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Eliza Gayle Witch Bundle (paranormal romance)

Page 7

by Eliza Gayle

  Graelen opened the door to his study to find Cash pacing the room like a caged tiger. He didn't even need magick to feel the angry emotions swirling around him.

  “What the hell is going on here? Whatever you’re doing knock it the fuck off write now.”

  Cash swiveled around at the sound of his voice. Black eyes as dark as coal met his own, sending a shiver down his spine. “It's the woman, Grae. She has spelled you and you can't see the truth. Now she is trying to get to me.”

  Graelen took a deep breath before responding. His brother was wound so tight he couldn't even see what was happening to himself. “You can still say that after the gift she just gave you?” He had to accept how far his brother was gone. “No, Cash, that's the darkness talking. You're giving in, getting too close, too often. You've lost control.”

  Cash's features distorted into a snarl. “She is stealing your power. I tasted it back there.”

  Graelen shook his head, unsure how to explain what was happening with Rena. Frustration from them both filled the room. With emotions this high there wasn't much left he could do. Except…

  “Let me show you. Let me share the experience with you.”

  Cash took a step back. Graelen wasn't above tackling his brother and forcing him if he had to.

  “I don't believe this, Graelen. I don't believe the answer for us lies simply in a sexy submissive empath.”

  Graelen tamped down his own rising anger. Anger wouldn't get him to listen. “I'm not talking about sex, brother. Bond with me. Let me show you the truth.”

  “No. It's too dangerous,” said Cash.

  Graelen shook his head. “No more dangerous than what you’re doing to yourself right now. Look at you. You're using. And not just a little when it's necessary. You're using a lot.” He approached his brother cautiously. He had to get through to him. He held up his arms in front of his brother, waiting. Several tense minutes later Cash finally gave in grasping Graelen's forearms and they locked together.

  Graelen imagined a whirlpool of energy surrounding them, traveling in a clockwise motion from their heads down to their feet, then back up to their heads, and back down. Once the vortex centered around them, Graelen was ready to merge.

  He pictured his twin clearly in his mind. He watched Cash, empathized with him, felt himself merging within him. He imagined what his brother felt like at this moment with the darkness swirling uncontrollably within. He imagined the sights he'd seen, the smells he sensed, the motivations and ways of thinking he would have. Becoming those thoughts, Graelen merged with him by dissolving the distinctions that made them separate.

  Once merged, he felt all of his brother's anger and pain over the years of isolation. The bitterness of not being able to use his gifts for so many years, then the agony of giving in to the allure of the darkness he could never escape. Staggering, painful thoughts. But more importantly he could show Cash what happened to him when his anger transferred to Rena. Temporarily make him feel those same sensations. The balance her light gave to his darkness. He poured everything he had into him.

  “Graelen, wake up.”

  As consciousness permeated his tired brain, he realized someone was shaking him. “What the hell happened to you two?”

  “Rena, what are you doing in here?” He sat up, rubbing his forearms and looking around for Cash. His brother was a few feet away, stirring awake, rubbing his own arms where they'd locked together.

  “When all the emotions died, I rushed in here to see if you two were still alive. You scared the hell out of me.” She sounded reproachful, but warm relief glowed from her eyes. “Don’t do that to me again.”

  “I had to show Cash the truth. Unfortunately the method in which I had to do it was a bit extreme.” He smiled at her quizzical expression. “Long story, my sweet. I'll tell you about it sometime later.”

  He turned to his brother. “Cash, you okay now?”

  “Yeah, I'm fine.” His voice sounded strong but subdued. Something was still on his mind.

  “What is it?” He knew Cash had something else to say.

  “We need to know who sent her here. Some of the pieces to the puzzle are missing, and I'm certain her benefactor is the key.”

  “Nobody sent me here. I came on my own when I couldn't find the answers I needed in the research.”

  “No, Rena, Cash is right. There is more to this whole thing than just your curiosity.” She frowned at him. “I don't believe in coincidences.”

