Sexy Just Got Rich: Brit Babes Do Billionaires

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  “Last stop!” the driver called out. “Pick-up is at five.”

  Kat sprang out of her seat so she could move to the aisle. Other passengers dragged their heels as they disembarked and impatience nipped at her. She fought the urge to push into the aisle and race off the bus, wanting nothing more than to reach that damn tree. At last a space between people presented itself and she lunged into it, antsy to be on her way. A woman stopped at the top of the stairs and turned to the driver, striking up a conversation about which trail was best to take.

  Come on, come on!

  Her smile rigid, her mind screaming, Kat took a brochure from a transparent holder attached to the dash and handed it to the woman, who nodded her thanks and stepped off the bus. Relief spread through Kat and she jumped the last two steps, landing on the path with a thud. Moving away from the bus, she spotted the tree-lined trail and sped across the road. As she neared the third tree, disappointment soughed through her. No envelope flapped in the breeze. She rushed on, overtaking other people on the trail. Had someone else found it, discarded it?

  At the tree she rounded the trunk, tripping on an exposed root in her haste. She stumbled, splaying her hands out in front of her as she readied herself for a fall. The ground rose to meet her, but strong hands gripped her upper arms from behind, hauling her upright. Annoyed with herself for almost falling, Kat shrugged off the hands and turned to face whoever had rescued her, hoping it was Dan.

  It wasn’t.

  Despondent, she stared at an old man, his weathered skin adding years to his face. Wispy white hair was jostled in the gentle wind like cotton wool, and his eyes crinkled as he smiled.

  “Nearly did yourself some damage there,” he said, nodding to the tree root.

  “I…I did, yes. Thank you for helping me. I—”

  “Here.” He thrust out a white envelope held in a hand gnarled by arthritis, liver spots dotting the skin. “Been asked to give you this.”

  Kat stared from the envelope to his face. “Oh, I… Thanks!” She took it, itching to open it there and then, but instead held it by her side. “Did you see the person who gave it to you? I mean, is he here?” She gazed around, the path empty now except for them.

  “Oh, yes, but that was last night.” The old man winked. “Quite the charade, eh? Wish I’d thought of something like this when I was wooing my wife. She’d have appreciated this.” He sighed. “Well, you have fun now.”

  He turned and walked towards the bus stop, leaving Kat mulling over what he’d said. Wooing? Was that what Dan was doing? She hugged herself, revelling in that thought, only for reality to snatch it away.

  Don’t be stupid. He doesn’t want you. He’s made that very clear.

  Pushing away negative thoughts—any time spent with Dan was better than none—she opened the envelope and stared down at the paper. A series of instructions and a crudely drawn map showed her how to get to her next destination. Dan had signed his name in the bottom right-hand corner, a smiley face beside it, a kiss beneath. She fought off a smile, but it spread her lips all the same. That kiss was just something people did, wasn’t it? As much as she hoped for more, that it meant something other than the usual everyday thing, she told herself not to keep analysing everything. She’d only end up disappointed in the end.

  With a sigh she followed the trail, taking a meandering path to the right. It led up the mountain to a flat ridge that held three log cabins, each surrounded by well-tended gardens and picket fences. She headed for the one in the middle, as instructed, and paused at the white gate. Her heart beat painfully fast and she struggled to steady her breathing.

  For God’s sake! It isn’t like you’ve never met him before! She pushed the gate open and stepped onto the path. But this is different. I’ve never met him outside of work. Like this, with notes and the invitation to come find him.

  Releasing a breath she hadn’t realised she was holding, Kat approached the door and knocked. Seconds passed with no response. Had she come to the right one? She scanned the instructions then looked at the garden. Yes, there was the yellow rosebush mentioned in the note. Definitely the right place. Something fluttered between the stems, partially obscured by the leaves, and she stepped across the grass for a closer look. Another envelope nestled there and, stomach rolling as she anticipated the note’s contents, Kat picked it up and began to read.

