Skyrocket (Love and Music in Texas Book 6)

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Skyrocket (Love and Music in Texas Book 6) Page 9

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  She smiled back at him. “Any time. I should probably get up and get ready. I'll see you all in a few hours. Thanks for holding down the fort while we were delayed.”

  It wasn't until Kyra jumped in the shower and took in the fact that she was back in Tallahassee that her confidence wavered. As she let the hot water run down her back, she forced herself not to replay the memories of the concert that went downhill here six years ago.

  Things were different. Better.

  She'd be safe.

  Kyra had to keep telling herself that for the next few hours, because she had a hard time believing it.


  Andrew followed Matt around ever since coming in late with Kyra. Now that they were sitting in their seats after Baby Stetson's performance, waiting for Kyra to take the stage, he fired several questions at him in a row. “Are you sure you're okay? Do you need anything? Do you hurt any more? Are you having any weird symptoms?”

  Matt rested his hands on Andrew's shoulders and looked him in the eye. “I'm okay, Andrew. I really am. It hurts, but it's manageable. The worst part about it is, I was about to get down on one knee and propose.” He cringed, thinking about how much it would have hurt if he'd landed on the stingray with his knee. A shudder rippled through him as images flashed in his mind. Queasiness settled in his stomach. “It's not the first time I've had an interruption, either. The first night in New Orleans, we went out to a place called Snake and Jakes. Just as we were leaving, a woman with car trouble needed assistance. So, instead of asking her, we spent an hour fixing her vehicle. The universe has a twisted sense of humor this week.”

  “Maybe it's playing pranks on you. You know, getting into the whole tour prank thing. By the way, I heard you ruined one of Baby Stetson's pranks because you two didn't ride the bus over,” Andrew informed him with a smile. “Randy and Jameson were joking about that earlier.”

  Matt laughed. “I'm sure it means they'll work it in later. After Kyra's feather storm, I know something is coming.”

  “Speaking of Kyra, do you think she knew you were about to propose and is disappointed? I noticed she was really quiet today. Kinda seemed off, even.”

  So Andrew had no idea about what being in this city meant to Kyra. “I guess she could be, but if that's the case, it isn't the only reason she's bothered. After Kyra's accident, she tried to come back and finish some shows. One of them didn't go as well. It happened here, in this city, at this venue.”

  Andrew made a face. “Oooh, ouch. I had no idea.” That seemed to get him lost in thought. Matt was about to ask when Andrew spoke up again. “I've been thinking about something. Maybe it's the wrong time to bring it up to you, but it's on my mind.”

  “What's that?” Matt studied him curiously.

  “Even with the highs and lows of the music scene and what M-Kendra did, I think I want to pursue it. I want to try my hand at singing. And no, I'm not saying pursue it now, I'll do the whole school thing, but the more I get involved, the more I want music in my life. Is that wrong?” Andrew braced himself.

  Matt leaned back in his seat, taking this all in.

  “Dad, please don't be mad.”

  “I'm not mad, Andrew. I'm thinking.” This came as a slight surprise. Of course he'd heard Andrew singing yesterday, but he hadn't realized his son wanted to pursue music and that it had become more than a hobby to him. Whoa.

  “Well, think out loud. You being this silent scares me.”

  Okay, here goes nothing. “A few months ago, you mentioned you started playing guitar because you wanted to gain your mother's attention,” Matt said slowly.

  “Yeah, I mean, I had a genuine interest, but part of it was to see if she'd find a common ground with me. But long before that, I started writing poems and lyrics. I also signed up for choir as an elective this year.”

  Matt hadn't known that one, either. “You've really put a lot of thought into this, huh?”

  “Yeah. I've been wanting to bring it up for a couple of months, but I'm still worried about you and your music stance. But seeing Kyra and how she handles all of this makes me think I could do it. Not all singers seek attention. For Kyra and Baby Stetson, it's for the genuine love of music. I want that, too. There's something about getting lost in music that keeps me level-headed.”

