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Eliza Gayle Witch Bundle (paranormal romance)

Page 2

by Eliza Gayle

  “There—there is a hidden story in these cards, and I believe this card is the key to the answers.”

  Withdrawing his hand, he stared into her eyes. His power stirred through his body with it’s all too familiar seductive call, and he knew his eyes had darkened.


  Something about this woman was pulling at him.

  “This—this card, when I touched it I felt something. A pull. As if being tugged into the scene on the card.”

  He found himself physically drawn to her voice, her passion, as she reluctantly told him the story. The story of his family she had found depicted in the cards, the curse of he and his brothers lives.

  Four male witches born every other generation. Two sets of twins bound to carry The Power through the family line, if they could avoid the seductive call of the darkness every time they used their powers. The combined power of the four would be unlike any other, but the cravings created from using their magick would darken their souls piece by piece until the ability to tell right from wrong would disappear, and the magick would quickly destroy their life forces.

  Anger, greed, and lust, all luring them to the evil potential of their magick.

  He watched her fidget nervously with the card, her agitation growing as she continued through the family story she had managed to decipher from a seemingly typical deck of cards.

  “Until this card…” He sat forward placing his hand over hers, giving in to temptation as well as attempting to reassure her, to calm her obviously frazzled nerves. When his hand covered hers atop the Ten of Pentacles a streak of energy surged through her hand into his body, slamming him back in his chair and pushing it against the shelves behind him.

  He gulped in air as magick flooded his body. In his fight to hold it in check he almost missed the difference. Instead of the dark weighty feel of his typical powers, this magick was light and bright with a different feel altogether.

  What the fuck?

  “It's true then? You’re a witch.” Her hands trembled as she knotted and twisted them together.

  He wanted to deny her claim. To excise her from his house as quickly as possible before anything more happened. But as he sat there struggling to maintain his composure, a free flow of energy swept through his system, making it impossible to deny. He didn’t need a mirror to know his appearance had changed. Years of living and breathing magick twenty four seven had taught him a certain amount of control and in seconds this Ms. Gallagher had wiped that from him.

  Without it his eyes turned black and his skin grew itchy and hot until he did something to expel the excess energy. Not to mention she sat in front of him staring—eyes wide in disbelief at the truth before her. She’d obviously come here knowing and just needed some evidence to prove her theory. So he’d play along—for now.

  “Yes. I’m a witch, and the story you just told is my family's history.” With the last of his shredded control, he pulled his chair to the desk and leaned forward tapping the Ten of Pentacles with his finger. “And what exactly do you think is so important about this card? It's just a simple depiction of a flourishing wealthy family.”

  “You're right. That's what I thought the first hundred times I looked at it as well. Until…” She bent down to rummage through her backpack, making the sexiest little grunting noises in apparent frustration, before finally pulling out a small magnifying glass. “Until I found something a little unusual. A symbol here in this spot.” She pointed to a family banner placed on the wall in the background.

  Grae sighed. This was going nowhere. “Rena, that symbol simply represents one of the brothers. There are four of them throughout the card.”

  She shook her head furiously. “Hold on. Let me finish. That's what I thought, too. But more research and digging into the symbol tell things differently. In the 1800s when your crest was developed, that symbol didn't stand for a witch but a different being all together. An empath.”

  Chapter Two

  “What? That's not possible.” His patience appeared to wear thin. “There are four of those symbols in the family banners and they represent each male witch born to the curse. The damn curse that kept my brothers and me virtually apart since we became adults.” He slammed his fist down on the table, scattering the cards. “Ms. Gallagher, I don't know what game you're playing here but I've had enough.” He stalked around the desk and grabbed her arm.

  His anger seared her body like the sharp edge of a knife thrust into her arm. The emotions poured through her as she tried to sift through his pain and anger of the suffering he and his brothers had endured over the years. The pent up frustrations slammed into her body with the force of a Mack truck, and spots appeared in her vision as the blood rushed from her head.

  “What the hell?” He jerked his hand back from her arm as if he'd been burned. “What is going on here?” He shook his hand and arm, attempting to shake her off.

  She wondered if he even realized that his dark emotions were now swimming through her system, fighting for purchase. She'd learned to fend off many different feelings from people around her, and for the most part was successful. But this—she hesitated, testing the sensations, seemed different. Stronger and aggressive. A battle waged within her as his passion and drive struggled to survive inside her.

  “I think I'm going to faint,” she barely whispered, then suddenly pitched forward in the chair, noticing the unmistakable look of horror that crossed his face as she fell.

  Rena woke with a start. Her eyes darted around the room as she tried to figure out what happened and where she was. She couldn't remember where she'd last been. Looking to her right, her eyes fixated on a bureau with some books and papers stacked on top of it. As she continued to take in her surroundings her thoughts focused, and she remembered she had come to visit Graelen Scott to tell him what she'd found. The memory of his anger over her information rushed through her as she recalled the level of fury and distrust that had transferred to her when he touched her. The intensity arching between them in that moment frightened her.

