Sexy Just Got Rich: Brit Babes Do Billionaires

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  Chapter Three

  The lift doors opened and Sophie stepped out into the large marble hallway. It had been almost three weeks since she had been home and she wondered how she would cope with it. While she’d been camped out at the hospital with Tommy, she’d had the entire penthouse cleaned and redecorated, removing all trace of that awful night. Looking around, she wished it was as easy to remove the memories from her head. Her hand shook as she turned the key in the lock and opened the front door. It didn’t feel right without Tommy alongside her after what had happened; Tommy had been with her since her parents had died and he’d helped her through every terrifying moment since. She hated to think of him lying in the hospital bed with no one to look after him, but he had insisted; told her she needed to get back to work and that he’d be fine.

  The apartment smelled fresh and clean with a hint of vanilla, just like normal. Sophie put her keys down on the ornate cabinet underneath her favourite mirror, chosen to flood the hall with light, reflecting it from the skylight above her. So far everything was just as it should be and she started to relax a little.

  She wanted to put off going into the main living area so she went down the hallway, past the guest rooms, to her secret haven. The door was locked as always. Only Sophie had a key and she kept it around her neck on a thin, white gold chain. She opened the door and breathed in as the scent of leather filled her nostrils, immediately calming her. No one had been in here, no one had violated her inner sanctuary. More’s the pity, she thought, giggling to herself despite the dull ache of anxiety in the pit of her stomach.

  The room was dark and windowless and Sophie turned on the lights, strategically placed to highlight the different areas. And although Sophie had never yet used any of the equipment, just looking at it made her wet. She ran her fingers over the smooth wood and leather and was suddenly desperate to try something, anything that would take her mind off what had happened and relieve the pressure that had been building between her legs from the moment she opened the door, as what might go on within the confines of the room filled her head, if only she could find someone to dominate her.

  Sophie quickly slipped off her clothes until all she was wearing were her heels and her jewellery. The heavy pendant hung between her breasts, the expensive metal cool against her body. Her nipples, enlarged with arousal already, tingled as the chain brushed over them when she moved to lock the door behind her.

  She looked around the room, wondering which of the accessories could be used solo, until her eyes landed on the latest addition to her collection. It was a hard wooden contraption with ankle straps to keep your legs wide and a remote controlled cock positioned to penetrate whichever hole was accessible, depending on how the willing victim was strapped to the chair. Sophie turned and without thinking—because if she started thinking she wouldn’t go through with it—she unhooked the smallest flogger from the wall. Handmade, it was slim and delicate, but Sophie was fairly sure that it held the promise of a sting that would bring a pink flush to her skin.

  She sat on the smooth seat of the contraption and spread her legs wide, leaning forward to buckle herself into the straps. She wished she had someone to do it for her, someone to tell her to spread her legs and demand that she held still while he restrained her. She sat back, her thighs already starting to ache with the unnatural position, and thrilled at the feeling of complete exposure that it brought. There was something decadent and naughty about being totally naked in the middle of the afternoon, especially with what she was about to indulge in. Leaning back against the solid wood she closed her eyes and with only a slight hesitation brought the tails of the flogger down onto her exposed cunt.

  Her eyes shot open and she jumped at the new sensations rushing through her system. “Fuck,” she squealed, but she couldn’t stop herself from doing it again and then again until her legs were shaking and her pussy was shining wetly, a pink flush spreading across her skin.

  Grabbing the remote control, she switched the machine on too and gasped as the fake black cock moved slowly forward and into her soaking hole. It was thick and ridged but her abused pussy swallowed it all in one with no resistance. She had never been so wet and she turned up the speed, not caring about finesse, just needing to come; to get her release. Her thighs burned as the machine fucked her, her fingers teasing her clit, faster and faster as she turned up the dial until with a wail she came harder than she had ever come before. She was panting and gasping as she scrabbled desperately to turn it off, her body overloaded with sensation.

  She slumped back against the cool wood, her skin coated in a light sheen of sweat, her juices pooling beneath her bum. Her legs were shaking and she unbuckled the restraints, slowly bringing her legs back together. She ached, but in a good way, and she wondered if she’d be able to stand. She looked at the deep pink marks on her inner thighs and across her snatch and giggled. She hadn’t felt that good ever, and now that she’d had a taste of it she wanted more. Sophie looked around the room, kitted out with almost every implement she had been able to find online and wondered if she would ever find someone who would indulge her fantasies with her, but who wouldn’t tell every newspaper in England about her kink.


  Her legs still trembling, Sophie deposited the clothes that she’d used to wipe the wooden seat clean into her laundry room, then wrapping a fresh robe around her wanton nakedness, she took a deep breath and walked through into the living area.

  There was no trace of what had happened; fresh paint on the walls and a new carpet underfoot. The sofas were new, black now instead of white and the fireplace had been rebuilt; the safe relocated to a more secure place. She wasn’t sure what she had been expecting, but she was relieved that everything looked as it should. Sophie squeezed her eyes tight as a vivid memory of Tommy bleeding hit her and she thought she might cry.