  Damn, his son was growing up way too fast. As the lights dimmed, Matt leaned over and whispered in Andrew's ear. “We'll finish this conversation in a quieter place soon, but I'm glad you told me about what you really want.”

  Andrew nodded and pulled out his phone, ready to take some photos of Kyra on stage.

  Her first several songs, she hit it on the dot. Matt didn't detect an ounce of nervousness in her stage presence. She did get startled when someone started throwing paper airplanes at her from the side of the stage. A prank from Baby Stetson, maybe? That was Matt's first guess, but with what happened here previously to Kyra and how rattled it left her, he had the same feeling.

  Kyra bent to pick one of them up, still singing into the mic. She unfolded it, and during her instrumental break, she laughed. “All right, Randy, come on out. Or is it Avery? Nice messages.” The audience laughed at her antics of calling out the band.

  “Hey, we were just trying to get the message out, like your song said!” Jameson and Melody stepped on stage, holding hands.

  “You two?” Kyra gasped. “I almost thought you were the innocent of the bunch. Boy, was I wrong.” She headed their way as she belted out the chorus to her song, filling in words about messages from you to messages from Baby Stetson members.

  I'm hoping for a message from you

  No telling what you'll say or do

  Baby Stetson you know this is your cue

  I'm waiting on a message from you

  When the song ended, the crowd cheered.

  “Thanks for the airplanes. These fly pretty good!” Kyra picked one up and tossed it directly at the couple. It missed, flew over Jameson's head, and landed somewhere on the back of the stage.

  “Okay, so it doesn't quite beat your rain of feathers, but we're working on it.” Jameson shrugged, leading Melody offstage.

  Kyra faced the audience again. “I almost think I shouldn't have warned them ahead of time, then they would really have been in for a shock when I started pranking them. But it's been fun!” She grabbed her water bottle and drank a quarter of it before setting it down out of the way. The lights dimmed slightly. A slow beat played in the background. Smoke effects rose from the front of the stage.

  Somewhere in close proximity, angry shouts rang out. Matt scanned the area in an attempt to figure out what the fuss was all about. At first, he thought something that had to do with Kyra, but discovered it was a couple in a pretty nasty verbal fight. The woman stormed off, and the man followed. Then a third person darted after them.

  It must have gotten to Kyra, because she stood frozen on stage, missing her cue when the song started.

  The crowd hadn't figured out right away that something was wrong. Matt surprised himself when he jumped up to take action. “Andrew, I'll be back!” Matt rushed to find one of her crew members, fighting his way through the mob of people. “Hey, do me a favor. Hand me a microphone and let me go up there!” he directed to one of the surprised men.


  “Let him up. This is Kyra's boyfriend.” Landon practically appeared out of nowhere.

  “I didn't know you were here,” Matt said, happy to see him.

  “I wanted to see how she'd do here. And no, I wasn't the one who booked this stadium. Here's a mic. Let's get you up there. What are you going to do?”

  “I'm going to make sure Kyra knows she's safe. I'm sure she's told you what happened. I think that couple fighting spooked her.” Matt took the mic, his stomach all in knots. “Tell the band to go on with the music. I've got this.” With the help of one of the crew, Matt jumped up on stage. Kyra didn't see him right away, but the audience went wild. Matt raised the microphone and started singing the lyrics to the son
g. She whirled around and faced him, her mouth ajar. Then, good ol' Kyra, she regained her composure and sang along with him.

  A slow rhythm, a tangle of hearts

  I never knew this is how it starts

  Breathing in your scent

  Intoxicating and leaving me hellbent

  Matt continued to make his way to her, still singing. When he stood directly in front of her, Matt took Kyra's hand and stared into her beautiful eyes. As an instrumental break came, he mouthed, “You're safe, baby. I'm right here. I love you.” Tears slid down her cheeks as he moved back. They linked arms and sang to each other in the microphones.

  Kyra managed to get back to normal when the song ended. “Ladies and gentlemen, my handsome and talented boyfriend, Matt Greer! He's hiding secrets from me already, because I had no idea he could sing like that!”

