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Once You Go Demon, Book 1

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by Sean Michael

  Once You Go Demon

  Sean Michael

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2019 Sean Michael

  Second Edition

  BIN: 07935-02561

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  Changeling Press LLC

  315 N. Centre St.

  Martinsburg, WV 25404

  Editor: Margaret Riley

  Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

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  Table of Contents

  Once You Go Demon

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  Sean Michael

  Once You Go Demon

  Sean Michael

  There’s a shift of power happening in Hell, and nothing will ever be the same.

  Kerr has been with high demon Horatio’s household since his age of majority. A natural submissive pleasure demon, for the last seven years he has been untouched by his master Horatio and his job has morphed into a more managerial role. Still, it’s a shock when goons from Master Belial’s house arrive at his doorstep to inform him he’s been sold and his new master expects him to come immediately.

  Lost by Horatio in a card game, Kerr finds himself in the Belial household, where Ceris, Master of the Harem, takes Kerr under his wing. Kerr is not only honoured and used as he was made to be, but he is given a newly acquired demon, Harmony, as his own to train. The three pleasure demons have a rocky start together, but they have all the time in Hell to figure out how to work together and it isn’t long before they begin to care for one another.

  Meanwhile, Belial has waited for thousands of years for Horatio to admit he’s actually a submissive. When it appears that’s never going to happen, Belial arranges for his best friend to lose a card game in which he’s offered himself as the prize. Horatio can’t believe Belial would do this for him, but the council puts their seal of approval on the bet, and he has no choice but to offer himself to Belial, who immediately gets to work convincing Horatio that he’ll be so much happier as Belial’s sub.

  Will Kerr and Horatio find joy in their places in the Belial household? Only time will tell.

  Chapter One

  Kerr stared at the paper the incredibly well dressed goons at the door handed him.



  He’d been sold into Horatio Liverage’s house to act as the man’s submissive since he was of maturity, and now, after so long, Horatio had sold him without a word? Without a note?


  Utter nonsense.

  “There must be a mistake.”

  The goon pointed one clawed finger at the insignia at the bottom of the page. “What does that signify?”

  “Horatio Liverage.” He couldn’t deny it was his master’s seal.

  “Then there isn’t a mistake. Bring us Kerr, and we’ll be on our way.” The teeth on the guy doing the talking brooked no argument. Neither did the tufts of smoke coming out of Silent and Scary’s ears.

  “I’m Kerr. I have to gather my things, make arrangements…” Right? Didn’t he get that much at least?

  The lower demon looked at the contract again. “It doesn’t say anything about belongings here. Let’s go.”

  “I have precious things that hold my family name, and it doesn’t say that I can’t bring them. I am not resisting, simply gathering my stuff.” He could bargain with the best of them. He knew he had to convince them, though, as either one of them could pick him up and toss him over a shoulder without even trying.

  Henchman One turned to Henchman Two, who shrugged.

  “Is your master here? He can decide.”

  “He is not. He’s away. As such, I am second in charge of the household.” He held no illusions that he was beloved or even a lover, but he was well trusted with finances and with all aspects of Horatio’s life. “I shall return in moments.”

  He began to pack -- the stash of jewels he had been collecting for years, his few precious books, his favourite clothes, and the music and computer that were his. He grabbed his toiletries, the hologram of his sire and dam, and the fragile glass orb that throbbed with a sweet, gentle light.

  Both goons were frowning when he came back, pushing the pallet of his things.

  “We won’t be party to you stealing from your master.”

  “I haven’t stolen a thing. These things are my own and now go with me to my new master.” Fuckers. Horatio might be able to sell him on a whim, but these were his possessions and they were going with him.

  They looked at each other again, shrugged, and turned, heading down the walk toward the truck at the end of it. “We’re not toting anything,” the talker called back over his shoulder.

  “Not yet,” Kerr muttered.

  He wasn’t some pointless goon. He was a highly trained, highly useful sexual submissive and house servant. Soon he would find a place with whomever the fuck the asshole prick that never made love to him anyway, dickhead, had sold his papers to, and then this mouth breather would do what Kerr said.

  The goon opened the back door and just stood there, watching him putting his things in. “You’re riding back there, too.”

  “Thank you so much.” He rolled his eyes, pushed his hair behind his ears, and climbed in, telling himself that he wasn’t hurt, that he was nothing but property, that he shouldn’t cry. One day, that might even work.

  The door closed with a loud clang, leaving him in the dark, the engine starting up moments later. The truck lurched forward, sending him falling onto his ass.