  “Idiot,” she muttered to herself. “Tommy’s fine, you’re fine, the locks are changed and the place is like new.”

  She poured herself a glass of wine to calm her nerves and flicked on the TV to break the silence. Checking her watch, she dialled the hospital to check on Tommy again. Once she had her reassurance from the nurses that he was just as fine as he had been when she’d left, she set about making some lunch. She tried to focus on daytime TV but her mind kept wandering back to the intense orgasm she had given herself. She wanted it again. Her crotch was still warm and buzzing from the sting of the flogger and she stroked the soft silk of the robe across her skin to cool it a little. She wondered how much more she could have taken; the thought of someone else controlling that limit making her pussy twitch and getting her wet all over again.

  Her phone bleeped and she idly checked it, then dropped her sandwich in a panic. Shit, shit, shit! She had totally forgotten that she was supposed to be seeing the temporary bodyguard her friend had recommended. She had fifteen minutes to tidy herself up and get back into work mode. Jesus, what was wrong with her? She really needed to stop faffing around thinking about fucking and sort herself out!

  Ten minutes later she was dressed and presentable, albeit with the heat of her orgasm and the sting of the flogger still very much present between her denim-clad legs. She took out her notepad and pen and waited for Annabelle Grant to buzz her intercom.

  Chapter Four

  Sophie winced as her new employee shook her hand again. She supposed that a vice-like grip and an intimidating demeanour were necessary in this line of work, but Annabelle was beyond intense. At six feet two she had the toned physique of an athlete, with long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. She was very impressive.

  She also hadn’t stopped talking since she arrived, telling Sophie about her previous work and going through Sophie’s daily schedule in detail, asking her about her current security and outlining how she could improve it. Sophie was certain that she would be more than capable of filling Tommy’s shoes while he was off, but she was already making her feel as though she put herself at risk at every turn. With all the new plan
s being outlined for her, she wondered if she would be able to do anything at all without Annabelle’s say so.

  “So, I’ll get my stuff and I can be back here within an hour, if that’s acceptable to you?”

  “Yes, that would be great. Fantastic to have you on board,” Sophie said. “I’ll make sure your rooms are ready for you when you get back.” As she said it, she wondered whether Mrs Brady had been into Tommy’s rooms while she’d been away. She hoped so, because she had no idea what state he’d left them in.

  Annabelle left and Sophie sat down, feeling as though a whirlwind had been through the apartment. She had a sneaking suspicion that things were going to be a lot stricter while Tommy was recovering. A little shiver ran down her spine as she imagined Annabelle as a school ma’am and herself bending over a desk, her knickers around her ankles.

  Stop it! Good grief what was wrong with her? One huge orgasm and she was fantasising about anyone who raised their voice. Still, at least Annabelle seemed to know what she was doing and was more than capable of overseeing things while Tommy was off.

  Sophie switched on her laptop and sat down to go through her work emails in an attempt to take her mind off being spanked by Annabelle. She only had a few hours before she was out for drinks and she needed to finish looking at the numbers for the new company they were in the process of acquiring.

  Chapter Five

  One Week Later

  Sophie leaned on the sink and stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. She’d reapplied her lipstick, curled her hair and changed into jeans and a casual jumper which hugged her curves. She was only meeting a friend for drinks in town but you never knew who you might bump into midweek. Sophie still held out the hope that she’d meet the perfect guy, even though most of her circle were complete idiots who had shown their true colours on more than one occasion with her friends.

  She checked her watch and decided she had time for a quick drink before her cab arrived. She threw some make up and her phone into one of her many designer bags and grabbed her coat. Walking through to the living area, she found Annabelle waiting for her.

  “We really do need to do a complete run through of all the security currently in place in the apartment, Miss Barnes-Lovett. I’m not going to be comfortable until we’ve discussed all aspects of security for all rooms and floors.”

  Sophie knew she had ignored Annabelle over the last week, but she was snowed under at the office and had hardly been home. Also Annabelle was incredibly bossy and she had found herself coming up with excuses not to spend too much time with her because she found it such a distraction. It was probably becoming a little obvious and Annabelle was right, they did need to overhaul the security plans. It didn’t look like Tommy would be back at work for at least another six months, so she would have to put her confusing feelings for Annabelle to one side. Unfortunately, she was busy tonight.

  “I’m afraid I have plans this evening, but feel free to use the main living space if you want to watch TV or something,” Sophie said.

  Annabelle shook her head. “If you’re out, I’m out with you,” she stated. “I can’t shirk my duties.”

  “I’m only going to…” Sophie started to say but she could tell from Annabelle’s face that she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “Okay, well maybe we can do the full tour tomorrow morning.” Sophie checked her watch. “The cab will be here any minute and I don’t want to keep Francesca waiting.”

  Annabelle frowned as Sophie poured herself a drink. Sophie wondered whether she should offer her one but she figured she was working so best not.

  “Shall I start to show you around this section while we wait?” she asked, hoping to placate her a little. “There’s not much upstairs, just a sun room sort of thing with a balcony.” As she spoke, Sophie waved her arm around the living area. “This is the main living space. Not many places to hide in here and they’ve installed a new alarm system throughout the apartment since…” Sophie tailed off as she remembered the terror of that night. She was a little startled that her nipples were standing to attention as she remembered the pinch of the ropes.

