The Shadow Children (The Demon-Born Trilogy Book 1)

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The Shadow Children (The Demon-Born Trilogy Book 1) Page 18

by L. C. Hibbett

  My hands itched to reach out and pull him closer, yearning to feel his body pressed against mine again, to hear my name on his lips. I leaned towards him, and the blanket slipped down to my waist. Sam froze, his pupils exploding like black stars in his eyes.

  Eve coughed pointedly, and Sam lifted his hand to his hair, pulling it away from his forehead. He exhaled and walked backward towards the door. His eyes didn’t leave my face until he had stepped into the corridor and vanished out of sight. I flopped back onto the pillows.

  Eve twisted the handle of the open door several times, watching the catch appear and disappear with each rotation. I tossed back the covers and stepped gingerly onto the cold floor. Eve closed the door. “Are you in pain? Sit down.”

  “I'm okay.” I brushed past her and reached into the wardrobe, pulling out the jeans and shirt left for me. A push-up bra dangled from the hanger. I rolled my eyes and tossed it back into the wardrobe, grinning.

  Eve straightened the bedcovers while I pulled on my clothes. Her tone was brittle. “What went wrong yesterday?”

  I turned around to face her, leaning my back against the wardrobe for support. “I messed up and said something stupid to one of the Demons. I didn’t know about the ‘Don’t insult the Demons’ rule.”

  Eve’s lips thinned. I ground my teeth, biting back a comment about how that might not have happened if she had bothered to educate me about the hidden world.

  “Once they realized what I was, they dressed me up, and pushed me through some kind of a portal into a desert. That’s when the Spirits came.”

  “Did they tell you why? Where you being sent? Who wanted you? The Guardians?”

  I shook my head. “Not the Guardians. Gabriel said I didn’t want to know who was looking for the Demon-Born, or why they wanted us.” A sudden tiredness crept over me. “I remember his face, from when we lived in Chelsea.” Eve nodded in silence. “He gave me the amulet for Dawn. I thought he was trying to help me escape, but then he pushed me through the portal.”

  Eve paled. “No. That must not have been him.”

  “Violet eyes? Arrogant asshole? Answers to the name Gabriel? Brought Catherine to our doorstep? Probably feeds small children to lions for kicks?”

  Eve looked as if I had slapped her. I shrugged my shoulders. “You didn’t know he was a snake. It’s okay. We needed to get that stuff for Dawn. There was no other way.”

  She sank down on the chair beside the wall and pressed her face into her hands. I crept across the floor and placed a tentative hand on her shoulder. “Eve, don’t. I’m sorry. I got away, it’s fine.”

  “We nearly lost you, Grace! That’s not fine.” Eve dug her fingertips into her temples. “It was a stupid idea. Foolish. Selfish.”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. When she looked up again, her face was composed. I felt the knot in my stomach relax.

  Eve straightened her shoulders and gestured towards the door. “We should make our way to Emmanuel’s office. I’m afraid people are going to be very interested in your pairing with Samuel until they can explain this unusual activity.”

  Blood rushed to my cheeks. Our pairing? I cringed inwardly. How could I explain what I didn’t understand myself? How could I tell them I wasn’t sure my life could ever be the same after I had felt his heart beating against my own.

  “What?” I asked.

  Eve raised an eyebrow. “They will want to know if the bond is unique to you and Samuel or if he can recreate it with somebody else.” I gaped at her, and she pursed her lips. “The magic, Grace. The manner in which you were rescued.”

  “I heard them talking. Jasmine, Lucas, and Sam. I thought they were in the desert with me, but they were in my mind. One minute the Spirit Demons were reaching for me, and the next I was back here, with Sam. I didn’t even see them opening the slip.”

  Eve shook her head and pressed her hand lightly against my cheek. “That’s what we are all trying to understand, Grace. They didn’t open a slip, they couldn’t, they had no idea where you were. Sam dragged you through space with the sheer force of his will.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  I heard Jasmine before I saw her. Her boots were slapping onto the checkered tiles as she paced the main entrance hall in front of Emmanuel’s study. Lucas and Sam were sitting on one of the wooden benches that lined the walls. Frank leaned against the opposite wall with Lydia tucked neatly against his side.