  Chapter Ten

  “Matt completely caught me off guard tonight. He's got some serious talent! He and Andrew sing?” Landon questioned Kyra immediately after she left the stage. “Why didn't you ever tell me about this?”

  “That was very out of character for him, and I had no idea he had that kind of voice. Andrew is enjoying music, but he's not 100% committed to singing at this point. He's just playing guitar for now,” she informed him. Hoo boy, he didn't have any crazy ideas going through that head of his, did he? Because if so, she'd have to shoot them down fast. Matt would never want the spotlight on him, and the only reason he'd done anything tonight was to help her. Even knowing how much Matt supported her in everything, him getting up on stage in front of everyone to sing still threw her for a loop. It was completely unexpected.

  “You two reminded me of Tucker and Quinn McGinnis tonight,” Landon continued. “The chemistry you had on stage-”

  “Don't get any ideas. I'm serious, Landon. I'm begging you. Don't go pitching any ideas of me and Matt doing any kind of music together. I know him. He won't go for it. Tonight was a one time thing.” And she loved him for it. Matt saved her butt when she couldn't pull it together. The memory of her turning around to discover the owner of that voice earlier replayed in her mind. It would always be a special moment, one she'd treasure forever. Matt's gesture was absolutely moving.

  He studied her, his lips turned down, but nodded. “If you say so, but I can't deny how disappointed I am over it. There's some incredible opportunity with this.”

  “Sorry, but I don't want to throw any more at Matt that I fear would...that he can't handle.” No, she was not about to tell her manager about some of her doubts that her lifestyle was too much for Matt.

  “Okay, you win.” He stuck his hands in his pockets. “Good job tonight, as usual.” Well, great. He left it at that, but how upset was Landon over it? Her manager kept his tone and expression neutral.

  “Thanks. I'll be ready for the fans in a little bit, okay? I just need a little time to pull myself together.” She gripped the doorknob to the VIP room, eager to freshen up. Opening the door, Kyra soaked in the peace and quiet.

  Taryn waited for her. “Are you sure you're up for meet and greets?” she asked. “You still look a little shaken up.”

  Blowing out a breath, Kyra studied her reflection in the mirror. “I am shaken up. I don't know what hit me. I guess it was the couple fighting. I could see it, and my mind flashed back.” Her pulse spiked just thinking about it.

  “And Matt … what he did. Did you know he could sing?”

  “No!” Kyra exclaimed, “It was so weird. All of a sudden, there was this male voice. I didn't see him right away. It blew my mind. I can't believe he got up there in front of all those people.”

  “I can. It's because he loves you,” Taryn answered simply.

  “I know,” Kyra whispered. “I think he's been trying to propose to me this week. Twice I could tell something was up, and then just when I think it's going to happen, an interruption occurs. First, there was the night in New Orleans. Then this morning. I was about to take him further in the water, and he stops me. There was a look in his eyes as he started to say something, and then boom. He got stung.”

  “He's a trooper,” Taryn said quietly. “Poor guy.”

  “By the way, nice one with the planes. You guys got me there, but you'll still have to step up your game,” Kyra warned, finally making herself get up and prepare for a few hours of fan interactions.

  “Oh, we've only just begin. You have no idea what's in the works.” Taryn let out an evil laugh.

  “Ready, Miss Sanders?” Someone knocked on the door.

  “As ready as I'm going to be for tonight.” Kyra gave herself one last look, sucked in a deep breath, then opened the door. Taryn followed her out of the room, and in silence, they headed toward the designated area meant for meet and greets.

  Two hours flew by fast. No one said anything about her freezing up on stage, but their comments about Matt were encouraging.

  “You should sing a duet with him!”

  “When are you two going to get married?”

  “His son is so cute with all the selfies they've been taking!”

  For most of those, she nodded politely and made sure when answering questions, she didn't invade any privacy for Matt or Andrew.

  Kyra loved meeting her fans, hearing their stories, and talking with them, but tonight she was more than a little relieved when she'd signed the last autograph. Her body was weighed down with fatigue, and she really wanted to see Matt without everyone in their faces. She shivered, thinking about his voice as his eyes had been locked on hers.