  Lifting her head, she swung her gaze in the opposite direction to realize she was lying in a bed and she wasn't alone. Without looking at his face, she instantly knew that Graelen lay beside her. After that touch she'd recognize his aura anywhere from now on. He’d crossed his arms over his chest and his hands rested on the sleek fabric of his shirt. Inexplicably, she found herself imagining what he would look like without clothes. His slacks molded to lean, muscular legs and cupped an impressive package, considering his relaxed state.

  Wouldn't I like to know what he's dreaming about?

  Rena laughed at the incredulous thought and jerked her gaze away. She barely knew this man yet now she was wondering about his sexual dreams. That must have been some touch. Was there such a thing as sexual power when it came to people like him?

  She gingerly touched the soft tips of her fingers to her forehead searching for a sore spot. With the crazy train of her thoughts she must have suffered a head wound when she fell.

  When she found nothing her gaze drifted back to Graelen and continued its path across his flat and likely rock hard abs, barely disguised under the thin cotton of his shirt. But what really caught her eyes were his well-toned chest and arms. The urge to trace a path along the veins of his forearms overwhelmed her. She'd always admired men with well-toned torsos and ached to see what his would feel like under the pads of her fingertips. She didn't think one touch would hurt anything. Who would know?

  She eased her hands towards his chest, hovering just above his cloth-covered flesh. Just as she was about to land her palm on his body, his hand snaked out and grasped her by the wrist, stopping her in mid motion.

  “I wouldn't do that if I were you,” he snarled. “I bite.”

  She jerked her arm, attempting to free it as her heart stammered. Adrenalin and fear rushed through her veins from the shock of being caught in the act. His quick reflexes and masculine grasp held her tight, leaving her speechless and gasping for breath.
  “I'm—I'm sorry. I didn't know you were awake.”

  “Rena, you don't have to look at me like that. I wasn't really planning to bite you. At least, not so you wouldn't like it.”

  She must have looked like a frightened deer caught in the headlights. She turned her head and attempted to regain her composure. Nearly every thought in head since she’d woken had been about him and sex. He had every right to be pissed. His hand loosened and his thumb caressed the sensitive skin of the inside of her wrist. Lust shot through her body in a direct line to her sex, heating her blood.

  Rena's head spun when his lips replaced his fingers and trailed hot kisses along her arm. Oh God, this wasn’t happening. She barely knew this man, yet his touch scorched her soul. Even his controlled passion beat at her emotional barriers. Her breasts tingled and the tightened tips rubbed the cloth of her bra, inciting her nerve endings. She wanted nothing more than to lose herself in his arms.

  “Rena, look at me.” She turned to meet his gaze, searching those gorgeous jade eyes for guidance. “Do you still want to touch me?”

  She nodded. Boy, did she. Since the moment she'd first looked into his eyes she'd had a hard time focusing on her job. Wrong or right, she yearned to touch this man.

  “Do it.” He released her arm and lay back down on the bed, resting his arms at his sides.

  She spied his enormous erection, barely contained inside his trousers, and itched to touch it. But first she wanted to continue what she'd started earlier. Her hand trembled as she reached for him, gently resting her palm on the flat plane of his abs.

  Graelen sighed. “Mmm…”

  He raised his hand to her face and stroked down her cheek. Unable to resist, she leaned into his hand, inhaling the scent of his skin. Warm, masculine spice. Her heart leapt when he touched her lips with a soft, gentle caress. She looked up to find him staring at her, bold need and desire blazing in his eyes, startling her.

  Oh God, that look. It drew her like a magnet. He pushed forward, bringing his lips so close. The warmth of his breath moved across her skin, tickling her.

  “I'm going to kiss you now. Are you ready?” He didn't give her a chance to answer, instead his lips pressed against her own, soft and gentle. Where she had expected hard and urgent he took his time tracing his tongue along the outline of her lips. The sensation sent a tremor through her body as her fingers curled around his shirt, nails scraping through the fabric.

  On a barely whispered moan her lips parted and his tongue slipped inside. With little thought to control or resistance, she kissed him back with a hungry need that would not be denied.

  Leaving her mouth burning for more, he traveled down her throat with gentle bites and scalding kisses, swirling his tongue against her bare skin.

  She squeaked in surprise when fingers brushed against her breast, sliding along the curved mounds before tweaking her nipples through her clothes. His large hands twisted and plucked at her tips until they ached and pulsed. She arched her back, encouraging more of his attention while her own hand found its way underneath his shirt to the silky, ridged skin of his stomach. The flesh was warm and sprinkled with a fine dusting of hair that narrowed into his pants. Infused with sudden bravery, she trailed that patch, slipping her fingers underneath the waistband of his pants, her fingernails just grazing the head of his cock.

  “Careful, Rena, you're on dangerous ground again. Consider before you keep going.”

  She smiled and continued her path, attempting to wrap her hands around his thick erection, applying a tight squeeze as she did.

  His hips bucked off the bed, forcing her to release him. With a wicked smile she withdrew her hand just as he surged toward her, flattening her against the bed.

  “I should probably warn you that I am not an easy man.”

  She looked into his now darkened eyes for the meaning of his words. His head dipped to lick the edges of her lips until she opened for his entry. His musky taste swirled in her head as his hand found the fastening of her jeans and deftly opened them, working the zipper down.