  I paused awkwardly at the end of the stairs. Eve stepped past me and strode up to Emmanuel’s study, knocking once and entering without waiting for a response. Jasmine looked up in surprise. “Eve is Grace coming—”

  Eve slammed the door shut before Jasmine had even finished her question. I cleared my throat.

  “Grace! You’re okay!” Jasmine flung herself at me, almost smothering me in her embrace.

  I peeled her arms from around my neck, laughing. “Okay, steady on there, Jasmine. I’m all right, absolutely fine.”

  Jasmine circled me, looking for any sign of lasting damage. She lifted up the back of my shirt. I squealed. “Hey, what are you doing? Nobody took a bite out of my ass or anything, I’m all right.”

  Jasmine rewarded me with a chuckle. “It’s so good to see you, Grace. We were worried. It all went wrong so quickly.” She held on to my right hand, crushing it between her small palms. “I’m sorry, we should have warned you about more of the rules. We tried to get you out but that woman, Aza, threw us into a portal and we ended up halfway across the city. We kept trying to slip back, but the Demons had sealed the Tower tight, there wasn’t even a crack to prize open.”

  “Jasmine, stop. I’m the one who needs to apologize, it was completely my fault, we would have been out that door safely if I had opened my big mouth. If anything had happened to the three of you because of my stupid joke...”

  Lucas got up and threw his arms around us, pulling Jasmine and me into a hug. I crushed my face against his shirt. “I’m so sorry, Lucas.”

  He rested his chin on my head. “Hey, you’re talking to a guy who laughs like a hyena at funerals. Nervous stupidity is my thing. I pull it off with more style, though. Speaking of which, you appear to have forgotten to wear a particular item of clothing that I had left in the wardrobe for you?”

  I jerked away from him and aimed a punch at his bicep. He caught my fist, grinning, and twirled me under his arm, sending me spinning across the floor and onto Sam’s lap. Sam put his hands on my waist in surprise, steadying me. “Hi.”

  I watched his mouth form the word and time slipped away. His lips were only inches from mine. Energy shot through my body. Jasmine giggled, and I suddenly became aware of the room around me again, sliding off Sam’s lap and onto the bench beside him. I shifted further down on the bench, leaving a small space between us. Somewhere for all the unanswered questions to sit.

  Jasmine and Lucas had thrown themselves down beside Lydia and Frank on the opposite side of the foyer. I waved at Lydia and Frank. He looked good. Nothing like the last time I had seen him. “Hey, guys. How are you feeling Frank?”

  “I’m grand, thanks, Grace,” Frank said, shrugging his broad shoulders. “Only thing that still hurts is my ego.” Lydia threaded her fingers through his and rested her head on his chest. Frank looked at me over her hair. “How are you feeling now? You looked fairly shaken when Sam dragged you into sick bay last night.”

  Lydia pinched his thigh. “Dragged her in?” She rolled her eyes. “Please. He carried her in like a priceless piece of crystal.” Jasmine and Frank laughed at Lydia’s impression.

  “Shut up, Lydia.” Sam’s body was stiff, his face reddening. I tried to control my face, biting my lip to conceal the surge of butterflies building in my stomach.

  Lydia flicked a hand in the air. “Whatever, I’m just relieved you’ve stopped skulking in corners like a super creep. We’ve enough to worry about with this whole Elijah and Megan disaster.”

  My head snapped up. “What Megan and Eli disaster?�

  Lydia sat up and leaned forward with her elbows resting on her knees. Sam’s shoulders relaxed and Frank and Lucas exchanged an amused glance.

  “You won’t believe this. It’s revolting, seriously, you need to prepare yourself. Elijah and Megan are having an affair.” Lydia’s face was deadly serious.

  Lucas snorted, and Lydia shot him the side eyes. Frank tugged at the end of her waist length raven hair. “Come on, babe, we don’t know if they hooked up. They could have been doing anything, and affair is a bit of a stretch considering they’re both single. Hardly taboo.”

  “A romantic affair, Frank. That’s what you call it. And it’s completely taboo to sleep with the enemy.”

