out of the house but she tried to act nonchalant.

  As they were approaching the living room door, which Yansis was holding open for them, DI Collins turned to face Rita, and spoke. “Just one more thing before we go. Your brother didn’t happen to mention any other events last night, did he?”

  “No, why?”

  This time Rita was prepared. She knew what was coming.

  “We arrested a number of people last night in the Moss Side area. Unfortunately, there was a fatality involved in the incident. A Mr Jamal Samuels. I’m informed that he has a connection to your son. In fact, he’s your son’s uncle. He was Leroy Booth’s half-brother.”

  “Really?” said Rita. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest, but kept telling herself that there was no way DI Collins would know about her involvement. He wouldn’t realise that she already knew who Jamal was, or that they’d spent the previous night looking for him.

  “Now that’s what I call a coincidence,” said the inspector.

  “Yes, well that’s all it is. What are you trying to imply?”

  “Nothing at all. I merely passed comment about the fact that it was quite a coincidence.”

  “Yeah, well we don’t need comments like that. Don’t you think we’re going through enough as it is? If the guy got killed then it doesn’t bloody surprise me! If he was anything like his brother then he was probably up to no good anyway. I bet it was just a matter of time. I’m sorry if that offends you, but I’ve got no time for any of Leroy’s family. They’re all scum if you ask me.

  “Now, you’ve said what you came here to say so unless you’ve got any news about my son, why don’t you leave us in peace? Go and do your job instead of making stupid comments to decent, law-abiding citizens.”

  Yansis was now standing by Rita’s side and she felt his hand on her arm. “It’s OK, Yansis. I’ve said my piece. Now goodbye, officers.”

  She was relieved when the officers left Julie’s home.

  “Rita, I know you are feeling bad; we all are. But why did you have to shout at the police like that?” asked Yansis.

  “It’s called deflection, Yansis. Didn’t you see the way he was looking at me? I don’t want them getting too bloody suspicious, do I? If he thinks I’m really offended by his sly comment then hopefully it will stop him digging further.”

  Chapter 31

  Sunday 23rd June 1996 - Evening

  “Come in,” said Inspector Smithson when John knocked on his office door.

  “You wanted to see me sir?”

  “Yes, that’s right. Take a seat.”

  He waited until John was sitting comfortably before beginning. “It has come to my attention that you are a distant relative of the fatality from this morning’s raid.”

  Smithson looked directly at John who knew that he was observing his immediate reaction.

  “Really?” asked John, sticking his head forward and opening his eyes wide. ‘Body language, mustn’t forget the body language,’ he reminded himself.

  “Yes, a Mr Jamal Samuels. Name mean anything to you?”

  John feigned contemplation. “No sir, can’t say that it does.”

  “He was the half-brother of Mr Leroy Booth.”

  “Leroy Booth?”

  “Perhaps you recognise that name.”

  “It definitely rings a bell, yeah.” John scratched his chin and furrowed his brow.

  “He fathered your sister’s baby? The young boy who is currently missing.”

  “Oh my God! You mean, Daniel’s dad? No wonder the name rang a bell. Sorry sir, I didn’t know his surname. I was away in the army at the time, and I never met him. My sister and Leroy both died before the baby was born. Before Daniel was born, that is. Jesus! That means that the guy who died was Daniel’s uncle.”

  “That’s correct,” said Smithson, picking up some papers from his desk before scanning them. “I have details of the events surrounding your sister’s death here. It seems that Leroy was involved with gangs too. They both died from gunshot wounds.”

  “That’s right, sir. Unfortunately my sister was mixed up with a bad crowd; it was a really harrowing time for my family.”

  “I wondered whether there might be a connection with your nephew’s disappearance.”

  “Dunno, sir. We went through the property searching for drugs. Of course, I wasn’t aware that he was related at the time so I wasn’t looking for anything else …”

  “Very well. Perhaps you’d like to recap on the events of this morning.”

  John was relieved that he wasn’t in the room when Jamal was shot. At least he was clear on that score. He gave his superior officer a quick rundown, providing him with details of where everybody was situated when the shot was fired, and what action they took.

  When he had finished, Smithson asked, “So, can I take it that you weren’t aware of the family connection before you went on the raid?”

  “Of course I wasn’t, sir. I’d have declared it otherwise. I’m still trying to get my head round all this; I can’t believe it!”

  “Fair enough. I’m surprised you didn’t mention that you were related to the missing boy though.”

  “I didn’t want you thinking I wasn’t fit for duty, sir. And I didn’t want anyone persuading me to take compassionate leave. I can still do my job. That’s what I was trained for; to deal with all sorts of dire circumstances.”

  “Yes, I understand you’re a very committed officer.”

  John could see by the look on Smithson’s face that he was satisfied with the explanation he had given. Smithson was about to let him go when John asked, “I was just wondering, sir; because of the connection, won’t forensics be running checks on the building?”