  Chapter Two


  I may have got this completely wrong, and if I have then I’ll just swallow my pride and keep out of your way at work in the future. Okay, deep breath… I’ve liked you for the longest time. Sorry if that freaks you out, but I couldn’t hold it in any longer. When you said you didn’t want me to come here with you, I can’t tell you how disappointed I was. I should have said something then, let you know how I feel. Anyway, I’d already taken the week off work, sure you felt something for me and, well, let’s just say I had to try.

  All this, me following you here and sending notes, could come across as damn creepy, but I’d like to think it’s romantic and shows you I’m not just some dickhead wanting to get into your knickers. I should have told you. I feel stupid writing this now. I mean, what if this comes as a massive shock? Or even worse, what if the idea of me caring for you makes you want to run a mile? Shit.

  Okay, I’ll get on with it. If you’re interested, you’ll find a key where you found this envelope. I’m in the cabin, and if you want to come inside, even if it’s only to talk, to tell me I’m way off base, that’s fine. And if you don’t, well, feel free to walk away. No hard feelings.

  I’m hoping you’ll use the key. Really hoping. But I understand if you don’t.



  Had she read that right? Had he admitted to having feelings for her? God, this had been all she’d wanted for so long, and to have it within her grasp, to know Dan was in that cabin, had come all this way to show her how he felt…

  Oh my God. Oh. My. God!

  She held back an excited squeal and stooped to retrieve the key. The metal cold on her palm, she walked towards the door, the urge to dance gripping her. Was he watching her? Did his heart beat triple-time like hers? Hand shaking, she inserted the key in the lock and opened the door. Her stomach rolled over again and she stepped inside, her breath taken away by a darkened living room lit by many candles on various surfaces. Yellow rose petals littered the carpet and surrounded the white china candleholders on a coffee table. She gasped and shut the door, noting the closed curtains. Maybe he’d watched her arrival from upstairs?

  A wrapped, flat oblong box sat on the centre cushion of a blue sofa, the silver paper reflecting the candlelight. She dropped her bag to the floor and walked towards the box, eager to know what it contained. Knowing Dan occupied the cabin thrilled her, gave her senses a keener edge, and she stood still, listening for sounds of him, taking a deep breath to detect his scent. There. She smelled it and smiled. Butterflies danced in her belly and she sat, placing the box on her lap. The paper crackled as she peeled it off to reveal a lid, which she removed. Inside the box lay a garment in cream fabric, silk if she wasn’t mistaken. She lifted it out and eyed the basque, heat rising to her cheeks. It had no bra. She widened her eyes and resisted the urge to run, to go back to her hotel and pretend she’d never come here. How had he read her mind? She’d never told him about her love for such lingerie—and the fact she’d never had the guts to wear it.

  She looked at the basque again. Pinned to the back was a tag, with the words “wear me” in Dan’s handwriting. Could she? Unused to wearing such things, she contemplated shoving it back into the box. What if he didn’t like what he saw with her dressed like that? What if it didn’t fit? Undecided, she bit her bottom lip, holding the basque to her chest. God, she’d dreamt of being the kind of woman who thought nothing of having pretty underwear beneath her staid work clothes, but to actually do it?

  I’ll try, for him.

  She toed off her boots and placed them beside the coffee table. Next she shi
rked off her jacket and clothes, laying them across the sofa arm, trepidation spiralling through her. This was crazy, wasn’t it? Dan could walk in at any moment, catching her naked and vulnerable.

  Isn’t that what I want? Him to see me naked? Haven’t I thought about it for too damn long now?

  An image of him waiting in bed upstairs sped through her mind, and she donned the basque, securing the hooks over her midsection, a blush growing hotter as she looked down at her exposed breasts. Although alien, the garment gave her a sense of wantonness, of acting out her fantasies, ones where she called the shots in the bedroom and dominated her partner. She could do it, couldn’t she? Act out her dreams for today and hope Dan enjoyed himself?

  But I’ve never told anyone my desires. Could I act them out? I mean, really act them out? It’s one thing imagining, but doing…

  Kat nodded, finger-combing her hair. A thought struck her then, and she looked back inside the box, relieved to find a matching thong.

