Skyrocket (Love and Music in Texas Book 6)

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Skyrocket (Love and Music in Texas Book 6) Page 13

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  Kyra stood there frozen, unable to tear her eyes away from the two of them. What would happen when she went home? What would happen tomorrow when Matt returned to the world and routine he knew and did so well?

  Had she made a mistake by allowing them to come full force into her touring life? Both Matt and Andrew got caught up in the media hype.

  What had she done?

  Taryn rolled up beside her as Matt and Andrew climbed into the cab and it whisked them away, beginning the journey back to their lives in Sunset Hills. Kyra waved goodbye as they turned their heads to look at her.

  “The goodbye thing sucks, huh?” Taryn touched Kyra's elbow.

  “Yep, especially when I can't stop worrying.” She forced her tears to stay hidden, but it didn't last long. Her heart ached from the unknown.

  “Worrying? About what?”

  “Kendra. Matt's feelings. Andrew. Will things stay the same when they go home? Will we be okay when I get back?” Tears overtook her and fell one by one until she couldn't stop the flow.

  “You know that optimistic side of you I bitch about when I'm down and frustrated?” Taryn asked.

  Kyra faced her best friend, unable to focus on her clearly. “Yeah.”

  “Bring her back, or let me talk some sense into the doubtful lady in front of me. But first,” she gestured at the tour bus. “we might want to go before they leave us behind.”

  “They won't leave two of their stars behind,” Kyra retorted, then chuckled. “But maybe we shouldn't take that chance.”

  Once on the bus, Kyra got a text from Matt. Andrew has been bitten by the selfie bug. He just took a photo of us in the cab, then posted it on Facebook saying we're on our way home from the most epic week ever. You've left one hell of an impression on my boy. I love you. Miss you already. Can't wait till you're home and you can get your hands dirty with me at the shop again. You're an amazing woman, and Andrew and I are lucky to have you in our lives.

  “Yeah, you've left a mighty impression on me, too. Both of you,” Kyra whispered as she typed a response.

  “Huh?” Taryn glanced over at her.

  “Matt. He just texted me.”


  “And maybe, just maybe, I need to tell Kyra Sanders the optimist to return.”

  “Ooooh, is that your round about way of saying I'm right?” Taryn squealed.

  “No, this is me … okay, fine. You didn't technically say anything that would make you be right, but I know where you're going with this.” Kyra sighed. “Happy now? I thought … I don't know. I thought maybe he'd propose before he left. And the fact that he didn't leaves me worried, even though this is stupid. Why am I obsessing over a proposal or not? I was fine with him not doing it because I didn't think it would happen this soon, and now I'm worried about the fate of my entire relationship based on my assumptions of what felt like was going to happen. Taryn, please smack me. Hard,” she begged.

  “I am not smacking the star of this tour. At least, not until I'm on a different tour bus,” she joked. “You two are going to be fine. I've known from the first time I talked to him that Matt was the one for you. Now come on. Let's go play Tetris or something, or to make you feel better, we'll play a game I know you'll kick my ass at.”

  Kyra calmed down and let out a laugh. “You're on.”


  What a difference a week made. The previous Monday, Matt was on a tour bus in a different state with Kyra and the band. Today, reality awaited him. Andrew would spend the day with the Sanders', and Matt had to return to the shop. He stumbled in at eight am with his coffee and a longing to call Kyra and see where they were, what they were doing, and tell her how much he missed her.

  But he couldn't. Time to play catch up and see what he'd missed at home while living the life out on the road.

  “Hey!” Rhett waved at him enthusiastically. “There's our star! Dude! I heard you sing on stage with Kyra! You freakin' rock!”

  “One time thing,” Matt replied before taking a sip of coffee, “although I see the magazines. They're making me out to be this secret closet singer with dreams of taking the Nashville stages. Hey, did you know that's why I wouldn't let my ex-wife make a career out of it? Man, the stuff I learn about myself every day.”

  Rhett gaped at him for a second before roaring with laughter. “You're hilarious, man.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Matt set his cup down. “I have to laugh it off. How Kyra or any other celebrities deal with this on a daily basis blows my mind.”