  “You two are the most paranoid witches I have ever met. What is it going to take to get you to trust me?”

  “Rena, I trust you.” Graelen grazed his fingers across her cheek, watching her fight the tears welling in her eyes. Sharing herself with them both during their amazing encounter had to have drained her, although she probably wouldn't admit that.

  “You want us to trust you? Then tell us who your benefactor is. I'd be willing to bet that a curious woman like you would never rest knowing her source was anonymous.” Cash's words struck a nerve as she averted her eyes and fidgeted nervously with a button on her shirt.

  “He's right, baby, isn't he? You know who he is.”

  “It doesn't matter. Who he is has nothing to do with all of this.” Her voice raised in agitation. “I know you say the cards were stolen from your family, but I'm one hundred percent positive that Reverend Cunningham had nothing to do with that. There has to be another answer.”

  Two audible gasps sounded in the room as anger anew flooded Graelen.

  “Reverend Scott Cunningham III?” Graelen looked at her to answer his question, but the deer in headlights look of shock on her face told him all he needed to know.

  “Well, fuck me. Damn it, Grae, we should have known he was up to something.”

  “Wait, you know him?” She looked thoroughly confused as she swiveled between the two brothers.

  “Oh yeah, we know him all right.” Cash shook his head and turned toward the fireplace. “The good Reverend you're so sure of is our uncle.”

  She shot him a look of disbelief as Graelen struggled with his fury. She was part of the prophecy after all, an unwilling participant, but still a pawn in his uncle's game.

  “Wait. How can he be your uncle? I researched your family, I probably know about them than you do.”

  Cash laughed. “Yeah, I doubt that. Good ole uncle Scott buried his association with this family a long time ago. Guess the old hypocrite covered his tracks well.”

  Grae moved close and clasped her hand. “Rena, I'm afraid you've been caught up in a family legend my uncle refuses to let die. One he and his religious cronies have been using for years in an attempt to get rid of us all.”

  “What legend? Are you talking about the story in the cards?”

  “Yes. What you call a story of the cards is referred to as the curse in our family.” He sighed heavily; his heart ached over her involvement. “Your interpretation was close to the truth but missing an element we've feared all our lives.”

  “Which is?”

  “You,” both Cash and Graelen echoed.

  “I don't understand.” She hesitated. “I thought you agreed that I'm meant to help you.” She looked between the two. “I felt the difference I make with you, I know it's right.”

  “Right or wrong, the slimy bastard is using you in an attempt to get to us,” Graelen said.

  “But—But why would he do that?”

  Graelen smiled indulgently at her. It would take a while for her to understand the depth of his uncle's treachery. “Because he believes us to be truly evil.” Graelen scrubbed his hands over his face as he pondered what would be his next course of action. “Not all witches are created equally. And, unfortunately, some of them want to wipe out part of the race.”

  “You are not evil. I know that for a fact. I've felt it. Who and what you are courses through me every time you unleash your emotions,” she reminded him, her tone commanding.

  “You're right, baby.” He pulled her into his arms, seeking to soothe her
hurt pride. “We aren't innately evil, but the power we carry inside has the capability of manifesting itself into a destructive force. One that will destroy us.”

  “I don't understand.” Her wide-eyed innocence sucker-punched him right in the gut.

  “Of course you don't,” Cash interrupted. “Your bedtime stories as a child didn't consist of a vicious legend about you and your siblings foretelling of an inevitable outcome that would lead to their deaths as well as the destruction of innocent lives.” Graelen cringed at the familiar pain in his brother's voice. “You weren't reminded every night, at the tender age of five, that the world would be better off without you and your brothers. And you didn't grow up hating women because you were told the one that got close would be responsible for the end.”

  “Cash, that's enough!” Without thought Graelen called his magick, his only way of getting his brother away from his woman. He bound his brother with a mere thought, but it didn't appease Cash's anger as the dark rage continued to grow within him.