  “So yeah, guess who's trending tonight? Kyra Sanders and her boyfriend's singing secret,” Taryn told her as they headed back to the room. Landon said Matt would be there waiting for her, and she couldn't wait to see him and thank him for stepping up like that and pulling her out of her funk. “And it's on video. Kyra, the crowd loved you two together.”

  Her stomach knotted. Matt had put himself in the spotlight big time, which made her appreciate the gesture even more because he wasn't one for attention. “Well, I guess I'll see what Matt says now. He's waiting for me.” Kyra's fingers were shaky as she touched the doorknob.

  “I'll see you in the morning. Let me know what goes on.” Taryn placed her hands on the rims of her chair.

  “I will. Night. Thanks for staying with me tonight.”

  “You're welcome. I know how difficult this was for you, but you made it through a big hurdle. I'm really proud of you. Have a good night.” After waving goodnight, Taryn wheeled away, leaving Kyra to walk inside the room and face Matt.

  “Hey. How are you feeling?” Matt rushed over to her, gathering her in his arms. Kyra relaxed against him.

  “Now that I'm with you? Better. Matt, you saved my ass up there tonight.” She hugged him tight. “I can't believe I did that.”

  “I don't think anyone noticed.”

  God, she loved this man, but he wasn't good at lying. “When I heard your voice, I didn't see you at first. I was so confused. When I realized that was you singing … I'm not saying this because I love you, either, but Matt, you can sing! I mean, damn well! How come you never told me?”

  His laugh came out in a nervous rumble, and he let go of her to take a step back. “Would you believe I never knew? I don't sing out loud. I just needed to find a way to help you, and that was my first thought. I was pretty shocked to hear that sound coming from my lips tonight.”

  “Good thinking. I don't know what I would have done.”

  “You would have found your way back, but I'm glad I got to get up there with you.”

  Someone knocked on the door. “Let us know when you're ready for an escort to your bus.”

  “I am if you are,” she said softly to Matt.

  “Let's go.” He gestured. “I'm ready for some quiet time. Just you, me, and no stingrays or any other strange, unwanted happenings.” Sliding an arm around her shoulders, Matt led Kyra out of the room.


  “What a day,” Kyra mused, sprawled across the bed on her back. Ma
tt took off his shirt, tossed it near his suitcase, and turned around to stare at her. Kyra's hair fanned out around her, framing her face against the backdrop of the deep blue pillowcase.“I can't believe in a few days, I'll be back to work. Andrew won't know what to do with himself after spending a week on tour with you.” He cracked a smile. Matt wouldn't know what to do without Kyra, either. This constant on the go wasn't for him, but he couldn't deny how much he enjoyed being with Kyra during this time.

  “I hope that despite the mishaps, you're having a good time.” Kyra sat up. She swept her locks up in a messy bun before tying it back with a hair band she'd worn around her arm like a bracelet.

  “I'm with you. Of course I'm having a good time.” He moved to sit beside her on the bed. “Guess what Andrew told me today.”

  “What?” Her eyes crinkled as she waited for a response.

  “He talked to me about his dreams. His singing musical dreams. That's big, Kyra.”

  She nodded slowly. “Yes, it is.”

  He scooted closer to her and cupped her face in his hands. “You've been a role model in his life. Andrew has told me several times how neat it is to see you with your fans. He loves that you have a genuine draw to music and that it's not for attention.”

  A blush crept in her cheeks. “Did he admit about the lyrics?”

  “He sure did. Andrew also told me he's taking choir as an elective. Oh, and he made sure right away to tell me he'll finish school, that it's not a 'I want to take Nashville by storm right this minute' thing. But he's definitely considering music.” And if Andrew had told this to him a year ago, Matt's reaction would would have been completely different. He had Kyra to thank for the change.

  “Andrew has talent. There's a lot for him to learn, but he's taking to music to help him sort through his feelings. He's also struggling a little, because he's afraid to tell his friends about this side of him. So what did you say?”


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