  Jasmine hopped up of the bench, raising both hands. “Whoa, Lydia, less of the sleeping with each other talk, please. They’re absolutely not hooking up. Elijah must have a good reason for where they were yesterday and for why he won’t tell Emmanuel. When he is ready, he’ll let us know.”

  Frank raised his eyebrows. “If Peter ever lets them off cleaning duty. He was pissed last night when they got back. Never seen him that angry. And that’s saying something.” He glanced at Jasmine. “No offense.”

  Jasmine shrugged. “None taken. He was majorly disappointed that Eli had broken the directive to stay on the grounds. He even talked about getting Emmanuel to force the answers out of Elijah.”

  Sam’s hands balled into a fist. “Emmanuel would never do that.”

  The door to Emmanuel’s study swung open, and he strode out. “What would I never do, Samuel? I think you might be surprised at how adventurous your elders can be. I would try almost anything once.”

  He winked at Eve as she followed him out of the study, stepping to the side to make room for Peter, Cain, Deirdre and Jabol. Lydia made a puking face behind the curtain of her hair. Eve shook her head at Emmanuel. “Let’s not scar the children for life, Emmanuel, I don’t believe anyone is interested in what you would try once, or repeatedly for that matter.”

  Emmanuel raised an eyebrow at her and gave her a slow smile. She looked away flustered. Sam dug his fingers into my knee, and I shot him a horrified look. He stifled a laugh, and slid closer to me on the bench, sending a wave of tremors through my body.

  Emmanuel turned his attention back to us. Jasmine crossed her arms. “Do you want us to come in with Grace? We should all stay together.”

  She lifted her chin, staring at Peter. Her uncle didn’t appear to notice. He was watching myself and Sam as if we were animals in the zoo. I moved away from Sam, blushing. Emmanuel put a hand on Jasmine’s shoulder. “No need, Jasmine. Eve has given us the most significant information, for now. Sam and Grace will begin intensive training with Deirdre tomorrow, hopefully that will shed some light on this unusual manifestation of power. However, I think that the most beneficial course of action today would be for all of us to return to normality, as much as possible. It has been a turbulent few days. We all need to recuperate.”

  Jasmine visibly relaxed under his touch. Lydia clapped her hands together and wiggled her eyebrows at the Master. “So what you’re saying is that it’s time for the beach? The students should make the most of the rare sunshine?”

  Deirdre laughed and rapped on the heavy front door. “You might need to make an appointment with an audiologist, Lydia. What you should have heard was that it’s time for magic lessons with the world’s most beautiful and talented tutor.”

  Even Lydia had to smile.

  “But we can take the session on the beach, if that’s any consolation?” Deirdre said, looking at Jabol for confirmation. He nodded. Lydia gave an approving whoop and raced up the stairs to change into her swimsuit. Frank followed her, grinning. Deirdre and Jabol headed up the stairs to gather the rest of the students. Peter, Emmanuel and Eve huddled together by the front door, talking quietly. Peter glanced over his shoulder every few seconds, watching us carefully.

  “Are we going down to Silver Strand? We can’t practice there. The place will be really busy, Jabol can’t go around shifting into a seal or something in front of a packed beach?” I said. Sam smirked across at Lucas and Jasmine, shaking his head at my concern.

  “Seriously, guys. I know that the humans can’t see the magical stuff, but they can still see us. You can’t go prancing around like idiots on a white flag beach in June and expect it’s not going to draw attention?”

  Jasmine laughed. “Don’t worry, Grace. Deirdre and Jabol will have everything sorted.” She shouldered Lucas. “Come on, Luc, we can go get my stuff first and then you can go and make yourself beach ready. Exfoliate your ass or whatever.”

  Lucas blew her a kiss from his middle finger. Jasmine winked at Sam and me as she followed him up the stairs. “Meet you back down here in half an hour?”

  I gave her a thumbs up. Sam stood up and pulled me to my feet by the hand.

  “Sam, I know Jasmine said they will sort everything, but we could risk exposing some unsuspecting Half-Born. Like in Lizzie’s story. That isn’t fair.” The words tumbled out of my mouth, powered by the nervous breath freezing in my lungs every time Sam flicked his thumb over the inside of my wrist.

  Sam stared down at me. His voice was a husky whisper, barely audible above the sound of my pounding heart. “This. This is why you scare me, Grace.”