  Oh blimey…this bloke is something else.

  She stepped into them. Dan only had to push the strip between her legs aside to—

  Stop it. You’ll get flustered before you even see him.

  Taking a deep breath and telling herself she could do this, Kat headed for the bare wood stairs to the left, wincing at the way they creaked, giving her position away. She wanted to find a mirror in the bathroom to check whether she looked ridiculous with her breasts on show before seeing him. Now he might meet her on the landing.

  At the top of the stairs she peered through two open doors, one a single bedroom, the other a bathroom. A third door stood closed and she imagined Dan behind it, fully dressed in his work suit, frown in place as she entered, her bouncing boobs reaching him before she did.

  Look, he bought the bloody basque, wants you to wear it. Stop worrying. Just go with it.

  Easier said than done when a muffled cough filtered from somewhere in the cabin. Her knees weakened and she padded into the bathroom, gripping the sink edge and staring down at the ceramic. Her nerves were so taut she grew nauseous and turned on the cold tap, sluicing her wrists with water. Feeling a little better, she dried her hands and turned in a circle. Relieved to find a full-length mirror behind the door, she studied herself, surprised she didn’t look too bad. Sexy, in fact. With a burst of confidence, she left the bathroom and headed for the closed door.

  I can do this. I’m sexy. I’m dominant. Dan wants me. I want him. Do it!

  She lifted her hand and knocked. After getting no response, she turned the handle and pushed the door open, shocked to find the room empty except for a king-sized bed and a pine chest of drawers on either side. Thick, dusky pink curtains shut out the sunlight and flames flickered on top of candles in wall sconces, the glow giving the room a warm appearance. Looking around, Kat spied another envelope on the bed and reached for it eagerly. She ripped it open, nerves tightly coiled, and read the contents.

  Get on the bed.

  So much for her fantasy of taking charge. She dropped the note to the floor and climbed on the bed, conscious of her arse jutting out in full view, of her breasts swinging with each movement. Oh, if only he was watching her now… The thought of him spying turned her on and erased any lingering doubts. She could do this.

  She positioned herself, back against the headboard, knees bent, legs splayed. Her nipples perked and she resisted fondling them, wanting Dan’s hands there instead, Dan’s fingers on her clit and in her cunt. Desire burned, spreading through her slit and forming a knot in her belly, the familiar onset of orgasm sharper than when she indulged alone.

  A stair creaked and she stared at the doorway, anxious for him to hurry, to cover her body with his. Another creak, then another, and her heart sped up, pulse thudding in her neck, loud in her ears. Kat swallowed and licked her lips, bunching the comforter in her fists. Her need for him deepened and her clit ached for his touch, the scent of her arousal surrounding her. Would he smell her? Know how much she craved him?

  A shadow flitted across the landing then disappeared, as though Dan had gone into the bathroom. Kat swallowed again, excitement so high she had to stop herself getting off the bed to find him. A rustle sounded—clothes being removed?—and she groaned at the thought of his naked body. She’d imagined it so many times, and wondered if the reality would match the dream. Flat stomach dusted with dark hairs, broad muscled shoulders, thick thighs tapering to strong calves, and a stout cock standing proud from a scribble of black curls.

  “Fuck!” she whispered, releasing the comforter to reach between her legs. She snatched her hand away, gritting her teeth, and waited, waited…

  He appeared in the doorway, naked, all tousle-haired and apparently at ease. A faint smile tweaked his lips and his cock, weighty and thick, hardened at the sight of her. The need to lick his tip consuming her, Kat sucked in a breath and watched him taking her in, his gaze roving up her bent legs, lingering on her wet folds before sweeping over her breasts then settling on her face. She locked gazes with him, gauging whether he would give another instruction or whether she could grab the opportunity to take control.

  She issued his last statement. “Get on the bed.”

  His eyebrows shot up and he moved to obey then hesitated, tilting his head— digesting a side of her he’d never seen before? He stepped to the bottom of the bed, hands fisting then splaying as though he wanted to touch her right there and then, to retake command.

