Skyrocket (Love and Music in Texas Book 6)

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Skyrocket (Love and Music in Texas Book 6) Page 1

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  It's the moment she's been waiting for...

  Kyra Sanders is back! With her comeback album just released and a highly anticipated summer tour, her career is ready to skyrocket once again. She's pumped and ready to go. After all the hell Kyra went through, it's about time things are on track.

  But then come the concerns and doubts....

  Just when things have fallen into place, Matt Greer receives a letter regarding his son which should come as no surprise, but it's still a blow.

  And that's not all...

  Baby Stetson is rearing to go for their first big tour.


  One is dealing with paranoia about a face from the past.

  Another gets unexpected news.

  Feelings and plans get conflicted...

  Not everyone's head is in the game.

  Not everyone is ready for the media and their rumors.

  Lives are in chaos

  Dreams are on the line.

  The Bare My Soul tour will definitely be a summer for everyone involved to remember...

  Don't miss the hottest concert tour of the summer!



  Nikki Lynn Barrett


  My writing process is never a lonely or dull one. There are always people in the wings, ready and waiting for my next move or writing rant. :)

  Robert, because you have to live with me and the things that go on in my crazy head. And you're still here!

  Michelle Renk-McGarvey, for putting up with incomplete ideas and getting a kick out of my notes to myself. I'm slowly coming out of the hiding blanket. Slowly, mind you.

  Last, but not least, for my readers who wanted more of Matt and Kyra. Writing Skyrocket was fun! I'm glad you love these two as much as I do!


  To Rayna Bethea- When you first knew me and I started talking about writing, I was totally not a romance author. I made the switch years ago, long after we lost touch. I miss the days where we used to talk every day. I came across your name in one of those autograph books we used to do at the end of the year and had fun going through fond memories of the years we had before time and distance eventually drifted us apart.

  Chapter One

  Matt Greer had never been so nervous to step inside a house full of people that were like family to him. This wasn't a casual visit. It wasn't like his normal routine to pick up his son, Andrew, who spent a lot of time here with David, especially while Matt worked long hours. Ever since the Sanders family moved to Sunset Hills several years ago, they'd always been friends. Six months or so ago, things changed. The unthinkable happened when he fell in love with Kyra, the country music icon and oldest daughter to Beth and Harrison Sanders.

  Matt had an important question he planned to ask Kyra soon, one that would change his life, and he was going to do this right.

  “Hey Matt! Shouldn't you be on your way to pick up Kyra?” Her dad opened the door, surprised to see him.

  “Yes, pretty soon. I wanted to stop by and talk to you real quick, though.” His stomach knotted. Why did this entire thing make him so nervous?

  “Well come on in. What's going on?”

  Matt followed him to the living room. Harrison sat first, so Matt followed suit, wringing his hands together. “I came by today to talk to you about asking Kyra to marry me.” His throat went dry after saying it.

  Harrison's eyes lit up, and a smile broke out on his face. “Just when I didn't think I could love you any more than I already do, you go and prove me wrong. I knew the day was coming, sooner rather than later, for you to ask Kyra to marry you, but I honestly didn't expect you to be old fashioned and formal by asking my permission. You have it, son. I know my daughter is in good hands.”

  Matt exhaled a shaky breath. “Thank you, sir. It means everything.”

  “Do you know when you're asking her?”

  “Asking who what?” Beth Sanders entered the living room, staring between the two. Nothing else had to be said. Somehow, she must have just picked up on it. “Let me guess. We're getting a son-in-law.”

  Matt hid a smile, folding his arms across his chest. “Kyra was right about you two. You really have been wanting this to happen all along.”

  Beth shrugged as she made herself comfortable beside her husband. “It's true. We never said anything before you met her because of your stance on singers, but we always wondered what it would be like to bring the two of you together.”

  “I never imagined when she rolled into town months ago that this is where we'd be now,” Matt admitted. “But I can't imagine life without her in it.” He pulled the ring box from his pocket, and held it out to them. “I've had this for months. Taryn helped me pick it out. Andrew doesn't even know yet. I'm still trying to come up with the best time to ask her.”

  “Look at her tour schedule and see what cities you'll be stopping at while you're with her.” Beth took the ring from him and examined it. “This is gorgeous, Matt.” She handed it over to her husband.

  “What do you do, carry this in your pocket every day?”

  “Yes.” He shrugged, feeling sheepish. “You know, in case that perfect moment strikes and I can take advantage.”

  Harrison handed the ring back. “I'm really happy about the way things turned out for Kyra. Her music has been a part of her for as far back as we can remember. And you, well, we can't deny we've seen an even better change in you since dating Kyra.”

  Climbing to his feet, Matt placed the velvet box back in his pocket. If he didn't ask her soon, this damn box would get worn out. “You know I wouldn't ever stop her from making her music, right?”

  “Oh, that's not what we're getting at here,” Beth added in. “We're glad Kyra has both her music and someone who is supportive in all she does. We're not blind to the fact that you pulled her out of that rough patch months ago.”