  “Oh yes, I think we can be sure of that. Detective Inspector Collins and his team were very interested in the family connection, and may wish to speak to you at some point. I don’t think there’ll be any problem though; I’m happy with the account you’ve given. I shall have a word with DI Collins in the meantime and reassure him it’s just an unfortunate coincidence. I think you and your family have got enough to contend with as it is.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “No problem, Steadman. Good luck with finding your nephew.”

  “Thank you, sir. Oh, and sir, I still haven’t told everyone that I’m related to Daniel. I prefer it that way. They’d only make a fuss.”

  “Don’t worry, Steadman. I appreciate that you don’t want it to interfere with your work.”

  John walked out of Inspector Smithson’s office, inwardly heaving a sigh of relief. Thank God, he had pulled it off. And Smithson didn’t once mention the paedophile so he obviously had no idea of his involvement there. Now all they needed to do wa
s find Daniel.


  Sunday 23rd June 1996 - Evening

  The events of the day were still going over in Rita’s mind. Now they had got the interview with the detectives out of the way, her focus shifted back to her concern over Daniel. It was always there. The worry. The nagging uncertainty. She sometimes managed to put it aside temporarily, but it soon resurfaced in her mind.

  She couldn’t understand any of it. The two people they suspected the most had both died on the same night. She could hardly believe it. But, worst of all, where did that leave them? Where could Daniel be, and would they stand any chance at all of getting him back alive after such a long time?

  She continued frantically searching for answers, running over the details with Yansis. “Y’know, believe it or not, I kinda feel sorry for Raeni in a way. It must be terrible losing two sons. That poor woman! I sympathise with her; I know what she’s going through.”

  “Rita, please!” Yansis pleaded. “We don’t know that Daniel’s gone yet. We have to carry on hoping until we find out properly.”

  “OK. It’s just that it’s all so confusing. It’s doing my fuckin’ head in! Where the hell can he be? Jamal’s dead. The paedo’s dead. So we know neither of them have got him. Unless … oh my God! What if he was part of a paedophile ring? Some other sick bastard might have Daniel, or there might be more than one of them holding him.”

  Yansis took hold of Rita. “Calm down, Rita. We cannot think like this.”

  “OK, OK,” she said, trying to convince herself as much as Yansis. Then she took a deep breath to steady herself. “Right, what about my family, Yansis? I know you don’t like me to think of them in that way, but I’m just looking at all the alternatives. And, when all’s said and done, what other alternatives are left?”

  “I don’t know, Rita. I don’t think they would take Daniel.”

  “What? Bitter and twisted Aunty Irene? Don’t you think she would be capable of it?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.

  They soon reached a point where there was nothing else to say. Acceptance of their situation slowly dawned and they clung to each other for several moments trying to draw comfort. Then Rita suddenly withdrew from Yansis’s embrace as a thought occurred to her.

  “Yansis, I’ve got an idea,” she announced. “I think I know where Daniel might be. Come on, let’s get in the car quick. I’ll tell you on the way there.”

  Chapter 32

  Sunday 23rd June 1996 - Evening

  A young woman answered the door, and Rita and Yansis burst into the house before she had chance to warn her mother. They marched up to the living room but Rita stopped short at the open door. The sight of her son sitting on Raeni’s knee, with his back to them, took her breath away.

  Raeni looked up from the book she was reading to Daniel, her expression switching from joy to sadness. Daniel noticed the change and followed her line of vision.

  “Mummy, Daddy!” he squealed when he saw who was there, and he ran across the room to greet them.

  Rita lifted him into her arms, absorbed in the moment, her intended words of anger for Raeni momentarily cast aside.

  “Oh sweetheart, how are you? Are you alright, love?”

  “Yes Mummy, the lady was nice. She gave me cake and we played games. The man wasn’t nice though, but Raeni says he’s gone forever now and won’t be coming back …”

  Rita interrupted his excited chatter. “What about your asthma, love? How is it?”

  “A lot better. I don’t have to use my mask and nebber … nebber … nebberhaler …”

  “Your nebuhaler?”

  “Yes, I don’t have to use it any more. Raeni says I’m a big boy now, and I can use my inhaler on its own like she does.”

  Rita was confused, trying to take it all in. She looked towards the other woman for answers, “Raeni?”

  “Don’t worry, I didn’t tell him anything. I’m Raeni to him, just Raeni,” she said, her voice catching. “I gave him some Ventolin, it helped with his cough. I’ve tended to his sores as well, but I think he’ll still need to see a doctor. They’re a bit of a mess, especially the big one on his arm.”

  Rita passed Daniel to Yansis and stepped forward to speak to Raeni.

  “How long has he been here?”

  “Yesterday afternoon,” she replied. Then she muttered, “Jamal brought him here … then he went out again.” Her voice was barely audible as she stumbled over her son’s name.