  “Don’t touch me,” she said. “Kneel in front of me.”

  Dan complied, the mattress dipping with his weight. Through her open legs she studied his cock, the way the lilac-hued head glistened with pre-cum. Him being aroused so quickly spurred her on and she inched one hand towards her cunt, rubbing her clit through the thong. Dan’s cock bobbed and he rested his palms on his thighs, digging his fingers into the flesh. God, she wanted those hands on her, wanted to feel skin on skin. Playing this game heightened her need for him and she fondled herself, enjoying Dan striving to stay in his position.

  He let out a stuttered breath. “Fuck, Kat! I didn’t expect this. Didn’t—”

  “Shh. Just watch.”

  Kat skimmed her breasts, palm down, massaging the peaks one at a time. Her nipples stood erect and she blew on them then licked her lips, gaze on Dan’s erection. He moved one hand towards his cock, fingers curled, ready to hold it, and she narrowed her eyes, daring him to touch and break her unspoken rule. He dropped his hand to his side, still kneading his thigh with the other, and she almost relented and gave him permission to stroke himself.

  “This is killing me, Kat.” The expression in his brown eyes said he beseeched her for mercy.

  Kat ripped her thong, pulling it aside to give him full view. “Kiss me.”

  Dan eased forward, nestling his head between her legs, and laved his tongue up and down her folds. His hot tongue branded her, made her his, and she tamped down a strangled groan. Fuck, reality surpassed fantasy and she warned herself not to come.

  Not yet. Too soon…

  An orgasm threatened and she wavered on the brink with each stroke. His hot breath warmed her, exacerbating the sensations spreading from her clit to her core. She caressed her nipples, feather-light touches that teased them tauter. Dan licked faster, harder, and she raised her arse, needing more pressure yet at the same time trying to hold off coming.

  “Stop!” she whispered, twining her hands in his hair and raising his head.

  He stared up at her, lips wet, plump. “Did I hurt you?”

  Kat shook her head and stretched her arms along the top of the headboard. “No. Fuck me.”

  She surprised herself with her directness, but it felt damn good to act this way. Dan rose, shifting between her legs. He reached beneath one of the pillows and brought out a condom. Ripping open the wrapper, he smoothed the rubber over his cock then held his base, positioning the head at her entrance. She watched him. His cheeks were flushed, his chest rising and falling with rapid breaths, and his slow movements were ma
ddening. Kat squirmed in an attempt to get his cock inside her. Dan smiled, looking up briefly to catch her eye, and she knew he thought her control had slipped.

  “I said fuck me.”

  He stopped teasing and gazed down at her, cock barely touching her cunt. She tweaked her nipples in an effort to nudge him into doing as she’d asked, to make him want her so badly he had no choice but to plunge inside her, but he remained still.

  Lust gripping her, game forgotten, she breathed, “Please! Please fuck me.”

  Dan thrust inside her and she gasped, his cock filling her so completely. He gained a fast rhythm, smoothing his hands over the basque and up to her breasts. Their fingers fought for precedence over her nipples and she allowed his to win, clutching the headboard again as her breaths shunted out, laying herself completely open to him. Dan stared at her and she drank him in, excitement growing at the sight of his heavy-lidded eyes, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.

  Kat leant forward, offering her mouth to him. Dan dipped his head, hands covering hers on the headboard, and increased his speed. His kiss—everything she’d dreamt and more—pushed her bliss to a higher level. She couldn’t hold back any longer, his swirling tongue and pumping cock sending her over the edge. She cried out into his mouth and he took his lips away, trailing them along her jawline then down her neck. He grunted, cock vein pulsing, and jerked his hips, grazing her clit. A bubble of overwhelming sensations burst, radiating into every part of her body. She gritted her teeth and looked down at his glistening cock going in and out of her, revelling in the feel of it stretching her walls with each insertion. Her legs weakened and she arched her back, sticking her breasts out. With a low moan he came, gazing at her, hands tightening on hers.


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