  He did cry then, silently, heartbroken. He’d lost his home, his job, his master, and no one had so much as warned him. Someone had written up that paperwork, someone had made the arrangements, and someone had thrown him away.

  He couldn’t believe Horatio had done this to him, and without any warning at all, not a word to him.

  The truck stopped abruptly, the brakes squeaking loudly. The door opened again, the dull grey sky seeming bright after the darkness of the truck.

  Two little slaves popped up into the back and began grabbing his stuff.

  He lifted his chin and firmed his lips. He was well trained, valuable. Special in his own right. Men begged to be wealthy enough to own him.

/>   “Come, come,” murmured one boy, motioning for him to get down from the truck and follow. He couldn’t see the two goons. “You’re going to be in the salle, honoured one. Your groom is Ceris, and he is the Salle Master.”

  Finally, someone realized how important he was, what his stature was, even if he was a slave. He followed the lad through a side door and along a winding hall of stone. This place was much brighter than his mast -- than his former master’s, more marble than rock on the columns and floors, white and light blue shot through with silver and gold.

  When they arrived at the harem, the whole place still felt luxurious and gilded, as if the master lived back here as well as the front of the house. Well, his new master was very rich, there was no denying that.

  A huge bald man stood as he walked in, bowing to him solemnly. “Honoured one. I am Ceris, your groom. Boy, put the things in the gold room, then call for tea.”

  The lad who’d guided him here bowed and went running with Kerr’s things, deeper into the harem.

  “Welcome to Lord Belial’s harem. We were very excited to learn he won you and that you would be joining us.”

  Lord Belial? Bel? Horatio had sold him to his best friend? Seriously?

  “Thank you for your welcome.” He bowed automatically, his training taking over immediately.

  “Tea is coming. After that, I imagine you’d like a bath. Perhaps something light to eat.”

  Ceris was a handsome demon. The bald head exposed the little horns completely, and they glowed in the light. His bare chest was beautifully muscled, the gauzy pants exposing strong legs and hinting at a heavy cock. There was a heavy spiky gold tattoo covering Ceris’ ridged belly, marking him as Master Bel’s, Kerr was sure. Marked, but lovely.

  “I… Yes, of course.” He was developing the world’s worst headache.

  A lad, different than the first two, he thought, came in with a tray holding a teapot and two teacups. He left them on a low table, bowed deeply.

  “Thank you, Totz. You can go.”

  The boy did, hurrying off like he had somewhere to be.

  “Please. Sit.” Ceris waved toward the benches that surrounded the table.

  “Thank you, Ceris.” He and Ceris were equals, and he refused to treat the man with less respect than he deserved. “I was not aware I was to be transferred. Not until the papers arrived at the door.”

  Transferred. Traded. Discarded.

  “That’s unfortunate. Were you able to collect all your things?” Ceris asked, pouring out the tea.

  “I brought the things that were special that I could carry. What will my duties be here? In my former home, I acted as valet and head of household -- finances, staff management, that sort of thing.”

  Ceris shot him a confused look. “I was led to believe you were a trained submissive, honoured one.”

  “Yes, I was. My former master chose not to use me in that regard.” Not for many years and not often when he had.

  “Perhaps that’s why he wagered you in the game of chance he played with our master last night.” Ceris leaned forward and spoke quietly, confidentially. “He’s still here, sleeping it off. It got very loud and much was imbibed. I’m very sorry for the way it happened, but maybe it’s for the better. There is no where else in all of Hell that I would rather be.”

  “I will thrive wherever they wish me to be.” He hoped. He had no choice.

  Ceris looked him up and down, gaze almost like a physical touch. “I’m sure you will.”

  Kerr sipped the tea, finding it sweet and bright, the heat flooding him and relaxing him almost immediately. He almost wished the benches had backs to them so he could sprawl.

  Ceris’ gaze wasn’t helping either -- it heated something deep inside him. Something that hadn’t stirred in a lot of years.

  “Thank you for the tea. How do you prefer to be addressed?”

  “Master Ceris, Sir -- either will do.” Ceris nodded at his teacup. “And you’re welcome. Are you ready for a bath, or would you like to sit for a while longer?”

  He wasn’t sure why Ceris felt he needed to bathe, but perhaps it was the routine of this place. “I can bathe, yes. I must learn my role here.”

  “Your role is to submit. My role is to keep you active and healthy and ready to serve, should you be called.” Ceris stood, and it was clear he was expected to join the big groom. “There is a bath in your rooms, so at the moment, we’ll have privacy. I will bathe you.”

  Bathe him? He blinked in surprise, but he stood, following without question. He hadn’t been touched in so long, hadn’t been well used. He was worried about how his body was going to react and what Ceris was expecting. What if he got hard and it insulted Ceris? What if he didn’t and that insulted his groom?