  “Well, it wasn't all me,” Matt replied. The last thing he'd expected from Kyra was her anxiety and stage fright. And yes, he'd been there through some of her worst moments, but she'd pulled through on her own.

  “You had a big part of it. Intentionally or not, you were a big help,” Kyra's mom insisted.

  “Well, I'm just glad she's ready for all of this.” He flicked a speck of fuzz from his pants. “I should head home so I can shower and change before picking her up. Thank you for your support today. I've been wanting to come over and talk about this for quite a while, and I finally made myself do it today.”

  “You had nothing to be nervous about, Matt.” Harrison walked him to the door, clapping a hand on his shoulder. “See you two soon.”

  He left the Sanders' house in good spirits. On the way home, he turned up the stereo, blasting Kyra's newest CD that he'd popped into the player immediately after she'd given him the copy. He didn't often drive with music on, let alone this loud, but it was another thing he chalked up to Kyra's influence. If he couldn't have her there next to him, then listening to her music was the next best thing. He'd heard every single one of these tracks in different versions at least a hundred times already, but they always added another layer of an effect on him each time he listened to the songs.

  Once at home, Matt grabbed the mail and dropped it on the coffee table inside. Time for a shower, shave, and a change of clothes.


  Matt wished he hadn't checked the mail before going to the airport to pick up Kyra. Though a lot of it was garbage, one thing stuck out- some official looking letter that taunted him. He'd eyed it suspiciously, hesitating for the longest time before he opened up the envelope. His heart thudded against his chest as he slid the papers from inside.

  “Damn!” He covered his mouth, glad Andrew wasn't home at the moment. He'd wanted to go as well to pick up Kyra, but her flight came in while he had an important test to take in school. As much as it sucked, Matt was glad he'd found the letter now instead of Andrew finding it later. Somehow, he had to come up with the best way to break the news to his son.

  With no word or warning, Kendra had made her cut from their lives official. Well, she'd made her cut from his life official the day their divorce was final, but this...

  Matt had no idea how Andrew would react.

  What brought it on? After months of silence after Andrew's birthday, he'd wondered what would happen next.

  Now he got an answer.

  Grabbing the papers, in case for whatever reason the trip to get Kyra took longer, Matt headed out to the car. This would hurt her, too. She adored Andrew, and vice versa. Kendra's never ending highs and lows were the biggest reason Matt hesitated with Kyra in the first place. He'd lumped her in the same category as his ex-wife and had quickly learned Kyra was genuine. He thought back to the day he first met her and that awkward tow ride back to Sunset Hills from Harmony's Echo when she'd crashed her car into the one in front of her, which happened to be carrying Andrew.

  Patting his pocket where the ring box sat, Matt kept his thoughts on Kyra and what he wanted to ask her instead of focusing on what he had no control over. He didn't expect that from Kendra. Not at all. But it shouldn't have come as a surprise. She never even tried to make it right after buying Andrew a car for what she thought was his sixteenth birthday, when it had only been his fifteenth. She'd left in a huff after he and Andrew told her what they felt without holding back. No apology, no trying to make it right, absolutely nothing.

  An hour later, Matt waited impatiently just outside the gates of the terminal Kyra would be coming from. He wasn't sure how she'd disguised herself today. Then he spotted her. He'd recognize those beautiful eyes anywhere, and right now they were focused on him. Her lips turned up in a smile. With her pigtail braids flying behind her, Kyra upped her pace and flew into Matt's arms.

  “I missed you so damn much!” He practically squeezed her. “Welcome home, baby.” Matt pressed his lips to hers, needing to taste her. For a while, the contents of that letter were long forgotten. Matt set Kyra down and reached for her hand as he led her away from the terminal.

  “How are things here?” Kyra asked as they grabbed her bags off the conveyor belt. Matt slung one over his shoulder, then reached for the handle to the bigger suitcase.

  “They're good. Andrew is excited to see you. He had a big test today, so that's why I didn't let him take off to come with me.”

  “He better still be recognizable. Every time I leave, he grows another few inches. He's getting taller than you.” She tousled his hair.

  “Yeah, I know. Don't remind me,” he grumbled playfully. “You want to head home first or get something to eat?”

  “I don't care. I'm just glad to be back with you. Skype chats have nothing on the real thing.” Kyra wrapped her arms around him before pulling his face close for a hot, needy kiss.

  He melted into her, succumbing to her touch. “My place or yours?”

  “Whatever's closer,” she whispered.

  By far, his place. “Come on, big star. Let's get you home and in my bed, before I have to let you go when you have Blaine's bachelorette party.”

  “Yeah, but we'll have plenty of time in between the party and the wedding. We can use makeup to hide the fact that we never got any sleep.”

  Matt laughed. “You won't see me wearing any makeup. You know I plan to make as much use of that time in between as possible. Can I give you a midnight curfew?”

  Kyra's smile melted his heart and stole his breath. “Take me home, you crazy man.” Looping her arm around his, she allowed Matt to lead her out of the airport.

  The feeling of excitement died down once his attention was set on those papers again. Kyra didn't notice them. If she did, she didn't ask about them. The ride home was full of silence. The more Matt stared at the papers, the more his anger surged. He played scenarios in his mind about how the conversation with Andrew would go. Would he accept it and be okay? Would this take them ten steps back? Would Andrew act out again like had a few years ago? Tears? None of the options were good.