  Somehow, he got through his first day back at work without any problems. Matt decided to celebrate by taking Andrew to the arcade, but before they left, his son sat him down in the living room and played the song he wrote with Kyra for him.


  That's how I always thought

  Love should be


  A bond that never came to be

  Here I am still hoping

  But you crushed those dreams away

  I've been angry

  Pushing the ones

  Who were by my side to their limits

  And then I see her

  The one who always makes time to say

  Exactly what she feels

  I don't want to fight

  I don't want hurtful words

  But I must confess

  I have to get this off my chest

  You hurt me

  Shattered a piece of childhood innocence

  I hope you're happy

  I hope you get your dreams

  They're what you really wanted it seems

  But don't you worry about me

  I've found someone who loves me

  And its unconditional

  By the end, Matt was at a loss for words. Andrew set the guitar down and fiddled with his shirt, not meeting Matt's eye. “That was a moving song, Andrew.” His voice came out on a whisper, wracked with emotion. The experience of hearing him sing and play guitar to a deep feeling he'd expressed through music absolutely captured his heart. Music had become Andrew's solace, his reprieve from the pain his mother thrust upon him. Damn.

  “Thanks, Dad. Is it true I have to make a statement that I lied about Kendra?”

  Hearing him say her name versus Mom really threw Matt for a loop, even now, but it made sense. She'd made her choice, and Andrew made his.

  “Hell no you don't. You're not taking back the truth, as long as you say nothing else on the matter, at least not to reporters, unless me or Kyra give you the okay.”

  “I won't.” Andrew put his guitar on his stand.

  “Good. No matter what type of threats Kendra may make, she has no power over you, especially because you didn't slander her. She's going to, and already has, spread some nasty things about me and Kyra, but we're going to ignore it. It's the best thing to do. People will realize who is right in the situation, and nothing will happen to Kyra's career over it. She's been through worse with the accident all those years ago, so this is a breeze. Her words.”

  “Okay, if you're sure.”

  “I'm sure. You know this could happen to you if you went for singing. Someone could start a rumor about you, and it might not be anywhere near the truth.” His words came out a little too harsh, and he hadn't meant to do it that way.

  Andrew frowned. “Are you saying I shouldn't pursue it?”

  Matt stood. “I'm not going to stop you, unless you attempted to quit school. I'm just warning you about some of the downsides.”

  “I'll take it all into consideration, but at least right now, I want something in music. I'm finally finding a way to release my feelings without holding them in and getting upset.” Andrew also stood.

  “I know, and believe me, it's much appreciated. Now what do you say we go meet Blaine and Lucas at the arcade and have some dinner? I'll even let you drive, since we're going to get your permit soon.” Famous last words. A permit. Yeah, it was just about that time.

  “Seriously?” Andrew didn't hide his surprise at the

  “Yep.” Matt tossed him his keys. “Scratch my car though, and I'll have you in the shop working it off.” Patting his shoulder, Matt led the way out of the house.

  “What happened with proposing?” Andrew asked en route to the arcade.

  “I'm asking in Dallas. I found a really cool place, and I'm forming a plan. This time, nothing will get in the way.” Holding on to the handle, Matt smiled, thinking about how this would play out. He'd just have to wait and not over obsess over the whole thing until then.

  The silence bugged him, so Matt turned up the radio, flashed a grin at his son, and started to sing. Andrew chimed in seconds later, and they got through four songs before arriving at the arcade.

  Yeah, this he wouldn't mind. Singing with his son, bonding over music and cars and video games. The way it always should have been. “Hey, Andrew? How would you like to teach your dad a few things and help me make this proposal to Kyra one she'll never forget?”


  “You let him drive, huh?” Kyra propped her chin over the palm of her hand as she stared at Matt's face on her laptop screen three days later. They were on the bus heading towards Virginia for the next concert. Last night, they'd slept on the bus instead of a hotel. She couldn't wait to get out and get some fresh air.