  “But I rang you last night!”

  Raeni didn’t respond, but she lowered her head in shame.

  “So, you mean to tell me,” Rita continued, “that when I rang you, Daniel was already here, and you didn’t have the decency to let me know? That’s more than a day, for God’s sake!”

  “I’m sorry. I knew you’d take him away as soon as you came,” Raeni replied.

  Rita could have carried on reproaching Raeni, but the sight of the poor woman, defeated in grief, stopped her. Instead, she said, “But the police … surely they’d have seen Daniel when they came to tell you …”

  Raeni’s rapid reply prevented Rita having to say the words ‘about Jamal dying’. She guessed that Raeni couldn’t face hearing those words again so soon after receiving the sad news. “The police didn’t see him,” Raeni said. “I recognised that inspector straightaway when I saw the car, so Corine took Daniel out the back way till they’d gone.”

  “Why did Jamal take him?” Rita asked. “What could he possibly hope to gain?”

  “He told me he was waiting for you to go back to Greece, then he was going to bring him to live with me. But when you went looking for Daniel at that house, he decided to bring him here straightaway.”

  “How did he expect to get away with it?” she asked. “My mam lives a few streets away, for God’s sake! It doesn’t make sense.”

  Rita heard the emotion in Raeni’s voice as she replied, “A lot of the things my Jamal got up to didn’t make any sense. It’s the drugs that send them that way.” She then bowed her head again, and Rita guessed she was trying to conceal her tears.

  Rita was still angry, and was having difficulty containing her rage. To think that, since yesterday afternoon, she and Yansis had still been worried about Daniel’s whereabouts. She should have laid into her. Shouted at her. Told her what a callous, selfish woman she was.

  But she couldn’t.

  As she looked at the sad, lonely figure, her anger was overridden by pity and her desire to be with Daniel and Yansis. At least she had a good life with them. What did this poor woman have?

  Rita turned to walk away with Yansis and Daniel as Raeni called after them, “I just wanted a little time with him, something to remember before you take him away again. Goodbye Daniel, love.”

  She stood up and followed them out into the hall. There she grasped Daniel and planted a kiss on each of his cheeks, gazing lovingly at him, her eyes moist. “Goodbye my love,” she said again.

  After a moment’s hesitation, Rita left the house with her husband and child. She didn’t need to say anything more; Raeni had been punished enough.


  It was while Rita had been mulling over the possibilities that it had occurred to her. Jamal and the paedophile had always been the two biggest suspects as far as she was concerned. Assuming that the paedophile usually operated alone, once he was out of the picture that left Jamal.

  He had known they were onto him when they raided the property where he was staying. So, it seemed logical that if Jamal was holding Daniel, he would then have looked for somewhere else to hide him.

  Rita knew how much Raeni had wanted Daniel back. She’d seen it in her eyes during their previous visit. Amidst the sorrow and despair, Rita detected a longing in her.

  Given how Raeni felt about Daniel, if Jamal arrived with him, it was unlikely that she would have wanted to give him up straightaway.

  Rita was right. Raeni latched onto those last few hours. And the loss of her second son made her even more desperate to keep hold
of Daniel. She must have known that her time with him was limited so she’d made the most of it regardless of the consequences. She was a woman torn apart by grief who perhaps thought she had nothing left to lose.

  As Rita made the call to the police, she felt a tremendous sense of guilt. Poor Raeni had already been through so much. But the police would want to know where Daniel had been since Jamal’s death. And that meant Rita had to tell them.

  Raeni would be held to account for harbouring Daniel for the past day. But in view of all she had been through, and for the reward of spending some precious time with her grandson, it was perhaps a small price to pay.

  Chapter 33

  Thursday 27th June 1996

  It was four days since Rita and Yansis had brought Daniel back with them to Julie and Vinny’s home. Since then he had been withdrawn; not at all like his usual self.

  When they arrived at Julie’s, the children rushed to greet Daniel, but they were disappointed with his response. He had remained silent, cowering behind Rita and Yansis, and peeking out at intervals to survey them warily. Rita supposed that the excitement was too much for him after what he had been through.

  It was two days before Daniel wanted to play with Thomas and Emily. Initially his only interest was in his parents whom he clung to, following Rita every time she went out of the room.

  Although Rita was relieved to have him back, she was concerned about his fragile emotional state. It was understandable though, given that he was away from them for a whole week. The circumstances of his captivity were also troubling.

  From the evidence the police uncovered, Rita found out that Daniel had spent the whole of the time in a cellar. He hadn’t been allowed out at all, not even to use the toilet.

  When Jamal took Daniel to Raeni’s, they had destroyed all the evidence including an old duvet that Daniel slept on. It had taken an examination by the forensics team to establish that Daniel spent time in the cellar, and a bunch of hotshot detectives to extract a confession from Jamal’s girlfriend.


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