Save Aether (The Trinity Key Trilogy Book 3)

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Save Aether (The Trinity Key Trilogy Book 3) Page 12

by L. M. Fry

Parmelia dismissed the automaton with a wave of her hand. “Yes, yes, that’s all very nice Thank you, CHAD-4.” She turned to the girls and put her hands on her hips. “You girls should freshen up in your rooms. I’ll see you at dinner,” Parmelia said in her most this-isn’t-a-request-but-an-order tone.

  Marjorie gave Theo a quick kiss before leaving to find her dad. Theo retreated up the stairs, picking at the blue stuff that still clung to her hand. On the way to her room, Theo saw Victor on the second floor. She smiled and waved at him.


  His door closed. He must not have seen her. He didn’t even turn to look at her. Theo felt as if she’d swallowed glass. She took a few steps toward his room, but paused. If he had just snubbed her, she wasn’t sure she could face him without breaking down. Instead, she went to her own room. She scrubbed the gunk from her hand until her skin was more purple than blue, and then she flopped into her bed.

  “Why so glum?” Joe’s voice made Theo jump.

  Joe, a Stein family friend and Auntie Grace’s new beau, stood in her doorway, holding three boxes in his arms. Dropping them on the floor, he sat down and put his boots up on the hearth.

  “Geez, you scared me.” She eyed the boxes. “What are you doing here?”

  “Hi, Joe! How are you doing?” Joe chided. “Danu’s light, Theo. I came to see how you’re doing.”

  “Hi, Joe. How are you doing?” Theo deadpanned.

  She was glad to see him, but it was more likely that he was sent to keep an eye on her. She sat on the edge of the mattress. A smidge of guilt seeped into her. He’d helped her, and she was being ungrateful, but she had to know.

  “Did Parmelia send you… or maybe Victoria?”

  Joe cut her off and grinned. “I came all the way back from Colorado, just to say hi to you. And all I get is accusations?”

  She raised an eyebrow, and he chuckled.

  “I’m not at liberty to divulge any information. Besides, I’ve already gotten in enough trouble for helping you girls.”

  “Really? Why would you get in trouble? You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  He shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. Nessie and I knew the risks. We helped you fight the Order in Pacifica and we defied the Elders. What’s done is done.”

  “I didn’t know. I’m sorry,” Theo muttered.

  Had she known he’d get in trouble, she would never have asked for help.

  “Don’t get me wrong. I don’t regret a thing, except making your auntie Grace angry. Once she found out how… messy things got, she lost it.”

  Theo flopped onto the edge of the bed. “She’s pretty mad, huh?”

  Joe scoffed. “That’s an understatement. Just wait till she gets a hold of you.”

  “Ugh, can’t wait.”

  “Well, you’ve got a little time. She has to finish up in Colorado, which reminds me. She sent some of your stuff.” He pointed to the three boxes piled up near the door. “I’ll leave you to it.”

  After he left, Theo hopped up and dug into the first box. All of her old clothes were folded neatly inside. She squealed as if she were reunited with old friends. Graphic tees and jeans flitted around the room like snowflakes. At the very bottom of the box she found gold – two pairs of Converse sneakers. She hugged them to her chest, kicking off her boots and slipping one of the sneakers on her foot. It was heaven. Aetherian clothes were fun and all, but nothing compared to the comfy goodness of a tee shirt, jeans, and a pair of Converse sneakers.

  The next box held old memorabilia. A few ancient report cards – no need to revisit those. Her “Best Camper” award from summer camp – a decade ago. She didn’t even like camp that year. An elementary school spelling bee championship trophy. A stumble off the stage after winning left a big crack in the plastic cup. At the bottom, she found several photos of past friendships. She couldn’t even remember the names of the kids. Most of the pictures in the box felt foreign to her as if she was going through a stranger’s past and not her own. She sealed the box and set it aside.

  The last box made her smile. She pulled out her table lamp, her old diary, and the framed picture of her father that used to be on her nightstand. Leaving the rest of it in the box, she set the three items near her bed.

  Her two worlds meshed together. It felt… right.