  “Matt?” Kyra's concerned tone pulled him from his disastrous thoughts. “Is everything okay? Are we okay? Something is bothering you, I can tell.”

  “Come here, woman.” He patted the seat, eager for Kyra to move closer. When she did, he slid an arm around her shoulders. The last thing he wanted was for Kyra to worry about the two of them. He couldn't blame her, considering their break up and his hesitance in the first place. If only she knew about the ring. He wanted to ask her at the right time, no matter what.

  “I know it's been rough with me being gone for so long-”

  “It has nothing to do with that, Kyra,” he promised. “I missed you like crazy. I always do when you're gone, but believe me when I say we're okay. Take a peek at those papers on the dashboard. I got them today, and that explains why I'm so upset.”

  “Okay...” Kyra leaned forward and grabbed the papers. It didn't take her long to mutter a curse. “Damn.”

  “I know. I found this just before I came to pick you up. Andrew doesn't know. She's been silent since his party.”

  Kyra dropped the papers on the seat beside her and blew out a breath. “I have a feeling I know why. Umm … Kendra got signed to my record label last week. I found out about this yesterday. I wanted to tell you right away, but it's not something to randomly say over the phone, you know?”

  “Wow. That definitely explains a lot. Maybe she's trying to cut all ties before she makes it big,” Matt responded bitterly. “Maybe she's afraid I'd go after her for money for Andrew.”

  Kyra stiffened, which made him feel bad.

  “I guess the best bet is to talk to him before tonight. I don't want to ruin his weekend with all the excitement, but he deserves to know right away. Will you be there with me to talk to him?”

  “You know I will.” Tears slid down her cheeks. “It's her loss. She'll miss so much. Want me to go tell my label what a nasty witch she is? I totally will.”

  Matt let out a laugh. “No, don't do that. I'm sure she'll retaliate. Besides, it's obvious her real life attitude doesn't affect how they feel about her singing. It's obvious they see something in her, which is why they signed her to the label.”

  “Fine, but it won't stop me from making faces at her if we pass in the hallway, and they'd better not ever think I would collaborate with her.”

  He pulled Kyra closer. “I love you, feisty woman, and I'm about to take you home and show you how much.”


  “We should get up and dressed soon. Andrew's gonna be home,” Matt mused softly against her lips as he leaned in for another kiss.

  Kyra ran a hand along his smooth face. “I know, but I'm not ready for reality yet.”

  “You aren't? But aren't we a reality?” Matt gasped in mock horror.

  She giggled and snuggled close. “This is the best reality. Coming home to get naked with my hot and hunky boyfriend. You know, you're a hot topic in Nashville.”

  “Really now? First we're the talk of the town here, and now Nashville?” Matt covered his eyes with his arm. “This is not an easy job, being the … how did you say it? Hot and hunky boyfriend to the famous and gorgeous Kyra Sanders.”

  “Oooh, you!” She swatted him with a pillow before he grabbed it and smacked her back, leading them both in a fit of laughter and a tangle of body parts.

  “I love you, Kyra. I'm glad you're home.” He kissed her tenderly before they finally had to suck it up and get out of bed.

  “I love you, too. Nothing beats seeing you waiting for me at the airport every time.”

  They dressed and were just about to leave the bedroom when the front door opened, signaling Andrew's entrance into the duplex. “Kyra? Dad?”<
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  “Hey!” Kyra opened her arms for a hug. Andrew rushed toward her. “I missed you, kiddo!”

  “You have to find a new nickname for me. I'm not much of a kid any more. Not that I really was when you and Dad started dating. But I missed you, too. My friends love the pictures we brought back from the ACM awards.”

  “Did your popularity skyrocket?” Kyra teased, letting him go. Seeing the smile on his face, knowing what the three of then would be discussing, broke her heart. Kendra was a selfish bitch. How could she ever walk away from these two? As she stated time and time again, it was her loss. Kyra would never make that mistake.

  “Yes! Especially since someone found out you mentioned me and Dad in your CD book thingy. It's weird. People I don't even know come up to me and ask what it's like to kinda live with a country star.”

  “Yeah?” Kyra tousled his hair. “And what secrets did you spill, huh?”

  “None! I just say you're the best and my dad is the happiest I've ever seen him,” Andrew exclaimed.

  Matt put a hand on Kyra's shoulder. She knew what this meant- time to face the inevitable. “Andrew, we need to talk.” The seriousness of his tone gave Kyra chills, even though she knew what this conversation would entail.

  “What's wrong? You two aren't breaking up again, are you?” Andrew's smile faded, replaced by a worried frown.

  “No way. I'm not letting Kyra slip away that easily. Let's go sit down. This conversation involves your mother.” Matt's voice was quiet and full of hurt. Kyra also detected anger, lots of anger, which matched what she felt about the situation.

  “What did she do now?” Andrew bit out in his own angry tone as he flopped on the couch while Kyra and Matt took the love seat. Matt clutched her hand.


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