  She jumped as Annabelle put her hand on her arm, a look of concern on her face.

  “You mustn’t worry, Miss Barnes-Lovett; I won’t let anything like that happen again, I can assure you.”

  “Please, call me Sophie,” she said, gathering her thoughts and pulling away, moving towards the bedroom, more concerned about the flood in her knickers at Annabelle’s touch than worrying about being robbed again.

  “So, er, this is the master suite. Bedroom, en-suite bathroom, dressing room.” Sophie watched Annabelle as she checked all the rooms.

  “Your apartment’s beautiful,” she said, smiling at Sophie, “but there are a few things we can add to make it safer. You don’t have panic buttons installed anywhere. I can sort that out first thing tomorrow.”

  Sophie’s phone rang and she glanced at it. “Time to go,” she said, “cab’s here.”

  Chapter Six

  Several Days Later

  “Sophie, I know you’re awake in there and I really need to finish off my security checks. It’s been well over a week now and we still haven’t made a plan for all of the rooms.”

  Sophie rolled her eyes as Annabelle called through to her from the living room. She was so comfy and she rolled over, wrapping the duvet tighter around herself.

  “Later,” she called back. “Come on, Annabelle, I was in a meeting all day yesterday and it’s Saturday.”

  Annabelle poked her head around the door and Sophie hid under the covers, peeking out after a few minutes to see if she had gone. She hadn’t.

  “Okay, okay, if it will get you off my case, we can check the rest of the house. Give me a minute and I’ll meet you in the kitchen. I need a coffee!”

  “I’ll make you one.” Annabelle laughed, disappearing around the door.

  Sophie snuggled back under the duvet and sighed. Annabelle was driving her crazy with her constant scrutiny and continuous nagging about where she was going and what she was doing. She couldn’t wait for Tommy to return so things could go back to normal.

  “Come on, Sophie,” Annabelle called from the kitchen and Sophie growled, throwing back the covers and getting out of bed. Fine, she would get up and do the damn security checks, but she sure as hell wasn’t getting dressed, because as soon as they were done she was going back to bed. She fluffed her hair in the full length mirror and stomped through to get her coffee.

  “Where do you want to start? You’ve already done the main area and my bedroom. Shall we do the guest rooms and upstairs?” Sophie headed up the spiral staircase without waiting for Annabelle to answer. Half way up she realised she wasn’t wearing any knickers underneath her silk slip, but it was too late to do anything about it. She scuttled quickly up ahead of her and hoped Annabelle didn’t think she was a complete exhibitionist.

  Sophie half-listened as Annabelle discussed security measures for the big sunroom. She was all too aware of her naked pussy, barely covered by the silky black material, and she found her thoughts wandering to her secret room. She hadn’t had a chance to go back in there since Annabelle had arrived, because she didn’t leave her alone for a minute.

  “Sophie? Aren’t you listening? This is important for you to know!”

  “Of course I’m listening. Panic buttons, reinforced glass, video entry. Come on, let’s get the other rooms done and then I can go back to bed. Please?”

  Annabelle followed her down the stairs and along the hallway, checking both guest suites as they went.

  “So there you go,” Sophie said, “all rooms checked, all security notes made, Sophie allowed to go back to bed. I’ll see you this afternoon.”

  Sophie turned to do exactly as she’d said but Annabelle stopped her. She was standing by the final door.

  “What about in here?”

  “Oh, er, no, I don’t use that room. It’s always locked anyway, so you don’t need to worry about in there.”
br />   “Sophie, I need to check the whole place.”

  “No, you don’t. Tommy never bothered with in there so it’ll be fine. I’m going back to bed.”

  “What are you hiding in there?” Annabelle asked.

  “Nothing, don’t be ridiculous, it’s just an empty room,” Sophie said, picturing all the floggers, the benches and the paddles.

  “So you won’t mind unlocking it then, will you?” Annabelle stated. “I know you have the key on your necklace.”

  “How the hell do you know that?”

  “I told you, your personal security is appalling. It didn’t take long to work it out. Come on, open up.”

  “Absolutely not, there are things in there I don’t want anyone to see.”

  “Well, now you’ve got me really intrigued. As your current head of security, I need to know the full layout of your living space or my role will be compromised. Do I have to wrestle the key off you?”

  As she’d spoken Annabelle came right up to Sophie, almost pinning her to the wall. There was a brief pause and they looked at each other. Sophie was so wet between her legs she thought it might actually dribble down her thigh. Then, with a sigh, rather than push her away, Sophie simply handed over the key with a shiver of anticipation.

  This was it, Annabelle was about to discover her innermost secrets and instead of panicking, Sophie realised that she was a little bit excited about it and very, very turned on.

  Annabelle fitted the key and turned it in the lock, slowly opening the door. Sophie held her breath, waiting for her shocked response, but she just walked in. Sophie followed her, desperate to smell the fresh leather scent of the room. It made her wetter and she closed the door behind her, breathing it in.


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