  Sam took a step forward. I held my breath, every inch of me aware that if he came any nearer his body would be pressed against mine. “I’ve never met anyone else like you, Grace.” Sam bent his neck so his eyes were level with mine. His mouth an inch from my skin. “Don’t let them break you, Grace. Don’t let them change the way you see things.”

  The last words were muffled as his lips brushed against mine, sending my mind and body swirling. My head fell backward into his steady hand as he moved his mouth against mine, softly at first and then harder, pulling me into him as if he could press our two bodies into one. The front door slammed shut, the boom reverberating around the walls of the foyer. Something inside my brain snapped, breaking the hold my hormones had over my body, and I pressed my hands against Sam’s chest, separating our bodies with a shove.

  Sam’s eyes were more black than green as he stared down at me. He face had never looked more beautiful, fierce and vulnerable all at once. I bit my lip. “Sam, we should talk. You have barely said a word to me for over six months. Maybe we should try being friends again first?”

  Sam’s eyes flickered and I could almost see a door slamming shut in their depths. His voice was tight. “Sure. That’s fair.”

  I closed my fingers over the wound on my palm and a shiver of trepidation ran over my skin. “We should probably get ready for the lesson, Sam.”

  We made our way up the stairs in silence.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Eve was already back in our quarters when we got there. Sam hesitated on the threshold. “I’ll go get my stuff. Check on Elijah.”

  I nodded, hanging on to the handle of the door. He waited for a moment, holding my gaze, before jogging down the corridor towards the quarters he shared with Cain, Elijah, and Jasmine. I shut the door and leaned my back against the cool wood, waiting for my heart rate to return to normal.

  Eve filled the kettle at the sink, setting it to boil while she folded towels into my sports bag. “I thought you weren’t interested in Sam. After he let you down for your date.”

  I winced at the memory. I hadn’t even told Cat about the stupid, failed attempt at a date. Eve had rubbed my back that night, washed my face, reminded me that people like us weren’t cut out for relationships. We could only trust each other. I slunk into the kitchen and yanked the lid off the biscuit tin in attempt to avoid her questions.

  “Did you ask him why he treated you as poorly as he did, Grace?”

  I took a bite of a chocolate chip cookie, massaging my sternum as if I could ease the pain in my chest using brute force. “It was just a kiss. Lasted two minutes. It’s nothing, we’re just going to be friends.”

Eve poured boiling water into the teapot, taking out a large mug for me and placing it beside her bone china teacup. She lifted her face to look at me. “I don’t want to see you hurt, Grace. Not everyone who acts as though they care for you is sincere. The world is filled with frauds and liars. We can only trust each other.”

  I shrank away from her, stung. She slid my mug along the counter and handed me the jug of milk. “I think you may have been right, Grace. We should stick to our original plan and leave here as soon as possible.” She paused, glancing at the door. “Even if that means leaving Catherine and Dawn behind.”

  Milk splashed onto the floor as the jug slipped from my fingers and clattered across the countertop. “What are you talking about, Eve? We can’t leave. We have to stay together.”

  Eve’s forehead puckered. “You were the one who was eager for us to continue with the plan, Grace. That we didn’t belong here.”

  “That was when I had just woken up, I didn’t even know what it meant to be a Shadow Child then.”

  “But now you do? Because some sullen brat made eyes at you?”

  “It’s nothing to do with him, Eve. We’re safer here.”

  Eve slammed her cup down. “Safe? Since those people revealed themselves, you have been touched by Spirit Demons on three occasions. We were in less danger back at the cottage. If they hadn’t started to spy on us—”

  “We would have had to move anyway! Dawnie was sick. And she is better here.” I held up my hand. “I know she isn’t totally healed, Eve, but she’s happy. She has friends. Have you seen her with Ozzie? They’re inseparable already. We couldn’t tear her away from this. And Catherine cares for Cain. She deserves that. And you and Emmanuel are friends. Isn’t it nice to have a friend?”

  Eve’s face so tightly drawn that I was scared something inside her might snap. “Nice is never enough, Grace. You cannot possibly understand. Catherine will not leave here, we shouldn’t even ask her to. They might be safe here, without us. It is different for them, Grace.”


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