  “Graelen, look at me.”

  He raised his head to meet Rena's gaze. She blinked as her eyes grew wide, no doubt at his appearance. He was lost in the thrall. The magick was in control. Despite the fear in her eyes, she grabbed hold of his hands, interlacing her fingers with his. Within moments the magic and anger winked out of his mind, leaving him to face a weak Rena and a shocked Cash.

  Narrowing his gaze on his brother, “You aren't the only one in this family who suffers, you know.”

  Graelen scooped up Rena before she fell down. He needed to find a better way to control his anger before he ended up hurting her.

  “Graelen, you can put me down now, I'm fine.” And it was true. He looked her over and just that quickly her color had restored and he couldn't even tell the two of them had just mentally roughed her up.


  “Honey, I've been dealing with this kind of thing all my life. Well, okay, maybe not this exactly.” She motioned to the two brothers. “The magick is new, but the anger and helplessness is not. Have you looked around lately? The world is full of hate and anger that I defend myself against on a regular basis. I mean there’s a reason I work in the basement and spend days on end alone.”

  He gingerly placed her back on her feet and she wriggled out of his arms. “I'll admit the emotions coming from a couple of witches like you is far stronger than anything I've experienced before, but I learn quickly and can adapt. You don't need to treat me like a weak kitten. I know how to take care of myself.”

  “She's right about that, brother. I've got the bruises to prove it.” Graelen's head swung sharply toward his brother. “Whoa, don't look at me like that. You've got the wrong idea.”

  “Enough, you two.” Rena stepped between the two of them. “I think I need to contact the dear Reverend and let him know that I won't be his pawn in this mess any longer and that I will not provide him with any more research services.”

  “No!” Both he and Cash vehemently rejected that idea at the same time.

  “I'll be the one to contact Uncle Scott,” Cash stated with controlled venom. “It's time one of us had a heart to heart chat with him.” Cash started to gather up his things, preparing to leave.

  “Cash, I don't think that’s such a good idea.” Graelen worried that Cash confronting Scott would end badly. Bloody.

  “No, for once, Graelen, you have to listen to me. I can't stay here and we both know it.” He shrugged into his black leather coat, sparing a longing glance at Rena. “You have to protect your woman. Let me do this.”

  Graelen struggled with his need to protect them both, and the anger and frustration built along with the desire to punish his uncle. Trapped between the warring situations, he reluctantly gave in to Cash's request. He would let his brother handle the situation for now.

  “Take care of yourself, brother. Be cautious when you confront him. But keep quiet about knowing Rena. I have an idea how to use this whole thing against him.”

  Cash smirked. “I will.” They looked at each other for a few seconds longer, then Cash strode to the door.

  In the meantime, Graelen had a feisty empath to deal with.

  Rena headed for the door.

  “Where do you think you're going?”

  “I think it's time I went back to work as well. I was only supposed to be gone for a few days, and I imagine the work is getting backlogged. It's a long flight, so I'm going to try and get some rest.”

  Graelen looked at her in disbelief. Did she really think he would just let her walk away?

  “Rena, my uncle is not a man to be trifled with. He is far more dangerous than you’re aware of. You carry a piece of my power now. Eventually he will figure that out, and once he does you will be in as much danger as the rest of us. He’ll kill you if he can.”


  “I don't think so.” Graelen jerked her into his arms, pressing her soft body against his hard frame. His lips captured her mouth with an unexpected urgency, forcing his tongue between her parted lips.

  Unable to wait another minute, his hands deftly began removing her clothes so he could get to her skin. His hands caressed her soft, curving flesh until he reached a tightly beaded nipple. She arched her back into his hands while his mouth sought that heated tip. Nipping with his teeth, he increased the pressure until she writhed in his arms, her little whimpers of pleasure soothing his soul.

  “Please stay, Rena.”

  Her body stilled at the seriousness of his words. His erection strained for release but he would deny himself the freedom of burying his cock in her body until she agreed to stay.