  Chapter Eleven


  After one of the weird Stein robots showed Julia to her hideously frilly room, she didn’t know what to do with herself. She paced the length of the space. As far as she was concerned, this detour was a waste of time. It was nice to spend time with her grandmother without being in a cell. Still, she didn’t want to hang around any longer than they had to.

  “Julia?” Eli’s voice came through her door.

  Her nerves shot up into her throat. She hadn’t seen Eli since their brief encounter on the way to the Manta Ray. Her emotions wreaked havoc inside her belly. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to speak with him. Part of her was miffed at the whole Alouette thing, and he hadn’t even visited her at the clinic. Sure, he was a patient there too, but he could have come to say, “Hi.” Furthermore, they’d had a whole week on the submarine, and she hadn’t seen him once.

  “Julia, can I come in?” he asked.

  “Fine,” she huffed and unlatched the door.

  He slipped in and shut the door behind him. Julia avoided looking him directly in the eyes for fear of losing her nerve. She stormed away from him and continued pacing. Why am I so nervous? She tried to play cool.

  “Could you stop stalking around like a tiger for one second?” he grumbled.

  She paused and crossed her arms, keeping her eyes on the far wall. She heard him move around behind her. When he got close enough that she could feel him, she stepped away.

  “I wish you’d look at me.” He sighed, “At least talk to me.”

  “I really don’t think we have anything to talk about,” she squeaked. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the thick white bandages wrapped around his hands. She pointed to them and murmured, “Is that from the scepter?”

  “Yeah, that’ll teach me to get in the way,” he chuckled.

  She loved the sound of his laugh. A strange sound escaped her throat. A sound she’d never made before – a ridiculous girly giggle. She coughed to cover it up. Thankfully, a knock disrupted them and gave her a reason to get away. CHAD-4 bowed outside her door. The creepy mechanical man was her best friend at the moment.

  “Pardon me, Miss Julia. Dinner will be served in five… five… five… minutes,” CHAD-4 reported.

  Julia smiled at the robot. “Thank you, CHAD-4.”

  She took a step out the door, but Eli trotted forward and stopped her. He held his arm out as if escorting her to a royal ball or something. Feeling silly, she rolled her eyes and left without touching him. Her snub didn’t stop him from following close behind. She walked to the dining room in a fog. He confused her more than anyone ever had. Eli pulled a chair out for her.

  When she sat down, he leaned forward and whispered, “You look beautiful.”

  Her heart pumped fire through her veins. No one had ever said that to her, and she didn’t know if he was being sarcastic. She assumed the latter. She spun around ready to rip his face off, but others were arriving and she didn’t want an audience when she murdered him. Much to her dissatisfaction, he sat next to her. Parmelia and a small entourage entered the room. Eli stood up right away and bowed.

  “Madame Elder.”

  “Ah, Eli. No need for formalities. I do hope you’re feeling better. I heard you took quite a shock when you saved the girls in Pacifica, and that you had a mild relapse aboard the submarine.”

  Saved us in Pacifica? What? He hadn’t saved them. He grabbed the scepter like a dolt. Julia frowned. Julia felt a twinge of guilt. She thought that he was better when she saw him escort them to the ship. Julia glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. His eyes were glued to her.

  “Yes, Ma’am, much better.” He bowed.

  “So, ho
w have you and my lovely granddaughter been getting along?”

  He sat down with his mouth hanging open. It seemed Julia had never mentioned that Parmelia was her grandmother. Oops. Julia grinned. She remembered the first time they’d met, and he’d made such a huge deal about Parmelia asking for him directly. Parmelia held her arms open for Julia.

  Julia gave her grandmother a quick hug and muttered, “Hi Grandma.”

  Parmelia took her seat with a smile. Eli gulped a long drink of water. Julia turned to him and smirked. He mouthed the words, “Grandma?” She nodded and mouthed the word back. She leaned back in her chair victorious. He looked good in the color of confusion.

  Valera and Victor slunk into the room and plopped onto their seats. Victor looked like he had a mouthful of War Head candies. Theo sat across from them and gave him a longing look, but he didn’t even acknowledge her. Julia scowled. Theo didn’t deserve to be treated like this, especially for helping a friend.

  “What a jerk,” she mumbled.