  They went down a long hall, coming to a gold door. They went in, the room all gold and white. It was stunning. There were couches in a circle around a low, round table, and a desk with two chairs at it. An archway separated the front room from the bedroom, which boasted a huge bed. There was a big brass tub in front of a fireplace, and it was full of steaming water.

  “There are two additional sets of rooms attached to this apartment -- mine and your pet’s.”

  “My… pet’s?”

  “Yes. One who did not pay his debt and is now owned without training. I will groom and put you both through your paces, but he is yours to use.” Ceris offered him a warm smile. “You will not be called to serve often. Our master is busy, but he believes that submissives should be well and often used, should be stretched and challenged -- physically and mentally. That is my job -- and my pleasure.”

  Kerr shivered, his cock threatening to stiffen.

  “It will be my pleasure to keep you and your pet ready for his possession.”

  He could see that it was indeed Ceris’ pleasure. The hint of the thick cock beneath the gauzy pants was growing clearer as Ceris grew hard. Kerr could see now that it was a very large cock indeed.

  “What are the house rules, Sir?” It was impossible to obey if you didn’t understand.

  “Unless otherwise ordered, you may touch your pet. Aside from that, you don’t get to touch the other harem boys. You may react to what you see, but that is it. Of course, your touches will come from the master and myself. And you may spend your days as you wish, or as ordered by the master or myself. You will, of course, be expected to be ready at a moment’s notice. There are a variety of oils and tools in the armoire in that corner to help you ensure that you are.” Ceris began to strip him, the act not in the least distant. “You will always be filled. You may come in your pet’s mouth unless you are being punished, but your pet is in training and his cock is caged. You may not close your doors to me. I will have access constantly and you will be at my will. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  A jolt of happy arousal shot up his spine. As much as the thought of being discarded hurt, there was a promise of excitement here.

  “It’s a lot of work, being in Master Belial’s harem, but it’s good, joyful work. Unless, of course, you hate sex. Then you’re in a bit of a quandary. We’re all demons here, though, so I imagine even your pure little pet will enjoy all the things we do to him. Eventually, at least.” Ceris’ chuckle was husky and somehow full of promise.

  “Yes, Sir.” Hate sex? He had been trained for this, born for it. Made for it.

  “Finish stripping, take your hair down, and get in the tub.” Ceris was also tugging his gauzy pants off, completely revealing the rest of his body. The demon really was a magnificent specimen.


  Kerr took down his braids from where he’d wrapped them around his horns. The strands were heavy, hot on his shoulders. Ceris stepped close and began to undo each plait, big fingers agile. Ceris carded through his hair until even a hint of each braid was gone. His scalp tingled, and his body buzzed, arousal sliding through him. His ass was slapped gently, huge fingers cupping him for a moment.

  “In the tub, boy.”

>   Boy. No one had called him boy since his training. He stepped into the tub, the hot water absolutely delicious. To his surprise, Ceris climbed in with him. He’d known the big man was going to bathe him, but he hadn’t realized Ceris was going to bathe with him.

  Sitting, Ceris tugged him down and into the vee of Ceris’ legs. “See how perfectly you fit?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You have no body modifications?”

  “No, Sir. My previous master did not wish it.”

  Ceris’ lips brushed the curve of his ear. “Our master allows me full control of those decisions, boy. I can do as I wish.” Plucking at his nipples, Ceris made them hard. “These in particular are begging for decoration. As is this.” Ceris dropped his hand, pinching the tip of Kerr’s cock, hard enough he felt the sting in his balls.

  “A-as you wish, Sir.”

  “Oh, such need gone to waste.”

  Ceris’ hand wrapped around his cock, which was filling quickly without a single thought from him. He gasped softly, his ass cheeks clenching suddenly, body working immediately to find release.

  “It has been far too long since you’ve been properly used.” Ceris tightened his hand, the casual strokes becoming focused and promising to drag him right over the edge in a matter of moments. “I will use you. I will make you scream with pleasure, with pain, with the twisted love of them both.”

  Just about the time he was ready to shoot, the touch disappeared, Ceris moving to work his nipples, which was nowhere near enough sensation.

  “Do you come on command, boy?” Ceris asked, pinching his nipples between the big fingers and tugging his flesh out from his chest, making him ache.

  “I used to, Sir. I have not in many years.”

  “I’ll train you for it. Your master will want you to be able to do so. I want you to be able to do so.” Ceris spoke against his ear, lips warm, breath wafting across his skin and making him shiver.


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