  “I did, and I survived to tell you about it. No bruises or cuts either, and the car is still in tip-top shape,” Matt boasted.

  “That's awesome. How is everyone?”

  “Good! Your parents, David, and even Amy were excited to see pictures and videos. Oh, they expect a performance from you and me together now, but at least they aren't telling me to go for a music career. Andrew took Daisy out on a date and gave her all the stuff he brought for her. She's so proud of him being on stage. Blaine is in tears a lot, but everything is good with the baby. Lucas and Emily miss Avery, but he's been keeping her occupied.”

  “Yeah, Randy told me when he got back the other day that Blaine cried a lot. I'm glad everything is okay with the baby. This tour bus is so empty without the two of you,” she blurted.

  “Yeah, well, I wake up in bed at night and try to remember what city I'm in.” Matt laughed. God, he looked good. “I'm counting down the days until Dallas.”

  “Me too. I can't wait to hug you.”

  “I heard you're doing something for Chris' sister in Kansas?”

  “Yeah, he asked a favor. She's a big fan and still dealing with hospital stays, so we're making a trip to see her. He's not happy about having to see his mother, but he's really close with Lissy now.”

  “Really neat, Kyra.” Matt moved closer to the screen. “Where you headed tonight? I know you told me, but...”

  “Virginia.” The wail of sirens nearby startled her. “Hmm. I wonder if there's an accident nearby. I hear a siren.”

  “Be careful,” Matt warned.

  “I will.” Her driver was good at keeping an eye out for all of that stuff.

  The siren grew closer, but it never faded. “That's weird. Hold on, Matt. I'm going to talk to my driver real quick.” Just as she rose to her feet, the bus slowed, and then came to a stop. “Huh. I wonder if we're getting pulled over.”

  “What? Broken tail light, maybe? Or something else. I know how you like to party,” Matt teased.

  “Har har. Very funny.” Actually this had her very concerned. There should be no reason to be pulled over. It had to be something simple.

  Taryn rolled out from the back. “What's going on? Are we being pulled over? I heard sirens pretty close, and now we're stopped.”

  “I was just wondering the same thing,” Kyra told her.

  “Okay, well, when you're done getting busted for your party ways, call me back,” Matt pleaded. “You might want to tell me who to call to get you bail money.”

  “Very funny, Matthew.” She only called him by his full name when she wanted his attention. “I'll keep you updated. Love you. Talk to you once we see what's up,” Kyra promised. He hung up, and her screen went blank. “Hey, what's going on?” she asked Miles when he opened the door and stepped inside.

  “Highway patrol pulled us over, Miss Sanders. Might wanna come down and have a talk with him.” Miles seemed shaken.

  Exchanging a glance with Taryn, Kyra's stomach rolled. What could it be about? She didn't have a good feeling about this. Opening the door, Kyra stepped off the bus. The heat from the midsummer sun beat down on her. “What can I do for you?” she asked the officer. Next to him were a pair of dogs. Sniffing dogs? Did he think they had drugs on the bus?

  “Miss Sanders, I need to do a search on your bus.” He tipped his hat and narrowed his eyes at her.

  “I'm sorry?” She reeled back. “I mean, of course. I don't know what for, but … what is this about?”

  “Ma'am, there've been reports about some suspicious activity on your vehicle. Is there anyone else up there?”

  Kyra trembled. Did Kendra do this? A nasty, crude way to get back? She didn't do anything wrong, and they wouldn't find anything, but this had her rattled. “Yes. My best friend, Taryn. Let me get the wheelchair lift so I can get her down.” She walked with shaky legs back to the door. “Taryn? I'm going to get the chair lift ready. You need to come down.”

  “Okay!” Taryn sounded just as rattled, if not more than Kyra.

  Blowing out a breath, Kyra nearly choked because her throat was so dry. Her mind raced. When Taryn was on the ground, she rolled off the lift. “What's wrong?

  “We're getting searched,” she whispered, then faced the officer. “All clear.”

  “Wait here, ma'am.” He led the dogs on the bus.

  “Don't they have to have a warrant for that?” Taryn asked.