  “What did I do this time?” Eli leaned in and whispered.

  Julia rolled her eyes at him. “Not you, him.” She nodded at Victor. Then, she thought about it for a second. “Come to think of it… you too.”

  Eli looked at Victor and lifted an eyebrow. “I like him already.”

  “Ugh, just mind your own business.” She couldn’t help the smile that crossed her face.

  CHAD-4 and the other automaton servants brought in a huge meal. Everyone seemed to pick at their plate, not eating or talking.

  I think someone sent Joe to spy on me, Theo burst into Julia’s brain.

  Valera eyed her brother out of the corner of her eye, I think you’re right. Victor’s been following me around.

  Julia scoffed, Well, I’m stuck with Eli.

  We’re not back to this are we? I thought you liked him. Valera griped.

  Well… I mean… I don’t know. He can be such an annoying bastard—

  Julia! For shame, Parmelia’s rasp slipped into the conversation. Eli is a good boy, and vulgarity is not a desirable trait in a girl, especially in Ealga’s heir.

  Julia jumped at the sound of her grandmother in her head, bumping her legs on the edge of the table. Everyone quieted and stared at her. After a few seconds of silent judgement, the room returned to its miserable dinner. Julia’s body flamed with embarrassment, then she saw Eli’s grin and couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Excuse me, but I’m feeling ill. I need to go,” she muttered and stood up.

  She scuttled from the room, eager to get fresh air. Finding the closest exit, she escaped into the gardens. The night air was crisp and cooled her skin. Happy to finally be alone, she walked along the path. Her thoughts splintered into a million directions, but one face popped up over and over again. She hated him for it. When the gravel crunched behind her, she didn’t need to turn around to see who it was.

  “What do you want?” she hissed.

  “Geez, kid. I came to check on you,” Eli responded.

  “Spy on me is more like it, and I’m not a kid.”

  Julia stormed away. Although Eli maintained a safe distance, he kept pace with her. He hummed an annoying tune. His footsteps increased until he was beside her.

  “Just hear me out.” When she didn’t respond, he continued, “I don’t know what you think happened with Alouette, but nothing ever happened between her and me. In fact, I don’t even like her.”

  Julia’s heart bumped and stuttered in her chest. She hated to admit it, but hearing him speak made her jelly-kneed. She closed her eyes – still unwilling to look at his eyes – and turned around to face him. The gravel crunched, and she felt his slightly rough bandages on her cheeks. Her eyes flew open, but it was too late. His lips brushed against hers. Molten lava pulsed through her veins. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed him back. In the back of her mind, she knew he was smirking the same irritating, egomaniacal, wonderful smirk.

  Chapter Twelve


  Valera envied the way Julia could get away with storming out of dinner. If Valera tried that, she’d be roasted alive by her mother. She also envied the way Eli went after her. At least Julia had someone new to talk to. Valera was stuck with her cantankerous brother. She eyed Victor and scowled. He was too busy sulking over Theo to notice. That’s all he ever did – brood. If Valera even said Theo’s name, he threw a fit. Across the table, Theo tried to make eye contact with him, but he kept his eyes on his fork.

  Valera focused on blocking Parmelia and said, He’ll get over it.

  Theo looked at her. I hope so. I miss him.

  He misses you, too. He’s just too dumb to know it yet.

  Have you seen Gideon?


  Valera hadn’t been allowed to see Gideon. Victoria refused to let her visit him. Then again, in the few hours that they’d been home, her mother refused to let her do anything. The attention that Dr. Lawless lavished on her was the only reason Victoria wasn’t yelling at her now.

  Valera moved the potatoes around on her plate, mushing them into mash. The walls of the mansion shrunk in on her. She missed the open air of the human world. It seemed as if every city in Aether was closed in, and it was making Valera claustrophobic.

  “May I be excused?” she asked her mother.

  Victoria was too enthralled with Dr. Lawless to hear her daughter’s request. Valera was about to try again, but Victor stopped her.

  “Don’t bother. Mother is obsessed with him,” Victor murmured.

  “What’s going on? He wasn’t like this before. He actually helped us in Pacifica, but now he’s… he’s creepy.”