  “For how long?” She had no idea how sensuous her voice sounded when she asked him that question. It was like a cool drink flowing over a parched throat.


  The prolonged anticipation of her answer grew unbearable. This was one time she held all the control. He couldn't force her submission. Although for her own safety he was prepared to hold her there against her will.

  “For now, Graelen, for now.


  The Reverend paced the perimeter of his compound. His anger bubbled close to the surface, and in an attempt to control his urges he walked. Movement would help clear his mind and heart. The use of his magick left him cold and dark for days. He abhorred the necessity of it. He frequently didn't remember what had been done while he was under the influence. It was a by-product of touching the dark magick of those boys. If not for their evil he would never have to suffer.

  For years he'd searched through the history of their family records, seeking a way to bind them. But so far, nothing. It seemed an impossible feat, until now.

  Every instinct he had screamed Tarot. The answer was in those fucking cards. It was just a matter of time before he figured it out. When his sources informed him that the historian he'd hired to dissect the family Tarot had traveled to New England, he'd followed her to learn what she was up to. He now waited her out on his own family estate.

  Unfortunately some of his employees had gotten carried away and forced him to reveal his presence. Why had his nephew protected the woman? What did she have or represent that would feed his darkness? He'd meditated on those thoughts for days, seeking answers.

  The extra power his nephew had used from his brother pushed Scott to pain. To protect himself from death, he'd broken the spell with nowhere for the darkness to go but back inside himself. The resulting suffering and madness he'd been forced to endure for twenty-four hours had come close to killing him.

  Waking up with dust and grit in his mouth, he'd found himself on the dirt floor of his cellar with no idea how he'd gotten there or how long he'd been out. The last thing he remembered was his nephew taking the woman.

  The dark aura swirled inside him, churning his anger and hatred throughout his system. His throat ached and burned from his thirst. Rolling onto his back, he stretched his stiffened limbs. Thank God his instincts brought him home at times like this. Those boys did t
his to him and would continue to do so if he didn't find a way to soon end this. It was up to him to break this evil curse contained in the four men. One by one, Graelen, Cash, Dennison, and Noah had to be extinguished.

  For centuries his family had been tainted by an evil that needed to be destroyed, but by its very nature protected those who harbored it.

  He was close this time. His instincts cried with the knowledge. He'd found a strong coven that could help.

  “Excuse me, Reverend.” His lieutenant's voice pulled him from his thoughts and plans. He turned back to glare at the man for intruding.

  “Not a good idea to interrupt me right now, Giles.”

  “I'm sorry, sir. I wouldn't under normal circumstances. I—”

  “What is it?” He cut off the man from what would no doubt become a drivel of ass kissing if allowed to continue.

  “She has arrived. Ms. Gallagher is waiting for you in your office.”

  “Ah. That I will allow this time. But be warned that next time you may not be so lucky. You might want to think twice or even thrice before interrupting again. It could be painful for you.”

  “Yes, sir.” He slunk back, easing his way in the general direction of the house.

  So the historian had returned, no doubt to discuss her findings. He couldn't wait to hear what she had to offer up with regards to his two nephews, Graelen and Cash. The elder twins. Cash was a headstrong troublemaker already well on his path of destruction. It wouldn't be long before he turned. After connecting briefly with his brother, he'd disappeared. None of Scott's considerable resources had been able to turn up his whereabouts or even a whisper of what he was up to. It was troublesome to say the least.

  Graelen, on the other hand, had holed up with Ms. Gallagher on his estate. No one in or out until now.

  Entering the room noiselessly, he took a moment to take in her appearance. Her pretty long hair was pulled into a simple ponytail, the ends just brushing her shoulders. She was dressed in a conservative white blouse and long denim skirt that fell to her slim ankles. Even her shoes were plain brown loafers. If Scott hadn't recognized the intelligence in her eyes at their first meeting he would have dismissed her outright.


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