  “I don't know. I don't even know what he thinks he'll find, but I'm not about to go against a deputy's orders.” Kyra shivered, though the temperature had to be nearing ninety.

  About ten minutes later, the deputy and his two dogs returned. He narrowed his eyes again. “I received a tip you had plans of writing a song about how you were wronged by the males in the world. Clearly, there's no evidence of these lyrics on your bus. I will inform Baby Stetson that they were mistaken.”

  Kyra's jaw dropped. “Did I just ... oh my God, this was a prank? Are you serious?” Holy hell! She didn't know whether to throttle or applaud them for this, because she'd been on the verge of a nervous breakdown!

  “Yes, ma'am, and it's recorded.” The man flashed a crooked toothed grin. “I'll be sending this to them for proof.”

  “Taryn?” She faced her friend. “How did you pull this off without even flinching?”

  “I had nothing to do with this. I didn't even know!” Taryn swore. “I was just as stunned as you are!”

  “Are you even a real officer? I just...” Kyra put a hand to her heart as it pounded wildly. “I was so freaking scared!”

  “Yes, ma'am. I know your friend Randy and his family from way back.” The deputy tipped his hat, revealing a balding head. “I've heard of these pranks between musicians, but never thought I'd get to be a part of one. Every once in a while, we have to have a little fun around here.”

  Kyra laughed, though they came out in squeaks. “I'd say I'm going to kill them, but I'm sure that'll incriminate me. Wow. They really had me going. I didn't think they'd get me this bad.”

  “Now that's somethin' to write a song about. Enjoy your day, Miss Sanders, and welcome to Virginia.” He waved, called the dogs, and headed back to his patrol car.

  Back on the bus, Taryn called Chris. “Put that prankster Randy on the line, like now! I can't believe I wasn't let in on this!”

  “Don't worry. Melody and Avery weren't either. I couldn't tell you, Tar.” Chris apologized. “Randy! Your plan worked! Kyra and Taryn want to kill you!”

  “Randy Hughes, it's a good thing your wife is one of my good friends, and I'm dating your cousin, because after that prank .... Hell!” Kyra exclaimed. “Kudos to you. That was a damn good one, but wow. Be prepared, y'all. Be prepared. Karma is a
ll I can say!”

  “It was so worth it. So worth it! I'm watching the video now, and the looks on your faces ... I love it!” Randy let out a cackle.

  “We've got a few weeks left. Be on your guard!” Kyra warned, still trying to catch her breath. Damn, did she love the touring life.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Early August

  Fort Worth, Texas

  “One week left,” Kyra noted as she leaned on Matt's shoulder inside the limo he'd reserved. “I can't believe the tour is almost over.”

  “And how long do you get to be home before your schedule goes insane again?” he inquired.

  “I'm not sure. I do have to go to Nashville here and there. I'll probably take on some appearances, but nothing too crazy. I think I'll be spending more time in the studio getting a head start on the next album. Luckily, I have a studio in the basement of the house. Most of it I can do from home. So where are we going now?”

  “I'm not telling.” Matt kissed her gently. “All I know is, I'm glad today's show was an early one. I need you to trust me.”

  “What? Of course I trust you.” Kyra sat up.

  “Good. Then you'll let me put this over your eyes, and you'll keep it on until I take it off?” He held up a blindfold.

  “You don't have some kinky sex fantasy I never knew about, do you?”

  He laughed at her expression of horror. “Well, I do hope you're bringing some of your disguises home, but don't worry, this has nothing to do with a fantasy. I have a surprise, and I don't want you to see it. Yet.”

  “All right.” She held up her hands, a ghost of a smile playing on her lips.

  Matt gently placed the blindfold over her eyes, then caressed her hand.

  A few minutes later, they arrived at their destination. The driver of the limo opened the door, and Matt eased Kyra out. “I've got you,” he whispered against her ear, then led her to the spot he wanted her to see first. “Ready?” Nothing would ruin tonight. Nothing. He picked up the guitar case, holding back a snicker. She'd never even realized he had it in the limo with them.


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