  Dr. Lawless had barely spoken to the girls during the stay on the Manta Ray. He flattered Valera’s mother every chance he got, and Victoria touched his arm and giggled at everything he said. Valera gagged. She glowered at the man. Dr. Lawless met Valera’s eyes, and she quickly turned away. When she looked up, his eyes were planted on Theo. He continued the conversation with her mother, but kept his eyes on the two girls. Victoria was too enraptured to notice. He’d become exactly her mother’s type – cold and calculating.

  “She hasn’t wasted any time, has she?” Valera spat.

  Victor stabbed the chicken on his plate. “Titus is locked up. She’s lonely.”

  “More like desperate. She’s making a fool of herself… and she thinks I’m a disgrace.”

  “Don’t be so hard on her.”

  Valera ignored her brother. She watched Vivi get up and walk over to Dr. Lawless. Valera’s little sister said something to him, but he patted her brown curls as if she were a puppy and dismissed her. Vivi’s face crumpled, and she left the room. Victoria did nothing. His casual dismissal of her sister and her mother’s neglect made Valera want to lash out. She felt aether all around her.

  “Let’s go before I do something stupid.”

  “Before you do something stupid?” Victor muttered.

  Valera glared at him and stood up. He threw his napkin on the table and pushed his chair back. Victor’s eyes flickered toward Theo on the way out, but then he looked away and scoffed. Valera wanted to smack some sense into him.

  I give up. Theo’s voice popped up in Valera’s head.

  I’m sorry—

  “Where are you going?” Victoria shrill caw interrupted Valera’s thoughts. “I didn’t give you permission to leave.”

  Bitterness gripped Valera’s spine. She turned on her heel and faced her mother and the doctor. “Forgive my discourtesy, Mother, but I did ask to be excused. Perhaps I mistook your captivation with Dr. Lawless’ company as consent. I didn’t want to disrupt your repartee to double check.”

  Victoria’s mouth opened slightly, and her brow dropped. Her pale skin turned bright red. Valera knew she’d pushed too far, and she didn’t care. The doctor, on the other hand, grinned at the mounting tensions. He dabbed the corner of his lips with his napkin.

  “Valera,” he trumpeted. “You mustn’t be too upset with your mother. I
’ve been monopolizing all of her attention tonight. You’re free to go.”

  Victoria’s eyes widened. Surely, now she’d let Dr. Lawless know his place. Valera anticipated an epic outburst. But, one look from Lawless, and Victoria cleared her throat and waved Valera away. Valera couldn’t take it. She blurted the first thing that came into her head.

  “You should have that cough looked at, Mother. It could be pneumonia,” Valera sneered.

  She knew it was a pathetic slight, but it was enough. Mother and daughter glared at each other in a silent battle of pertinacity. Valera refused to give in. Victor touched her shoulder.

  “Let it go,” he whispered.

  Finally, her mother’s control snapped. “Valera, go straight to your room, and you’re not to come out unless you are summoned,” she shrieked.

  The doctor went silent. Victor tugged on Valera’s arm. She wouldn’t budge. Her hands balled in fists, and aether tickled her senses. She met Theo’s eyes.

  Valera, don’t.

  “I said go to your room!” If her mother’s voice rose any higher, she’d break the glassware.

  “Gladly,” Valera spat and stormed from the room.

  She stomped up the stairs so hard that the soles of her feet ached. Victor ambled behind her. Once in her room, she let loose. She stalked across the carpet and swiped her arms across her desk, sending papers flying onto the floor. Next, she attacked her chair, toppling it over and throwing the cushion at the canopy of her bed. Her brother leaned against the corner wall and watched his sister’s rage with straight-lipped grimace.

  “She’s terrible. I hate her. Did you see how she ignored poor Vivi? Do you know how she treated me all the way home? Here, look at my arms.” She pulled on her sleeves revealing a mosaic of bruises. “See? I can’t take it anymore, Victor. I’m going to… I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I won’t let her do this anymore. She’s gone mad!”

  Victor crossed his arms and shrugged. “I’m beginning to think all of the women in this house have.”

  Valera turned on her brother. “What’s that supposed to mean?”


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