  “I generally take what I want, and right now what I want is to touch your pussy. Feel the deeper heat within.”

  She sucked in a deep breath and her belly cramped with want. His bold and brazen way of telling her what he wanted far more of a turn on than she'd expected.

  His hand slid inside her simple cotton panties and he dipped his long finger into her center. “Mmm… so wet and hot, just like I knew you would be.”

  Rena couldn't talk, the sensations were driving her wild as she wiggled and arched against his hand. Her fingers clawed at his chest and shoulders in a desperate attempt to get closer. She wanted more. His finger caressed her inner walls with subtle circling movements. The rising tremors began to spiral out of control.

  “Are you going to come for me, baby?”

  “Yes” she whispered breathlessly, jerking her hips harder against him.

  “Good girl, Rena.” He added another finger to her clenching sex. “Fuck my fingers.” His rough words fueled her hunger as the sensations drove her closer to the release she needed. Rising to meet him, he increased the rhythm of his hand.

  His thumb circled and stroked her clit as his fingers thrust into her with more force than before. “Oh, God…” she couldn't stand it. “ So close,” she panted, “please don't stop”.

  “Come for me, Rena. Come now.” His hard voice vibrated in her mind pushing her to—

  “Graelen!” She groaned loudly as the shock of the orgasm shook her body as she squeezed her thighs around his hand. She bucked and rode his fingers through the exploding passion until finally collapsing against the bed, exhausted.

  Graelen releasing his fingers from within her body shocked her back to the present. Realizing what had just happened and how she had behaved, embarrassment washed over her. What had she been thinking? What had come over her? Oh God, what must he think of her now?

  The heat of humiliation warmed her face as she stood from the bed, adjusting her clothes. She took in the sight of his huge, lake-sized bed, covered in green silk sheets, and the man still lying there smug satisfaction written all over his face. He watched her flee with an amused expression, looking sexy as sin. He folded his hands behind his head and waited, and all Rena could think about was sex. That man and his bed were made for nothing but hot, sweaty sex, something she didn't have a whole lot of experience with.

  Sure, she'd had sex before, but nothing worth writing home about. Her instincts told her that sex with Graelen would be different. All consuming. Alarm bells sounded in her mind as she realized she was in way over her head with Graelen Scott. This kind of man knew what he was doing when it came to women.

  “I—Uh—” She didn't know what to say. “This wasn't supposed to happen.”

  “Why not? You wanted it and I wanted it, so what's the problem?” His nonchalance flustered her even further.

  “Business.” It was hard to speak with her throat constricted in fear. “Here for business.”

  She was here for business reasons and she had to get her mind back on business. That damn card had tortured her for weeks and now she was close to the answer why. She wouldn't give up now.

  “Rena, do you want to explain to me what happened back in my office?” His demeanor instantly changed as he got up off the bed and stormed across the room towards her. The memory flash of his anger and pain flooding her body threatened to take over again. With all of her will she pushed it back and refused to succumb to it. “You're obviously an empath. What else did you leave out of your story downstairs?”

  She stared at him carefully, considering her response. After all, he'd just confirmed that he was indeed a witch. And she had no idea what that really meant. Did he and his brothers really have the powers alluded to in the cards, or was it a metaphor for something else? Could they command the elements and use them as a power source? She wondered which element Graelen would command.

  She had never shared her empathic abilities wit
h anyone for fear of recrimination. She had a hard enough time dealing with it herself without the doubt and pity someone else would no doubt heap on her if she shared the truth.

  “Yes.” Her voice was barely audible when she spoke. Admitting it turned out to be even harder than she thought. She watched him carefully for a response, and for a moment something flared in his eyes and then was gone. His face remained a carefully schooled blankness.

  “More, Rena, I want to hear it all.” She shook her head no, unwilling to share everything about herself.

  “Graelen, I barely know you. To tell you all my secrets is to imply that we can trust each other. We can't. We’re virtually strangers to each other, albeit with a common interest.” She turned away from his reproachful gaze. She couldn't take the pressure of the intensity and questions that resided there.

  “You came to me, babe. You started this. You wanted answers from me, but did you really think it would be that easy? That I wouldn't demand the same from you?” The intimate moment between them disappeared in a haze of disapproval. “Maybe before you tease the magick again, you’d better figure out what you want. In fact, here’s your first lesson. Power creates energy and when it does it has to have somewhere to go.”

  She stared blankly.

  “You’re a smart woman. Think harder.”

  He’d been slammed into the wall and she’d absorbed his darker emotions but the room had still vibrated with excess…

  She jerked her head up and met his gaze the moment she got it. “Sex.”

  “Give the girl a prize. Now it’s your turn so start talking.”

  “I don't know what else I can tell you? I studied the cards and the logical answer is the story I told you. What I haven't figured out yet is the meaning of the four empathic symbols. I had hoped you would have the answers.” Rena suddenly felt an urge to leave the house. She needed to get away from him. His presence made her nervous and his touch completely threw her off kilter. Sex and magick. Magick and sex. For once, her brain needed a break. She frantically looked around the room for her coat and shoes. “I think it's time for me to go.”


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